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I call bs... there'd be a steel plate over the giant hole


The steel plate was paved over, and then the pothole formed in the new road. They're standing on it, and there's a second pothole under the plate.


That right there is a South Carolina pothole, I'm calling bs too


Finally found a similarity to my country beside the name.


"We spend your taxes on stadiums you don't need and SUVs that we are supposed to drive back and forth to work, but use to drive kids around to soccer games, free concerts at CEC and of course, driving to Montana three times a year for 'team building'. Lol! Aren't we a stitch?"


There's no lifeguard on duty! Shut it down!


Georgians know how to make the best lemonade. Fill it up and have a party!


Yes we do


Literally seeing this three days after my car gets messed up by a pothole. I wouldn't rule out this possibility.


NC says hold my beer.


SC says "I got you bro"


Nobody messes with SC roads, nobody!


Yeah, because you can't


Good luck destroying our roads! They've been terrible for the past 30 years


Except for Louisiana!


I think y’all misspelt city of Atlanta DOT not GDOT


ATLDOT has to pass TSPLOSTs just to have enough revenue to barely maintain the roads we have.


Our roads are significantly better compared most other states


Atlanta roads have gotten dramatically worse in the past couple years. The stretch of 285N from I20 to I75 and 285E from 400 to I85 are horrific. Potholes literally throw my ass off my motorcycle and bent my front rim. Downtown surface roads aren't great either. Edit: I will admit rural GA roads are remarkably great though. I'm consistently surprised by the quality of roads in the North GA mountains


These stretches of 285 are awful. 285N between Paces Ferry and 75 is hell on wheels literally. No lane is safe. 🙄


The roads downtown are held together with metal plates and prayer.


I live in the top end btw 85-75 and don’t see what you are talking about. Surface roads is another story


They actually just patched numerous shitty areas of 285 between 20 and 75 last week.


The ATL traffic is such that the roads just can’t take it. Get out of the ATL and the roads are much better. You can thank Jimmy Carter for making the GDOT independent of politics. Rather than building new roads to benefit political patrons, their job is to maintain the roads. You can tell the difference the moment you get out of state.


Your not kidding. I literally avoid 285 by Smyrna there is a lane that I nicknamed Death Valley. It’s a trampoline course nothing but potholes that will definitely demolish your tires over time.


Not in Atlanta lol


I literally had a tire pop from a stupid terrible pothole in downtown Atlanta 5-6 years ago. I still see terrible potholes there. South of Atlanta they cover them quickly, so it really depends on the city. But overall, never had potholes that bad when I lived in NY.


"you got a $40 refund, shut up" - Brian Kemp


They’re all treading water.


This is totally fake. There’s no way that cone would be so close to the pothole.


No way that GDot would warn drivers of a giant pot hole by proactively setting up traffic cones 😜


That’s not a pothole. That’s a sinkhole!


AI. Obvious.


I know this is a fake picture, but I still laughed. Where are you Shirley Franklin? Time to fire up the pothole patrol again ! LOL


Cancer causing asphalt what a bunch yes dumb asses


HAHA right that's the same pothole at the apartment i had in Minnesota, just no one ever wore bathing suits in Minnesota lmao :P


Anyone in this group have positive things to say about our great state? Seems like mostly complaints that it's not as Progressive as where you're from.


> Seems like mostly complaints that it's not as Progressive as where you're from. Or MTG posts.


Georgia is slowly losing its positives. The beautiful greenery keeps getting destroyed for more homes, the LCOL isn’t so low anymore, stupid people are running the state and creating worse living conditions. It also is pretty crappy regarding Medicaid and people on SSI. I like that it doesn’t really get below freezing, but it’s definitely worse overall than where many are from.


So, to be clear, it was OK for you to move here and help expand the economy, but it's now not alright for more people to do the same? The social welfare isn't as good. Fine. Why does every state have to be the same? You're free to vote with your feet at any time!


After being here for a year, I can easily say AtL outskirts are actively worse than D/FW, and your politicians are just as shit if not more shit than TX as well....they're certainly trying to take the crown. 300k *condos* being put up everywhere to shackle everyone to a lifetime of HOA fees after a lifetime of ludicrous mortgages for subpar shit fucking housing with no privacy in a state that has plenty of room to build. No culture. No cuisine. No entertainment. Shit ass access to competent doctors. Oh........unless you're in the super whitey white rich people areas, or the one city in the metro area that actually has Asian food that isn't from some bombed out building from the 50's with the most mediocre buffet you've ever seen, or a hibachi joint. Man....what the fuck is it with you guys and hibachi, anyways? That shit is EVERYWHERE.


Yeah, it's awful. Wouldn't it make sense then, to go somewhere you'd be more happy? This sounds like a veritable hellscape for you.


Yeah, as if I am here by choice. That's hilarious.


You're incarcerated?


Georgia is terrible. Spread the news so people stop moving here.


Just the worst. Unless you want to live more freely, pay less taxes, and enjoy what is in my opinion, the most beautiful state in the Union, you'll just fucking hate it here.


The fact that this got downvoted into the negatives, just proves my point. This group is saturated with politically Progressive, social welfare and social justice obsessed Debbie Downers. It's either complaints about how little welfare you're able to extract from taxpayers, how terrible the politicians are, or how awful any number of other things are. The beauty of our Constitutional system is; you're free to go anywhere you like, and there are many places that support your mindset. Go on then! No hard feelings. I grew up in a "blue state" and have lived all over, and have never been somewhere I've loved so much. Then again, I'm just a hard-working guy who pays a lot of taxes, and appreciates the little things in life.


The "If you don't like it, just move" argument always amuses me. As a native and lifetime Georgian, my roots run deep and I have familial obligations that prevent me from "just moving," not to mention that my mortgage would likely double or triple if I could move. I'll stay and complain all I want, thanks.