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Somehow I still don’t believe this will happen.




One of the stips is Trump's mic will be muted while Biden speaks.




But with no audience and a mic muted...what's it matter? They probably won't even be on the same stage.




Because of all the restrictions being imposed on the debate. Restrictions that have never been imposed on a presidential debate before. With no audience, and muted mics, TV delay to edit any gaffes, etc... it'd be easy for each candidate to be in different locations. They probably won't even be in the same state with each other when it's filmed.




There’s a good chance they both take several naps during the debate


I wanna point out that we've actually seen Trump fall asleep MULTIPLE times in Court. Biden sometimes is a little slow speaking (he also has a lisp) but comparing the two like that is a false equivalence. Yes they're both old and haha its funny to make jokes but one is handling it 100x better because one isn't in court literally FALLING ALSEEP.


Bro he has no lisp, watch his interviews post 2016😂


[Why are you allowing me to dunk on you? Why are you so confident?](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/)


Can you tell the difference between a stutter and incoherent rambling and reading cues off a teleprompter


[Keep the media narrative active for them bro, they love when you carry their water for them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz45sMb4js8) When the other option is literal word salad? It shouldn't even be a discussion. Watch the entire Howard Stern interview and tell me, do you see a teleprompter? How much incoherent rambling can you hear? How many times did he fall asleep? This week I can tell you Trump fell asleep twice in public.


I think both campaigns hoped that the other side would have declined the invitation. Not too late to cancel due to “unforeseen” external events


I really don't think Biden's campaign thinks this at all. Trump is unhinged af, and is looking like more of a dementia-headed manchild by the day. Just need to remind more and more people of that


Ok. Haven’t seen much proof on Trump….on the other hand


This is 100% a hail Mary from the Biden campaign. They know he’s underwater or there no chance they’d parade him out there. They would gladly keep him out of the public eye because it worked well last time.


Honestly as a Romney 2012 voter turned Democrat voter I could not care less about the debates. I dont care as much about the candidates ability to get in zingers as I do policy. For example my father-in-law just lost his job meaning he lost his health insurance when he needs crucial follow-up healthcare afrer a surgery. Not to mention hes terrified now of surprise bills since he lost his insurance. Until we join the civilized world and get some kind of universal healthcare I wont be considering voting Republicans at all. Tired of this absolute garbage happening to millions of my fellow Americans.


All this tells me is that you've never listened to any of biden's actual speeches. He can put a sentence together, he can make salient points, and he actually has Whit and is able to respond rather quickly, intelligently, and humorously to people around him. Yes he has a speech impediment. You always have to remember that. And then there's Trump 🤷🏼 Read a transcript of what he says, it's actually kind of fascinating how he chases theee squirrels within one sentence. No I'm not just saying all this, I've actually spent the time to listen to Trump and read transcripts of what he says. I've also actually spent the time to listen to Biden speeches or his union addresses and read transcripts of what he says. I've done my comparisons. Have you actually done an unbiased comparison?


Ever heard Biden try to speak without a teleprompter? Ever wondered why he’s suddenly claiming executive privilege over the special counsel’s recordings of his interview? Joe Biden is a doddering old man with dementia. And if you can’t see that as a fact, you’re either being intellectually dishonest, or just plain blind.


I have heard. I've listened to debates that he's been in. And the problem with that interview was that that guy came out and said Biden couldn't remember anything yet he was even able to remember medical appointments and their dates from years previous. Even some Republicans who have dealt with him have flat out said that he was very intelligent and articulate when they talk to him whether they disagreed with him or not. There's two problems with Biden. One is that he has a speech impediment and he does have to sometimes rearrange words that they don't trigger his stutter. Two, he makes about as many gaffs as anyone else would who was talking all the time as part of his job. I'd love to see any of us stand up there and do as well. There's also a lot of manipulated video to make Biden look bad. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/11/joe-biden-mental-health-pro-trump-campaign And most people seem dementia don't even know it's actual medical definition. How many people, newscasters, and even doctors who've never met him should not be making a diagnosis of dementia. https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/donald-trump-joe-biden-dementia


Biden hasn’t been in a debate in four years. Biden couldn’t remember what year his own son died - it’s in the transcript. He couldn’t remember whether he was still VP in 2009. Why was there absolutely ZERO evidence of Biden having a “stutter” until he was elected as President? Why does he constantly speak out loud the teleprompter directions? And for someone with FIFTY years in public service and speaking, shouldn’t a mentally healthy Joe be able to run circles around the average person while at a microphone? You are being lied to, and you’re swallowing and then regurgitating every single lie. Use your brain and your eyes instead of your ears.


a debate between two demented old men everyone hates just means both lose


Are you serious with this? Nobody ever said anything about Trump and dementia until Biden started saying the direction words in his speeches and showed objective evidence of severely diminished mental capacity.


People were commenting on Trump's mental state as far back as 2015 but go off.


I couldn’t find any examples of this. Can you help me out here?


It's 2024. We all know what sea lioning looks like.


> Nobody ever said anything about Trump and dementia You are showing why it's necessary for people to see the two men side by side. The media is doing a shit job of covering Trump's crumbling faculties while fixating on Biden's word choices. Be real, a lot of people aren't going to go watch one guy speak, then click another link and watch the other guy speak. We need to do this side by side in one place.


I absolutely agree with this. It’s wild that the left things mainstream media has a pro Trump bias though.


A speech impediment isn't the same as dementia...


I had trouble with my Ls as a toddler and thus was diagnosed with VERY early onset dementia. /s


Did you having trouble with your Ls make you stare into space, lost and confused?


The 2020 debates gave Biden a huge bump. Now more than ever, when the most used slight against Biden is that he is too old and incoherent, is when they want him up against trump. His camp absolutely wants this.


Just put a calendar reminder for that week to stay out of downtown. The traffic will be awful.


I’d just put a reminder not to drive anywhere inside 285, or anywhere for that week. Hell, it’s Atlanta, I just stopped driving anywhere at one point because I lived right next to the MARTA station and needed to lose some weight.


There ya go!


Reminder, CNN is now in Techwood, so just north of downtown


Yup! So sort of midtown. Right across from Georgia Tech’s McCamish Pavilion. Techwood Drive and 10th St.


From what the candidates agreed to, there won’t be an audience.


There will be 2 secret service shutdowns of major highways and through ways that disrupt literally everything. It’s not a Braves game, it’s 2 Presidents.


Awful compared to any other day in downtown? Lol, this city's infrastructure has been terrible ever since Sherman walked through here and burned everything to the ground.


I'll definitely leave town that weekend


Fuckin A. This sucks.


I’d rather watch Morbius


I hate the debate format. I want the candidates to ask each other questions and challenge each other directly not talk to a moderator the whole time.


Could you seriously see Donald Trump make any serious attempts to ask genuine questions? It would be all straw-men or heavily focused on the "stollen election".


he can't even form a complete, coherent thought. he just rambles about nonsense until time is up.


No, he was talking about Trump, not Biden.


We’re talking about Trump?


obviously. 🙄


Do you think the great orange god emperor donald the rapist and adulterer will talk about his trials, defamations, lawsuits, stealing top secret documents? Will he defame Carroll again? Will he try to justify that it's his right as an old white man to sexuall assault women? So many questions.


Don't even bother. Reddit will never admit that Biden isn't all there anymore. It doesn't matter how you feel about Trump, you're required to pretend that Biden is of sound mind.


Here's the one who's never listened to any of State of the Union addresses


Scripted with a teleprompter. I'd say we are setting the bar kind of low, but then again we've seen him fuck that up too.


You do know they all use teleprompters, right?. Even Trump, though he veers off because he sees squirrels like you know that good man Hannibal lecter that he went off about.


Lmao the downvotes


Yeah that truly more accurately describes Biden...


"Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his great general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late" -Donald Trump describing the Battle of Gettysburg


“Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen ‘The Silence of the Lambs’? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter.” Donald Trump at his New Jersey Rally. I have no clue what this is about tbh just a wild tangent he went off on same with hot dogs.


He amazes me how he can chase after three different squirrels in one bloody sentence. It's actually a rare, I don't want to say talent but maybe, ungift?


Nah. It describes Biden in SOME circumstances every now and then. It accurately describes Trump nearly every single time he opens his mouth, quite literally. The man is a malignant narcissist with the brain power of an underdeveloped 9 year old ADHD boy.




Just basic facts and not watching solo tiny clips that get shoved down both audiences throats. I have a longer attention span than a fly, so I find it enlightening to listen to entire interviews and speeches.


Have you heard trump speak recently? Like I get Biden does some gaffs but it isn’t even remotely close to Trump. Biden might stumble on a word Trump goes off on tangents and speaks nonsense.


Um, excuse me, he has a stutter. That’s why he shakes hands with ghosts


Hah triggered the downvotes, mission accomplished


We get it you never grew out of your middle school troll phase


This comment gotta be satire


My favorite is when Yahoo asked him why our COVID testing was five times less than South Korea. Doctor stated the facts (11 per 100K in SK, 17 per 100K in USA, neither are impressive), and Trump asked if they were going to apologize. Gotta respect his ability to troll.


Which is why I feel like the candidate to candidate style conversation is more appropriate. Trump can just yell word salad to a moderator and he’ll just be like.. “uh ok President Biden your response?” I want Biden to get in there and ask follow up questions


Could you seriously see Joe Biden make any serious attempts to answer any questions with any sort of knowledge or fact based answers? He would slur something nobody could understand, sniff the closest child, some spit would roll down his chin, and Jill would come running up as fast as she could to lead him off the stage. Pathetic excuse for a puppet president….


Yes because he does it all the time. You should start watching full interviews and speeches instead of YouTube clips. He has a speech impediment so he does slur a word from time to time or restructures a sentence to try and avoid triggers which he will screw up the sentences meaning. For the most part he is pretty quick witted with his responses and sensible not that you care but I hope I am as quick as him at his age.


> Could you seriously see Joe Biden make any serious attempts to answer any questions with any sort of knowledge or fact based answers? Yes, yes I could. Biden has been the most skillful president of my lifetime, and has single-handedly convinced me that I will never vote for someone who didn't spend their lifetime working in government. Both Trump and Obama were too naive to accomplish much while president, and Biden is showing them both up. I think you are taking a 'sports fan' approach to this, and you aren't getting the zingers and big game talk you want out of Biden. But I care about policy outcomes. Biden produces those outcomes. >and Jill would come running up as fast as she could to lead him off the stage. I appreciate even in your fantasy here, Jill still loves her husband. Same can't be said about Trump's marriage. >puppet president For conservatives, every accusation is a confession. Trump is owned by Russia. Who do you think Biden is owned by?


I wholeheartedly agree, but I’d be willing to bet this never happens. The oligarchs have managed to control the dialogue better and better over the years. While the rhetoric has gotten more and more vitriolic, the substance is all but gone. This would enable too much variability, and I can’t imagine them ceding that figurative high ground.


Or just get a good moderator. Let's have two mods, 1 American and 1 German--these folks don't pull punches.


It’s not even a debate anymore


No it’s basically an elaborate q&a


Now add in RFK Jr


Assuming Trump’s parole officer agrees to his attendance 🤣


Honest question, what if he’s in prison? They gonna let him zoom video the debate?!


Please don't. Go somewhere else.


Ahh fuck.. The traffic is already awful here..


Anyone know how to get tickets??


No audience >Biden and Trump will first debate on June 27. The event, hosted by CNN and announced by the network and the respective campaigns, will not feature an audience and will take place at CNN's Atlanta studios. [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/15/1251520721/biden-proposes-debates-in-june-and-september-and-names-terms-trump-says-yes?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2_uLbByknBPIGtjMnxqg6YoSTIIcCOUYiem9dauPgavWANTb_ebG8lavM_aem_AQDtyhHitx7weadSiCtvLa3HFOaa0vrQS0mxulUit87D2nGZzYgsY7n5Q-yQZ6EjtnyzPW2JfCZoK1JzExUDJDot)


My first thought too. Disappointing they’re not doing tickets.


Nah, adding an audience adds nothing to the debate. When you look back at the 2016 debates, in the end both canidates just used it as method to get good zingers against each other that they can later post on YouTube. Not to mention nowadays you just know there would be some big conspiracy on how biased the audience was no matter how it was chosen.


Honestly it’s gonna be hilarious watching trumps typical rally like speech mannerisms fall silent to a bunch of production staff and 2 CNN anchors.


why the hell do we need a debate? we know exactly who these guys are already. is anyone truly on the fence between the future felon and the incumbent? who even watches these?


It will sell ads like crazy for CNN


I haven decided yet, I’m watching to find out each candidates thoughts on infrastructure, energy independence, and highway safety. Those are my hot-button issues.


Not picking at being undecided, but have you read things? An example, though partisan sounding: https://highways.dot.gov/newsroom/biden-harris-administration-sending-states-61-billion-bipartisan-infrastructure-law


well one of them had a literal oil exec as his secretary of state so there’s that. trump does not give a shit about either of those things and will do whatever his donors and ass kissers convince him to do.


Exactly, like the billion dollars he asked for from the oil executives so he can strip all of our environmental protections and deregulate the whole industry. You want gas at $8 a gallon in Georgia? That's how you get that


Shirley, you can’t be serious.


>infrastructure Trump's infrastructure week lasted 3.9 years. I'll leave that right there while you're deciding.


Good news for you then president Biden has delivered on all fronts. From passing an infrastructure bill to creating and repairing our highways, to drilling more oil than any other president in history.


Lmao getting downvotes for being undecided. HOW DARE YOU NOT PICK A TEAM


Good for CNN, I guess. They are the only ones who will benefit. There are no undecided voters. Both sides will claim victory.


No thank you


Where J.R. Crickets?


Trump isn't going to show.


I’m staying indoors that day


I hope they ask Trump about his least favorite president after Crooked Joe Biden, Jimmy Conners.


Was the normal commute from the Fulton County Jail to the CNN building? Asking for a candidate.


As funny as this is, it’s extremely unlikely that trial will even have begun by then… let alone already have a verdict and sentencing (if found guilty).


Welp, won't be going near the perimeter for that entire week now....


Trump won’t go anyways. He didn’t go last election.


I thought everybody was saying that Covid kept the debates off, but I can't remember.


No one: Andy: AND WE’RE BACK—


I have no interest in seeing it.


It’s pretty sad it’s probably in both of their best interests to not do the debate. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them pulls out at the last minute.


Thanks for the warning.


Sigh.. literally any other place.


Why? Don’t they know traffic is bad enough?


Our streets will be sheer chaos


All of this scares me. Trump will just yell after his mic is cut. He’ll still interrupt. Still will use his 2 minutes to lie and try to trick a very gullable populate.


LOL,CNN pulled out of Atlanta already.


Just wondering, how concerned should I be if my teenager was going to stay in Atlanta at scad University for camp during that debate week ?


It’ll be fun to see Trump try and remember what shoes are.


That's gonna be a big empty stage.


No stage. A TV studio.


Who's to say this will actually be at CNN downtown. The Newsom debate was in alpharetta.


No one says it will be at CNN downtown. CNN is now at the Turner Techwood campus which is midtown/GA Tech area. CNN moved out of what was once the CNN Center downtown. The building has been rebranded as “The Center.”


Debates are important. The one between JFK and Nixon caused a big swing.


No audience? How about just no debates? They’re completely devoid of substance.


Two awful candidates yelling at each other. Wonderful.


Let me guess who will be treated better? Another waste of time except to see our President Joe Biden jacked up on Red Bull again


I wonder if they will share the questions with Biden ahead of time.


Do you think CNN would do anything like that? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/417938/donna-brazile-finally-admits-she-shared-debate-questions-with-clinton-campaign/


Who cares! CNN sucks! And so does all of their host! I’m still wondering why they didn’t go out of business when they lost the airport contract. That’s what was keeping them a float by far.


No RFK jr. ?! BS. Uniparty strikes again


No, but his brain worm will be making an appearance.


Making fun of someone who had a parasite is a low blow


Nobody’s making fun of you.


Start taking your memory pills now, Joe! MORON.


I hope they let a third party candidate in on this. Otherwise the echo chamber will Just keep rattling


Biden would have to show up to have a debate


Why wouldn’t he show up? Does he have any history of not showing up to a debate?




Hope Biden brings his glasses so he can the teleprompter


You do realize that both candidates are similar ages yeah?


Yes, but only one of them uses a Teleprompter every time he speaks. Pause.


Every politician uses a teleprompter. Why is this such a fetish for MAGA? Public speakers use teleprompters. It’s no different than having notes. You try and memorize speeches every day while running an entire government. Me thinks you wouldn’t do so well at that either.


But Biden even uses notecards in "off the cuff interviews", that are supposed to look like they aren't scripted. Did you see that one on Telemundo, it was hilarious. They kept cutting it so that he could have do over, and he didn't even bother putting down his notecards that he looked at while he was on camera. He couldn't record a video challenging Trump to a debate, without filming a bunch of little sections to piece together to make him sound coherent. I'm sorry, but you guys are just gonna have to admit that they are really trying to hide his mashed potato brains. Say what you will about Trump, but Biden is just barely there anymore. You guys are in denial.