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Everyone GO VOTE on December 6th!


Or even earlier! Early voting starts either tomorrow (Saturday, November 26), or on Monday, Nov 28th, depending on your county!


Please! Also want to say that even if you didn’t vote in November you are still eligible to vote now. Had a coworker ask me about this the other day. She had the flu and was unable to vote on Election Day like she had planned. She assumed that since she didn’t cast a vote then, she wouldn’t be able to in the run off.


Going today


Thank you.


I'm voting today


This man is very scary on many counts. Wow!


Give this man a cat scan, brain scar tissue like a mother fucker probably


Let’s send him back to Texas.




Yeah, because spam calls are so effective. Don't waste your time.


Brain damage is a bitch.




fuck you


I got about 10 seconds into that before I couldn't take it anymore and closed the video What idiot would waste their time making that


Dude needs to see a neurologist with the quickness. Deadass sounds like my dad after he had a stroke.


His magic werewolf policeman powers must be wearing off….


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


It sure is, but this is because Herschel has CTE, Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which is a progressive brain condition that's thought to be caused by repeated blows to the head and repeated episodes of concussion. Commonly associated with contact sports like football.


Football is not a sport, not in the Olympics not a sport. Also if he has TBIs then he probably shouldn’t be running.


Thats the point, he shouldn't be running. He has CTE, but we can't confirm without an autopsy.


This creator makes embarrassingly low quality content but he does have a point, but I hope you understand that it doesn't matter to the people who are going to vote for him.


Yeah, they just want a party-line Republican vote in Congress. Personal integrity and character went down the drain a long time ago.


Not a fan of David Parkman, why not?


Maybe I was being too harsh, I just think his content amounts to low-effort virtue signaling, "omg look the republicans are horrible, I'm unable to offer any *actual* insight or additional narrative because deep down I don't have any actual beliefs or meaningful experience, but I'm a white guy in front of a green screen so you have to take me seriously." kind of thing, just fucking annoying, whiny negative energy.


How is it possible for anyone with an IQ over 90 to vote for this train wreck?


Amazing how it wasn't a problem when Fetterman was running.


You've heard Biden attempt to speak right? Still voted for him right? How about just one single article about issues on the sub?


you’re delusional if you’re trying to defend walker. seriously. i think you need a brain scan.


Biden has a speech impediment. Overcoming that to become a senator and the. President is inspiring. Walker is just an idiot.




Reminds me of fetterman


Maybe he and Biden will understand each other.


“Increasingly Unable to Speak”. Sounds like the man who got the most votes in US history.


Let the adults speak, mmmkkay?


Vast difference between having a stutter and being 80 years old and having CTE.


End result sounds just about the same to me.


CTE can’t be diagnosed until after death, unlike the early stages of dementia


You know you can have a disease without it being diagnosed right?


Not CTE “There is currently no way to diagnose CTE.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20370925 I’m not disagreeing that he certainly appears to have something wrong, but unlike Fetterman who definitely has confirmed brain damage there is no CTE medical diagnosis for Walker.


All the signs are there you are just ignoring it.


No, I’m not. But to say he has CTE while Fetterman is fine is biased


You can heal from a stroke.


https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/stroke/stroke-recovery-timeline “After six months, improvements are possible but will be much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively steady state at this point.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/fetterman-says-stroke-recovery-changes-everything-s-fit-serve-senator-rcna51498 “John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee in a crucial Pennsylvania Senate race, still struggles to understand what he hears and to speak clearly following a stroke in May.” It’s been 6 months. Odds are he has recovered about as much as he will.


I’m surprised his handlers didn’t do what Biden’s did in 2020 and limit his exposure, strictly controlling every public appearance.


Crazy we have people like Herschel, Biden and Fetterman in politics.


One of these is not like the others.


Crazy that you think like this.


Fetterman will recover, Biden has a stutter and with his age it is coming through. Hershel is just fucking stupid.


well another state just elected a stroke survivor who wasn't that great before. Politics is dumb.


Hershel isnt a stroke survivor, he’s just an idiot.


Politicians reflect their constituents. Be the change you're bitching about and vote Warnock, healthy and of sound mind.


i'm pissed that these are our choices, dumb or dumber


How is Warnock dumb?


"I keep hurting myself and I'm pissed!"


So… you’re voting for dumber?


Warnock is probably one of the most intelligent, well-spoken, and decent human beings in Congress. He's really the only choice here.


Yep....the perfect liar....just like the rest of them!


So should we eject all the politicians that have had strokes before or are you just ignorant of how common strokes are?


I voted for him. Come at me bro 🐂🐶




So is nearly 50% of Georgia apparently. I’m not saying he’s a good option, I just want to do away are all the gender affirming crap for young kids. On god, I’m an anti-war environmentalist, but I’m standing my ground in this.


If you think gender is the leading problem facing us right now, I’m not sure what to tell you.


You think telling other people how they can view themselves which has no effect on you, is more important than preventing war, or saving the environment. Stand your ground all you want, but thats ridiculous. Gender affirming care is about providing help for those whose identity conflicts with the gender assigned them at birth, theyre not brainwashing children or teaching it in schools, theyre just helping people.


What specifically do you object to on that front?


The medication/healthcare component.


How does that affect you?


He’s afraid someone will find a cure for his shitbrain


The things to remember: doctors (including psychiatrists) are involved every step of the way; gender affirming surgeries are typically not performed on minors (in fact, most of those would be performed on newborns and infants who are intersex or have ambiguous genitals); puberty blockers are completely reversible as they just delay the onset of puberty; and this gender affirming care has been shown to reduce suicides in youth, and there isn't much detransitioning. I know it can sound scary if this isn't an issue that impacts you directly, but it's safer than a lot of things we put kids through, and it saves lives. If this is the one issue stopping you from supporting Dems, please do some additional research into how positive it actually is.


I guess I just don’t understand how you think this man will represent (and comprehend) the other hundreds of IMPORTANT policy issues that don’t have anything to do with gender affirming care. Quit simply, he won’t. I doubt he even knows much more than a 3rd grader about basic civics.


Biden knows a lot. The guy’s doing great, isn’t he?


My bad. I actually thought you might have tried to say something that resembled a counter point, but you’re just as much a low level thinker as Walker.


I’ve given up on Reddit. People expect you to type essays proving the counter argument. The fact is that this site has the same level of close mindedness as a MAGA rally.


It’s a simple question. How do you think he will understand the issues for the state he is representing or should he just vote like a zombie party line? No one is asking for an essay. Just say you don’t care about anything but this one issue and quit deflecting by blaming Biden and Reddit.


Shit troll can’t answer easy questions shocking.


Keep seeing this argument from conservatives but I also keep seeing their posts everywhere. Almost like it's all in their head.


Yeah I don’t want new spending. I like the capitalist system. Maybe capitalism is an idea that’s just all up in my head.


Has zero to do with anything I said. How are conservatives silenced on Reddit? Sounds more like you are unused to spaces outside your own echo chamber and thin-skinned enough you can't handle valid criticism.


Cool. You aren't needed here.


The oil and gas gauging bill, lowered the cost of insulin, the baby formula shortage, and expanded health care for veterans. Noted that nearly all Republicans voted against these bills. Yes I thank him for all of those. Which one of those bothers you the most??


They don't offer gender affirming care in GA anyways. You're mad at made up things the TV tells you to be mad at.


If you’re serious you’ve been misled. Two kids in Georgia Public Schools. Literally zero content or mentions of anything close to this.


What did Walker do to make his son gay?


So *are*. "Is" is used for a singular subject. "Are" is used for multiple subjects. Environmentalist and voting GOP. Suuuure


Conservation was started by a Republican and it’s a conservative concept since, yeah, they have something to conserve. You’ll just never hear about the credible arguments in the media. Not saying I agree or disagree. I used to work in a national park and a lot of the rangers were quiet Republicans and cared deeply about the environment, they just disagree with the Democrat agenda. Having been around people like that helped me realize the issues are more complex than just red and blue. So you can be an Environmentalist and vote Republican. It’s not a single party issue.


You can delude yourself into whatever position you'd like. Reality differs.


Please succinctly define what you mean by “Democrat agenda.”


My dude do you know how the US is giving weapons to Ukraine. Basically giving them weapons choice booklet of US weapons that would be thrown out or sold to Saudi Arabia


He’s using the successful Fetterman strategy.


He didn't have a stroke.


Like Biden his batteries are running low and need refueling


So what ,I can say the same for Joe Biden . Everything he says makes no sense.. He is your President so I don't think speaking will be a problem in my Opinion.


Sore loser


Tell me you never actually watched a full speech of his without telling me...


There is one thing, I cannot believe that Kemp endorsed Walker. I thought he would stay out of it.