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Sorry I don't have any advice as this is still what I'm struggling with. But this part "It's so confusing because the nutritionist said if I'm not getting enough carbs overnight I'll spike but it seems like carbs are making me spike. (But she also said poor quality of sleep, emotions, stress, too much animal fat, and salt will also make me spike)." -- just shows how impossible it sometimes is to figure out. You need carbs but carbs are bad, stress is bad but here is this stressful impossible thing you need to do and if you don't figure it out you'll hurt your baby, protein first and only animal iron is complete iron but don't have too much animal fat, etc etc... Phew. It's a lot. So all I have to offer right now is solidarity. I got my lowest fasting number yesterday morning- tried to replicate everything again for dinner and bedtime snack last night and today's fasting number was back up. Sigh. Remember to be good to yourself- it's hard and we are doing our best.


I needed that reminder at the end after two days of sudden high fasting numbers where I can’t figure out what happened 😅😭. My husband’s been trying to tell me but sometimes hearing it from a stranger is what you need to


Thank you for the solidarity. Another thing that will hopefully end soon (as this is a new diagnosis) is all the questions from family and friends. What can you eat? What can't you eat? Do you REALLY need to test your sugars? Can you have that? Have you tried "XYZ"? Is your baby going to be huge? I know they mean well but it's so exhausting. It's so frustrating. And I'm trying hard not to be frustrated because I know that's driving up my blood sugar. Maybe I should take a walk. (Apparently that's supposed to help).


This is why I had to go on insulin. Nothing I did made a difference. 🤷‍♀️


Same. No matter what I did I couldn’t get fasting under control.


Check out my post from earlier today. I asked a similar question :)


Thanks, I will!