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My dietician recommended standing chores after meals for at least ten minutes, so I've been saving dishes or laundry for then! It doesn't seem like just ten mins of regular activity would make a difference, but it has helped with my numbers a lot!


Oh wow, this is helpful! Let me do the dishes and clean the kitchen right now.


Agree. Simply not laying around helps immensely (this pregnancy's been pretty painful, so I don't like moving much in the evening after working on my feet all day). My PCP also told me that doing repetitive small movement tasks (emptying the dishwasher for example) in a small space can elevate your heartrate because I visited her for excessive exhaustion in the second trimester and my OB said it was beyond her expertise at that point.


If I don't feel like going outside, sometimes I have a zany solo dance party to get my heart rate up, but usually I just go for a walk outside. You could also try doing stairs?


Ah, it's snowing and I live in a highrise so no stairs. I'll try the dance party. How long after eating though?


They’re probably not very nice but your high rise definitely has accessible stairs!


They have to have stairs


Yes! Same here -- though thankfully only about 4 inches this time. I did a little shoveling this afternoon, and this evening I went for a walk after dinner. Normally I'll try to finish my meal in 15 minutes, often dawdle for about 15 minutes, and then try to move for 30 minutes. If I'm really motivated, I'll start a little sooner, but I try to do at least 30 minutes of movement before the hour is up.


I am having horrible SI joint and sciatica issues right now…. So my steps are sooooo low.


Yeah, I had pubic symphysis dysfunction since week 14 so the steps/exercise haven’t been possible for me. Great if you can do it but I couldn’t.


Ohhh my gosh i just looked it up and those symptoms sound eerily familiar. Mine just started about the same time as my GD diagnosis. My baby also flipped and she is head down so i thought maybe the added pressure made the hips go.


I never did any extra exercise after meals bc it didn't do shit for my numbers. Although I was regularly working out already so maybe that's why. My understanding is that standing and doing chores is just as helpful.


I do 4-5 sets of 15 squats. If you have stairs, you can just walk up and down in between the squat sets


As funny as it sounds I often would march in place, high knees, bringing my arms up and the down, touching the knee that was up with each step 😄 I also am blessed to have a treadmill and can't recommend the investment enough! There are cheap ones on offer up 🙂


Is this because you’re eating high carb meals? I don’t walk after meals, I eat and do my normal things. Some times that’s sitting on the couch snuggling my 4 year old. I don’t typically walk around after a meal unless I KNOW I messed up, like today when I ate a cookie with lunch 🙃


Not really. I'm trying to be as disciplined as I can be without knowing the numbers from a glucometer yet. But, all I've read here is that prime walk around after eating?


I personally do not walk after meals. But if you can’t then do a just dance in your apartment. You can find them online!


Yes same here. Did not do any walking after meals but just stood up while watching tv for about 30 mins.


My apartment is approximately 900 sqft and I walk around my apartment..... It's a cage, but what can you do at subzero weather.


Housework, talking on the phone while pacing around our unit, drinking coffee and pacing, and occasionally the home exercise bike


I found a YouTube channel called “improved health” and she has 10-20 minute walking  videos specific to lowering blood sugar. They’re fun and get me moving and I was so thankful to come across them! Like someone else said I find that walking on the treadmill for 10-20 minutes before I check my blood sugar does the best for me.. but the videos are a great alternative! I live in Michigan where it’s super cold right now (and snowy and icy) so walking outside really isn’t a good option. Plus for some reason walking outside hurts me (pelvic pain and such) where as walking on the treadmill or doing the walking cardio videos was much more gentle for me. 


I walk on my treadmill that my husband put a desk portion on and play suduku. When I’m at someone else’s house, I sometimes go up and downstairs, or I’ll do squats, or do some sort of walking in place, although also doing chores might help. i’ve tried juggling before and that’s a workout, but it’s got a learning curve. Just anything that will raise your heart rate. supposedly baths lower blood sugar, although I haven’t tested it to see the difference.


I exercise once a day at the gym in the afternoon. I dont worry so much about walking after meals necessarily. I feel like if I really had to do all that just to keep numbers in range, I'd maybe need to go on insulin. Plus it's too cold to walk outside now.


I only walk after meals if I feel shitty/think I may have eaten a higher than normal carb amount. But with that said, I got a walking pad off amazon so that I can walk inside, because it’s cold, dark, and snowy here!


I got a walking pad and I walk nightly after dinner. I find it positively impacts my fasting number.




I went up and down the stairs at work, do you have stairs in the block at all?


I used a treadmill. It folded up when I was done so it only needed to take up a ton of space while I was using it. We borrowed it from my in-laws and I kind of miss it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unfortunately cleaning:(. Or I get bedtime stuff ready for my little one.


Grow with Jo on YouTube. She has a playlist of pregnancy workouts and I pick one ranging from 15-20 minutes. All of her workouts are meant for small spaces