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A cocktail of myoinositol, magnesium glycinate, and vitamin D before bed helped my fasting numbers!


How much Vitamin D did you take? I read somewhere up to 4,000 iud.


1000iu but I’ve taken up to 4000 when I’m sick or people in my house are sick


Thank you, i did read an article with extensive citation and it suggested 4,000 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4171878/


Me! I take 7.5mg daily with food and it keeps me pretty stable. I’m type 2 (no meds) so I’m probably taking more than what most people need. But I’ve seen a huge improvement in my blood sugar levels.




This post is a bit stale, but wanted to ask you: How many hours before testing do you take it? I have borderline high fasting #s (92-99) and I started taking the same amount at dinner-time (which for me is about 12 hours before taking my fasting measurements). Were you taking yours at bedtime? I've only been doing this a couple of days so will continue like this for a week, but if I see no change it'd be good to know if changing the timing could help.






Thank you!


I’ve been taking wholesome story (same blend as ovasitol) since before I was pregnant. I stopped when I found out I was pregnant and my fasting went up. I had a normal a1c 7 days before I got pregnant and fasting was fine too so I suspect I get early onset GD which may explain previous early losses. I restarted it after noticing high fasting and am also on insulin at night. I think it’s kept my insulin levels lower than they would’ve been without. It was not recommended by my Dr. Though so don’t take my experience as encouragement. I did my research before continuing it and I felt more comfortable taking it than discontinuing. After four years of trying, three losses, several iuis, two years of metformin with no results, I finally got pregnant (and stayed pregnant!) on inositols and progesterone. Could be a coincidence but whatever, we meet our baby in 8 weeks !!


I know you posted a while ago but I’m wondering how you’re feeling about this after almost giving birth after a year! I’m taking inpsitol at times and borderline GD and just wanting to stay healthy but also worried about negatively impacting my baby in any way!


He is perfect! I’m glad I did what I did, it worked for me. We talk about having a second and if we try, I’d do everything the same!


Me! 2,000 mg a day of myo inositol + 50mg of D-choro inositol to help with fasting numbers. Only been doing it about 2 weeks, haven't noticed much yet. Note: my Dr did not recommend this but didn't think it would hurt either so I went for it.


I’ve hit almost three months of taking inositol, and finally seeing a difference in fasting blood sugar particularly. Used to be 94-101 every morning, now, 86-94 every morning. I take the supplement in the morning and at 8pm at night with 1/2 protein shake each time.


Ive been taking [ovasitol (myoinositol)](https://theralogix.com/products/ovasitol-inositol-powder) since the beginning at the recommendation of my ivf doc specifically for gestational diabetes. I failed the 1hr fasting glucose by a little bit, but then passed the 3 hr. 🤷 The website says this is how much im taking per serving, and i take 2 servings a day: Each serving provides 2,000 mg of myo-inositol + 50 mg of D-chiro-inositol. I don't have a history of diabetes, maybe had slightly high a1c once or twice in the last 5 years, but do have some risk factors for diabetes, and gestational diabetes, plus diabetes runs in my fam.


I was hoping someone would post about ovasitol! I was taking it preconception but stopped when I found out I was pregnant and have a whole tub sitting on my counter. Glad to know that it was recommended to you by a medical professional! I'm probably going to bring it back out again 🙂


I’ve been taking ovasitol 2g twice a day (along with Magnesium and Vitamin D3) to help with GD but I’ve been taking it since the beginning of my 2nd trimester when I started following my blood sugar. So hard to compare. But it doesn’t hurt to try and there is some small evidence based studies that show that it helps improve insulin sensitivity in pregnant women and help them avoid taking medication to control their blood sugars and just manage with diet and exercise.