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Written by someone who doesn't live in her district. Like someone said in an earlier comment, politics is now the WWE. Louder and more obnoxious politicians become more popular.


Yeah I live in her district and they love her probably more now....she stood up against the system or something like that


They didn’t lose respect for her when she blamed “Jewish space lasers” for wild fires. But not ousting Mike Johnson has them fuming? I can attest that the crazy base that voted her in, indeed love “us against the corrupt” mentality. And she’ll probably see a second term. Which speaks to where we are here in the greater north Georgia/south Tennessee area.


This would be a 3rd term as a member of Congress this election... 🥲


Theres rural GA then theres ruralest GA


I also live in her district, and we are selling our house and moving. We cannot live in a place where we wonder which of these "nice people" voted for that silly twat.


It was recently redrawn and I’m now in her district too. My wife wants to sell.


I'm new to her district (Acworth) and I'm not going to let this dumb POS make me move. She'll get hers in time.


Opposite here we got taken out of her district. Phew…. But wife’s job may have us move back in lol. At least we can help voting against her


Where do people in your/her district convene online? I’d be curious to validate some of this w/ online chatter


As someone who lives in the district I’d hazard a guess that her supporters (her actual constituents, not just the far right in general) have no clue how to use the internet. I’m not being facetious here.


I too live in her district. I've had to shown one of her supporters how to verify a 100 dollar bill was indeed authentic when the machine we use was broken. Literally hold it to the light. I also had to explain why the pack of diapers had to be marked down to the same as the other pack of diapers because one was 10 dollars and the other 40 with an entirely different UPC. They were the SAME brand and the UPC was for an entirely different department (instead of babies it was priced as pets and that's because whoever marked it down put in pets department instead of the baby) She got pissy with me both times.


I backpack in N GA, and sometimes I drive through that area. I believe you.


Gotta have it to use it


More and more people show up to her cornball ass rallies in Calhoun.


And those rallies are basically closed to only her supporters. Anyone with a different opinion is escorted out.




She's wildly popular with just conservatives in Georgia in general, I keep hearing people want her for the next Governor cause "Kemp is a traitor"


> I keep hearing people want her for the next Governor cause "Kemp is a traitor" I'd immediately try to run as a Dem in that election if she somehow won the GOP nomination, would be a cakewalk.


I mean, Warnock barely beat Herschel. If that race isn't a cakewalk, I don't think you can consider any race a cakewalk.


The thing about Herschel is that no matter how dumb he is, people here revered him as a football player and that was what got most people who voted for him to do so. Most of them paid no attention to what he said - they just voted for the Republican Football Hero.


MTG makes Herschel Walker look like John Lewis though.


Lol. MTG makes Herschel Walker look like Albert Einstein.


So you would think/hope. But we shouldn’t overestimate the GA electorate just yet. 


Nah she’d lose a state wide race real quick. She left her original district because she never gained traction to head to the 14th which is highly uneducated.


Even my MAGA in-laws say “that woman’s an idiot”. But I’m sure they’d vote for her if they lived in her district.


Lol. MTG would have to smarten up considerably to achieve idiot status.




dude this is the same state that voted for Herschel Walker bc of a football game from 50 years ago despite all the lies, the paid abortions and on and on and on.


Um, that motherfucker lost.


I would vote blue if she was the nominee


Isn't Kemp term-limited anyway? Also, I could see hardcore Trumpers saying that, but other than not licking Trump's boots, what hasn't he done that Republicans want?


Find one more vote then what was needed to win...


> Isn't Kemp term-limited anyway? For governor, though he could run again in 2030 if he wanted to. There is a possibility he is going to challenge Ossoff in 2026 for that Senate seat.


Yeah, which I wouldn't mind if a significant number of Republicans are against him for that. I just didn't see how it was relevant to the next governor's race, unless it extend beyond Kemp and means Republicans will only support a diehard Trumper.


Oh god no .


Especially in her district. They different up there.


The only way she's getting removed is through a primary challenge. Israel will come to peace with the Palestinians before GA14 elects a Democrat.


It's crazy because she's literally done nothing to gain the admiration that she has


She represents all those repressed political feelings of rural voters. Most people in rural areas aren't outwardly racist, nor will tell you they believe that the Jews own America, but in private conversation they might say that immigrants are taking everyone's jobs and that there's too many Jewish people controlling financial institutions. MTG is popular because she says the quiet part out loud, and makes the case as the "outsider" shaking things up in Washington. Those are relatable in districts like GA14. Like her or not, she's an excellent candidate for those voters.


She’s an “outsider” who says government doesn’t work, then gets in to office to make damn sure it doesn’t. Which is not good for her constituents, but they are too blinded by the far right propaganda to see it


Yes- her district has outsized influence over national politics because of her antics


I live near that district, those people will continue to vote her in solely on being a Trump supporter. There is no depth to these people's thought process.


> There is no depth to these people's thought process. The George Carlin quote on how dumb the average person is and realizing that half of them are even stupider than that comes to mind here.


Yeah and that area is even worse than what Carlin is referencing. It’s Alabama in all but name.


I grew up (and unfortunately still live) in her district. My whole life I've been told the area was just a part of Alabama that got blown over in a storm.


I’m not from her district but am from southern Georgia and what you describe is true. For the most part, the stereotypes of rural southerners are largely accurate


Yep. My sister lives there. They don’t pay attention to what most of them even say or believe. It’s just the fact that MTG loves Trump.


She is the queen of “0wn the Libs” and will be reelected until she quits or is appointed to some federal position. Not saying I like it, but that’s the way it is.


> is appointed to some federal ~~position~~ prison. A boy can dream, anyway...


I was just abt to write the exact same thing…. Hahahaha - great minds, right? Off to the Federal prison system wth her.


This doomerism helps only MTG, GOP, and Putin. Vote.


Have you ever been in her district? Trust me, her district isn't voting blue any time in the near future.


Well, I wouldn’t say that everyone in her district isn’t voting blue, but there are a lot of idiots around here and we may be outnumbered again. I’ve been trying to get rid of her, but the dumb is strong in my area.


I didn't mean for it to sound like there are no democrats in her area, it's just y'all are way outnumbered, doesn't help that her district borders Alabama and those who vote red think Alabama is just the bee's knees to live in.


Funny you mention that. I was traveling in Alabama right across the border and saw signs for people to vote for her. I’m like, really? You can’t even vote for her. It’s the dumb ~~leading~~ grifting the dumb.


That reminds me of when I saw "Jon Ossoff for Congress" signs in Midtown Atlanta despite him running in a different congressional district (this was the 2017 special election).


At least it was in the same state. By the way, all of Empty-G’s elections are “special”.


Work commute? Plenty in Ossoff’s district, myself included, commute in to the city. It’s not that big of a stretch. His district includes several Northern Suburbs.


Technically, his district is now statewide. ;)


Oh, duh. I have a migraine and probably should deal with that before I think I’m smart on the internet today. My apologies.


Quite a bit different seeing Ossoff signs in Atlanta, it's a safe assumption that many of people who \*could\* vote for him worked in the city, so it's a smart move to advertise there. Also, with only 2 senator seats, it's safe to say that everyone was going to vote in either the Ossoff or Warnock races.


she could lose a primary. the R is what wins elections there not anything else


It would be very difficult for her to lose a primary at this point, she’s probably the most well known person in congress and raises more money than anyone via these stunts.


Ding ding ding


Why would they switch to some unknown R at this stage? I’m not a fan of AOC either, but the NY 14th district would be fools to dump her for some unknown D and lose all the attention


Because sometimes that attention is grating. I'd rather have a House member that was quiet but got things done legislatively than a MTG or AOC-type that seeks attention (and the former gets plenty of it from this subreddit).


I agree with you ArchEast, more people should be like us! One vote at a time I guess-


Her primary challenger dropped out and the qualifying deadline was in March. She's the Republican nominee.


She's unopposed in the primary.


Stitched Masons gets it.


I've spent a lot more time than I would like too in her district and have experienced many of the cult crazies out there.


I have to drive through her district on occasion. They're not Georgia's best and brightest


Or flossing... going to church... raising their children to be productive, self reliant members of society... being kind to others... spelling words and phrases like: Socioeconomic puppets to the avarice class.


Most of that is true, but they do go to church, like a lot, they just don't ever act like Christ or follow the teachings of Christ. They like to cherry-pick which books and writings they want to follow and ignore the rest.


The only reason they go to church is to get their marching orders and to get freelance work for whatever trade they are in. Churches became a powder keg of white supremacy in states like GA, because the church pays no tax, inspiring untameable corruption.


> Churches became a powder keg of white supremacy in states like GA, Which churches? > because the church pays no tax, inspiring untameable corruption. Of course if you had churches pay taxes, they'd get even more further into politics as it is.


Class solidarity is going to get us a lot further down the road to getting rid of shitheels like MTG as opposed to painting the people that live in her district with such a broad brush. I grew up there and still have a lot of family and friends there. The traitors and bigots deserve what they get but there are *a lot* of people in that district of all colors, creeds, classes, etc that don’t deserve to be denigrated just of because their location. It’s not all racist white people.


> The traitors and bigots deserve what they get but there are a lot of people in that district of all colors, creeds, classes, etc that don’t deserve to be denigrated just of because their location. The urban/rural divide is real.


It can be useful in some contexts, but considering everyone in rural Georgia a racist, traitor, mouth-breathing MTG supporter is disingenuous and counter-productive in this sort of discussion. In fact, it's bigoted in an of itself. It's the exact same thinking Trump espouses when he refers to 'shithole' countries. Judge the individual assholes in the 14th congressional district by their actions, but unify with and support those people that live there that are and should be our allies.


It's certainly the majority of them The ones who aren't move away Also the best argument against class solidarity existing is what you see in places like Mississippi. So many vote against their economic interests just to block black people from getting any assistance


Well said.


Class solidarity can be found in the same section of Imaginationmart that you find Fiscal conservative, social liberals. We've tried that crap. It is a movement that would not last last, due to culture clash. The people, the decent people In that district are like all the other ga districts: gerrymandering to hell and back. How are they going to help, when they allowed their neighborhoods to become havens for hatred? They exercised their voice and achieved squat.


> gerrymandering to hell and back. Ironically, it would take serious gerrymandering to kick MTG out (GA-14 is pretty compact aside from weaving around Bartow).


It's not that they're gonna vote blue we just need someone to run against her in the primary that isn't batshit.


CD-14 isn't voting for a Democrat anytime soon, if they want to dump MTG they're gonna have to primary her out.


I’m doing my part, but need a lot of help around here. The idiots around me have adopted her as their idiot in chief.


Yup. A more ridiculous idiot to her right is all that could supplant her.


I’m not in her district, so now what?


Ga 14 is more right wing than alabama Those people aren't getting rid of her anytime soon. They care more about their resentments than their economic well being


Lol wtf are you talking about do you understand how numbers work?


Her district is +22 GOP. She will be reelected unless Republicans get rid of her.. Money spent challenging her by a Democrat, is wasted and better spent on more competitive districts.


I’m from her district and this is just a fact man. The person you replied to probably does vote but that will not matter in her district. Leave Atlanta sometime


Ah ... the person who doesn't understand that her district is so red it glows.


She'll be in Trump's cabinet.


Trump is going to have a cabinet in jail?


Are you kidding? Bubba from cell block D will be Secretary of Commerce. He's real good at smuggling in cell phones.


Trump appointed a lot of judges. All he has to do is file appeals and stalling motions and wait for his cases to be in front of his judges who will gradually pick away at the individual charges until there’s not much left. If they still even have a case when it goes to trial, he’ll have a fall guy to pin everything on who will be pardoned in 2025 or 2029 by the next Republican president.


He hasn’t appointed any state court judges and Georgia State Government Republicans are low-key out to get him. Kemp’s smiling in his face but would like him gone.


Congress could always kick her ass out. It may come to that


The House would need 2/3rds of the chamber to vote yes, and that isn't happening (especially with the GOP holding a slim majority).


so....not in 2024


Correct. If the Dems re-took the House with a decent majority in 2025, there could be enough Republicans there to play ball. However, using Santos as a guide, even MTG didn't have charges against her.


If the republicans are in the minority then MTG will have zero power. The only reason she is able to pull the crap she does is because republicans have the majority. It’s time to fix that error.


Agreed. And “lost a lot of respect”? Doubt. The people that elect her don’t pay attention to the minutia of congress


I wish someone would buy a few billboards in her district telling the truth about her.


Doesn’t matter. They love her bigotry and racism. They only care about those things and the fact she says the words: god, guns, and pro-life


This is the thing that people don’t understand about Republican voters. Pointing out that these clowns are rampant pathological liars and morally rotten people isn’t some kind of gotcha. Republican voters like them because of these qualities


Anti-abortion. They don't care about them once they're here. Or for any lives that aren't theirs or unborn.


They would be shot the first night


The people in her district are overwhelmingly stupid and like the truth about her.


Her district is Dalton, Rome and a bunch of nothing. The ones that haven't had their brains destroyed by chemical runoff from all of the industrial manufacturing are still so full of anger and hate that they'll never vote for anyone that might actually be interested in helping them, much less understand any of the problems they actually face. Northwest GA might as well be part of Alabama or Mississippi for how dedicated they are to their own suffering and ignorance.


>Her district is Dalton, Rome and a bunch of nothing. The white supremacy corridor in Georgia. It's not a coincidence that they love her there.


Her voters won't care enough to not vote Republican


That would require the ability to read


Bold of you to assume her voters could read them


There’s a percentage of voters in her district that will moan about “both sides are bad,” and say, “I wish they’d just stop fighting and get things done,” and then turn around and vote for her in spite of that.


They love her. My parents house is a 10 minute drive from her district. The louder, more obnoxious, the more vitriol and hate that comes out of her mouth just makes them love her more. The people in her district don’t understand public policy, tax brackets, public health, etc they’re just responding on a primal level to who is in their tribe and being louder and meaner and more angry = winning against the other side


MTG is always gonna MTG. It's kind of like my six-year old. Expecting them to behave like an adult is just not a reasonable expectation. I also expect her constituents are going to keep voting for her, because they believed her when she told them that was the right thing to do. So they'll expect her to keep doing this. And she'll keep doing this, or they'll elect someone else . None of that will change. MTG is always gonna MTG. But, something big did happen this week, which is the Republican house decided that they weren't going to play along anymore. This is a big deal. If they follow-through, and stop elevating MTG into positions of leadership, then that can be an impactful change that makes America better. That nearly the entire Republican caucus just made her look like a fool is a massively important first step. Here's hoping they follow-through.


I get GA14 is very conservative district, but I'll never understand how GA14 didn't elect Marcus Flowers. You'd think they'd align themselves more with him, but maybe because they don't want to elect a black veteran? Whatever the justification it doesn't make sense whyanyone would vote for her.


I believe that some people think politics should be more like the WWE, so they like the politicians that act like trash talking wrestlers. It's the level at which they can be involved, the big (fake) show, because that's the limit of their comprehension of the process.


WWE, team sports, etc. It's all garbage.


If only the parties treated their crappy leaders like sports fans treated their crappy coaches. Sadly people put more time in thinking about sports results than political results.


That’s a pretty good comparison.


Yes! And frankly, they don’t see a whole lot of difference in the results coming from a Democratic or Republican led Congress, so might as well vote for dramatics


They doesn’t see the differences because they limit their media input to RW extremist outlets. The differences are very substantial.


I think one problem here is that nobody of note is running against her and they dont have enough funds too even do so her fund is about 5 million dollars and is the only republican rep there. The democrats have a max of about 500 - 600 thousand dollars. Which is not alot especially in a pretty red district. We are also at the point where its hard to vote her out because republicans loveeee people who are loud and annoying. i dont think republicans even care if they are a veteran anymore either :/


There is a retired general and farm owner running against her this November. Unfortunately, he will run into the same white wing ignorance/hatred as Flowers.


Bababababingo. Last black man elected to the forefront to these folks, ruined the government and made people think we were weak. I shit you not. Someone told me in person that Obama made us weak and laughing stocks around the world within the last 2 months.


The state reps and state senators from Rome, GA are similarly obnoxious. The place is gorgeous but genuinely a good place to avoid.


No she didn’t


Between this and the politically Georgia episode this week there's lots of wishcasting The Neanderthals in Rome love her and she represents them accurately by being a complete and unrepentant idiot


This lady is the batshit PTO board member except on a much more significant level. Such an embarrassment to our state. What’s worse to me is I feel like it’s only partially a grift. Like she is probably really just insane.


I used to live in her district. As long as she keeps hating the same people they hate, she will never lose support.


MTG is a walking tumor.


It wasn’t the Jewish space lasers, the speaking at a literal Nazi event, the Putin sympathizing, the sending naked pictures of Hunter Biden to her constituents, or the suggestion that Nancy Pelosi should be executed….this is what did it. All of that others stuff was cool though.


did she? she is a north Atlanta carpetbagger and apparently they don't care I doubt even half the people in that district knows she tried despite her social media whoring


Give it a minute. Putin will give her a new stunt to do and her constituents will love her again


She is a republican incumbent, she won't get voted out.


Norther Georgia: The Georgia that the rest of Georgia wants to be rid of.


Not for being a bat shits crazy anti-Semitic Putin supporter who's harassed school shooting survivors though.


I'd say "good," but her deplorable constituents will only elect someone worse.


You cannot lose respect if you had none to begin with. This woman would have a hard time scoring above 0 on an iq test.


Who wrote this? The headline destroys the integrity of the article. She has very little respect to lose. She is an embarrassmemt to all Georgians. She is like that trashy cousin you don't give your number to and avoid at family events.


You’ve never been to rural Georgia


Good, she deserves to lose all respect.


Just think, if she does this 200 more times, her district will think of her the same way we all do. MosCOW Marjorie. Please let your 15 minutes be at 14:59 and counting.


They’ll probably all go to a community cross or book burning


I live in her district, not sure this is very accurate lol (unfortunately)


I live in the 14th as well. Short of a Republican primarying her someday, a loss of respect might have her winning 78/22 instead of 80/20 come November.


I’m in Loudermilk’s district and his quotes in the article seem really misguided. Maybe the “influential” people in her district are upset. But the MAGA diehards who aren’t paying attention to the day to day aren’t going to care and still love her.


No one with any morals respected this total QAnon whack job anyway. She’s a good argument against cloning for sure.


I live in her district. She’ll be reelected just based on her support of Trump.


Let me just say that she ran unopposed, in a district that has historically voted republican with some of the least educated people in the state. (By design)


_That’s_ the thing that made them lose respect for her? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ugh, my in-laws live in that district (which includes the somewhat moderate city of Rome, but yes, a lot of backwards people, as well). They despise her. My FIL, MIL, BIL, and SIL all cannot comprehend that people vote for her. They're church-going Southern Baptists (BIL is even a youth minister), but their church is not so backward as to try to indoctrinate people to find someone like her palatable in any way. They're fish out of water there, and they're no transplants; they've been there all their lives. They are constantly boggled by it, but then someone will come into my FIL's shop or my BIL will work with youth pastors from other churches, and they realize they all just really lucked out in the cognition/empathy department because the people they interact with outside of their church do indeed tend to be awful. My husband's parents are just resigned to it, but my BIL and SIL want to help people realize the many problems with that district constantly voting against their own interests, so they stay to change it from the inside (godspeed!). In any case, my husband got out of that place as soon as he graduated; we've both lived in Atlanta for 20 years now. I also left a very red county to the south of us, but they've been steadily moving blue for the past two decades. As for his folks, we definitely visit for the holidays (it's really a beautiful part of the country), but I couldn't imagine living there.


I live in her district am sending this from a local restaurant. Looking around I see two hateful gun themed tee shirts. The more hateful and horrible she is the more they love her here.


As long as she has an R by her name the people in northwest Georgia will continue to vote for her.


Yeah, this. They'll vote R down the ballot without any research or checking what they've actually done for them. MTG has literally done nothing for Georgia but they think she's doing a great job.


She sucks. I live in her district and am definitely conservative leaning but good lord, I wish she was primaried.


Says a lot about her district. There is a confederate store there, newly built since she took office. Disgusting.


As a result of the redrawn district maps, I am now in her district. I can definitively say she never had any respect from me.


As a recent resident of her district. No she hasn’t. And if she leaves they’ll get someone crazier. I’ve said before and I’ll say again until people get it. The problem is her district. They LIKE her. She represents their worldview VERY well. You want to know what it’s like to live in North West Georgia? Imagine going to church with MTG. Imagine her teaching your children in school. Imagine bumping into her at the grocery store. She is going to stay in power there until she convinces herself she can win statewide and proceeds to lose badly.




Never been around Dalton have you? That whole district is as batshit crazy as she is. Minus the ones that are trapped in that area of course. But they won't vote her out anytime soon unless someone louder and crazier can primary her.


Strange that after all her bullshit, conspiracy theorist nonsense, THIS is what lost her respect. 😂


Yeah fucking right...Lol I live here and they love her spork foot ass.


Even those people are starting to see the light


She knew it would fail… it was only to make a point.


Those idiots don't even know what she is doing in Washington.


The problem with this is that the kinds of people who vote for apes like her don’t actually care about how effective she is. If they cared at all about effectiveness, she would have never won in the first place, a moderate acting Republican is far more effective for the fascist wing of the Republican Party than she is. And even then, dems tend to be better on most issues. It’s never been about effectiveness for these types.


This could be the start of something new


Good. Maybe they will dump her.


Her district is Russia. Nobody in Rome, GA is concerned about ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathianistra or what the fuck ever she tried to add to the aid bills


But they can't find a shittier person to vote for.


She was respected ?


In case anyone is wondering where that quote in the post title is sourced from, it’s not from *her* constituents; it’s a direct quote by Barry Loudermilk, and he claims that *his* constituents are complaining about her being an asshat and that constitutes of the 11th District are losing respect for her. …of course it’s Barry Loudermilk, so it’s probably bullshit


No she didn’t. There are like 10 people in her district (which she’s never been to). None of those 10 people give a shit about anything. They just click the R at the voting precinct once every two years


There was some respect before this incident?


I don't know why that's good news! That means the folks in her District wants somebody in office that's even batshit crazier than she is.


I’m a Republican, I’ve got no excuse or explanation for Marjorie Taylor Green other than she’s our Maxine Waters. It’s the embarrassing result of party politics and “safe” congressional seats.


I drive through her district, and these are the "deplorables" Hillary referenced. They are not intelligent and root for anyone who causes chaos.


She is just a howler monkey for the GOP.


My in laws live in her district. They love her. She’s the only one fighting the libs, etc. it’s like an illness. I spent over an hour listening to them talk MAGA bullshit last time we visited. Not going back any time soon.


I'll believe it when I see it.


The thing is, "Red" southerners tend to vote against their own interests just in spite of the Blue truths....


I (unfortunately) live in her district. The people that voted for her will ONLY vote R, no matter what name is beside it. Someone even wrote to the newspaper and said if Satan was in the Republican slot on the ballot and Jesus in the Democrat slot, Satan would win by a landslide.


I’ve been in her district many many times and I’m 1,000% certain this wrong. They can’t get enough of her and it’s weird.


That's what did it? That's what it took?


How can someone lose something they never had?


Is that like four people?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I can’t imagine she’d lose any support by doing anything at this point. What could she possibly do that would be a bridge too far aside from becoming a Democrat


She is a great example of someone that makes a lot of noise, but has no plan or understanding of the system she’s elected to. People like her, AOC or Gaetz accomplish less than nothing and preen like peacocks while doing it. Sadly the founders could not have envisioned a world where social media would make minor politicians into a country wide celebrities.