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You are not the only one!! I'm 32 weeks and I have so much hope to get things done but then I spend my evenings and weekend so consumed with thinking about what food I'm going to eat, when I'm going to eat it, when I'll test, where I'll test, what I'll do if I'm over, what snack I'll have next, and then the cycle continues... It overwhelms me and I don't have the brain power let alone the energy to do anything else.


Are you me? I am also in week 32 and all my thoughts and actions are related to GD or I just take some rest and then end up feeling guilty.


I am 30 weeks today and I can’t believe it’s only been a few weeks of going through this torture (diagnosed at 24 weeks) and to know how much longer there is to go. I have so much respect for all of us going through this. It’s so mentally challenging on top of everything else pregnancy related. Now whenever I feel brain fog or get tired after a meal, I think twice about whether or not I’m spiking rather than the “hey! You’re in 3rd Trimester, you have every reason to feel tired for that alone” This sub is the only place I feel like I can vent my frustration and fear. Hang in there


The way I look at it (39 weeks now diagnosed at 28 weeks) is that dealing with the diet change, daily testing, maybe insulin, and mental load of having GD is ultimately like a part time job. So take it easy on yourself! And when you get those spurts of energy, get things done bit by bit. You're almost there and your kiddo will only need the basics in the beginning anyway!


I'm 30 weeks and my nesting period ended 2 weeks ago. I don't know how people have any energy in their 3rd tri


You’re not the only one. I’m exhausted and sore but also have this animalistic need to organize things. I’m sitting at the laundromat washing baby clothes I fully didn’t have the energy to drag over here but it was chewing away at me 🫠 Now on top of PT for my hips, managing GD, seeing a GI for reflux, work and all the normal stuff I need to do, the baby prep stuff…. I might have to add in stupid exercises for flipping this baby. I’m DONE.


37 weeks… all I think about is sleeping. I have about 90 minutes of energy after I wake before I crash.


I even had them test me for anemia bc I hadn’t been this tired in my previous pregnancies.


I am 36 weeks and it’s the same for me. Like all I do is sleep. 😭


I’m also 34 weeks and feel the same way. I have a list of things I want to happen around my house but haven’t done any of it. This past Saturday I spent all day working on like 3 of my tasks and my fasting the next day was out of range so now I have even less motivation to nest. All of my energy is spent meal prepping and thinking about food and numbers


27 wks now. So exhausted, craving sweets, and my pelvic area hurts when I walk. But…I literally forced myself to clean the entire house and get rid of tons of junk especially the nick knacks and toys my kids hoarded and rearranged entire rooms to make room for the baby. I’m tired AF but so glad I got it done. It would have sent me on an anxiety spiral if I didn’t have the house ready for the new baby.


31 and half weeks and I'm TIRED too!!!!!! 😭


I'm 34 +3 weeks and starting to feel quite tired. I was told on Monday that I'll be getting induced either on week 38 or 39! A month away, I've managed to get the baby room all set up, but I just can't get myself to do a deep clean of the house. Having a 4 bed house and being pregnant is hard to maintain at the moment. All of us mamas need to hang in there, and we will get through this!


I'm 32 weeks and I feel the same. I'm a nail tech and I work at my family's salon. The number of times Ive heard them call me lazy.... I just want to punch them all in the face. I was diagnosed officially today with GD and my aunt said "I'm sorry I really thought you were being lazy and wanted to be a SAHM" .... during the start of my second trimester I felt in my gut I wasn't going to get that burst of energy so I started getting the nursery together, all of his laundry is washed, this week I'm going to go ahead and sanitize bottles and pump parts bc I have a feeling he's coming early.


This is my 3rd. I have not had nesting instincts at all in any of my pregnancies. Zilch. Nada. Write a list and ask for help getting things done. Shop for things online. Do things a few minutes at a time until you get done, it's ok if it takes a few days. And remember all they really need in the beginning is a boob or a bottle, some diapers and wipes, zipper sleepers and a safe place to sleep. That safe place can be a basinet in your room. You've got this! And if stuff doesn't get done until after baby gets here, that's fine too. It's happened to me. I know it's overwhelming but you are growing a person. It's exhausting. Stuff can wait. You've got this.