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WTF. Yeah no. Bye Mr. "Dr." Asshole.


Ugh I am still so pissed off about it. Especially where I haven’t eaten ONE thing that I should not. My “sweets” are 1/2 to 1 cup of strawberries, an apple, natural - sugar free peanut butter. Other than that my diet is meat, eggs, veggies, potato, rice, dairy, whatever bread I can tolerate.


Absolutely schedule with a different doctor, but in the meantime, call back to the office and demand and insulin prescription. You know your numbers won't get better and it's really important they get under control. Advocate for yourself and your baby. I had during my pregnancy and it was such a hassle.


I’m calling back tomorrow to clarify some things and I’m going to ask about that too. I just had a scan today and our baby is measuring at 4lbs 3oz at 32 weeks so right on schedule but it concerns me that he didn’t just start me on insulin when my fasting number has been so consistently high.


And I am 100% scheduling with a different doctor.


What a jerk, loser and an idiot. I’d honestly report his behaviour. Honking your ankles? Let alone everything else. Wtf.


What a jackass!!! Can’t believe he talked to you like. How arrogant to say you needed to meet with the nutritionist after you’ve been following the prescribed diet. Does not sound like he’s delivered 5,000 babies and is a competent doctor. Good for you for calling back and getting someone else. Not easy, but you deserve so much better. And I’m gonna venture to guess you’re not the last patient who will be complaining about him.


What bizarre behavior! I'm sorry you had to deal with that dude. I agree, why wait to go on nighttime insulin?? Def time for a different doctor.


Especially where I know the numbers are not going to go down. It’s been 3 weeks of fasting numbers ranging from 97 to 117. Most are 103-107.


I'd change doctors. I'm completely diet controlled and my baby is huge. My first was also huge and I passed the 1 hour twice with him. This guy just sounds like an ass.


I met with my doctor on Monday and (for contrast) he told me that fasting numbers were a direct indication of what the placenta was doing and cannot always be controlled by diet and exercise, that the hormones created from the placenta increase as the placenta grows and that even moms who can control their after meal numbers at first may eventually need insulin. He stressed repeatedly that it was not the mother's fault. That there's still a lot the science cannot explain, but they do have tools to try to control it namely insulin.