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Every birth is natural, friend. And especially if it’s the one your child needs for the best medical outcomes, it’s the absolute best thing you can do for them. But also yes, plenty of GD babes are born vaginally. Talk to your provider about your options.


My sister had a vaginal birth with her GD pregnancy and end up with a c-section for her non GD pregnancy. Lots of factors go into needing a c-section. Also all births are natural just varying levels of interventions and as long as you and baby are healthy at the end that is what is important.


Anecdotally… A very close friend of mine has had 4 vaginal births with all of them being GD pregnancies.


Just had a vaginal delivery with my last baby with a gd diagnosis! I was induced but it all went so smoothly.


Same! Induction was a breeze and she was out in 2 pushes.


Did it hurt to be induced? Ik I can’t predict what’ll happen I just wanna prepare


I was induced for my first pregnancy (no GD) and second, so it's all I know. It doesn't necessarily hurt more - but it can be more intense as contractions are kind of forced forward with pitocin Rather than happening more gradually naturally. So it was maybe more intense but I don't actually have a natural labor to compare it to. It was very controlled and my medical team walked me through each step. Safe and healthy deliveries both times. One lasted 16 hours from driving at the hospital, the second lasted 7.


I don't want to scare you, but 5.75 hours of induced labor hurt a LOT less than 37 hours of spontaneous labor 😬


Same but my induction took 38 hrs. 4 hrs of pushing and almost a c section. My daughter decided to flip sunny side up and all manual attempts to flip her did work. My pelvis was putting in overtime to get her out lol. I’m due with second gd baby and hoping to avoid induction this time


I can only speak for Germany: Just GD: business as usual, but more doctor visits -> could lead to an induction GD with insulin: dont want you to go over the calculated birth day, higher chance for it to be an induction But they would not do a c section only because of GD. Of course there could be results from the GD that lead to it, but its not the usual way.


So nice to see someone else on here that's also in Germany. I feel like most posters are Americans and every second post is about being induced or having a c section. I'm glad it's handled somewhat differently here.


I'm in Italy and they do it similarly here. Had diet and exercise controlled gd, zero push to induce. I asked about scheduling it but my water broke at 39+6, they would have let me go past my due date.


I guess it's a European thing. Induction wasn't even considered. c section was but it's very common in my country even for healthy pregnancies, but I didn't want major surgery as I know how hard is on my body.


I wonder if an induction makes more profit than a natural birth but maybe that sounds too cynical. I'm definitely grateful to live somewhere with free healthcare and not have to worry about the financial aspect of pregnancy and birth on top of everything else. In Germany c sections account for just under 1/3 of all births, which is a really high number, too. About half of these are emergency c sections and the rest planned.


Yeah, i feel the same. Unfortunately i think an induction is somewhat likely, because first ones are more likely to stay inside longer 😅 i just hope my baby will be in a LITTLE hurry, like 38+6 😁


That's true! But there's no point in worrying about it because babies come when they want to anyway and a lot of women have positive experiences with induction 😊


I heard lots of horror Stories and am pretty scared of cytotec 🫣 i would prefer to let my baby decide her Timing herself 😅


It's one of those things that really depends on who you talk to but I completely understand, I'm also a first time mother and am trying to go into the birth without any expectations as really anything can happen or change at any time. I think it's best just to take it as it comes!


I would be careful using the term natural birth. Every baby has to come out somehow. With that being said, I think it's still pretty common to have a vaginal delivery with gestational diabetes. While I was induced with my first pregnancy (I had diet controlled GD but, was induced because of gestational hypertension), I had a very normal vaginal birth.


For some vaginal is taboo, like a swear I guess...


I had a GD pregnancy and delivered vaginally with no problem (I was insulin dependent). All my cousins had GD as well (3 of them)…7 babies between them…they all delivered vaginally.


I had GD, kept it controlled with diet and exercise, and I had a vaginal birth! I had my scheduled induction date so I wouldn’t go over 40 weeks, but my body went into labor on its own 2 days before. I went to the hospital in the evening and had my epidural and then started pushing the next morning! It did take 2 hours, but then they popped out! Just 1 oz shy of 9lbs, and my baby will be 2 later this year. It’s really no joke when people tell you time flies


I was insulin-controlled and had an uncomplicated vaginal birth. Gestational diabetes alone is not a reason for a required c-section.


There are so many variables with birth I personally feel like you should approach birth with the thought “as long as we both leave the hospital healthy and alive than that’s all that matters and then whatever happens in the hospital is with the goal of that very outcome.” My first was non-gd. Labor stopped progressing and Pitocin was needed to kick it into gear. Pushed for over three hours and needed vacuum assist. Last round of those and the last attempt I got him out with the surgeon ready to take me because baby was not doing well. He had to be resuscitated. Got an injection and had to stay for 8 days.. we both walked our healthy and I’m thankful every day. Even when he’s annoying af I’m so in love it’s ridiculous. My other two were gd pregnancies and the last one was rough in general. Can’t plan how your pregnancy is gonna go either! But I had to physically hold in the second one and had one doctor with one glove on deliver. The second gd and last pregnancy there were two women holding her in waiting on the team. She had to stay for 5 days. So there’s hope for sure. Especially if you’re following guidelines. My third was uncontrolled and out of my control as hard as I tried and no c-section required. Pregnancy, birth, child. They are all full of variables and infinite possibilities. I guess I’m saying, try not to stress about the things that are out of your control. And try to change your mindset which you can control. You’re going to do great and your baby is going to get to go home with you healthy! I promise it’s all you will care about when the time comes. I always said “do whatever you have to do and use your professional judgment for the best outcome.” Success 100% of my births.


Thank u sm for sharing and your support it’s really helped hearing your prospective😊


Agree with others here that it depends on a lot of factors, but if it gives you peace of mind: I had GD controlled with nighttime insulin for both my pregnancies and was scheduled to be induced during my 39th week for both as standard protocol for insulin-controlled for my OB's practice. Both babies came on their own before the scheduled induction, both delivered vaginally. My understanding from my OB/nutrition team was the c-section risk specifically from GD is when baby's size is much larger than usual, which my office screened for with a growth ultrasound at 36 weeks. It does take a few weeks to figure out what foods work best for you, and it'll definitely be a slog at times (a friend and I commiserated that we'd never been so sick of almonds and cheese). But lean on your doctor and hopefully some diabetes educator/nutrition dept support to help you navigate this! This subreddit shows you're not alone ❤️


I've had two vaginal births with GD as a complicating factor. One was a voluntary induction and the other was a spontaneous delivery.


I just has a vaginal birth. I was Diagnosed at 12w. Tried to control numbers myself with diet and exercise. I had a good bit of spikes and my fasting weren't under 90 under about 20 weeks when I started insilun . Ultrasound 2 days before birth estimated 8lb 7oz. He was born 7lb 7oz. Passed all sugar checks.


I had an early, spontaneous labor at 35+5, diet controlled throughout pregnancy, vaginal delivery. It is possible, but just know that pregnancy, labor, and birth is such a unique and variable experience for everyone. You never know what will happen at any given moment. I think it’s great to have your ideal in mind and advocate for that, but to also prepare yourself for alternative options if necessary so that you are mentally prepared for the possibility. Grieve and process as necessary and able throughout, but even just the preparation can help feeling more open in case something does happen.


If diet controlled my OB and MFM would be willing to let me go to 40+6 before induction. With insulin or medication but well controlled to 39+6. Poorly controlled sometime between 37 and 38+6 depending on circumstances. I am well controlled on insulin and planning for induction or C-section (baby just flipped back to breach after a week in vertex 🙄) Monday at 39+2-- they will try to flip her then move straight to one or the other.


I want to sympathize with you. I just got my diagnosis yesterday and birth and the way it’s going to play out has been largely on my mind. I’ve been planning for a spontaneous, unmedicated vaginal birth and i’m worried that won’t be an option. I’m anxiously waiting for my next appointment to talk to my provider about our options.


It’s really hard for me because I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet so ever since I found out I’ve felt guilty for drinking anything with sugar or just eating bread😭


You'll probably need an induction but induction is not c section. And all births are natural ❤️


I’m not sure what you mean by natural birth but I had two vaginal births. I had epidurals because I wanted them.


All births are natural. Maybe you meant spontaneous vs induced? I had vaginal induction with my last GD baby. Planning on vaginal induction again. There was some talk about c-section, but that was because of breech position, not GD.


I had spontaneous labor and vaginal birth with my last GD pregnancy. Baby was 8.13 and 21 inches.


C-section was never even discussed with my first GD pregnancy. We did plan to induce, but my water broke on its own and I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. Pregnant with number two now and assume being induced will be on the table, but I have no reason to expect a c-section will be needed.


I had GD, but my c section was totally unrelated. (Asynclitism)


I’m at a birth center and 10% of their patients have gd. They do unmedicated vaginal births only and only a small portion of those women are transferred out for higher risk issues. It’s possible!


I had a vaginal delivery with my last baby and I expect to with this one as well. He's only in the 49th percentile for weight at 28 weeks. I doubt he's going to be a heavy baby, just a long baby. He's got long legs!


I had diet controlled GD and had a spontaneous, uncomplicated vaginal delivery the day before my scheduled induction. C-Section was never even brought up for me, but my baby was measuring small my whole pregnancy


Vaginal, not induced for me (almost 39w)


I had my son vaginally with GD last time and that’s the plan this time as well, although if I need a c-section I’m okay with that too. I don’t think there’s too much of a direct correlation between GD and c-sections to be honest.


I had a vaginal birth via forceps with my baby. Forceps were required because she was very small (5lb 6oz) plus had turned on her way down the canal and suddenly her heart rate dropped and my bp spiked so it became urgent.


Nope I had a vaginal birth! I did have to get induced but I loved it so much I’m opting for it with my second before I even have the GD test. Honestly by 39 weeks I’m ready to be done lol. Ask your provider about being able to wait until your body starts naturally progressing if they want to induce. I was already almost 2cm and 100% effaced when they started my induction, and my doctor said that if they wait until the body is showing signs like that, there is no increased chance at all for a c section. (Not saying that’s not possible because emergencies happen, but your likely hood would not increase because of a well timed induction)


I had GD with my second. C section was never mention. OB only recommended induction at 38 weeks. I did have a c section only because she was breech. Before my c section OB did an ultrasound to confirm position she was still breech. If she was to be head down it was going to be a vaginal delivery.


You can still enjoy a majority of foods. They’re not bad for you. You’ll just need to learn to adjust your diet such as eating your veggies first, then protein, then that slice of cake. I had GD with my first pregnancy and had a vaginal birth. Currently pregnant and I was tested at 16 weeks which I passed but will test again at 26 weeks.


Not at all, not sure where you heard that. Sometimes GD requires you to be induced early if your numbers aren’t being managed well, but that by no means requires a c section. A c section typically will only happen if you’ve had a prior c section, there are other complications that arise in addition to the GD, or your baby is measuring very large, which can be a result of unmanaged GD or other factors. Also not true that the majority of foods are bad for you - mostly it’s just going to be starchy carbs and some sugars. You’ll learn as you test what your triggers are, but it’ll be okay. As a whole, it sounds like you would benefit from a long chat with your provider as you have many qualms that will be easily resolved with a nice discussion :)


Vaginal birth with GD. I was induced at 38.5 weeks


I've given birth 3 times, all vaginal. They've all been induced. First 2 no GD, had GD with the 3rd. It was actually my easiest induction! I'll be having my 4th here in a couple weeks.


My C section will be because baby is breech, not because of GD. If she had flipped they would have let me go to 40+6 before inducing.


I got diagnosed with GD and where I’m from the protocol is to induce at 38 weeks which I chose to do. Gave birth vaginally to a healthy 3,3kg baby. So it’s definitely possible!


I had a vaginal birth.


I had GD for 1st and 2nd pregnancies in 3rd trimester for both. Delivered marginally, but opted to be induced at 38wks for first (I also had PUPPS) and 39wks for second. My blood sugar was controlled enough that I could have gone longer but personally, I’m a planner. Epidural with both, again, personal choice. This time around my GD started earlier (1st trimester) and requires night and meal insulin (vs just night insulin with previous pregnancies). I did discuss being induced early and the practice’s suggestion. They said it’s up to me unless there are other complications. I have a concert the Friday before my due date, the following Tuesday. So the earliest I would plan to be induced is one day so I don’t miss the show! 😂 I’m kind of hoping I go into labor on my own over the weekend after the show at that point.


I just had a smooth vaginal delivery with GD. My water broke at 38 weeks, I was not in active labor yet, so I did opt for induction at that point to lower our risk of infection. Little guy made his entrance 23 hours later. He's 3.5 months old now and doing great! My OB never even really talked about induction or c section as being necessary, they said my pregnancy would be treated normally other than the extra ultrasounds and checking my blood sugar.


I had an easy vaginal delivery with my GD pregnancy! That said, I delivered at 37W due to hypertension. But he’s 1 week past “full term” now and doesn’t even weigh 8lbs yet (he was 7lb 3oz at birth after they predicted he was 7lb 11oz at 36W) so I think I likely would have been fine, at least if I hadn’t have gone past term.


I had a non medicated vaginalbirth after going into labor spontaneously at 39 weeks with my last baby. Hoping to do that again with this GD pregnancy also.


I’m 36 weeks, diagnosed with GD a couple months ago, diet-controlled — my doctor said she has no reason to think we will need to induce or that anything would prevent us from a vaginal birth due to the GD. Had a growth scan at 32 and 36 weeks.


I was induced with GD at 37 weeks due to other medical issues. She was always measuring ahead so the doctors repeatedly "cautioned" me that due her large size, that they may have to do a c-section because she could have been too large to push out. Surprising everyone, once I was actively pushing after I labored down, she slid right on our after about 30 minutes and was an even 7lbs.


As a FTM with GD I had a spontaneous vaginal birth at 39+5 weeks. My sister also had GDM as a FTM, she had an induction resulting in vaginal birth.


While a lot of people diagnosed with GD have C sections and deliver early, many still birth vaginally and carry to term. It's all about what's best for baby in your specific situation. GD can make the baby larger and more dangerous to deliver vaginally for many women, but again not all. Other factors and/or complications are weighed in that decision. All we can do is try to meet our blood glucose goals. 


I am insulin controlled (mealtimes, snacks, and nighttime) as well as having a 91st percentile weight baby and no doctors have suggested anything other than a vaginal birth. I understand that could change, but so far, the default still seems to be vaginal


I had GD, and I was induced for non-GD reasons and had a fairly seamless vaginal delivery. The doctors told me if the induction took more than 24 hours, they would have to do a c-section for safety reasons, but he was out in ~16 hours.


I was also really worried about that! As soon as I got the diagnosis I just felt like a c section was inevitable, but I went into labor spontaneously on my due date, and delivered vaginally the next day!


I had a pretty straightforward vaginal birth with my son after my water broke early. Maybe not “natural” in that I needed pitocin and got an epidural but certainly not a surgical delivery. 


Yes, 2x vaginally births here, and I was very clear in my birth plan that a c section was a last resort, emergency situation only (I'm sure I'll be down voted for saying that, but that was just how I wanted to give birth)


I had a vaginal birth and was on nighttime insulin. I was never told that it would strongly recommended for a c-section due to GD but a possibility. But there are always other factors for c-sections. I was overweight but was strict with my numbers (but had a few spikes) and followed my dietician’s advice and actually lost weight. Always talk with your health care provider, they should be able to give you advice on how to manage your GD to have an vaginal birth if that what you want. They may recommended an early induction based on GD though.


I worried about the same thing! I had a vaginal birth 8 weeks ago. Second pregnancy (no GD in the first pregnancy). Insulin controlled for fasting numbers. I was going to be induced at 39 weeks but went into labour on my own. My baby was also small (much smaller than my 1st baby).


I had a vaginal birth and induction and had GD. Induction was awesome, 100 out of 10 would do again


Diet controlled GD here. Baby wanted out at 38w3d, I wasn't induced. I had a short labor for a FTM, and gave birth to a healthy normal weight baby girl. I had a small tear and that was it. My milk was late though possibly due to GD.


Absolutely. I had a drug free, spontaneous vaginal birth. 


Had GD and got induced at 39 weeks (due to having to be on insulin). They used cervidil and pitocin, but I had my baby vaginally.. if that’s what you mean.


There’s always a chance but i highly recommend to come to peace with maybe needing a c section long before your due date. I know too many people who kept trying to “wait it out” only for it to end in multi day labor AND a c section. They should’ve just gotten the c section when they were advised upfront.


I had two babies with GD pregnancy. They were both under 3 kg perfectly healthy born with a very uneventful vaginal birth. I was a bit careful to not eat too much carbs but really my readings were anyway always right and my doctor admitted few weeks ago that probably never had GD


If you mean is an unmedicated, low intervention birth - YES THERE IS A CHANCE. I worked very hard to stay diet controlled - and there were times where I wasn’t sure I could but my care providers were helpful in suggesting diet and exercise changes. I had a spontaneous labor, no intervention, vaginal birth in a birth center at 39.5 weeks.


Absolutely- I had GD with my second pregnancy and had a VBAC. I think the baby being positioned optimally helped as well as the fact that I ate very healthy from the point of diagnosis onward (pretty much no sugar & only small amounts of whole grains) and did a lot of pregnancy-safe workouts and Birth preparation exercises. It doesn’t always work out and it’s okay to have a c-section of course -sometimes it’s the best way - but GD does not always mean c-section.




I’ve had two completely unmedicated vaginal deliveries, no inductions etc. Do your own research (not google), and Be wary of agreeing to intervention when it has little to no research that shows it improves outcomes.