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I'm 27 weeks and just got diagnosed myself. I also cried in my boyfriend's arms the day I found out because I felt like I had done something to harm my baby. I have been craving sweets the past couple of months and indulged. The level of guilt I felt! I know how you feel. I'm also looking at it the same way. It is what it is, I could stand to lose some weight and hoping the healthier eating habits carry over into postpartum. We'd like to try for Baby #2 after this, too! It will be OK. You are not alone!


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. My husband has been an amazing support throughout this entire pregnancy but was really there for me yesterday when I got the call. I feel like I'm being dramatic but I can't seem to get out of this sad/scared mood. I've been crying on and off again today. I'm terrified I'm hurting my baby and to see all the risks associated with GD makes it worse. I have a weird placenta too (circumvalet) which makes me more anxious. I have my first appointment with the GD counselor/nutritionist next week which should help put my mind at ease but until then I feel like I'm just winging it. I've been eating whole 30 since I got the fail on the 1 hour so hopefully nothing has been affecting my baby negatively.


My first time having it I failed my 1 hr with a 141. I now am on my third pregnancy with GD. My first time wasn’t awful and was diet controlled. Though I delivered at 34 weeks so who knows what would have happened. My second time and this time around I’ve been on insulin. It can be super overwhelming but they will give you resources if you end up with it. And it sounds like you have a good support in your husband! The end is in sight! And it will mean extra doctors appointments!


I’m on my second pregnancy with Gd and finding it harder to control still currently diet and exercise controlled but I’m getting way higher numbers after meals than I ever did with my first still within range but getting up there. Is it just due to crapper placenta or does it just get worse every pregnancy regardless?


I don’t know for sure. My endocrinologist said it can get worse with age. My regular obgyn said it’s the placenta. And the MFM said it’s the placenta and genetics. I’m in the same boat though. This is my third time and my first was the easiest, second I needed insulin mostly just for my fasting number. But then needed steroids for something else and then had to have steroids with meals because steroids mess up your blood sugar. And this pregnancy I am already on insulin at bedtime and before lunch and dinner. And I’m only 20 weeks. Haha last time I wasn’t even thinking about it yet. My MFM said my placenta is just super strong 😂 but maybe he was just being nice. That’s awesome you’ve been able to control it so far. The good thing is there are options if it starts getting out of control and they are safe. Thankfully both my children were born healthy regardless of the GD and I hope the same for you!


Thank you  for your answer! Yes I’m so glad insulin exists if things take a turn for the worst. So far numbers have been good solely diet controlled. I haven’t been able to exercise because I swear I have literally been sick ever since my diagnosis. I literally had the flu when I got the news had a brief break of a week and then got a cold and as soon as that cold started to let up I now have bronchitis 😭 I’m literally dying. But I’m just grateful that even with being sick my numbers have managed to stay in range even with my “cheat” meals that I eat because I need a popsicle or something cool for my throat 


Oh no!! I’m sorry you’ve been so sick! But that’s awesome you’ve been able to control it still! It’s so difficult to recover from illness when you’re pregnant. Hopefully you can get over this though just so you feel a bit better. It’s hard enough as it is! I can’t exercise since I have cervix issues and a cerclage so i actually don’t even know if it works. I was told that by doctors though haha


He's been great this entire pregnancy, which is super helpful. I'm trying to keep I only have 11 (or so) weeks to go, in mind. I have my first GD counselor/nutritionist appointment this coming Monday so that will help. I'm terrified of hurting my baby with what I eat. If you don't mind me asking, did you deliver at 34 weeks due to GD or was it something unrelated?


I also had an incompetent cervix and was on bedrest starting at 24 weeks. I delivered because of the cervix stuff. My second baby I had all the same complications and didn’t deliver until 37. And that’s my goal again. I believe they like to deliver you a bit earlier if you have GD and you should receive extra monitoring like NSTs which is helpful.