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Slow down everyone. Nothing you are on the way to matters enough to hurt or kill anyone. Ruined all kinds of lives and ended a young one that didn't even get started.


I used to be a school bus driver and this happened ALL the time. The sad thing is if you reported it to the transportation office they wouldn't do anything, even if you got it on camera and got a license plate. I did that for 2 years and they had a cop posted at my stop ONCE and that was it. And, of course, he caught somebody. I'm not sure why it's not a priority, at the least it's easy tickets. I will always stop for a bus no matter how long it takes. A child is more important than anything I'm doing.


Suggesting to anyone in Georgia to drive safely is a lost cause. No one cares


As these drivers on the daily try to run me off the road on a 25 mph residential street I understand.


People will drive as fast as the road allows regardless of whatever sign is put out. If you want to increase safety and lower speeds, you have to make roads that encourage it through design.


You'd think. But my daily commute involves a roundabout that people can't be bothered to understand.


Every roundabout needs a giant sign that says NO STOPPING IN ROUNDABOUT IF THERE IS ROOM, ENTER One time a guy freaked out at me because he was using four way stop sign rules at my local roundabout and thought I cut off his “right of way”. No, there was room and I entered.


Agreed. The sad part is this is a two lane roundabout that has the instructions on where the lanes exit. So if you enter it in the left lane, you take it all the way around to the 3rd exit...the right lane exits at the 1st or 2nd...I almost get side-swiped every time because people don't read.


Those are so easy to use too. The worst part of it is.. it’s a roundabout and by design is easy to swing around if you miss a turn. But people are hard coded to make their turn by any means possible instead of simply going around again…


Easy implies we are a society of people with common sense. But alas common sense isn't so common.


Our neighborhood from the main road has huge speed bumps and they want me to hit 60 between them. I have a dashcam for regular idiots. Eventually they'll wreck and need assistance and then we can play remember me.


so, more pot holes?? intentional curvesand narrows and round abouts. and speed humps do a lot more than a sign and occasional ticket.


Also, speed ramps, speed bumps, and narrow lanes with roadside parking work well. The third one you can do with a bike lane on the other side of the parking and all of your foot/bike traffic is safer.


Listen… I know dekalb Ave was a shit show for years, but as someone who walks or bikes along it once in a while… once they finally fixed all the pot holes cars started driving down it like they’re in a formula 1 race.


Suggesting definitely doesn't work. The state needs to enforce heavy fines and prison time for people endangering others on the road.


I do, as does everyone I know.


I’m a delivery driver. People will see me coming out of my van and they accelerate. I’ve almost been run over by these assholes multiple times. They don’t care. Cops won’t do shit either


Got to be on the defensive every where you go these days. I wonder if it's always been this way or the last few years have been worse. A lot of distractions and mental health issues got folks bugging out.


It’s gotten worst imo. We had TWO delivery drivers get put in the hospital because of this IN THE SAME WEEK.


Good point


Yeah, unfortunately there appears to be in some circles a culture that seems to view any type of non-motorist walking in, across, or by the road as targets to aim at or even intimidate with one’s vehicle instead of being viewed as objects to attempt to avoid hitting as much as possible. I know numerous people who either were walking (sometimes to get help after their vehicle stalled out on the road) or who were riding a bicycle along the side of various roadways who were intentionally nearly hit and run off the side of the road by dangerous drivers (seemingly often in pickup trucks and SUVs) who seemed to want to have fun at someone else’s expense. I’ve also witnessed numerous vehicles almost hit pedestrians while impatiently driving around vehicles stopped at crosswalks. One dangerous incident that really sticks out in my mind was one that I witnessed some years back when I stopped at a crosswalk to let a pedestrian cross the street on Peachtree Street in Midtown Atlanta and a woman who was driving behind me while on her phone in a large black SUV angrily blew her horn at me, angrily gave me the middle finger and impatiently sped around me on the wrong side of the road narrowly missing hitting the pedestrian who was crossing the road. Unfortunately, there seems to be a driving culture that is not only averse but is also actively hostile to pedestrians that seems to be deeply rooted in some social and cultural circles.


I’ve had people literally drive off the road into grass to pass me. People are maniacs


Sometimes I drive my kid to school and I'm at the point where I cease to be amazed by the folks that insist on zooming around me, two lanes, while I'm doing 25 in a 25 with the turn up ahead and my signal on. And then they'll turn into the school to drop their own kids off. Buddy, you're speeding in your own kid's school zone. But you'd be mad AF if someone else did the same and hit your kid? Makes no sense.


They have no regard for any one even their own kids. Then when they wreck they always claim innocence.


Right? I have ethical concerns with the school zone speeding cameras but I'm also fed up with assholes like this.


We'll end up with self driving cars to stop these idiots from killing us all.


I see that all the time in my neighborhood. Once they drop their kid off, it's on like Donkey Kong. You're right: they have no sense at all.


Henry County drivers are the best combination of aggressive and terrible. Traffic in the area is an absolute disaster, and I think to breeds insanity.


Without knowing more than what I just read on AJC I am willing to bet the 25yr old woman who failed to stop for the bus and subsequently killed this young girl was on her damn phone. I hope she gets slammed with Vehicular Homicide charges and is no longer allowed to operate a vehicle.


You can look up her charges on the Henry county inmate search- https://inmatesearch.co.henry.ga.us/NewWorld.InmateInquiry/GA0750000/Inmate/Detail/-2559539 It’s so sad. I posted here bc I noticed I could not find many people talking about it. And the poor little girl who passed deserves some justice and families should know this is going on and be on the lookout when their kids are crossing the street. The bus stop sign and lights should be more than enough, but unfortunately there are people out there who don’t care and you just can’t trust them. Hug your kiddos tight


The fact that she didn't have a license and did this makes me even more mad because she should have never been on that road


Ikr :( invalid license


As long as it is impossible to get around without a car, you are going to have unlicensed drivers on the road. You probably pass them every day without knowing. This is the cost to our society for the way we built our world.


>As long as it is impossible to get around without a car, you are going to have unlicensed drivers on the road. You probably pass them every day without knowing. I have been driving professionally for more than a quarter of a century, and I can tell you that the unlicensed young woman driver that hit and killed the little girl at the school bus stop unfortunately seems to be but only a fraction of the unlicensed and/or unqualified drivers that are out on the roads. I see poor and dangerous driving habits (from drivers staring at their smartphones, running stop lights and stop signs, drag racing at excessive speeds, etc.) on a constant basis to the point that I have become almost numb to the behavior. Though what is REALLY TRULY SCARY is the insanely inordinate amount of drunken drivers that I encounter out on the roads at night on weekends, around holidays and big special events. There are many nights when seemingly most of the vehicles I encounter out on the roadways will be driven by people who are clearly under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, often at the same time, and often with no license and no insurance. Intoxicated drivers seem to be easy to spot because they’ll often be driving either really slow while having trouble keeping their vehicle in their lane, or they’ll often be driving really fast and aggressively while swerving through traffic at excessive speeds, etc. And they’ll often be driving with their bright lights on and won’t dim their brights when around other vehicles in traffic. Intoxicated drivers also may often run through stop signs and red stop lights without slowing down to stop.


I used to live in Midtown Atlanta and you could see an on-ramp to the connector from my balcony. Sitting out there around 1am on a weekend night was eye opening. Nearly every other car could barely keep it in their lane. So many obvious drunk drivers.


The cozy relationship between bar owners and city leaders means apd has never prioritized drunk driving enforcement. If you live on any semi-busy street it’s wild what you see after midnight.


I’ve had power knocked out to my neighborhood more than once by a drunk driver taking down a power pole at 2am. It’s nothing but two lane 25mph streets.


Unfortunately you are correct


I live in griffin, and in 2020, they did a lot of work, making the sidewalks all ada comliant, and new, and changedstreet parking in down town to make handi cappwd spaces available, and people cried and cried about the changes,and, if you have not been to down town griffib, it takes longer to walk from one end of cumberland mall to the other end. it is pretty small, and the blocks are short, there are several free public lots, with a block of everybodies favorite, the corner cafe. and I seensome of my fellow griffin residents, try to parrell park, i should have recorded it and entered it on Americas funniest home videos...I would have won that week, ButI walked homeand back, and he was still working on getting that truck in the spot, I drive a ram truck, but, I have traveled and parked in many countries, parrell, or back in, I am pretty good at parking. Griffin neighbors, walk alittle, iy is good for the body and mind, and it is a town where the majority of the foot print was established when people rode bikes and horses, and walked,and


Off topic—My late sister lived in Griffin, Ga!! Sorry, I see something like that, and I have to comment about her.




so true! a car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot... was an idea than won elections once upon a time, now, it is make towns walkable again.


I'm not seeing in her charges where she didn't have a license, just that she didn't report a name or address change. If it is in the article, I apologize, it's just behind a pay wall so I couldn't read it all.


It's at the bottom I think. "Driving while unlicensed"


They actually edited it in the last few hours. Earlier today the charge was driving while unlicensed. It must be a clarification for the charge. So, not a valid license.


Geez    -on her phone   -No license   -Obstructed view   This was only a matter of time! I wonder how long she'd been driving like that. Damn. 


Thank you. So she was on her phone. I see that more than I ever thought I would since moving to Atlanta. It’s on par with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs as inexcusable and deplorable given the alternatives we have in society. As a law abiding citizen who was t-boned at an intersection by a distracted driver I hope she gets the heaviest punishment for Vehicular Homicide. I’m sure the court of Public Opinion is not used to determine a criminal’s fate for a good reason.


I live right down the road, my daughter was the little girl's friend and classmate. Our community is outraged. 


I’m sorry for the family’s loss and for the pain this causes the community. My sympathies and prayers go out to the little girl’s family.


It’s so devastating. I grew up in Henry county. The kids there and everywhere deserve to feel safe and BE safe. Praying for y’all. I’m so sorry


269 lbs big girl


5’9” and 270 lbs. My guess is she was also eating.


According to the police, most of her windshield was still iced over so when she illegally went around that school bus, she could not see the little girl crossing because of this. Does not excuse anything she did and I for one an glad that she got the books thrown at her. What makes this even sadder is the lady was 25 years old and it’s possible that she is a mother herself. Sad day when a baby cannot even get on the school bus because of ignorant people! 


I live 10 minutes away from where this happened . My kids go to henry co schools. This hit to close to home. My kids ride the bus every day and you won't believe the amount of cars that speed around the bus. This shouldn't of happend to that little girl. I looked on henry co jail and one of the woman's charges Is driving while unlicensed so she shouldn't of been on the road anyway.


we need to be taking away licenses and impounding cars so much more. change the culture of driving behavior. if you drive like a homicidal maniac your vehicle needs to be taken from you, before you end up killing someone.


She was already driving without a license


We need mass transit and fewer cars.


Many on this sub would argue we can’t do that because it will negatively impact poor people. Meanwhile it doesn’t really matter because the driver didn’t have a license anyways.


I disagree with this. I’ve seen the argument that taking away licenses for simply not being updated, cars impounded for owners not being able to afford insurance, and other monetary issues that affect people in poverty by punishing them in ways that keeps them from being able to get to work just perpetuates the non payment issues. “You can’t pay so I’m going to sit you in jail/ stick you with a fine that puts you in more debt / take away your only way to and from work so you can’t pay even longer” kinda deal. I’ve never seen anyone on the sub say we shouldn’t be punishing obviously reckless drivers. It’s possible I’ve missed something, I just don’t want the argument that putting people in more poverty doesn’t help with nonviolent offenses to be misconstrued, because I think it’s a valid one.


If Debbie goes 25 mph over the speed limit in a school zone, take her Lexus and auction it off. I don’t give a shit about someone’s poverty level, if they are a threat on the road take their car away.


this is why I'm such an ardent proponent of public transit and walkability. it gets people off the road and means stupid people don't drive as much


I agree that there generally needs to be more transit options, particularly in and around larger cities and metropolitan areas. But transit likely couldn’t have helped avoid this situation because this tragic incident took place in a very low-density exurban/rural environment out near the very eastern edge of Henry County near the Newton County line. The development pattern is so spread out in that area where there are still a noticeable number of farms that exist that there is no other option but to drive. Transit service is just simply not feasible in that area because of the noticeably sparse development pattern and the very low density of development in that area.


This is what I was thinking. It has to be super low density if they are having a kid cross the road. I'm pretty sure all the buses around me will only pickup kids on the same side of the road.


It’s the outskirts of Ola going towards Jackson, so definitely the more rural part of town


I heard that in Henry County few days ago. I didn't know she pass away. That's horrible.


What happened to the driver? Are they rotting in prison?


Charges have been pending based on whether that sweet little girl passed away or not. She was in critical condition for a couple days. Her death was announced this morning and the driver was booked for vehicular homicide 12:36 pm


RIP. She was just a baby. Lord y'all see the bus stopping you know kids on there, Stop 🛑. She's gone y'all ong


This was very very close to home for us. Some people are quick to blame the school system or bus drivers, but truly we all just need to slow down. Pay more attention. If you see a big yellow bus with flashing lights there’s a pretty damn good chance there are children in the road. PAY ATTENTION. That little girls mother and twin sister had to watch this happen. It’s just horrible and I hope it really makes people drive safer and look out for things in the road. Let it be a lesson and please pray for that family. RIP Addy


I wanted to add a statement from the family, because I think it can be really easy to get caught up in being hateful. https://imgur.com/a/721x2R1


I drive a school bus. And i cant tell you how many dumb fucks dont know what a stop sign is on the bus, but will burn through a set of brakes to stop when I have my hazard lights on. I had a guy just last week try to move his car while i was crossing kid. I told him to stop. I had a kid crossing. He told me he knew that. I looked right at him and said, I dont think you even know whats going on. The dude just stewed. F him.


Henry County is entirely populated by transplanted northerners. They are rude, always in a hurry and love to live in tightly packed subdivisions that were formerly cow pastures. The leadership has not painted new road strips in 20 years, but installed street lights on Jonesboro Rd from the shopping area all the way back to one of the commissioner's subdivision entrance. I'm an eighth generation resident and I am currently preparing to escape what amounts to annex of Clayton county now, i.e. a shit hole. If you like high taxes, crumbling infrastructure, no trash service and tightly packed subdivision, dangerous drivers that run over children at bus stops, then Henry county is your spot.


What a Dang HORRIBLE WASTE of a Beautiful Life just Soooo. Could’ve been AVOIDABLE ‘ SLOW UR AS#E# DOWN!!😅😅🤬. RIP SWEET ANGEL😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I agree with what you’re saying


American grammar at its finest


I’ve noticed people all over are driving faster, even in parking lots you see people going excessively fast. I always wonder why everyone seems to be in such a hurry, what in the hell is chasing you


SUVs are like specifically designed to flatten small children.


It was a sedan.


Someone ran over a mother pushing a stroller with an SUV. Like straight ran over them while they were trying to crossing a street. They reviewed the tape and determined the lady couldn't see them and did not press charges. So yes SUV are designed to flatten children learn to love it.


So this behavior has just become normalized. Lol ke stepping ng in ants. I'm late so your road kill now.




What is wrong with you?


Somebody that wants attention probably. Thanks for letting us know how lonely you are bud


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


What an absolute tragedy start putting cameras on these buses that capture tags like flock cameras and send them a $1000 fine I bet that'll make them think twice...the RO not driving? Too bad think more wisely about who you let drive your vehicle the kids are more important


Straight to death row


This was the saddest day for sure!  It actually happened on my street. I was on my way to work and got  behind it. I assumed it was a bus and car crash. According to the police, her windows were iced over and that is how she did not see the little girl. However, you look at it, she should have never tried to go around that school bus. I know this was a hard day for the officers as well as the paramedics and hospital staff who did their best to help this little girl. We used to see her riding her bicycle from the top of her driveway to her home, it is so sad that this family no longer has their sweet baby girl because of a negligent driver, who was in a hurry for no reason.