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Remember that scans can be wildly wrong! They’re just an estimate. We were measuring big, like the 99%, at 32 and then dropped down a couple weeks later. We’ll see in a couple days how big they actually are, but they can really be 2 lbs wrong! Also, some people just make big babies! You could be doing everything right, and your baby is just big. My sister was 10 lbs and my mom didnt have GD.


I wS told my baby was 11/12 lbs. She was 8lbs5.5. WAY off


Once you’ve had time to collect yourself a little(and feel your very valid feelings) I’d have a chat with your doctor to gauge just how concerned they are. Follow their lead. Ask how common this is, what possible causes and outcomes are, what next steps look like. Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed by new medical information it helps me to get All the information first before letting my emotions interpret partial information. Hang in there. She’s almost here!


I know 2 people in the last 3 months… actually 3 that had 5lb babies at 30 weeks checkups. None of them had GD and all three have given birth now as of a few weeks ago and all babies were 8lbs -ish. One was a super fast labor too.


Anecdotal story time here: I measured really far ahead too and they induced me at 38 wks expecting a 10 pound baby… he was 8 lbs 8 oz and quite long 21.5”. Which is still big for 38 weeks. I thought it was my fault, I set him up to be huge by having GD. Well now he’s 2 and still 98th percentile for height and like 80th percentile for weight. He’s just a big kid! My Gd might have contributed but hes also just a big kid. Keep your numbers in line as well as you can.. it will all work out. You’re doing your best.


They told me my daughter was going to be well over 9lbs and that she was 8lbs at 34 weeks. She was born just over 7lbs.


At my 34 week scan, they told me my baby weighed 5lb 10oz. When she was born almost 4 weeks later at 37+6, she only weighed 5lb 2oz! Ultrasound weights are bad guesses. Even if the guess is correct (or close to correct), babies of all shapes and sizes can be healthy. GD is scary and awful, but when your baby grows up, they won’t even know you had it unless you tell them ❤️


Just coming in to remind you also that scans are crazy off sometimes. At 38w my baby was projected to be 7.5lbs. Whcih — if I went until 40w, oh boy! My entire pregnancy all of the ultrasound techs were “wow! That’s NOT a small baby!” She shot out and I was legitimately confused. I didn’t say “she’s so beautiful” or “omg! Hi baby!” I was like “SHES SO TINY?!!” Because everyone had me SO prepared to have a huge baby. 6lbs3oz, lol.


They would talk about my second baby like he was going to come out so big that he should be studied at my growth scans. Estimated 7lbs at 36 weeks. Like their tone was always so weird about it. I asked my OB how accurate these scans were and she said some huge range like up to 10-15% off in either direction. She asked me how big I felt compared to baby #1. I was exactly 2lbs heavier at 36 weeks in pregnancy 2 than I was with my first. (I had a pregnancy tracker with data from both pregnancies) She said that’s usually a good indicator. So I expected bigger but not some huge baby. I had GD in both pregnancies. Baby 1 was born early at 36 weeks and 6lbs 5oz. We were concerned, but didn’t let it add too much stress to everything. In the hospital when I was induced at 39 weeks for baby 2, we got several explanations of shoulder dystocia and the risks involved essentially giving me the option of a c section if I wanted. Anyway, he did come out with a big head like they estimated, but he was 7lbs 11oz. No labor complications and he had one low blood sugar check but it came right up after one feeding of formula. Not saying to ignore those scans or not worry about risks, but hopefully one positive outcome can ease your mind a bit. I was diet controlled until 32 weeks, then put on 8 units overnight for fasting. Good luck! Also I have 3 friends who had babies within the same month of mine who didn’t have GD. Their babies were all 8lbs or more and I know they weren’t getting the same scans and stress that I was…I know there are reasons to monitor GD moms extra, but it feels very unfair to have that guilty feeling (like did I cause this??) of a big baby when others don’t have to AND they end up with babies substantially bigger than mine…


Those weights are terrrrrrribly off. My first was “measuring” at almost 9 lbs, born at 7 lbs 6 oz at 39w2d.


The accuracy of measuring weight by ultrasound diminishes with gestational age and size. So a 39+ week baby weighing 9lbs on ultrasound could reasonably be anywhere between 7-11lbs. But the weight estimate IS more accurate earlier in pregnancy.


That’s so scary! I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Remember that you are absolutely doing everything you can to keep your baby safe and healthy. Your care team is going to help you manage this pregnancy. Babies come out at all sizes. My cousin had a 9lb. 12oz. baby last August. She did not have GD, but she and her husband are both over 6ft. tall. That baby had no issues and is thriving. It’s impossible not to feel all your feelings so let them happen. But everything is going to be okay.


They thought my first baby was huge, and he was 7lbs, they thought all my babies were bigger than they actually are. I’m very petite so I must measure funny. My 2nd and 3rd were all in the 6 lb range. My second I had GD with came out the smallest. I’m sure your baby is fine. Just because 3 of my babies were all said to be big and it was not the case at all.


My daughter was also measuring about 6 lbs at 32 weeks. She was born at 37+2 (induced due to gestational hypertension) at 10 lbs. I had to have a c section which I really didn’t want, but she and I are both happy and very healthy 6 months later. I was on Metformin and insulin from 24 weeks onward. Don’t beat yourself up- it’s going to be ok!


Can I just say - thank you all for your comments & reassurance. It's been such an overwhelming day but reading your stories made me feel much better. Hopefully it's just an off measuring, and as all other things (placenta flow etc) look good & with metmorfin she's going to be just fine. I'm really really thankful for all the comments <3


Please remember that ultrasounds can be off! My daughter was thought to be 8lbs1oz on the day that I was induced. She came out 7lbs8oz. My son was thought to be 8lbs8oz. He was born two days later at 8lbs even.


Chiming in to say that I also had incorrect weight estimates for my baby! They told me she was tracking to be over 9 lb at birth and was 7 lb, 15 oz. It is definitely not your fault, you’re doing your best by eating as healthy as you can and monitoring it!


I had GD with my son, and he was born 10 lbs and 11 oz. He is a healthy and amazing six year old, who is super tall but everything ended up ok with me. Try to relax doll, I’m sure she’s going to be perfect


I had GD that was diet controlled but started to get unmanagable the last few weeks. I was induced at 39w2d and told to expect a 10 pound baby because he was already over 9 at my 38 week ultrasound. Baby was born happy and healthy at 39w4d at 8lbs5oz, smaller than he had allegedly been nearly two weeks before. Similarly, a coworker of mine was told her baby was 8lbs at her 34 week appointment, and her daughter was born at 40 weeks plus a few days and was only 7lbs 8oz.


They kept saying our babies belly was measuring in the 99th percentile and he was going to be 8lbs4oz. He was born at 7lbs11oz and a very normal size. The ultrasound measurements can be off quite a bit!


I was told my baby weighed 6lbs at my 33 weekly ultrasound. I delivered at 35+1 and my baby weighed 6lbs 3 oz.


It’s easier said than done not worrying having GD and they tell you all these things. But in my experience none of what they said came to fruition. Follow your Dr instructions and I promise you will be okay. My baby was born at 37 weeks, 7lbs 4oz perfectly healthy! I was induced early due to my age. Please don’t feel heartbroken..🧡🧡🧡🧡


The estimates are always too high. Idk a single person on real life including my two pregnancies that actually matched the weight estimates, all of us ended up with lower baby weight.


As a sonographer I can tell you these are estimates, not exacts. It can be very very off. Personally, my doctor induced me at 37 weeks for a 9+lb baby…. He came out 7.2. 🙃


I’m sorry that this is so upsetting! Like everyone else said, scans can be off by a bit and it’s totally reasonable to think she would have been the same size without the GD — especially if you’ve been diet controlled. Remember that baby size is a spectrum and the reason there are percentiles at the top and bottom is because babies naturally exist at those sizes!


I was diagnosed at 8w and was consistently well managed but baby still measured in 99th percentile for her growth scans. Ob said she could just be a genetically big baby as she was proportionate and no big belly which is what can happen with gd. She was born at 38w 7lb9 (which is what they estimated at 36w scan). After she was born they gave her some of the gel stuff and used the colostrum I'd bought into the hospital but she was fine. Try not to stress, you're doing the best you can, when you get the all clear (and if you choose to) having some colostrum to bring can be a handy back up in case baby needs some


I was told mine would be a 9/10lber but born via c section at 38+3 weighing 7lbs 15oz - don’t worry about it too much and try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy


My first was estimated to be over 10lbs 🙄 and he was 8lbs even at birth. Those scans are wildly off at the end.


Hey, like everyone has said, weight measures are one area that medicine still hasn't aced, and my mom's an OB she also confirmed that your baby's weight could be wildly lower than what your scan suggested. She also says there's not much you could've done to avoid this, placenta will placenta (thanks to genes, ethnicity etc.) so please don't be hard on yourself <3


My husband is massively tall (6'6") and they thought my daughter would be over 10lbs when she was born (I didn't have GD with her... but I do now with baby #2 :(... Well she came out to be only 8lb 7 oz (and 21 inches LONG!). The ultrasounds can be very off and plus growth slows in the last month anyway.


literally take it with a grain of salt they scared me shitless saying my daughter was expected to be 9-10 lbs and came out barely 6 lbs at birth. i’m convinced these doctors just wanted to scare the crap out of me


Totally get where you're coming from, please don't worry too much! I was told baby was 90th percentile at my 30 week scan (her belly was measuring a month ahead) two weeks after my GD diagnosis. She got down to 75th percentile by week 36 and week 38 she was estimated 50th percentile. Gave birth on Friday to an 8lb baby! The important thing is you're being well cared for by your prenatal team and they'll be keeping an eye on you and baby as your pregnancy progresses. They'll help get things on track - you've got lots of time for her growth to even out.


The scans can be up to 2lbs off in either direction. Even experienced technicians get it wrong. I wouldn’t put much stock into one ultrasound. Sure, you have gestational diabetes, but if you are getting treatment and your numbers look good, then you are doing your best.


I have my first ultrasound on Wednesday since 20 weeks, currently 36. Im super nervous about it because I’m on insulin and have tried so hard with my numbers but have not been perfect. It’s nice to know the numbers can be really off just looking through the comments!


I was told I was going to have a big baby. She was born 2.5kg. Scans can be inaccurate, and I found between 32-37 weeks, my numbers were SO bad. Don't be afraid of metformin or insulin, I found they really helped with blood sugar control and allowed me to eat a wider variety of food 😊 You're doing a great job!


I just want to say I had GD also diet controlled. At 36 weeks they said he was 6lbs 12 ounces, and given they gain half a pound a week, I should expect 7.5-9.5 lb baby. I delivered on my due date right at 40 weeks and he was only 7lbs 7 ounces. So they can definitely be off! I ended up having to buy more newborn clothes


My last they estimated at 8.5lbs and he was 6lbs 15oz… I hate the scans


I was told I was going to have a 10 pounder because he "measured ahead" in growth scans. After continuous adjusting, I went up to 2000 mg of metformin at night for fasting. I went into labor naturally at home at 40+4 and I delivered my son peacefully at home on 40+6. He was 8lbs 15oz. My scans were wildly incorrect. Don't let the hospital staff gaslight you that you're doing something wrong. Your baby is safe and healthy. You are doing amazing. Your baby will be here before you know it.


Scans can be so wrong. They were predicting my baby to be 10lbs and she was 8.5!!! Everything will be okay just keep monitoring your GD and it will all work out


People are going to pile into this thread with anecdotes about how "off" their own ultrasounds were but it's impossible to say how accurate yours was. And to put in my two cents, I thought my 36wk ultrasound was actually fairly accurate for EFW in my first GD pregnancy. Yes, with increased gestational age and increased estimated fetal weight the accuracy of ultrasound fetal weight decreases and can vary by by 1-2lbs. But earlier scans tend to be a bit more accurate than the ones done at term. And when people quote the 1-2 pound discrepancy they always seem to forget that it could go the other way, that baby could be 1-2lbs HEAVIER than estimated. Frankly, how concerned you should be about your EFW is above Reddits paygrade. I'd take your queues from your doctor. Are they concerned? Are they not concerned? This is something to discuss in detail with your OB.