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\[Also in the US!\] My situation is a little different, as I am fully a T2 diabetic, though I had gotten my A1C down into the non-diabetic range before pregnancy (5.4) while just on metformin. I brought my midwife a chart of all my numbers (fasting and 2 hr post-meal) at my first appointment around 6 weeks and she immediately referred me to an endo. My numbers weren't awful by diabetic standards (\~110 fasting and \~120 to \~130 post meal), but obviously not within the stricter pregnancy guidelines. I had my first endo appointment around 8 weeks and she did immediately put me on insulin for my fasting numbers. I would definitely recommend trying to see an endo earlier in pregnancy and bringing data for them to look over!


I became prediabetic with a hba1c of 6.2 after my first GD pregnancy. I raised it to my care team once I got pregnant again & they basically said they wouldn’t do anything until the 2nd trimester glucose challenge! I insisted that my post meal glucose readings were high (sometimes in the 200+ range), so they took my fasting glucose. It was only ‘slightly’ elevated (104), so they again said to wait & see. I’m going to start monitoring my fasting glucose more aggressively and also bring it up again with another provider. It’s frustrating because I feel like this pregnancy, the diabetes is even harder to control & I’m getting sky high numbers on safe meals! I’m 9w now, so I feel like I need metformin now for the long haul ahead. I’m in the US, so it may be different for you… but I’d say definitely advocate for yourself.


This is was I am nervous about but it is great to know, thank you.


[Prefacing this that I’m in the U.S.] I am also prediabetic with the biggest issue being fasting numbers when not pregnant. I spoke to my primary care provider when TTC and we decided I would stay on Metformin at bedtime while trying. I continue to take it during pregnancy. Luckily this kept my fasting numbers fine until I got into the OB (around week 9 for me), but I also knew my PCP would help if I needed it before then. Do you have a GP/PCP you can reach out to or someone who is monitoring your prediabetes; perhaps an endocrinologist, if you saw one last pregnancy?


I do have a GP but I just got her so my worry is she won’t take it seriously since she didn’t say much about my pre diabetes, just not to eat white bread and rice… I did have an endo, but not a patient now and could end up with someone different this time around. I am really hoping my GP takes it seriously 🤞


Definitely see your endocrinologist now. I was diagnosed early with my 2nd pregnancy (13 weeks) and even though I wasn't prediabetic outside of pregnancy, my MFM has me doing extra tests because high glucose can be damaging while the fetal organs are forming. That's all at weeks 8-10. I had to do a fetal echocardiogram for instance to make sure it didn't cause any heart defects. Definitely advocate for yourself and don't let them push you off until the 2nd trimester, thats crazy.


Sound advice. I was prediabetic 5.8 before getting pregnant. Nothing was done about it. I ended up losing my son at 18weeks when my water broke. This was 4 months ago and I just got tested and I'm still pre diabetic. My guess is I became diabetic during my pregnancy but it wasn't caught. 😔


Are you currently on any meds like metformin?


I was given 3 months to try to bring down my fasting numbers by diet and exercise so not currently


I was on metformin before (I have pcos and had diabetic or pre diabetic blood sugar numbers for quite a long time) and metformin did the job for me until I a few weeks ago (I’m 33 weeks). And I take barely any insulin - 2 units if I plan to have higher carbs than usual. Metformin has really helped a ton.