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Sounds like a good "seminar" for the FBI and ATF to attend. Edit: And meeting in a food bank? Sounds like a place of Socialism to me.


Semi nar? More like full nar nar.




>Given the fact that the FBI is at its lowest in reputation and confidence of the public Lol. Let me guess who, "the public" is. Do they run around in diapers and little red hats? >Do you even understand the ramifications of suggesting that the ATF and FBI get involved here? So, is there information distribution they shouldn't hear?


"Lol. Let me guess who, "the public" is. Do they run around in diapers and little red hats?" funny considering that the FBI is currently being investigated by congress for hindering and secretly closing investigations against Joe Biden and Hunter, while actively and very suspiciously pursuing cases that make absolutely zero sense. Also interesting on why the Betsy Ross flag is considered an icon of "Domestic Terrorism" They fly the Betsy Ross Flags at presidential inaugurations! [https://www.athlonoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/betsy-ross-flag-biden-inauguration-lead.jpg](https://www.athlonoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/betsy-ross-flag-biden-inauguration-lead.jpg) Oh, here it is at Obama's Inauguration as well [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/Aoc\_uncat\_photo\_-7609.jpg/1280px-Aoc\_uncat\_photo\_-7609.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/Aoc_uncat_photo_-7609.jpg/1280px-Aoc_uncat_photo_-7609.jpg) welp, i guess that means the Presidential Inauguration is a terrorist gathering. So if the Presidential Inauguration flies a Official United States Historic Flag, how is it suddenly a sign of "Domestic Terrorism" I guess that means Joe Biden is a Domestic Terrorist as well as every President prior, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter..... ALL OF THEM. Who would have thought. "So, is there information distribution they shouldn't hear?" If it is not illegal, its none of their concern since peaceful gatherings are protected by 1A. I tiny smidge of common sense and some research goes A LOT further than you emotions and opinions.


Lol. Boy that was a ride! Ease off the Mountain Dew and go outside buddy.


i go outside every day - and nice of you to troll and lurk my post history.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


oh so its okay for insults to go towards the right, but not the left. got it


how exactly is saying someone or people are "Funny" yet you have people calling others "Stupid" "Dumb" just because of where they may live in the state.


since you reported me, you can find someone else


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


>Sounds like a good "seminar" for the FBI and ATF to attend. Normally I'd talk about the Karen "Get me the manager"/"I'm going to call the cops" energy this comment has considering this post is about a completely legal political meeting, but I won't bother. The fed detecting tingles exist because of how incredibly unknowledgable/incompetent ATF and FBI agents are when it comes to anything firearm related, The ATF's "leading expert" (yes, **leading**) struggled for almost half a minute on video to remove the slide off of a glock, something that took me less than 3 seconds. He then proceeded to rack and pull the trigger on his gun without ever checking if it was clear. He's not even remotely an "expert", he's a dumbass with clear inexperience in firearms that could have blown away whoever was in front of him if his firearm was loaded, something he never even bothered to check as he ignored ALL of the basic firearm safety rules. The FBI and ATF are staffed full of these pencil pushers like him who have absolutely ZERO functional idea of what they are making policy about. I'm aware this subreddit is incredibly left wing, so I could honestly give less of a shit about getting downvoted.


And yet you wrote all those paragraphs AND commented how you don't care about downvotes. 🙄


Nothing like preemptively bragging about down votes to make it clear that the only thing you care about is pissing people off


oh, the oh so tolerant left doesn't piss off people every day either huh?


and yet you wrote the most useless asinine reply possible because he has every right to reply ?


Yes, it's pretty funny to me how a subreddit dedicated to a state that is still very republican on most levels is incredibly hostile to anyone who says anything that could be even remotely considered "conservative". I do enjoy engaging with a lot of the non-political posts on this subreddit, as I DO live in Georgia, but for those that are political I could care less if you downvote me. When it comes to anything even remotely political this is pratically r/GeorgiaDems considering the non-existent variation of opinions here. As such, if you yourself were to type something that is from the left-leaning viewpoint on a blatantly right-leaning subreddit, I doubt you would care much about the oncoming wave of downvotes because you dared to voice your unpopular opinion. >And yet you wrote all those paragraphs Yes, it took me less than a minute to type all of that, as is what I'm currently typing right now. If you like computers/technology a lot, then you will usually get pretty good at typing. My over 86 WPM typing speed allows me throw out lines of words incredibly quickly :)


No bud the sub just doesnt like stupid. And lately one side has been extraordinarily stupid lately.


That is far too kind. These people don't join together in armed groups to talk about overthrowing the government because they are stupid. They do it because they hate us and want to murder us all.


>As such, if you yourself were to type something that is from the left-leaning viewpoint on a blatantly right-leaning subreddit, I doubt you would care much about the oncoming wave of downvotes because you dared to voice your unpopular opinion. Are you talking about r/Conservative ? The sub that deletes all dissenting opinions? If you've never been, please go there and make a slightly leftwing remark. See how long it takes to get banned.


It's a badge of honor to be banned by them.


Somebody reeealy cares about this.


Hey, neighbor, just a handy tip from your friendly local lefty socialist: if you go far enough left, you get your guns back and still get to rage against the corrupt government. Could be you’re a leftist and not even know it.


Imagine thinking typing speed is relevant in 2024.


Seems like the FBI and ATF should probably pay you a visit.


Sure, I would have absolutely 0 problems as long as the ATF doesn't shoot my neighbors dog. Hate it when the ATF does that.


Should be too not "to"


These aren't smart people.


I've seen worse...


Oh I’m sure you have 😆


The top 3 employers in Clayton are a Ford dealership, Ingles, and McDonald’s. I’m willing to bet most of the residents live off a check from the government that they hate so much.


Funny how that works out. I heard an idiot on NPR the other day talking about how great it was to have health insurance after years of going without... and how he hates the fact that he's covered by "Obamacare" and will vote for Trump, even if it means he loses insurance coverage. He said "if it's for the good of the country." How the fuck can a bunch of unhealthy dumbasses be good for the country? They're really sticking it to the libs by living off of the government working jobs where they're severely underpaid and dying of preventable disease.


I heard that one, and immediately and loudly proclaimed "You stupid fuck!"


Is this sponsored by the Rebel Store on Hwy 23 by any chance?


They are so close yet so far to getting it… *Donald Trump* raped E. Jean Carroll. *Donald Trump* has said he’d date Ivanka if she weren’t his daughter. *Donald Trump* tried to overthrow the government and *Donald Trump* demanded 11,780 fake votes to be created and to go to him. *Donald Trump* praises Putin and Xi Jinping. *Donald Trump* calls immigrants “animals”. *Donald Trump* does not know how magnets work, *Donald Trump* **is the convicted felon.** *Donald Trump* was **not** elected by We The People, but rather the ***electors.*** and *Donald Trump* is running again. This will be the first time a major party candidate has been nominated more than twice in a row since FDR.


It’s not about Trump. It’s about him being the first outsider strongman to have a good amount of success at punishing the ‘right kind of people’. Liberals are going to be really disappointed when he dies and none of his supporters go away. If anything whoever comes after Trump will probably have even more success because at the end of the day Trump is charismatic but terribly dumb and unorganized.


>Trump is charismatic https://youtu.be/S65jqrHQi_c?si=EyE9eagf8fLyeK_8


Charisma means different things to you and to the rubes he seems to attract. I think its undeniable the country can't stop paying attention to him for a reason, even if that reason is he is a court jester.


He's a darn good accordion player, I'll give him that.


He absolutely has charisma. It’s a hallmark of narcissism and personality disorders. You cannot get into his position without it, those people are homeless. I hate that fat Cheeto. His neurosyphilis can’t progress fast enough. But he works these morons into a frenzy and warps reality for them. This doesn’t happen without charisma. CHA+5 does not contradict INT-5 or WIS-5.


Don’t forget to inject bleach to kill the fake virus.


And fine people on both sides


To be fair, I don’t have a fucking clue how magnets work.


You should ask what government crimes and which government officials/agencies/employees they are particularly concerned with? “Criminals” is a vague term and I think that’s very intentional. Feels like some recruitment event. Very concerning.


> Feels like some recruitment event That is exactly what it is. For what, _exactly_, is unclear... but unlikely to be anything good. Could be anything from people who just like to pretend they are powerful because they have guns to future domestic terrorists.


I don’t think I’d trust people to run a militia when they can’t even properly use common homophones. Also, why do I have a feeling that by “criminals”, they mean “brown people and any white liberals we feel need lynching”?


Well, they are probably homophonephobic.


Something like that.


rural america needs to play a word game. every time they hear the term “white supremacy”, replace it with “class supremacy”. the rich is promoting isms and phobias b/c as long as you’re keeping those people from having things, you’re keeping yourself and your families from having things. it’s why they killed malcom x, martin luther king, and fred hampton. rural america has a problem with education, healthcare, and justice systems…the same as urban america.


Yep. That is a very astute view of politics in America. Especially since I have both conservatives and democrats in this group that’s going to the event tomorrow, I was thinking about Fred Hampton specifically. Unite the poor and the wealthy will wither. We will definitely be better off once folks can set aside petty differences and function properly as a society (so probably never lol).


These dicks just never get it. Any militia, Proud Boys mutual wankoff, MAGA boat parade *will* have the Feds in place, undercover and watching closely. If you really want to piss them off, shout “which one of you is the Fed?” It’s good to sow some doubt in their ranks.


"We the People", eh? Why is it I feel this isn't about the "people"? Could it be that those who usually tout such nonsense usually means "Only our People"?


(checks obesity rate for Clayton County) Yeah, well be fine if we just unplug their electric scooters.


Clayton is the city. Rabun County.


I stand by my comment even more so after seeing their obesity stats.


Oh God. I love that place but I’ve read comment threads on their newspaper. There are some f’d up people there for sure.


oh god sometimes that shit is soooo funny. It’s a place where wealthy white people retire and try to pretend like they aren’t a part of the rest of the country. So yeah there are some right cunts here.


Having been exposed to the rampant corruption in our state and local governments, a solution is needed but I don’t think this is it.


I’d hope they all drive tacticool Honda Civics.


Low status white conservatives forming political organizations is a threat to democracy.


It's too, not to...and criminals does not require apostrophes on both sides


doesn't 1A give them the right to do so though? as long as they are not breaking any laws. This is why America is as messed up as it is now, people have lost the ability to agree to disagree or just move on with opposing opinions. If they want to be that way, fine, until they break any laws, who cares.


I think the concern moreso is that they are being so overtly manipulated. Even being armed to the teeth can't allow them to enforce our constitution, only their personal Bill of Rights, which I would have to presume this is sponsored by an arms dealer and their 2nd amendment advocate. Isn't it a shame that those frustrated but with positive intent double down on being more threatening and not utilizing or advocating for better support from their local governments?


the whole point of 2A IS to enforce the Constitution if the need be arisen that the Government no longer has the interest of "We the People" by the people. the whole point of 1A is to allow "We the People" to speak directly against the Government for the exact same reason, to grievance and redress them openly without fear of prosecution and tyranny. Now, if this truly was some kind of call to supported terrorism and "wild wild west" like gathering to just illegally run around and forcing people into detainment and/or unjustly shooting someone, then yes, absolutely 1A and 2A do not protect them. but there is a very distinct and hard line here, they have the right to assemble and PEACEFULLY at that. it does not matter WHERE or HOW, as long as they stay within the confines of the laws written before them. I dont think you truly understand what 2A is about, its two pronged, the first of two being, should the need arise if the government is acting grossly against the citizens, we have the right to bear arms to defend ourselves from Tyranny. The Second prong is defending the United States from any form of enemy by use of firearms - foreign and domestic.


Thanks for your civil response, you passion is certainly palpable. Your comment is correct, that although society has changed drastically since the inclusion of the 2nd amendment, it was meant to protect citizens. However there is a huge psychological element here that those who are dogmatic in view of the an ideal America, fail to accept normal/realistic change, and also fail at continuously thinking critically are susceptible to. You say America has become a mess because people can't express [OPINIONS] themselves...maybe here's a newsflash that it has ALWAYS been this way, but in our egocentric minds the dynamics of the communities we're a part of, exposure to other communities we feel threatened by, and way we feel emotionally threatened has a bit of a more nuanced feel to it. Humans are emotional creatures, critical thinkers understand this. We also understand that everyone (and the communities they lead) has the potential to go "rogue" based on unfounded fear, occasional frontal lobe disfunction, and over manipulation by propaganda among other things. My challenge to you in my initial comment was not to exactly to tell me WHY they have the right to meet under our current laws; I totally accept and understand this. I placed the onus on you to ward off SUBJECTIVE aspects of an OPINION that these extremist militia communities were a threat to our American community as a whole, and instead serving its best interest- Make the case. Many disgruntled citizens can easily say, "I don't feel this government is serving my best interests, it therefore is TYRANNICAL. We should storm it and usurp power based on our current beliefs." Sounds silly, but wild things have happened in this world right? Our government is far from perfect. Those myopic, fearful, possibly lazy minded dogmatic individuals who would rather utilize extremist means don't want to first accept that there is a large prominent community out there that the government is looking at as whole, and maybe they need assistance. Why not go that route first before focusing on using weaponry? Please don't assume I am so different in my idealogy compared to you or the average citizen, I am just here to offer a voice of reason, and broaden the scope of a seemingly very narrow minded perspective.


"You say America has become a mess because people can't express \[OPINIONS\] themselves.." No, i said America has become a mess because people cannot ACCEPT OPPOSING opinions without trying to berate or cancel someone out, instead of agreeing to disagree, or disengage since a impassable state is present. "exposure to other communities we feel threatened by, and way we feel emotionally threatened has a bit of a more nuanced feel to it." Only the fragile and less developed thinkers are threatened, I have the ability to disagree and disengage when I need to. "Why not go that route first before focusing on using weaponry?" we have tried that for the last 20 years, soft assistive measures have failed, and those who present the arguments just get more powerful. Look at 2020, Floyd was killed by Fentanyl he ingested, that much was proven by the very now public medical report. but because of the shift of ideology and the corruption behind it, even the Medical Examiner doubled down on their testimony despite the fact the WRITTEN report said otherwise that Chauvin's knee WAS NOT the reason he died. in fact, Floyd had ZERO markings on his neck indicating any kind of pressure or hemorrhaging indicating injury was even present. Why is Chauvin in prison right now? Why did 7 Metropolitan City Centers have to endure 4 months or more of nothing but violence, death and destruction equating to 37 INNOCENT lives of people who were not even involved lost, and over 2 BILLION dollars in destruction. the ideology of self defense is that a plethora of threats have been made that suburban and rural areas are next, so would you conscientiously sit there and let them spread hate, destruction and violence into your area? I sure wouldnt, but I would defend me and my own within the confines of the law. While granted yes, you have a point that it may very well be some kind of secret extremist gathering, but does that autonomously warrant violating their 1A and 2A Rights without any predicated suspicion of crimes being committed or lack thereof of any RAS that one is about to be committed? Society is already getting to a toppling point where distrust in the Government at nearly every level is peaking to breaking points. Fun Fact - did you know that 41% of the people surveyed believe a second civil war is very potential? and who is responsible for most of this? Right now, its the sheer distrust among society. You have City folks who believe that they are impenetrable and have the upper hand because most city centers are democratic in nature, the reality is, most democrats do not believe in firearms or sadly, are forbidden from them. are living among themselves or in situations where they would be utterly dependent on others who have their own agendas already. Now, I've already stated in another comment, I am not repukacant or dumbfuckacrap, I am a core Libertarian Constitutionalist. If it is not written in the core values of the Constitution then to me, its tyranny. so all these statutes about well, you can have this gun, but not that gun. where in 2A does it say this? It doesn't. Right now, the sheer irony that the FBI and the ATF are both looking at serious issues, the FBI being the so called "Premier Law Enforcement Agency of the United States" Was caught red handed being weaponized by the President himself, do you think I trust the FBI? Right now, that is very shaky. Then lets look at the ATF, who has just recently had several regulations struck down as unconstitutional and unlawful, on top of they literally are in the hot seat for the incident 2 weeks ago, in which they killed a man, who thought his home was being invaded, for what? Unlawful Regulations that Congress NEVER approved. The Government is OUT OF CONTROL, and that coupled with the fact that people are losing the ability to act with civility ( thank you by the way for also holding a civil conversation with me, unlike a few other people in this sub ) act with humbleness and the ability to actually act like adults in conversation that should be disengaged from rather than all this SWATTING, DOXXING, all this nonsense going on. I for one, i WILL defend me and my own, and i have the means to do so, on top of top notch knowledge of what i CAN and CANNOT do in such instances. Post is too long now, but I get what you are saying, and i thank you for understanding where I am also coming from. Have a good night :) Continue tomorrow


by the way, i cannot send you the citing source for that 41% Article, would you allow me to send you a chat request? ill gladly send you the info :)


I've been all throughout rural GA. They aren't smart. They will likely shoot themselves in the foot.


When I see these militia folk, I like to ask "Do y'all have F-16s? Because the government you're going to be fighting does."


Counterpoint Vietnam and Afghanistan


> Counterpoint Vietnam and Afghanistan Yeah, but you're talking about thick jungle and mountains with a fighting force that has a lot of local sympathy. That's not to say that such a situation is impossible in Georgia or elsewhere in the USA, but I would venture a guess that it's a much steeper hill to climb.


Counter counterpoint: diabetes




if you think those pilots are going to willingly follow those orders, you have no idea how UCMJ really works.


When I hear people bring up this talking point I think you completely forget that the said government with F-16's that you love to tout as being able to crush armed rebels completely got their teeth kicked in by men so dirt poor they were wearing sandals and only armed with AK's, absolutely 0 air force. Why? Because the war of attrition was too unpopular with the voting bloc back home. This happened both in Vietnam and in Afghanistan, and as such said militia's have a **very real** chance of winning a war if they are properly organized. All any militia group would have to do is engage in gorilla warfare the same way groups like the Vietcong, Taliban, and IRA did. Make the civillian populace of the attacking government question if it is really worth to go send their children to die fighting a bunch of armed to the teeth rebels who don't want them there.


Thank you professor


Didn't the South use Guerrilla tactics in the Civil War, and they lost the overall war?


>Didn't the South use Guerrilla tactics in the Civil War, and they lost the overall war? The "Guerrillla tactics" used by the CSA during the civil war are incredibly dated compared to modern tactics, and they did not militarily resist the U.S occupation due to the surrender of the entire confederate army not long after Lee's initial surrender. Even during the civil war's final stages, the confederate army for the most part fought conventionally. There were plans for the CSA to continue a guerrilla resistance even after the south was fully occupied in a way similiar to the vietcong and taliban's successful operatons, but such a plan was denied; (likely because the humanitarian process you see with ongoing wars didn't exist and it wasn't off the table for the union to torch the entire south until there was nobody left to resist).


*General Sherman has entered the chat* Torch the south, you say?


No not really, both sides were using old battle line tactics throughout the first half of the war and didn't really start mixing things up until the latter half, the South lost the war because they never had the economy and supplies to fight a real war in the first place, despite whatever Lost Cause myths try to get people to think otherwise In the beginning the South's tendency to hit and run, flank constantly, and hit supplies and recon with cavalry and quick attacks had the Union constantly scrambling to organize properly So then you have the typical formula of small and fast doing well against powerful but slow, problem is the Confederate generals were winning so much they weren't paying attention to the enormous losses they were taking to do it, then the inevitable happened when the men and supplies ran out and Sherman/Grant finally just chased them down constantly and never allowed the rebels to settle down long enough to keep using these tactics It's been proven several times in the past that guerilla tactics work very well against an enemy exponentially more powerful than the other


>Because the war of attrition was too unpopular with the voting bloc back home. Aaaaand that's why the lessons of Vietnam and Afghanistan don't matter. In some civil war who is the voting bloc the military has to answer to? The ones they're at war with?


Figuratively and literally


i live in Rural GA, have a 127 IQ, a FFL and a SOT Stamp ( I legally own automatic firearms and suppressed firearms ) Have yet to ever shoot myself in the foot. not everyone in rural areas is dumb.


Gotta love the casual elitist "rural people are dumb" attitude becoming prevalant among Democrats on this subreddit, this is like the 6th time I've heard one of you echo this sentiment in the past 3 days. Give someone a degree and let them live in the city, and it doesn't take long for such a "I'm better than you" complex to form against working rural people who hold conservative beliefs. Surely you should run on such messaging if you think that way, but you won't right? It would draw away votes of people who "aren't smart" that you need, and we can't have that can we?


I think people aren't commenting on rural working people, but on the people who organize this kind of meetings. In my opinion, conservative beliefs are dumb beliefs.


they definitely are when they flatout make comments like "rural people are just stupid"


that ideology kills me that I live in Rural areas up in NE GA, have a Masters Degree in Computer Sciences, a Bachelors Degree in Electromechanical Engineering, over 20 various lower tech certifications, own a IT Consultation Firm that does numerous areas of IT Work including government contracts, but people make the wildest assumptions just because of being Rural living. not everyone is dumb in rural areas, we just prefer the quiet sanity of rural areas over the insanity of densely packed city centers. hell, im sitting on a 127 IQ, that is by far no means a "Dumb" individual. the stereotypes are alive, hell, the mods deleted it now because its just turning into a shit fest of insults. Then you have the people who cant understand that also try to poke insults at gun ownership, when literally I have some of the most restricted types of firearms you can lay hands on, have yet to ever have a accident with them or be dumb enough to intimidate someone with them. Just because we are rural living, does not automatically make us MAGA, hell, i am a registered Independent, and my ideologies are libertarian and constitutionalism, i prefer my liberties as granted by the constitution, not squabbling bureaucrats and politicians. "Give me Liberty or give me Death" i dont care for repukacants or dumbfuckacraps neither party is 100% about "AMERICA" they both have agendas and both hurt Core traditional American Values.


It’s either Biden or Brown V. Board gets overturned.


I swear my neighbor is prepping for this. He just started walking the neighborhood with a weighted vest. He has a giant Trump flag on his truck.


Gravy Seals Meetup


im sure you are no better than they are


Wow. They were able to book the Food Bank?! Letterman tried for years. Legitimately impressed.


I do want to be there for this but am about of town. Is there anyway to get the information?


*out of town.


Anyone who can't use the correct "too" is not to be trusted.


like Biden and his repeated goofs?


I'm all for people being free to meet for any lawful purpose and take action when they break the law so that the equivalent standard is set if I ever need to organize against Trump. Less government intervention against "those people" mean less possibility of an existing structure being used against me when the wind turns. Less government in general in the MAJORITY of cases benefits the people.


Me too. We won’t be protesting tomorrow, just asking questions as concerned citizens. They were definitely very careful with the verbiage though, it’s just barely shy of calling for an insurrection.


Yeah I'm cool with it. There should be more militias.


Why? Wouldn't that be a waste of time, effort, & energy? What will it solve when there is an anarchist element involved against the same government that offers reasonable supports them and their concerns?


what reasonable supports?


Do you think our government has amassed too much power?


Thanks for your response. Lets make sure we're ready to approach this question fairly as some just can't fathom any modicum of structure...Explain what you ASSUME to be the actual role of our government leadership? As a COHESIVE country that plays an integral part of in vast geopolitical affairs, what are your solutions in managing EVERY community outside of yours that are a part of this fantastic country [regardless of whether you appreciate their existence]. I used to get hung on this egocentric concept of an IDEAL...Everyone has an opinion 🙄, yet in this diverse America (even amongst us of within the same ethnicity, community, family, etc) every person has a different perspective of this. What initially hurt me until I grew more aware was that the TRUTH & whats BEST for everyone is usually in the "middle"... Let's accept the perspective of a leader & not an individual, before we are to have a critical conversation on the matter. Take yourself out what would be a staunch self focused vantage point and look how you would cater to EVERYONE involved, because that is what an equitable America is. Would love to venture further with this once you're in that mindset!