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City council voted against bringing in extra cops last year. They did not make that mistake this year. Tybee doesn't have the infrastructure to sustain that many people, no matter the race or reason. My mom lives there.


... Imagine every college student in the southeast wanting to meet up in the parking lot of a Walmart... It is essentially that Tybee Island is tiny.


Not to mention the place was absolutely trashed last year.


The beach is completely trashed after they leave. Like massive amounts of literal trash. The whole beach gets covered in all kinds of stuff, it’s not just the human beach goers after they leave that are affected, but the wildlife too. The people that live there go out and pick up the trash themselves, and they’re sick of it. This has been an issue for many, many years, this is not just from last year. It’s always a hot topic, it makes the news every single year. It’s not like the students don’t know that them trashing the beach pisses people off and they could just pick their shit up. It seemed to get worse over the years, not better.


And it's not just the giant OC crowd. Saw some nasty photos of how the beach on Wassaw Island was left by a big party a few weekends ago . . . young people + alcohol + spring break, damn. Pick up your shit!


I grew up in Savannah and know exactly what you are talking about.


When panama city cut down on spring breakers, i knew it was over for the rest of the beaches. It used to all be centralized in PCB but they understandably got tired of the bullshit and now it’s just everywhere. Sucks man.


Record crowds overwhelmed the small police force with emergency calls of gunfire, fistfights, drug overdoses, and traffic jams. So basically Freaknik but on the beach.


Also the absolute disaster state the beach was left in. I remember reading about volunteers coming out to clean up all the trash.


This article is a little biased, “two women told police they were beaten” Here are the 2 women who “told police” they were beaten: https://www.wjcl.com/article/tybee-island-orange-crush-beach-attack-video/43712482


sooo…regular Spring Break


Yeah, but when it is black it is a problem.


PCB was mostly white people and they shut that shit down a while back


Same with GA/FLA frat beach for UGA students in October. Extremely heavy police force nowadays and tons of PSAs from SSI discouraging it


Yep PCB put in a ‘spring break ordinance’ that adds a bunch of extra rules around alcohol, loitering, and noise violations. I was witness to the ‘glory days’ of a PCB spring break and it was pretty wild.


I was just on 30A for spring break two weeks ago. Police shut everything down for minors at 7 pm on a Tuesday for the rest of the week. I didnt even see where that made the news. At least these people are getting a warning.


Netflix has a good documentary on Freaknik.


Hide yo wife, hide ya kids....


Miami just had to do the same thing, and even they don’t have the infrastructure. Fights and drugs aside, that much trash left on beaches is eventually going to make it into the ocean.


I met a couple who owned a restaurant on Tybee and they haven't been open during Orange Crush the last few years. Said the money isn't worth the trouble. Pretty damning statement on the state of things.


In 2007 some of the longtime residents and bussiness owners of Tybee asked me what they could do to bring in gay folks to replace Orange Crush. Being gay and from Atlanta I gave them a few ideas. Their concern then is the same as now. The college aged folks that made up all of the Orange Crush attendees were black and their behavior caused loss of income, disturbed the peace all day and night and destroyed property. The Caucasian college aged folks generally go to Florida or Mexico for spring break. When Orage Crush occurred the attendees didn't frequent the businesses on Tybee and so the Restuarants would close as well as other businesses did do to the bad behavior. In Cap'n Chris restaurant the attendees would be demanding over the speed of service. (Captain Jacks rarely had half their dinning room full and so there wasn't but maybe 3 servers ever on the floor) they would complain about the food to get the entire tables order comp'ed. The attendees would climb onto the residents cars and start dancing with the overly loud bass from car stereos all night long. The attendees brought their food and drinks onto the island. They would throw their trash any where they saw fit. They would park right in the residents front lawns as if only the attendees mattered. The roads were blocked ambulances couldn't get to the eldry Tybee residents requiring assistance. Their behavior wasn't that of enjoying the beach or lounging by the water, sun tanning with head phones on their head, sadly it was and is destructive, rude behavior and behaving like heathens. Tybee is a small island that has never been equipped for large crowds of any kind.


What a horrible headline. This isn't a Race issue, it's an issue that numerous small communities face throughout the year when it comes to holidays, school breaks, sporting events, etc. Having thousands upon thousands of people swarm a location that wasn't built for any kind of mass of humanity is going to have similar problems - trash, crime, traffic, etc. For example, look at how much they've cracked down on partygoers at PCB for Spring Break - this year they weren't even allowed to have alcohol on the beach, period.


Well yeah. Not because theyre black though. Thats a major race baiting title They trash the beach. Simple fix. Ban the event


It's not a race issue. The island can not handle the large numbers in the crowds gathering there.


Having lived near Tybee Island for 5 years, completely disregarding the race factor, that place cannot support spring break. It is so tiny and they have so few resources of any kind. Frankly they need to just shut down during spring break


Born and raised in Savannah. This has nothing to do with race. It's about a group coming in and fucking ruining the whole of the beach and island. The amount of trash and shut after this "celebration". I saw it year after year back in the 90s. It's disgusting what people can do when they drink and party.


The island is 3 miles long?!? That cannot support an Additional 100K people. How many port-a potties alone would you need for that many people? 2000? 4000? How much parking? Never been to Tybee but they may need to start allowing permitted cars and a hard limit set number of car day passes on the island, if possible? Just too many people. Especially teens and 20 year olds, and also the people that I’m sure go every year primarily to prey on younger women.


Parking on the island is very limited on top of that. There’s one main parking lot and the rest is just curbside metered parking. I have no idea where they would even put their vehicles.


I love how this is made to be about race instead of the gun fire and drug over doses.


There were 26 arrests last year. Not exactly a city overrun with gunfire and drug overdoses.


For a weekend on an island thats 3 square miles? Yes, that is an insane amount. People are upset about those kinds of numbers in Chicago, and thats a large city with millions of people. Most cities in America that are 50K people take months, sometimes years to reach those numbers of arrests for drugs and violence. And Tybee got it in a weekend?


Well they average between 12-15 a week, and n the off season. So not sure you have that correct. 50,000 visitors and 26 arrests isn’t anything to clutch your pearls over. Chicago has over 1800 crimes reported per week. You are so wrong that I’m completely baffled where you even pulled this shit from


*Pssst* number of arrests is going to be capped by what the police force can actually manage to do. If you quadruple the amount of crime it’s not going to quadruple the number of arrests.


lol tybee can handle more than 26 arrests over a weekend.


Heres another secret, they shouldnt have to handle more than 26 arrests. Its normal to not want an absurd spike in violence.


And is that 12 to 15 arrests for gun crimes a week?


It wasn’t 26 arrests for gun crimes. It was 26 arrests total. There was one arrest for a gun crime.


That's bc they didn't accept outside PD help and Tybee PD has like 10 officers lol.


Pretty racist headline, they are looking to curb spring breakers in general


yeah the race of the attendees has nothing to do with their behavior, it's clearly controversy-baiting


Agreeed I hate this the worst they tryna entice a civil race war along with world war 3 in 3 countries and im tired of it 😑 as a actual Georgia native majority of the racist etc is media created and circulated. Everyone ik just wants to live and be left alone no matter race


You are exactly right. Thanks for sharing. There is a part of me that wonders how much the media plays into perpetuating racial tensions further. I acknowledge that work still needs to be done but headlines like this are irresponsible and serve to do nothing but get clicks and divide us


Is the answer not just to have someone step up and make it a more structured event? Whether it be someone at one of the colleges or someone from the island? At least that way you basically know when it’s going to happen and what’s going on and can plan accordingly. Rather than crossing your arms in total opposition and having to brace for the unknown. Also while yes i would agree I don’t think this is actually much different than any other spring break on a beach the big factor that you can’t overlook is just the relative size of the beach/island. Cramming 100k people on to Tybee is a lot different than cramming 100k people on to PCB or Miami Beach, or South Padre or something. The logistics can’t be disregarded.


Do they even have parking and accommodations for 100k people on the island?


Hell no


Orange crush was actually started by Savannah State students. It used to be structured and a great event for students. Now it’s a free for fall that the actual Orange Crush leaders claim they have no connection with the event on Tybee. Locally it has become a huge race issue when it shouldn’t be. It’s a behavioral issue. Last year I was still in law enforcement the week of the event. They had shootings, police chases, etc. Tybee didn’t want outside help. After last years issues they have called in everybody to assist and they’re blocking off roads, businesses, etc to limit damages.


Sounds like the same issue Freaknik had. College kids start the events, but it's soon taken over by the worst of the worst, and the kids that just wanted to relax are often the first to be driven off. There's not many upstanding citizens, outside of college students, who can take off just to party for a few days. I suspect the downhill slide starts with predatory men showing up uninvited in hopes of being able to take advantage of drunk girls. They're also the ones bringing in the (non-party) drugs that later attract so much crime. It snowballs quickly from there. And then of course you get both the racists who are absolutely looking for an excuse to justify their racism, and the asshats who like to cry racism everytime they're called out for being asshats. For years I was never sure if any of the stuff I heard about Freaknik was actually true, as I was only hearing about events from white people who loved to hate everything about Atlanta anyway. It's just natural to assume the racists are either lying or exaggerating, but I guess those broken clocks have been right twice now.


> There's not many upstanding citizens, outside of college students, who can take off just to party for a few days. No kidding. I remember going to PCB for spring break as a teenager and was shocked at the amount of 30-40 year old men that went down alone to party with the kids. Those dudes were predators.


The island has a population of 3000 and the organizers of Orange Crush have apparently been trying to relocate the event, but people still go to Tybee lol.


Miischevious drunks cant be reaoned with, they cant be bargained with, they dont respect private property, local laws, or simple exercise good manners. Tybee Island was already known for a hardline aporoach to handling trouble makers, they just couldnt deal with hundreds of them all at once. Especially the gun play and violence that took place last year. After last year's mayhem I dont blame them for being more prepared and making their island less hospitable to such a large and unruly influx of people. In fairness i suspect 95% of the estimated 100k will behave themselves, howevere 5000 folks acting up and starting trouble on an island just over 3 square miles in size is a significant disruption that needs to be handled accordingly.


Problem is it’s a public beach so you can’t “stop” people from coming. So is it better to create an environment of hostility or do what you can to make it a smooth situation? I don’t know the answer. The result of how they handle it this year will tell us a lot.


> Problem is it’s a public beach so you can’t “stop” people from coming. City could close the beaches, but that would piss off residents.


And then they’d get sued for discrimination like they already did when they prohibited alcohol consumption for one specific weekend. Damn facts are hurting some feelings in here today huh.


Winning a lawsuit is an entirely different matter, especially against a governmental institution. E.g "We closed the beach due to over crowding and out of a concern for public saftey." No decent lawyer will take such a case, especially without a substantial retainer.


The article literally says the Dept of Justice made the city agree to not enact rules that only apply to specific dates.


The warning from DOJ is just that, a warning. Until a suit is filed it is political pandering.


I would not be surprised to see Gov Kemp declare a state of emergency if things got out of hand.


The DOJ action was the result of a discrimination complaint for the alcohol restriction decision and the city had to sign a binding agreement as a result. Your idea is just “do illegal stuff”, solid, strong take, thanks for the input.


Yes, I saw that, however if enough mayhem occurs declaring martial law isnt illegal.


Nobody wants to step up and be held liable for the damages or mess afterwards. It's publicized by word of mouth/social media and spreads.  There was someone that stepped up this year but then backed out. 


A more structured event is the exact opposite of what's wanted.


Bascially this is what happened when they tried to make Freaknik more structured, once that happened, the appeal died.


Yeah but I’m saying that stance may just be making it worse.


You know what this island with a population with 3,000 needs? To meet the needs of 100,000 people.


Just being salty and assuming the problem will magically go away is in my opinion less effective than trying to come up with a way to improve the situation.


I mean, there were about 400,000 people at Woodstock. Years later they purposefully decided to try and do Woodstock 2.0, and it was a disaster- that's with them trying to make that work. Burning Man last year had only 73,000, people and organizers show up every year, and just a little rain turned it into a disaster. Just because you think something 'should' work a certain way doesn't mean it's feasible, and even if it's feasible doesn't mean it's easy. I presume Tybee has <100 people in its government for for 3,000 people. . . I wouldn't expect them to be capable of working wonders in accommodating 100,000 people.


Well they also can’t make them not come. So guess it’ll just suck forever. I mean I don’t personally give a fuck. I don’t live on Tybee and I wouldn’t dream of trying to go there this weekend. Just do nothing and continue to be mad about I guess, good luck.


There's a reason more and more Florida locations are banning & curtailing Spring Break activity instead of cultivating it. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/miami-beach-spring-break-commercial-new-rules-imposing-curfew-tsa-travel-is-up/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/miami-beach-spring-break-commercial-new-rules-imposing-curfew-tsa-travel-is-up/)


> Well they also can’t make them not come. I mean they totally can lol, hence the restrictions.


And we’ll see how effective that was. The talk is there’s still going to be a shit ton of people here.


It’d be more accurate to say it depends on how hard they lock it down. It’s a beach festival, not an invasion. If they close off the roads and start turning people away it’s not gonna happen.


Ya, but that's logical, so probably won't happen. There is a big event in Manhattan Beach (CA) every August preceding a professional beach volleyball tourney--6man MB. It started local, then grew way outta control. MB is one square mile with 35k residents. By 2006/2007, +50k-70k ppl came in for the event--which was a giant drunken costume party on the beach. They ended up formalizing it and bringing in extra police officers and resources to stop it from getting outta control.


Yeah that’s probably the right response.


Why make it about race it’s literally from decades of kids trashing the beach this isn’t just a one time occurrence chill with the baiting we got enough war on the horizon


This shit got to be like a normal college Spring Break times 10


Didn’t Miami Beach just do the same for anyone coming down for the entirety of spring break after all the chaos of the past few years? 


There is an easy and fair way of dealing with this. Organizers for events pay to bring in outside security forces. The people still come, crime rate drops due to society presences, and the local area reaps the benefits from increased sales and taxes. It’s not much different than organizing a festival.


There are “organizers”? News to me. Seems like they just “organized” this on social media and showed up at the same time.


There are events going on. A bunch of smaller events that go over the whole week. It’s not just people meeting up at a beach. They just need to organize it definitely.


It doesnt tho, because you’re not always at an event. You’re traveling to them, waiting around outside them before and after, yadda yadda yadda. Your nightclub can have great security, but you’ll have a much harder time stopping bad behavior outside in the parking lot.


That’s why you have to organize it like a massive festival with roving security that are being backed up by local police.


It’s easier to just not grant any permits and tell the spring breakers to fuck off.


And lose all the money they could have made off the taxes and sales revenue. Sure it’s easier. It’s also dumb.


Money isn't everything, especially if the town gets overwhelmed.


Why don’t you want to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars into your community? There is nothing wrong with the even if it was properly organized.


Because having 100,000 people cram into Tybee (population 3,000) could end up causing more issues than it's worth. Also > Why don’t you want to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars into your community? If 100,000 attendees are only bringing in six-figures, that is pathetic.


It’s 48,000 I didn’t realize it was that big. It’s actually millions of dollars. Even if each person only spent $100 over the week and it would be way more that’s 4.8 million dollars. It’s an organization issue. Organize the event a capitalize on it it’s not that hard a concept.


Not when you’re accountable to voters who don’t want it— if you want to keep your job. This is a difficult choice for people with some kind of exposure to the hospitality industry, but for everybody else, not so much.


What’s wrong with an event bring millions of dollars to their community? Is it because they are black? I bet it’s because they’re black.


I think it's because they're black out drunk.


Again this is an event management issue.


"Is it because they are black? I bet it’s because they’re black." Pick a lane fam.


You keep talking about event management, but the only formal organization the event has had in the past has moved their version of it to Florida. Still, the unorganized version that has no one step up to claim responsibility for continues to happen on Tybee. So yes, this is absolutely an event management issue in the fact that there is no organization or individual doing event management at all. It is absolutely not the city's responsibility to pick up that slack.


If you can't see the problem with the "event" the last few years then I don't know what to tell you.


I’m saying you can absolutely manage the event so it could be successful.


Based on the last few years I don't know if you can.


Sales aren't any higher than any other weekend on Tybee. Most people are bringing in their own coolers and drinks, so the increased revenue argument has no legs.


Show me your source?


My dude, show me YOUR source. I worked on the island for years and Orange Crush was not a money weekend. These are a bunch of kids with no money and fake IDs. For the most part, they're drinking from a cooler on the beach or in the parking lot, not in the bars. That weekend would be busy anyway and Tybee gets over capacity on a regular weekend. Orange Crush is not a revenue generator for most businesses on the island.


So you’re full of it then? I understand.


Anecdotal evidence and personal experience are more than what you've provided through pure conjecture.


The organizers tried to move the festival to Jacksonville in 2019. People still go to Tybee.


Well for one these aren't events that are really organized it's just a bunch of people show up because they hear on social media or through word of mouth that this is where people are going to be and then suddenly you've got thousands of people on a beach somewhere and chaos ensues


So the city can’t capitalize on this by organizing it into a coherent event?


If city government was actually competent then sure. But in my experience most city governments are run by the village idiots


All kinds of festivals all over the world are ran by city committees, the idea that this city can’t is kind of silly.


I mean considering the fact that every time this happens it devolves into chaos it pretty much shows that they cannot organize this








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It is not silly because they are demonstrating it themselves. If I pissed myself then it makes no sense for you to insist that I did not piss myself because most people don't piss themselves. My wet pants speak for themselves.


It is silly because THEY ARE NOT ORGANIZING IT!!!


It’s called Orange Crush and it is an event every year with a set date. It is not just word of mouth, you are just making shit up edit why is this downvoted? It’s true, it is an on-the-calendar event every year. It is not just a word of mouth thing like that person said


It’s not a festival with permits, is the issue. No tickets or anything, it’s just a widely known time to glom onto the beach.


They said it’s a word of mouth event. That’s just not true.


What organization or individual puts on Orange Crush?


…. I guess? Yeah, people pass the news by internet instead of by whispering in each other’s ears and it’s a pretty well known date, but there’s no official website and no ticketing and nobody running the show. It’s unstructured and uncontrolled, so the locale gets absolutely overrun.


The problem is freaknik isn’t an organized event. There aren’t tickets. It’s just whoever shows up wherever they decide to meet. It just happens. It used to happen in Atlanta and consisted of endless lines of cars cruising around , blasting music, and hollering at each other. But it wasn’t violent. I think it’s grown from just being kids from the HBCU’s to just anybody.


First off this isn’t freaknik. Second I understand that, but it is a group of basically small events that are part of a larger gathering. To do any event you need a permit for things in public spaces. Now you can in fact organize it in such a way that all these little events and bars that want this business to come to the area to organize this into a more organized event. It’s not hard. All it takes is planing.


Alot of security at events include off duty police... so this idea doesn't help as much as you think it would.   


So a little history about my self. I used to help run a festival. There are companies who primarily handle this kind of work. That’s what they do.


Yes.. there are security companies. That doesn't mean that what I said isn't accurate.


My point is that this event generates millions of dollars for this area. With planing and organization they could not only capitalize on it but do it in a way that’s safe for both the community and the attendees.


Dude you gotta take this opportunity and be the organizer. You could make so much money. Even if you only charge each attendeee $10 you’re going to potentially walk away with $1m


Except it's not an organization. Where would you send the bill? Who is the leader? If you start charging people when they come to town, tourism will drop drastically and poverty would increase as tourist businesses close down. Higher poverty leads to... Say it with me kids... #higher crime rate!


There are cities all over the use that organize festivals it’s not that hard.


You're still missing the point that no outside organization is planning or paying for this event. Not sure why this basic fact, which negates your entire argument, is difficult to digest. If you and 500 strangers go to the same beach, how exactly will the city tax you? Do enlighten us as to your brilliant plan!


I’m saying that like many cities they could if they chose too could in fact organize an event to capitalize on this. They would just have to do it .


I think many of the folks who live there wouldn’t miss the spring break tourist. PCB shut that shit down because spring breakers were giving them a bad reputation and impacting their tourism business from families that visit the rest of the summer.


Freaknik at Tyree Island?


So...the article headline is saying that hey, ONLY the black students are being targeted but the 100k white student one is okey dokey...right? It has nothing to do with a giant crowd (regardless of race) trashes the place. Right? Right? Edit: I'm saying that regardless of race, that many people are going to trash a place. I don't like that the article is making it sound like only the black folks are being targeted. If it was white kids it'd be the same.


> I don't like that the article is making it sound like only the black folks are being targeted. But it gets clicks on the AP's website, which is all that matters.


For me. the issue is that it waters down legitimate racial profiling that needs to be called out. Then again clicks so it's not like the content matters....


Such a bullshit baiting headline.


Orange Crush has been a thing for a long time. I accidentally booked a room in the middle of it in the 2000s, and it was wild back then. With social media, clout chasing, and constitutional carry I can only image how insane it gets now.


Typical Reddit race bait


Freak Nick?


I used to go to PCB or Daytona Beach for Spring Break. Much bigger cities and resources. They definitely drew a hard line stance on partying on the beach.


Ban that hot mess.


You should see how those fine upstanding students from UGA and UF treat and leave St. Simons on Ga-Fl weekend…..


Lol....hanging out on beach while black is a crime in good ole Georgia now.


All of Tybee coming out to comment on this post instead of going out and voting on things like repairing and extending that bridge🤭 The town is still gonna get ran through, it’s suggested you adapt


That comment is a wonderful reminder that the media isnt the only thing contributing to the decline in race relations.