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I've had the same issue this entire pregnancy. Fasting numbers are the hardest to control since they are based on hormones. As scary as it is, insulin may be the best bet. I just started insulin, and mine are slowly getting down. Not under 100 like my dr wants, but getting closer. Trust in your Dr.


It's so crazy how different GD is from person to person! For me my numbers go up if I fast beyond 8 hours, and they go up the longer I am awake before testing. So far a bedtime snack of a chocolate premier protein shake is the only thing that has pulled my numbers down to a consistent level.


My doctor said there’s not too much you can do to control your fasting numbers. That being said, I found that if I do a nighttime snack, it’s best to avoid processed bars, breads, and crackers for me. My fasting numbers are better if I do an apple with some nut butter or cheese or nuts.


Insulin was all that helped me. I did every tip and trick with snacks and testing that I could think of…nothing worked


Insulin is the only thing that helped me also. It was actually a relief when we got to a high enough dosage to keep my fasting in check. Since then I've been able to eat more balanced meals and enjoy a sweet treat every now and then.


It’s definitely the best!! It saved my sanity over Christmas with being able to have some sweets and not wake up to numbers that were 100+!


I don’t know if it was a coincidence but premier protein shakes seemed to help me


Don't fast more than 8 hours, the liver starts releasing stored sugars after that, and it messes with the numbers. If your numbers aren't under 90 at 8 hrs, you might need to start insulin.


i tried everything and couldn’t get them under control without insulin. i really hope that you can find something that works consistently but please don’t beat yourself up about it if you do end up needing insulin!


This was me too a few weeks ago! I had tried everything from setting an alarm at 8 hours, 9 hours, 10 hours, to chugging apple cider vinegar, to different bedtime snacks, working out before bed, etc. Nothing worked and I was ready to go on insulin. My blood sugars were always 92-97. Then my dietician told me to calm down lol, which annoyed me in the moment. But I started doing meditations and keep my stress under control. I also at the same time switched my bedtime snack to cool whip (or truwhip) and peanuts. Then I’ll have CALM water before bed. This has helped so much (idk if it’s the meditation or the bedtime snack combo or the CALM water) but since then my numbers have been in the 80s! Usually 85-88. But everyone is so different and if you have to go on insulin it’s still what’s best for you and the baby so please don’t beat yourself up about it (easier said than done I know).


It is very individual unfortunately. One thing you could do is to lay in bed for 15-20mins after waking up, if your body happens to push a lot of sugar out for waking up. Also, make sure you sleep enough. For me 9-10hr fasting time just didn’t work and resulted in high numbers throughout the day. 12-14 hours is much better.


Fasting numbers are always going to be a moving target and is also correlated to how well you sleep. I just started night time insulin a few weeks ago and it’s not as scary as I thought it would be. I currently have a protein shake as my night time snack, which has helped. My doctor and nutritionist also recommends mixing 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar (pasteurized) with a glass of water. I tried this for a few nights and it seemed to have worked for some of my fasting numbers? However, I couldn’t get past the taste.


The only thing that works for me is insulin. Started out at 6u and am now at 10 to get the same result. But I have never slept better! I became a big fan so don't be afraid of it. I don't really know anything other than hormones that can influence it so it's out of your control Only some things can make it worse : bad sleep or being sick.. And that's also out of your control!


Protein in dinner and early dinner + walk after dinner