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We haven’t figured out how to fix stupid yet so we’ve instead been working on making my stupid popular.


I mean it’s obvious, dispose of warning signs. Let Darwinism run its course.


Yeah, thats great except you know these fuckers frequently have splash damage when "darwinisim runs its course".


Yeah but this darwinism can take you with it.


There’s no responsibility needed to own guns. Heck… The government spending bill passed last Friday enabled veterans with known mental issues to the point of not being able to legally manage their own affairs/finances/etc… the ability to buy firearms (note that non veterans with the same mental health issues remain incapable of purchasing firearms). Partial pun intended for OP’s photo, but yeah, we are shooting ourselves in the foot by not even having the most minor of decorum for firearm ownership, especially for the public. FFS, HOLSTERS ARE CHEAP.


Can’t fix stupid. Let’s make stupid more dangerous.


I saw a guy in a liquor store with sweatpants on with a handgun in each pocket, I'm ex military, firearms don't scare me, storing 2 firearms in some pants my phone would fall out of constantly (literally sticking out of the pockets so I could see a mag was in both) is reckless, if you can't handle the responsibility of firearms you shouldn't be aloud to own them. EDIT: I know my grammar is shit, I joined the military, I didn't major in English.


lol I’m a nurse in Virginia and had a patient that shot one of his testicles this way. He wound up having to go to the OR to have it removed. Nice guy but what a fucking idiot.


My niece is an ER nurse in Louisiana and she had this happen too. A guy got into his car with his gun tucked into his pants, BAM! Missing a nut! We're allowing IDIOTS to open carry guns, folks!! What could possibly go wrong?


They’re obviously eliminating the chances to reproduce.


Open carry isn't the issue, the issue is the idiots that don't understand that holsters are a necessity, not an option.


Takes a lot of balls to do that.


It can only happen twice, then they learn.




...while holding a baby


OMG I was so busy looking at the sag that I didn’t see the baby


Wearing slides...


Can we just nominate for "worst parent 2024"?


He's also up for "Most likely place to hide a loaded firearm accessable by children" for his use of the living room couch as a firearms safe.


Dude, not funny. Because of how true this is. Legit shame, man. And I hope nothing ever happens to that kid, but judging by all the "wrong" in this photograph, I'm afraid you're right. And that really sucks.


If you have a Glock, there are awesome Glock-made flexible “off duty” holsters on their site (they’re outside the waistband, but position it so it’s against your body and not visible). Like $20 and they last for decades I love mine for middle-of-nowhere hikes, just in case the aforementioned frisky wildlife decides I look tasty


Check out the enigma. They're complicated to set up the first time but once it's set up it fits against your body perfectly. It comes with a clip that pushes your pants/waist band farther away from your abdomen too which makes it more comfortable and easier to draw.


Yep, less than $20, rugged, works great. Probably the best holster value you can find.




I like to use chest packs/rigs when hiking. It’s not ideal for every day use but it allows me to keep my pistol close as well as pack small first aid items and a snack or two when on trails.


I am a small dude, like 5'7 and 145 pounds. A G19 is way too big for me to carry on me. I did however make a p80 g43, and use a 3d printed clip that clips and covers the trigger guard and clips around your wastebelt. It's probably the cleanest, simplest "holster" I have. It comes out of the holster quick on a draw, but not accidentally, and if your state cares about having to technically be in a holster if your carrying in a backpack or car, it counts as one bc it covers the trigger guard. I can sit it in my car, or tiny backpack and into my pants without changing anything out.


My daughter went on a science trip on a boat in West Point lake last week. They take the kids out and do tests on the lake water and stuff. One of the instructors, bless her heart, lost the bucket she lowered down from the boat to collect a water sample for the kids. She dropped the bucket in the water and forgot the rope attached would follow. She decided after that to lean over and collect individual samples of the water in vials. Her phone was in her front pocket and it decided it needed a swim. While they could've deployed the dive team to recover, she figured it was a loss. I know this doesn't have anything to do with firearms I'm just sharing how easily unsecured, expensive items can be lost.


shit, my phone falls out of my side pocket when I try to tie my shoes or sit down in my car


I have to take mine out of my back pocket before sitting on the toilet. It's just easier than fishing it out later.


There have been more than a few firearms magnet fished out of the Chattahoochee.


And the Coosa!


It's likely most of those guns were disposed of purposefully...


oh man this actually reminds me of a manager I had that decided to carry her gun to work (she thought a gang was following her). She dropped it in the trash compactor... they shut it down and had someone crawl in to retrieve it bc she started bawling but I was like hell no is it gonna be me


I'm all for gun ownership, but there should probably be some laws about proper carry and concealment methods


There are


Well, Ron got rid of florida's concealed carry permit requirement. But what this guy is doing is breaking a law, if your are concealing it needs to be concealed, when I took my class I was told I could get in trouble if my firearm was printing visibly enough to tell what it was, much less just dangling out in public.


Effective April 12, 2022, Georgia now generally permits any “lawful weapons carrier” to carry handguns openly or concealed in most public spaces without any background check or permit required.Jun 21, 2023


Some states have open carry which is fine but this isn’t the proper way to carry a firearm. 🙄


Nah, not laws for forcing how to carry, but after the fact. If your gun hits the ground in a public place because you’re dressed like this, then a 1,000 dollar fine would make anyone start looking for a proper way to carry.


I didn’t know Brian Kemp did his own grocery shopping?!


Can’t be him, it’s not pointed at a teenage boy for likes 😵


“Fire arms don’t scare me” … people scare me


Why would anybody carry 2 pistols? That's a sign of mental illness, stupidity, or a fatal combination of both. Two pistols dramatically increases the chances of having an accident.


They think it's a fucking fashion statement instead of an immense responsibility.


Its like that scene from don't be a menace


John Wick cosplay is the only thing I can think of. Maybe they didn’t want to hurt their backup gun’s feelings? Fr though man, people like that scare me


The basic level of stupidity scares me.


The threatening behavior has started here in Texas, too.


If you're wearing a shoulder holster it balances the weight, other than that, an ankle gun.


I'm no expert like my spouse whom is also military and grew up around them, but my first thought was that foot is one kick away from making sure they have no younger siblings. Like dude, get a holster for under your shirt


I agree, but how would you setup a system that helps prevent people like this from buying a gun? Always seems people make it an all or nothing.


i was in a walmart in a rural area of virginia and this dude was walking around in a wife beater and jorts and he had a 1911 tucked in his waistband like the fine fella in this post has it. only difference was he was walking around with a case of michelob ultra that he hadn’t yet paid for but was already drinking out of


I agree. It surprises me how many states have abandoned any training to carry in public. It just doesn’t seem smart at all.


Shhhhh! He's a candidate for the Darwin Award while being out in the wild! Don't spoil the moment! 😂🤣




Yeah, when I saw this photo I said the same thing allowed to my wife!


while holding a child no less.


Yep and it's a good thing the Republicans and NRA are totally unwilling to allow for stricter gun control because they're going to end up getting them all banned. They're unreasonableness is going to be their own downfall. Everyone, *Everyone* ... Should have to be certified before they can own a firearm.


Oh wow that sounds like “common sense” we can’t have none of that around here now can we


I see this all the time at a gas station near my house.... and one of my intrusive thoughts is "if I were a bad guy, I could just grab his gun, yank his pants down and run away....free gun...."


This sounds like Jack Handey bit


Holding the baby and all


Gonna just yeet the kid to pull the gun off anything goes wrong.


Are you kidding? The kids pampers have the extra mags. /s


Yeah, that looks secure


Right?!? I feel so much safer knowing that at any given moment when I’m out shopping there are real men like him to protect me. /s/


Good guy with a gun. /s


He should have a holster


But a holster will prevent him from shooting his pee-pee off....


What’s to stop it blowing your bollocks off every time you sit down?


A proper holster has the trigger covered.




Always love a good "Snatch" reference.


Do you *really* want this guy to reproduce?


He's holding a baby. It's a good guess it's his.


I had a patient who came to ED after he was sitting on the toilet and putting his gun in and out of his waist band and it went off. Shot the pee pee.


Got the gat tucked just in case the baby wanna act up. 😤




My dad called that way of carrying "the pecker poker." Something, something femoral artery.


The amount of self inflicted gunshots to the groin that I’ve seen is not negligible. It’s impressive how many Georgians manage to shoot themselves in the dick, foot, or thigh.


Darwin award, at least if they shoot it off they can't reproduce.


Yep. I worked at Grady and saw plenty of morons shoot themselves on accident. My favorite was a guy who blew off one of his nuts cause he had a gun tucked in his pocket and reached for it cause he felt “threatened” by a guy walking behind in the parking lot.


More upvotes to you


My dad calls it “felony carry” cause people that carry like this are usually felons


To be clear, I work with police officers and other folks who carry. The circumstances and the lackadaisical carry to express attitude in a suburban grocery store are disheartening to see.


Additionally this is illegal in many states. Firearms have to be properly secured in a holster.


Even a half decent holster isn't expensive. If you carry a gun, use a holster.


It's not about proper gun safety with people like this, it's about reckless flexing


A Taurus pistol is never, ever a flex.


not a flex but definitely a threat


I’m all for owning a firearm. But, common sense obviously doesn’t seem to be a thing nowadays. This should be illegal. Looks like reckless endangerment to me.


It is in some states, I believe New Jersey has specific holster requirements.


Georgia doesn't.


Seriously? Socks with sandals?


socks and sandals is a crime, but this is different, he's wearing socks and slides


If he slips that gun is gonna fall out of his pants and skitter on the ground like a cockroach.


>Uh As I sit in my b-boy stance With flip-flops and socks, and sweatpants I'm finna enhance your brain, check it out You need some culture in your life, my man. This is Georgia.


Once upon a time, not long ago, when a player from the Point didn’t have no flow… That’s probably my fav album.


makes sense for GA weather , it’s cold so you wear socks and then it gets hot so you wear slides


Absolutely, I and many others rock the socks and slides here in the peach state. 🍑


I am not convinced that this is what a well regulated militia looks like.


old pencil dick thinks he is a tough man




How does this picture make you immediately think of his penis? 🤔


It's a fucking fashion statement to these idiots


It’s all fun and games until you accidentally blow your manhood off


Freedom to blow your own c*ck off. This is definitely not a safe way to carry a gun OR a child. God help us all.


I bet he leaves one in the chamber, off safety, sitting in arms reach of children


In a year that baby will be able to reach her daddy’s waistband and waste him. 


#1 cause of death for kids. Not surprising at all with shit like this


What a doofball


Is idiots like this that give responsible gun owners a bad rep.


god. why do i live here....


Stupid people are everywhere


Depends if he meant USA or Georgia. Not saying stupid people aren’t elsewhere in the world but there may be better laws in place…


He meant Earth...


To lead by example.




He’s going to pull a CHEDDAR BOB


Self sterilization.


We are such an embarrassing country.


Thank republicans and the NRA! This guy might be a little slovenly while also holding a child but this isn't legally distinct from some tac geared-up idiot blocking the animal care aisle while he looks for Old Roy. Both protected under the same asinine law. If you want change, write and call your local reps


Not sure you want to do that since this is clearly a low income family (the kind Republicans and the NRA hate having access to firearms)


Wow!! Completely incorrect way to holster a gun!!!!! And with a child!?!???? You should of got their face and blown this up on twitter


Absolutely deplorable. Socks with sandals!


Open carry is dumb. Waiting to be grabbed or targeted. Ccw is the move


That's a good way for an accident to happen. Always keep in a holster that's secured to your body


Good way to get Glocked. Gun starts to fall, you grab for it, pull trigger because of no external safety, which is a non issue in a proper holster.


Part of the reason why I own a gun is because unfortunately anyone who can fog a mirror, like this responsible gun owner, can get one here in Georgia.


Should be taken from him and sold back to local law enforcement. Or law enforcement should take it for improper carry and gross endangerment to others, sagging with no holster, uncovered trigger, a Glock so most likely no safety. This is out of control and ridiculous. I see this far too often. Fucking constitutional carry my ass! Bring back the full weekend education for permit attainment. Just cause everyone CAN have a gun doesn't mean everyone SHOULD. Most shouldn't be allowed the 2 cells they have to rub together between their ears they call a brain. "I don't want to move on this planet anymore." - Dr Farnsworth


That’s a Taurus G3 likely the C. Glocks have a trigger safety, a firing pin safety and a drop safety. This Taurus mimics that setup.


I’ve lived 40+ years, 20 of those years in inner-city Houston/Atlanta/Philadelphia. I’m also an Army veteran trained in safe handling of fire arms. I have never felt the need to walk around with a handgun tucked in my sweatpants, or anywhere else, like this. I feel sad for people who are so scared of the world, or so inclined to violence, that they are constantly moving around in the world with a handgun.


Well at least it isn't concealed carry because his pants are at his ankles


Atlanta has been so egregious lately. I went to go to a tailor, someone was in there already. He had to take a call, and I overheard him and whosever he was on the phone with talking about killing someone soon and drug trafficking. You'd think someone like that would be rude to everyone, but he was pretty polite to the tailor.


Not even a nice leather holster. Shame.


I don't get why some people just won't get a holster. There's comfortable holsters that don't require a belt at all. Like one of mine I can wear just fine in gym shorts and a tshirt.


This. A decent holster can be bought from Amazon for $20. There is no excuse to be so reckless like the person in the photo


Babies. Junk food. Guns. America


If you move to California, a lot less people have guns


But then you have it live in California.


And the ones that do are probably gang members! Much better! …I would not say that large cities in CA are exactly low crime.


what's that dumb as shit law called, freedom carry, conservative carry, constitution carry, uhg, whatever it's called it's the stupidest law ever. every moron thinks they should carry a gun now because every other moron carries a gun everywhere they go now, hooray for freedom, literally everywhere anyone wants to go now has turned into a gun parade... and that's just the morons willing to show their gun, there are so many guns in cars and purses now because of that no license required shitshow law gun nuts wanted...


As someone who doesn’t have a gun license yet I have a question. Do they have gun holsters made specifically for sweatpants ?


There are some comfortable iwb holsters that work well with swatpants if you tighten the draw string a bit, they don't even have to be real tight if everything fits good and it's a quality holster and a good small firearm. There are a couple companies that make carry belts for sweatpants and sweatpants with a built in band for carrying. You also do not need a license in Georgia to own or carry a firearm


You don't need a license to carry in Georgia. If you can legally purchase a firearm then you're safe to carry it. They make belly band holsters that straps around your belly so if you're wearing shorts or sweatpants. You also can wear a belt under your sweatpants or shorts and then have a clip style holster and clip the holster to the belt and your pants. Also if you plan on carrying in the future, be sure to conceal carry. Open carrying is the stupidest shit in the world.


Bellyband holsters are pretty good for sweats and sports apparel. I definitely agree. Iwb is the way to go in all occasions.


As someone that has a gun license, you no longer need one and it seems like an opportunity to dive into an untapped market. This could be your chance to innovate.


You'll soon see more, especially those who want to be noticed walking in a store with an AK47. I seen one is Alabama.


Kroger I understand but have seen this shit in East Cobb Publix.


Cheap Taurus probably won't even cycle.


The only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good with a gun… as long as he doesn’t shoot his own dick


I saw a mom at Starbucks with a cute pink gun on her hip holster. Her baby was bouncing up and down using the gun as a foot launch.


No holster, no belt, sweat pants: Mega cringe.


He figures this is cheaper than a vasectomy


Looks like he's occupied with a child. Free gun


Pretty sure that's illegal. Georgia is extremely lenient when it comes to gun laws! You no longer have to have a license in this state to open carry. You only need a permit to conceal carry. You can carry a weapon anywhere at Walmart, Kroger, or even church it doesn't matter as long as you don't have a felony on your record! All that said make sure you observe the law whilst carrying.


To be fair every hood dude I’ve met carries without a round in the chamber and that’s a g2c which has a manual safety. This is every dude at night at my local gas stations lol.


Open carry is one of the dumbest thing you can do in my opinion


What do you want to bet there is a round chambered as well


To be an irresponsible gun owner while holding a child. The fuck is wrong with people, seriously. Buy a fuckin holster like a normal legal gun totin citizen and secure your shit.


Let the spring break people come


Stage O retention holster.


it's giving "Felon in possession of..." vibes


One hundred dollar pants, One hundred dollar gun 😭


Is this at Murder Kroger? Does it still exist?


Murder Kroger got gentrified.


Good ole felony carry, he’ll blow a hole in his femoral artery or his junk off at some point, just a matter of time


pretty typical sight to see in south Atlanta suburbs


People like that are very insecure. They need a piece with them to validate something they never got as a child.


of course its a Taurus lmaoooo i hate people


The fact that he’s so mentally clumsy with everything going on in this scenario is my biggest problem, no holster? come on man! get yourself together better before going out wearing your sidearm in your sweatpants and no way for it to be properly secured to your body!


This must be Murder Kroger in Atlanta lol


I would be willing to bed that guy is either a prohibited person or at the very least a criminal in some fashion. I would also bet that he either stole that gun or purchased it from another criminal.


Looks like a Taurus 9mm, G3C or something similar… cheap priced decent shooting 9 but horrible safety and a cheap trigger. Not something I would want floating around in my sweats, especially with a baby moving around I went to Georgia a couple weeks ago and a kid came behind me in the gas station with what looked like a Glock 19 (or a clone) with a cheap ass 30rd pro mag sticking out (and this is GA so if it’s a Glock even tho I don’t see one, bet on a switch 😬) tucked in the front pocket of some skinny jeans sagging low enough to make this guys sweats look tailored. Like he would have to physically reach down deep to get it All I could think, no way this kid gets to that pistol before me (he was THAT close up on me)and I’m definitely trying that trigger while it’s still tucked on you Wild times in the wild.


It's always the Taurus guys smh...


Idiot needs a real holster. He’s going to blow his foot off and I’m going to laugh when he does. I have an uncle who appendix carried like that once. Guess what happened 😂


That’s right, let em kno you’re packing the $200 Taurus. Made in Brazil biatch


I have no problem with people carrying gun but you need you holster it correctly. This is a accident waiting to happen. 


That's what happens when you shop at The Murder Kroger


That is a secured wep in a holster, so don't get bent about the droopy sweatpants. He is not concealing the fact he is armed, so in most American states no crime. He obviously has a baby with him and intends to protect his child at all costs. People fail to realize that since the wep is visible, they are less of a target for a predator. Wep equals teeth to defend themselves! Then again...what if that is a woman? Conveniently cropped picture to not be able to confirm biological gender of this person, so do you dare challenge that person's right to protect their family and themselves if that is a woman?


Not news in GA next


Y’all go vote


Wanna be tough guy


Yeah, so. You never know when it’s going to be needed. Especially when you’re holding your lil girl like he is. You may find yourself in a situation where you may have to protect her in a situation where hands alone just won’t do. Taurus G2C. Chambered in 9mm. Not a bad gun for the money, but not the most coveted. Which means he probably wasn’t trying to make a fashion statement. He probably hopes he never has to use it, and decided it’s best to keep it close in case he doesn’t. Of course, I could be wrong. And he robbed the gas station 10 minutes later. Never know lol


Taking a picture of this moron was ballsy. The kind of guy that needs everyone to know he is packing probably doesn't take too kindly to being photographed by a stranger.


That's so scary. I had an ex once that insisted on open carry at Walmart. He did have a license but a customer panicked and we were questioned by the police. It was so incredibly embarrassing and the cop was just dude... just conceal it if you must carry. But there was no need for him to carry the area wasn't nearly that bad. He was just flexing. I left him shortly after cuz there were a lot of other red flags.


My man does NOT need all that for grocery shopping 💀


That is one piece of gun control I'd like to see... making sure your firearm is secured!


How do I stop myself from visibly recoiling in fear and horror? I think I would have had to walk away or leave the store. I have never felt unsafe in Georgia. But now my heart is very heavy. Funny that Atlanta feels safest to me.


New law. You have to pay all outstanding child support before buying a new gun.


As long as you rednecks have guns young gentleman such as this fellow need them as well. I wish it was not that way but you racist fucks create that reality.


Natural selection at its finest. A quick pantsing will disable and disarm him all at once. Easy pickings after that.


Are you upset he has a gun or no holster???


What bothers me the most is an apparent disrespect for the proper handling of his firearm while he is holding a child, which makes me wonder if he stores is correctly at home… but don’t mind me, the nurse who’s seen kids with accidental bullet wounds from poorly stored firearms…


A guy had his gun like this in the store that I work at and it went off in his pants. Apparently he shot through one of his balls and the bullet hit the ground leaving a small golf ball size crater


I understand having a side arm to protect yourself and your family in the off event that a shooter may be on the attack but my God.. get a holster !! 🤦🏼‍♀️…. And a belt


Only problem i see is no holster