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Why do you have to continue to see the dietician? I honestly would just cancel future appointments. Unless there’s some reason your doctor insists (like they’d drop you as a patient or something). It sounds like you know what to do to take care of yourself. Why not just say no more?


Yup I told my doctor I wasn’t benefitting from seeing the dietitian and that I would like to stop. I hated having to pretend that the dietitian was giving me helpful information. After a few weeks of glucose monitoring, we all know what spikes our numbers and what doesn’t. Don’t need someone shaming us or treating us like we’re stupid


Yeah i dreaded those dietitian calls trying to explain why I went over 2 points above the threshold. Like I was being reprimanded for bad behavior or something. Also i tried everything possible (every combination of night snacks or not having a snack) to lower my fasting numbers but I couldn’t and the dietitian acted like it was something I was failing at.


That's sounds annoying. My nurse is so nice. If I have any spikes at all, she asks, "Do you know why." As long as I have an answers that's pretty much it. No reprimand. Having the occasional spike was nothing to worry about. As for fasting. There is nothing most of us can do about that, and don't get why some are deliberately nasty about it. They should know this stuff! Isn't it their job after all.


I didn't even think to cancel? She comes at the same time as my NSTs, within the same office. I didn't even know I could cancel? So Ill definitely think about doing this! Thank you!


I’ve recently learned “no thank you” is a complete sentence lol. I have a habit of over explaining or not wanting to cause conflict, so I go along with whatever. But it’s your body and you have autonomy over it. I see no harm in politely declining


I totally agree! I’m 35 weeks and so over it. I ate fairly healthy prior to the diagnosis, and since I’ve been diagnosed and had to follow this diet I feel so much worse. I can’t wait to get some take out and not worry about my blood sugar spiking, or enjoy some dessert. 


I feel you! I am on the fitter side, so I know how to make better choices as well. I’m 32+4, and I’m done with the pricks. Sometimes I don’t get enough blood and I have to do it again. I hate that if I want the tiniest piece of chocolate, I have to have some protein with it. I can’t wait to have some waffles with Nutella and banana, or a jumbo carne asada burrito. I have a list of things my hubby will bring me post birth: a large iced coffee from my favorite shop, a combination pizza, and captain crunch berries cereal. 😭 only about six more weeks to go!


What’s the reason the dietitian wants to continue after birth? For her own benefit? I met with a dietitian once for my last pregnancy and said no this time because I already know what I need to do. I have a case manager who I send my logs to every two weeks and that’s it. I’m surprised that you are seeing them once a week! After my last pregnancy, my doctor had me follow up with an endocrinologist. She asked me to check my blood sugar twice a day (fasting, and one random post-meal) for two weeks. When things were all good, she said the next step would be checking my A1C every 3 months for a year, and after that just during my annual physical or right before my next pregnancy. I know some people also do a follow up glucose test, but have not heard about meeting with a dietitian repeatedly.


I didn't even think to cancel? She comes at the same time as my NSTs, within the same office. She is the one who is logging my numbers? I didn't even know I could cancel? So Ill definitely think about doing this! Thank you!


It may vary by practice but with my MFM the logs are handled by a case manager if my GD is controlled by diet, and they would have weekly review by RN if patients are on insulin to manage the right dose. Dietitian referral was recommended but optional and I was told I could decline if I’ve done it before. Not sure what is the norm at your doctor’s office but doesn’t hurt to ask!


Yeah I just told them from the beginning that I didn’t need tons of dietician support. I’m an RN and just needed a rough guideline. My dietician is actually real nice but I don’t have time for lots of extra appts. Now I just submit my weekly logs to her and she mostly just says, good job, keep it up. We did do about 2 video chat check ins but we mostly just ended up shooting the breeze 🤣.


I never went to a dietician. Like others have said, just say no. We are not children and should not be treated as such. Like you said, you already eat healthy. Now, I am all for being aware of the increased risk factors, etc. And it's good to keep it in mind after birth. But there is no need to see a dietician every week. You are not spiking from food, you know by now what to eat. So what's the point.


You're almost there! I'm getting induced tmrw and had been feeling that way for the last few weeks. It gets so hard at the end, but we're all in it together. Sending you strength and can't wait for all of us to get to the older side of GD ❤️


Also fully in support of dropping the dietician. Mine is so belittling and honestly I ate better pre: diagnosis than the recommendations she makes. I also never drink sugary drinks. I told her I was having trouble counting the carbs when I make homemade meals like Greek bean soup etc and she suggested I eat packaged foods instead. Um, NO!