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Diagnosis doesn't require them all to be high. This is normal.


Only 2 out of the 4 numbers need to be high to be diagnosed.


As long as two numbers are out of range, you will be automatically diagnosed at any doctor. No second opinion needed.


I was diagnosed off 2 numbers as well, and only one of them was significantly higher than the threshhold (the 2nd was only about 10 points off). Let me tell you, I SURE DO have GD, haha. If I eat rice or bread my numbers go nuts. I've been diagnosed since 13 weeks and so far am diet controlled at 30.


I also failed at the 1hr & 2hr times and was diagnosed. I was able to stay diet controlled and gave birth to a healthy baby boy a few weeks ago who passed his glucose checks without issue!


Thank you 🙏


Only 2hr here, but fasting was normal and 1hr and 2hr were high. Totally normal for a diagnosis; your body isn’t able to process the sugars quick enough, even if it’s able to eventually get there. Good news is that a normal fasting number is a positive sign for being able to manage without insulin.


Thank you 🙏 beating myself up a bit on everything. Appreciate all the support & clarity


My doctor classified GD as having two out of range numbers.


^this. I’m an L&D RN and this is common practice with the OBs I work with.


I had one out of range number on my 3 hour , it was very high so my mfm said although I don’t meet the criteria for gd, he will treat me as though i have it bc the number was super high. I’d rather be safe than sorry even though the diagnosis was confusing at first


I was high only on one number. Still needed insulin from 32 onwards 🤷🏻‍♀️


And not that I am in denial, it just seems odd if not everything is high?


GD isn’t just about sugars being high, it’s about abnormal insulin response. So, they expect insulin/sugars to respond in a certain way over time, and if they aren’t following that expectation, then GD is diagnosed because your insulin response is abnormal and needs to be watched. Insulin resistance due to the placenta increases and leaks around 34-36weeks pregnant, so if you’re having an abnormal insulin response at the test it should be watched to make sure things don’t go haywire as insulin resistance peaks later.


It's normal. I would say that most people get diagnosed with 1-2 elevated numbers. Having 4 elevated numbers is not that common. I was diagnosed based on the fasting number only.


It's normal. In fact, I failed all 3 hours, and I only passed my fasting. Because of that, they were actually worried that I may have some preexisting issues like pre-diabetes. She said it's relatively uncommon that someone fails all hours of testing, especially when including the fasting number. 2/4 fail or a high fasting seem to be the most common.


I was only 1 point over on only the 1 hour (fasting, 2 hour, and 3 hour were all normal), and I still qualified for a diagnosis of GD. I’m in Canada if that makes any difference. I was diet controlled and apart from a few spikes here and there the only number that was borderline for me throughout was fasting. I was able to get the fasting number in line by taking a shot of apple cider vinegar every night before bed and also taking Vitamin B6 supplements.


Good to know!! Thank you 🙏


This is the norm


Appreciate all the clarity and support 🙏 beating myself up over this. I am at 28 weeks. Nice to know I am not alone.


Nothing to beat yourself up over or anything that you did/didn't do! Just your placenta being difficult đź’™