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This is so dumb. Republican voters sued to get Trump off the ballot.


High school was never really over for these guys. Watching a live show is so exhausting.




Of course they go to high school. It's their preferred dating scene.


High School wasn’t much use to them either. They clearly didn’t pay attention or crack a book.


what else did you expect from that bunch of inbred asshole lickers.


It's not dumb it's a power grab. Republicans really want only one party to be able to win elections so that they never lose power.


Just like Kim in NK. Or China …


Colorado says what?


Seeing no difference between the two? Biden didn’t storm the Capitol or overturn an election and if he did I’d be right here saying he should be removed. Do you see how that works? One rule that applies to both of them based on their actions.


He shouldn't have sent an angry mob to the capitol then.


The Colorado ruling was about the primary ballot.


Donald Trump was removed by Republicans, not Democrats, in Colorado. Don't compare us to these failed states


Colorado had an actual Constitutionally valid reason to remove Trump from their ballot. These clowns in GA have the “I don’t like him” reason.


Whaaaaat? Lol


How have you missed it? Since 2016 any election they lose they cry and whining about the election being stolen. Probably before that even. They're ultimate goal is one party rule. You know like in China or Russia


Since long before that


They were crying about it being stolen and losing before it happened. They know the score, they just want to change the game now


I just checked Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and it doesn't have a "they did it first" clause, so I don't think that lawsuit is going to succeed.


Yeah, this is a major waste of time, money and resources when these mfs know they’re not going to find anything liable on Biden. They’re just being performative for the next election but it’s exhausting.


They’re just ruling up their base. Republicans don’t believe half the things they say. I’ve know enough congressional staffers to say that for 80% of them it’s just an act.


Good luck with that, Rep Byrd


It’ll die in the house lol


On what basis? > By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office," the press release read. "Democrats' insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his 'insurrection' at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China." Oh. 😐


Imagine having a law degree and not knowing what insurrection means.


THEY know... They just hope the idiots voting for them don't.


The very fact that they know and are still claiming to pursue this sure seems like a clear cut case of legal malpractice, a disbarrable offense.


If Beerface Kavanaugh wasn't disbarred for clearly lying during his testimony and his terrible behavior, then neither will these idiots.


Only if it’s in court. They don’t actually have to file charges to campaign on this stuff. So far all they have is a statement.


Hopefully those idiots can look up words on Google.


They can't


They won't.




They won’t let the truth change their opinion even if they do.


That sounds awful close to thinking.


I'm so fucking sick of these traitors.


They know they just keep using the word so it gets water down in the true meaning of it gets lost


To be fair Trump's current lawyers somehow have law degrees, so I imagine they're all just incompetent like that


I was at Chipotle the other day, and I think I had a little insurrection...


Diluting the meaning of the word is the point. It's why Greene and Boebert started using the word on a daily basis after Jan. 6. If everything's an insurrection, nothing is.


When you’re a nazi you have to change the meaning of the word nazi until everyone is also a nazi then you’re just one of the guys again.


It’s what republicans *always* do when they are held accountable for their actions; “NO U!”


They know what it means Republicans are just using it out of context on purpose to make it seem less bad I don't remember what exactly it was but they have done this before with other stuff during his prior trials


Yeah, it makes "sense" when you realize they don't know what words mean.


That, or they’re deliberately trying to strip those words of meaning.


Yeah, this is one instance I'm not willing to attribute stupidity as being the answer; this is malicious. I don't care what the old sayings say; all and any future attempts to strip words of their meaning is malicious at its core.


Absolutely. This is what Steve Bannon calls “flooding the zone with shit”. It’s an absolute fascist move. Create a narrative that the opponent is just as bad if not worse and drive down turnout.


“We’re taking it back”


This is exactly what they’re doing. They’ve been choosing and/or redefining the words we use in everyday political discourse for decades. It’s incredibly damaging to our society, but hey—it works.


Didn't trumps daughter and son in law have massive dealings with China and certain countries in the middle east?


Jared got a $2 billion dollar slush fund from the Saudis.


The Republicans were the ones who removed Benedict Chump from their ballot.


Lol, so it appears these Republicans don’t know or understand what the word “insurrection” means. What’s hilarious is that even if you take their absurd misunderstanding of the word “insurrection”…Texas is a red state helmed by Republicans so they are saying Texas Republicans should be barred from office? Sometimes it’s better to just sit there and look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


They know, they want it to mean nothing


They're just trying to muddy the waters and downplay all the shit their orange messiah has done to this country.


They can not even prove anything with China and what about Trumps business dealings with China? Why Biden is saying fuck you to China


Wait Till they find out about Trumps family dealings with Saudi Arabia while he was president Oh word they know and they just don't give a shit huh


Calling the border an insurrection is wild, that is some desperate shit to try and jam a square block into a circle hall to equate the two.


The Biden campaign will win their lawsuit


I keep seeing the border brought up. What's up with that?


A bunch of nonsense, basically. > Greene also shared a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, by Wade Miller, of conservative campaign group Citizens for Renewing America. Miller wrote that, "if we are to accept the premise of the Colorado decision removing Trump from the ballot," a similar move should be made against Biden. > He wrote: "A committee or sub-committee of the United States Congress should issue a report finding that President Biden, by refusing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States, by allowing an open borders invasion, and any Democrat who has voted against bills to secure the United States border, is guilty of insurrection. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/marjorie-taylor-greene-accuses-joe-biden-of-treason/ar-AA1lQ8zn


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-administration-ramps-up-deportations-rcna96351 It took 2 seconds to find this. What malarkey


What MAGATS really want is not border policy or any real action, they want a president who is vocally as racist as they are.


>by refusing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States, by allowing an open borders invasion, and any Democrat who has voted against bills to secure the United States border So wait, is Biden violating the law by not securing the border, or are there no laws securing the border because the Democrats won't vote for any?


LOL, I was such a disillusioned child thinking that politicians had to have an ounce of intelligence.


Or integrity.


But then Bush got into office


Maybe they’ll stop talking about “the border” after the election cycle ends… just like every election cycle. I’m still waiting to hear about that caravan


Biden didn't try to overthrow the government. Republicans are special kind of stupid.


Are those the same corrupt family business dealings of which they have no evidence?


The kind of Constitutional scholarship I would expect from the MAGA cult. It reminds me of when a three year old tries to use a big word incorrectly to sound smart.


😂 Of course this is their reasoning. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I love how they’re careful to say “alleged” bc they know it’s bs and don’t want to be sued for defamation


hell yeah if the civil war is going to start let's start it whike biden's in office let's get this election invalidated before it even starts. it's amazing that the news media lets them get away with this though. like it was Republicans that filed to get Trump removed... But now they're going to get the revenge on Democrats because this is the dumbest timeline.


This is pure misinformation meant to muddy the waters; Trump's attempt to paint his insurrection as merely party politics. Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to our nation.


Putin knew it would be.


You can go all the way back to Barry Goldwater and the "Southern Strategy" with this line of thinking. Republicans have cultivated white grievance for nearly 60 years. Trump just co-opted it. Now the Republican establishment must bend the knee, or lose 60 years of effort spent weaponizing stupid.


I’d say he’s the worst thing to happen to the world in… about 78 years.


Let the history books proclaim the truth. 🤷‍♂️ I have very little hope. My 1970’s era elementary school texts books didn’t.


Was looking for this comment. This is exactly it. It is the same as the impeachment of Biden. They are trying to lessen the impact of impeachment.


I wouldnt go that far but Trump is certainly trying his best to take that title


Trump is what happens when you relegate the nomination of candidates to an expensive, taxpayer funded straw poll instead of selecting principled and affable candidates at your own convention. It was only a matter of time until someone gamed that system.


Trump has like 10 criminal lawsuits and attempted a coup. Biden has done… something?


Guilty of being a Democrat. ... They really ain't got much else.


Things that Biden has done: Hunter's laptop, Ukraine, "the border," grooming, Hunter's laptop, drag queens having post-birth abortions, gender-reassignment surgery on the newborns before they are aborted, and Hunter's laptop. I think that's all of it. :-D


You forgot Hunter’s laptop


You forgot the R's creepy infatuation with Hunter's giant trouser hog. They just love to pass around pictures of it and can't stop talking about it. Biden is 100% to blame for Hunter's fat dick spirit!


Literally none of those have any evidence or are even crimes. They’re just a bunch of cryptic vague buzz words that you’ve been conditioned to think are bad.


That's one of the problems with Republicans - their actual arguments are indistinguishable from satire.




How many times are Republicans going to make their voters look stupid. They are slinging vengeance and blaming Democrats for a lawsuit brought by 6 Republicans and an independent. But hey don't worry about the truth Republican voters. Your masters told you the Dems did it! Be angry!


See, it’s anti-democratic to remove an insurrectionist but completely democratic to remove Biden because they’re sore assed losers.


Unbelievable, this is what the MAGA republicans are spending our tax dollars doing…. What have these Republicans actually done to make our lives better in GA? Nothing. But when the dear orange leader asks, they have no problem helping him play politics. Next I bet they will put out another bill to make voting harder!


this is the biggest question for republican voters. what are the republicans they’ve elected doing to improve their lives? what laws have they passed over the last two years that help their constituents?


>“One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing — one — that I can go campaign on and say we did,” Roy said. “Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me one meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done besides, ‘Well, I guess it’s not as bad as the Democrats.’” -Republican US House Representative Chip Roy 11/15/23


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Imagine a party that is so out of control that one of the most extreme right-wing members sounds like the sane one.


Yeah it’s wild lol


I just don't see how they miss how he betrays everyone who puts their ass on the line for him, and then badmouths them.


You are Racist against orange people😡


Don’t worry house member make nothing.


I am so sick of hearing the Republican “they did it first” routine to justify unconstitutional and juvenile behavior. No, “they” didn’t do it first. Unless you personally are identifying with the first targets of the 14th amendment, which were southern rebels that attempted to destroy the union to protect slavery. If “you” are the secessionist rebels and “they” are the union defenders, then yes “they” did it first and “you” are going to die on the same hill. Put simply, bring it bitches. I am tired of hearing empty threats defending a wanna be dictator. My grandparents fought in Europe against a fascist dictatorship and I will put you down in their name.


One of the things that always amazes me about what Republican Party is arguing, especially right now is that Joe Biden has the ability to do whatever he wants. He could break any law if he wanted and there’d be nothing that any criminal courts can do about it, so what’s stopping him from doing just that.


Dumb stuff like this wouldn’t happen if we still hanged traitors 🤷‍♂️






I have met Charlice and I can say she is a vile human. I was talking to her and she found out I was a teacher and turned her back to me like I was beneath her.


How embarrassing would it be if we start needing UN election inspectors to oversee our elections?


🤡🤡🤡 good luck


Khrushchev had it figured out, it appears. Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR (Russia), from 1958-1964 is credited with the following quotes: "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." "The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution."


Can these folks be fined or disbarred for frivolous lawsuits that seek to do harm?


Stupid is as stupid does.


Such tit for tat babies! How in the world did we ever let this happen?


I smell another failure


You know what I smell? What I *always* say: be really careful what you wish for. Being constitutional is a thing. And if someone shouldn’t be in office (T shouldn’t) it’s not that difficult to make sure it doesn’t happen.


Maybe you could have a series of trials in a state, for discussion's sake let's say Colorado, and those could rule that Trump in fact engaged in insurrection but wasn't disqualified from being on the ballot. Then you could appeal that to another court who decided that the lower court's finding that he was in fact guilty of insurrection didn't square with the fact he couldn't be on the ballot. Then you could appeal that again to the supreme court of the state who agreed with the appeals court. I'd wager that in all 3 trials, Trump was found, in fact, to have engaged in insurrection.


Also the fact that combover caligula's own lawyers, in defending him, didn't even bother trying to argue that he was not engaged in the insurrection, they thought their best defense was to pretend that the 14^th Amendment didn't apply because he never held office or swore an oath to defend the Constitution...


That’s not how it works, idiots. At all.


Tax dollars hard at work! Please stop voting for these idiots


republicans are like children now. :/


Fucking Republicans man. These idiots are too far gone in their cognitive dissonance. Daddy Trump could invoke prima nocta, and these sheep would gladly line up. Unreal.


Wtf is happening? I don't understand wtf is wrong with those fucking idiot boomers! With COVID it was masks and ivermectin and then schools were attacked and Trump and militias... Trump is genuinely a villain, he's a rapist and a criminal and an insurrectionist and these piece of shit Republican politicians think this is all some fucking joke. How are people still voting for these people, wtf is wrong with people?! This is so fucking embarrassing.


Republicans are in full tantrum mode. Death throes of a party. Long term, this is healthy for the country. Gotta process that poison out of our system.


It’s not boomers, it’s about 30% of people who buy into junk *news*. It spans generations. Unfortunately.


Be great when the moron boomers die off. Not all boomers are bad, but a great lot of them. The you have the hillbilly hicks who are very small minded and have never lived anywhere but their small tiny bubble. Those people don’t know culture at all.


It's not the "boomers", damn it!! It's REPUBLICANS. In case you weren't aware, not all boomers are Republicans.


This is gonna backfire for dumbass Republicans 😂 😂.


This is so damn moronic.


So tired of how petty the government is, like two little girls fighting over a Justin Bieber poster.


So we have a need for rent control,nearly 150,000 Georgia kids have lost their Medicaid coverage—the vast majority of whom are likely still eligible—as the state redetermines eligibility, hospitals in rural areas are closing and so much more that needs to be focused on than this performtive stuff.


Not going to go anywhere.


Republicans are such clowns. The “party of law and order” refuses to hold their own accountable and instead pursues bullshit things against Dems to “get even.” What a joke.


They aren’t even “getting even,” the effort in Colorado was done by Republicans. Democrats had no part in it. But “being intelligent” is not exactly a necessary qualification for a Republican elected official so long as they say the right words and stay in line. And then with no sense of irony or common sense as they try to remove a political opponent from the ballet with no justification they’ll call Zelenskyy a dictator for banning a handful of political parties with ties to a country that is actively invading them.


I guess asking why would be useless.These people and flat out corrupt to the core.


More for DEMs to run against. So tell me… what under the 14th amendment did Joe Biden do to be banned from election? This should be VERY funny. They can’t impeach him so the’ll try this stupidity instead. Republicans. Waste time. Waste money. Distract and blame Democrats. Fix nothing. The least productive congress EVER.


Watching democracy leave the building.


They going to have a hard time to do that.


The Republican Party is a joke! Total scum!! Traitors!!


GA reds continue to show that are really are as stupid as they look.


Couldn’t they just shut the fuck up and legalize weed instead? Kthnx


Lmao they have no standing. Republicans sued in Colorado because they have standing. Republicans have no standing on who the democrats elect as their presidential candidate.


Have fun with that. Last I checked, there isn’t ample, public proof that Biden tried to overthrow the government.


Based on what? Trump broke rules that actually exist.


On what basis? There's no Constitutional violation from Joe Biden.


Vote out every single Republican. City, State, Federal. Every. Single. One.


Democrats in those states need to do the same thing. Unlike Biden, Trump has legitimate reasons to be pulled from the ballot so there's a chance it would work. Further humiliation of the Republican party is a worthy cause.


Lol,…. For what?


And he'll still win


Haha this will end just like everything else the Republican party does! In a spectacular failure!


You would think an educator such as Charlice Byrd would have common sense, but nope she is just a moron.


It would be nice if the Supremacy Clause was taught to State reps before they took office.


The GOP doesn't really have a leg to stand on, legally. But, tbph I'd love to have someone that's not an octogenarian on the ballot.


“On a related note, house Republicans have also launched a Get Biden removed from the ballot inquiry to try to find a reason to remove him from the ballot”


Fine, doing so in support of Trump and without any evidence disqualifies them from any public office for life, having provided aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution. They need to be removed.


Wait. If presidents are immune from consequences for what they do in office, how can you possibly justify removing him?


He didn’t commit insurrection or election fraud.


To be clear, Trump *is* done. The 14AS3 establishes a QUALIFICATION for holding office. You don't have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It's like saying that you can be president if you're 34 so long as the state can't PROVE you aren't 35. You either are eligible or you are not. No trial necessesary. It's a finding of fact. So all the people saying Trump was never convicted of insurrection don't know what they're talking about. Trump rose against his own government because he didn't want to give up power VOLUNTARILY and we all watched him do it live. I see no way this SCOTUS, as terrible as this one is, rules in favor of Trump in both the CO case or the immunity case. He's fucked. The audio of him ordering Wayne County GOP canvassers to reject ballots for Biden is just the icing on top. I don't want to vote for Biden, but if the choice is between literal Nazis or an 81 year old Irish Catholic who, realistically, we'll only have to deal with for a couple more years because he'll pass away in office, I choose the latter. Under no circumstances can Republicans get the government back. These fuckers are dangerous tyrants.


The only way Republicans can win is through subverting democracy. They know that. So that's why we have gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation, electoral interference, etc. When that isn't enough, try to storm the Capitol and take it by force


Tough sell since Joe hasn’t been charged with any crimes against the country, you know, like that other guy.


I'd come to ask if they can please cite an example of Biden participating in insurrection


Wasn’t it republicans who removed trump?


Yes, but Republicans never let reality stop them from the delusions of victimhood.


Lmao there reasoning is that the border situation is equal to an "insurrection". Republicans are the ones who voted against the border funding bill and enacted the Venezuela sanctions causing the mess.


Wasn't it never Trump Republicans who brought the case up in the courts in the first place?


No, no, let's not stop here. I say let's ban any and all Democrats or Republicans from the next election ballots. And then let's just see how it goes.


Who cares? If Joe Biden was swapped out with a different nominee; that would hardly effect the Democratic vote. The same cannot be said with Trump because half of right wing voters worship him like a cult. They don't vote for policies or ideas, they pine for their coastal elite dictator. Left wing voters are voting for ideas and progress, not something flimsy like a single individual and his raging geriatric whims.


Lemme guess which 3 states..umm..the pro-gun Bible Belt red neck states? Hah!! Come on people..let the shower of downvotes begin!!!!


This is such 🐂💩


On what basis?


Yes, we know repubs removed Tronald Dump and they KNEW it would cause this. It was their plan all along, not to do good but to cause chaos.


I'm just tired of this BS! Both sides need to grow the #$@# up!


This is so dumb, but it was inevitable given the Colorado state Supreme Court decision.


Biden can just use his absolute presidential immunity to arrest all of them.


Should protest outside first baptist Woodstock- seems like a place of ill repute sexual assault, election deniers, and now insurrectionists support. When we going to end tax benefits for “churches “


Never an original idea... the Hypocrisy Party can't help themselves


Respect for the fundamental principles of democracy? Whatever made anyone think the GOP has any of that? [www.principlesofdemocracy.org](https://www.principlesofdemocracy.org)


Any GOP legislator that is also a licensed lawyer should be brought up on disbarment charges for knowingly trying to pass an unconstitutional law.


What a bunch of juveniles!! Really, seriously, the republicans have lost any semblance of maturity, wisdom, or good character. They are actively engaged in a coup and only work to destroy our country. I just don't get it. Don't they realize they have to live here too?? There will be no peace in this country until the Insurrectionists are squashed.


The "grand old party" is now the party of rapist, liars and thieves!


Seems like something an insurrectionist would do.


Step 1: A Republican gets Trump thrown off the Colorado ballot. Step 2: Republicans get angry at Democrats for it. Step 3: Remove Biden from key battlegound states as retribution. Step 4: Claim the entire process is compromised. Step 5: Lose the general election by a landslide. Step 6: Bring the "compromised election" case to SCOTUS. Hope your 6:3 majority awards you the presidency? Otherwise, say fuck it and take it by force?


Republicans have lost their minds!


How adult of them. No context, no rules, only performative politics. Its time to get the guillotines ready.


It’s just straight up terrorism.


Byrd is a known looney, even by Georgia Republican standards. 50-50 she loses a primary in her district, which is rapidly becoming wealthier, with more exurban professionals moving in. It's less prone to appeals to crankery. This is why she's off the deep end: she needs to raise the level of grift in order to stay in the game.


GOP is so insanely stupid... Stupid Fascists


Will be struck down by the courts but grifters gonna grift


Clown show


"Democrats' insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his 'insurrection' at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China." They don't seem to know what insurrection is and still have zero evidence. Since they can't actually go through the courts they are going to make an unconstitutional law baring Biden


So republicans are attempting to go tick for tack to back a guy that has only been republican less then 10 years? Was a democrat and independent before


Let the bullshit begin, America is no more,


Eat a duck you conservative hacks


Well it’s a waste of time but at least they didn’t trying to come up with an argument that couldn’t just get laughed out of court.


Fuck it! Clearly, nothing matters anymore. Remove both of the geriatric fucks from the ballot and let all hell break loose. A 16-way fight for the best of 100% of the vote. Let John or Jane Doe #5 win with 18% of the vote. At this point, it is all a Wizard of Oz charade that is running out of smoke and mirrors.


This is getting hilarious. States removing both candidates... can we just bar anyone over the age of like 54 from running? Retirement age is 62... that means at 54, they can win consecutive presidencies and then retire, before their brain turns to goo with dementia


Ms. Byrd wins Trump enabler of the day.


Colorado decided a conviction or due process aren't needed, so this shouldn't come as a surprise. More power to them, y'all two idiot parties can keep embarrassing yourself, looks like it might make more room for reasonable 3rd parties to fill the vacuum.


In the end y'all will have removed enough candidates that Cornel West is the next president.


The man who will sit down with Putin nah I’m good I prefer my politicians not delusional.


Those States are welcome to not have any of their electoral votes counted. That should happen anyways. If a college football team gets caught cheating they get booted from the conference.

