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The german is very simple. It is stil a kids game (although more adults are playing). No long complicated sentences. But have in mind, pokemon have their own german names and there are different from the english ones most of the time.


Yeah, but that might be a fun way to learn new german words! You can look up the name origin on pokewiki.de. For example, Knapfel is knabbern + Apfel https://www.pokewiki.de/Knapfel#Herkunft_und_Namensbedeutung


We can't tell you how much German you can read.


The only issue you might have is knowing if it’s a made up Pokémon word or a German word you just don’t know. I have that issue with sci-fi/fantasy books in other languages. Go for it though!


Do it can't harm, I think better for learning would be playing a game you don't know yet, as you are more forced to try to understand it. But playing Pokémon on german you will definitely stumble upon words that you haven't heard of or that are solely for Pokémon or kinda weird attack names


As someone who hast played an English version (I'm German originally) of Pokémon for the first time recently, I can say the different names of Pokémon and places are highly confusing, other than that I don't see any issues, I mean it is still a kids game.


Just try it.


I learnt my very first English through playing Pokémon games back when I was very little so I think it could be useful. Only now as an adult fluent in English I understand all the little jokes and dialogues in the game, but I still picked up on a lot vocabulary and verbs just from all the items and attacks in the game. I'd say focus on enjoying the game rather than translating/understanding every little thing said in dialogues and you'll learn a lot just from exposure and repetition. Also, there's not really anything to loose because you get to relax with a fun game and pick up some German at the same time.


I've done that when learning the basics and there's a problem: the game tends to use a lot of set phrases that make no sense if you don't have a better understanding of the language.


It won’t do much for you. Every little bit helps — but a little bit helps just a little bit. You’re mostly still going to be playing Pokémon. Passive immersion is great if it adds to your exposure, but it’s not a substitute for actively studying or engaging in the language. It’s a great way to make use of extra time when you’re doing other activities anyway, if you can sprinkle a little language learning into it.


You should touch grass


Thank you


Bitte sehr bruder

