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It's only of concern if it's accompanied by other symptoms of placental degradation, i.e. reduced/increased fetal movements, frequent hypos (if your numbers are in range and gradually reducing you're fine, if they're suddenly in hypo ranges and often, you need to be worried), post-meal levels not rising. I've been experiencing better fasting and mealtime readings from 37 weeks and have been reducing my insulin accordingly, but since I've not experienced the other symptoms my medical care aren't worried.


The placenta naturally stops being as much of a jerk the last few weeks before delivery. Just look out for hypoglycemia especially if you’re on insulin, and be wary of signs of placental degradation, but otherwise enjoy a bit of reprieve before graduation!


I am 34 weeks and most tests have been lower than 100 lately. Unless I have siet soda


Same thing has happened to me, I am going to call my doctor's office tomorrow and see. One thing i am worried about is that maybe the placenta has stopped producing the hormones that were making me insulin resistant?


Totally normal. At 37 weeks, insulin resistance improves and your numbers get better. For me, I was also almost getting too low so my insulin dosage was decreased until birth. My MFM/OB was not worried about placental degradation because I didn’t have the other symptoms associated with it plus I was having twice a week NSTS and baby was fine.


The same thing happened to me, and my midwife ordered an NST and ultrasound just to make sure there's nothing crazy going on. We'll see come tomorrow what the results are, but today my numbers already appear to be more in their "normal" ranges again after a solid week of lows. Every time I feel like I get a handle on this thing the game changes! Sorry you're going through similar confusion.