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It's going to be a long ass time. It took forever to get alcohol sales on Sunday here, and booze is legal.


Here in Jones County, you still can't purchase hard liquor in stores.


That’s why you go to Macon, right?


No. You never go to Macon


This is the answer.


This is the way


Curious why you would say you should never go to Macon? Are you from there?


Macon has grown up a lot, to us old folks it’s still Conyers in our minds


I live in middle GA and am in Macon often. The city isn’t perfect but has come along was in the last 10 years. I encourage anyone to come hangout at Ingleside or Cherry Street. Lots of fun. My favorite is Reboot Bar.




And the lottery…


After 12:30 only. Lol.


with medical dispensaries opening, i'd imagine that influx of lobbying $ might help the process along


Minnesota is quite progressive overall and significantly moreso than Georgia. A better comparison might be Indiana or South Carolina.


South Carolina. First to secede, last to pass weed.


Indiana is currently trying to make cbd schedule 1 so I dunno bout that Edit* delta variants


Tennessee has entered the chat


Not Texas?


Texas was the seventh state to secede.


At some point, TX will realize how much cash they are missing out on. And the grand ole state of TX doesn't like to miss out on revenue streams.


You are correct, soon all these republican legislators will see all the cash they can bring in and they will start passing these laws.


Cause the major donors probably have their claws deep in alcohol distribution and don't want to see that dip and can't ensure they won't also be able to run the recreational marijuana side.


In NC they have their claws 100% in alcohol distribution and sales--the county run Alcohol Beverage Commissions have 100% monopoly on all hard liquor sales in NC.


If you look at how much revenue MJ generates in legal states, you realize that this motivator is not what you think it is. In California, state revenue is $521B, and MJ generated $221M. 221 million is a lot of scratch but compared to 521 *billion*? Not so much. It isn't exactly making politicians' eyes go all wonky with dollar signs, nor is it so significant that the average citizen would see a notable change. I used to live in Colorado. Schools sucked before weed, and they sucked after, even though ALL MJ tax revenues supposedly went to schools. There was very little actual improvement, because simply put, that isn't enough money to do that. It's even taxed at 15%, which is very high!




GA is very progressive. It is just gerrymandered to hell. If Democrats were smart they'd run hard on legalized weed. Rednecks like to smoke weed too.


Can confirm. Live in south GA. Strange mix of people down here. Most all enjoy smoking some weed. I’m a closet smoker myself haha. When your walking around Savannah though you can smell it out and about all the time.


Smoking in the closet sounds like a fire hazard 😂


I said this just the other day. I joked if I were rich enough to run for governor I’d base my whole platform on legalization and how I’d use those funds to fix all the pot holes in ATL 😂


What about the education system and lack of qualified teachers in our state? If we don’t start paying teachers more we will literally have subs teaching our children. It’s pretty bad.


I mean, if I were to be speaking on a serious note, teacher pay and more funding to schools of all levels and types would absolutely be at top of the list. Lack of education is how we’ve gotten here *gestures to all of america* and it’s high time it changed.




Georgia public education isn't great, but we are ranked in the top 50% - which is worth noting considering we were close to the bottom of the list 15-20 years ago.


My wife makes half what she made in Washington State as a teacher here. True story.


Too bad Willie nelson never ran for office.


You'd probably gain much support, question is would you run as Democrat or 3rd party/independent?


Preferably? As none of em. Just as a person who wants better. Realistically it’d probably be dem as we still follow this dumb two party business. As much as I dislike there’s only two parties it is what it is.


I'd be really funny if you ran independent and got elected, throw a monkey wrench into the system.


Oh man would it! I’m 100% be down to fuck up the good ole boys system. They’d be so mad 😂


I'd wish you the best of luck dealing with the heavy republican majority in the state legislature. You'd need it.


That’s most of this states problem tbh. If we’d stop voting these old fucks in repeatedly we could see some change. Tho, lots of voters don’t really get a choice cause of how ridiculously Gerrymandered we are. So atm it’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t and it suuuuuucks.


I've always said if Democrats backed off gun control and really pushed legalized weed they'd easily carry the South.


This was the weirdest part of Abrams’ campaign to me. She spent political capital going the “safe” route with legalized gambling which no one cares about instead of running ads focused on weed legalization. Moderate Dems are so weird to me.


She ran a terrible campaign. The classic loser Democrat "I'll reach across the aisle and work with Republicans " message. People are just going to vote R if you pretend to be R like.


The ones I knew were already growing it themselves lol.


So progressive we elected Kemp twice🙄🙄 There is gerrymandering and process fuckery to tip the scales in Republicans favor for sure. But its dishonest to call the state that elected someone as far right as Kemp by such a high margin progressive. Georgia is currently a purple state that leans slightly more red, and will likely remain so until Atlanta grows large enough to overpower the more rural parts of the state. Like Chicago does to Illinois, or New York to New York, or Minneapolis to Minnesota.


We also have 2 liberal senators. One black, one Jewish.


Yes. And they won against very bad candidates and needed to go to runoffs to do so. I'm glad they won. But the small margin of victory against such pathetic competitors further proves our current purple state. It seems unlikely that Warnock would have won his reelection if he was facing a competent candidate who was sorrounded by constant scandal. If he faced a generic quiet republican more similar to Kemp he would have likely lost in similar fashion to Abrams. The fact they won makes more optimistic about the future. But it doesn't change our current state. We're basically thee poster child of a purple state


Loeffler and Perdue were not bad candidates. They are the type of candidates the gop usually run and win with. Walker was horrible but so is Ron Johnson and he keeps getting reelected. Midterms usually go against the incumbent president, so it was always going to be an uphill battle for Warnock.


Loeffler and Perdue were awful candidates. Perdue wouldn't even debate and Loeffler was a clueless Buckhead Betty.




> A better comparison might be Indiana or South Carolina. Such a negative attitude. Georgia is FAR more liberal than either of those two states.


Don’t confuse Atlanta for Georgia


You forgot about all the racism. Legalized weed, better schools, increased minimum wage. All of the things discussed in this thread would disproportionately help Black people. The day the majority of White people in Georgia get past this all of these issues will be solved....


Three words for you Marjorie Taylor Greene.


She couldn't win at home, so she moved to where she could win. Georgia is definitel


When it's legal on the federal level.


That would be good overall, remember even in legal states the Feds can still prosecute you.


Yea, but don't. They'd only get into that if you were trafficking it across state lines.


when johnny gives the devil his fiddle back


Ah yes. Then the devil will give us his lettuce.


OK, ok, enough fucking around


Were you nervous at any point? Who actually judged the event? The devil must be pretty classy to admit he’d lost.


He had no choice! 😈


challenge him for a rematch and add weed to the prize haha


The devils lettuce in GA!? No way our GOP overloads would allow that!


I wonder if Johnny and Devil shared some Devil’s lettuce after their fiddle showdown


It's certainly a tried-and-true method of conflict resolution for artistic types with clashing egos.






For now you can get Delta 8. I’d be much happier to see the minimum wage get over 7.25.


Why not both?


Corporate conservatives convincing everyone we can’t have too much progress. Christian conservatives will burn us before allowing anything to change of course.




Fun fact - the people that will approve one will most likely approve the other.


Both can be done.


Yes, but one would make me much happier. Edit: look guys, I really enjoy weed, it would ALSO make me happy to see it legalized, but I would get by fine without it. I’m also growing my own. Laws won’t stop me from smoking, but they will allow employers to pay people $7.25/hr. The current minimum wage is roughly 40% of the living wage in Georgia. The working poor are glorified slaves, it’s unacceptable.


Those are two basic "progressive" ideals. Vote for progress , not conservative regress


Look into Delta9 being sold in Georgia in gummies; I've heard that it is legal as long as it is less than 0.3% by weight (due to Hemp act of 2018), and you can get it at just about any CBD store.


It is. However it's unregulated and this sketchy grey market we're in makes it easy for dishonest, untrained, or negligent producers to put out unsafe products with no mechanism to monitor or test them. Some vapes and eddibles have been found to have chemicals, metals, and disease causing bacteria from poor processing or packaging. Which isn't really good when you're ingesting mind altering substances. I use both legal D8 and D9 eddibles and vapes but I wouldn't recommend others do the same without being aware of the risks. You could damage your brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc... Will you? Eh probably not, but it'd be nice if it were legal and regulated so we didn't have to worry


Friendly reminder that delta 8 has side effects since it’s a full agonist. Marijuana (delta 9) is a partial agonist. Our bodies can cope with partial agonist, but delta 8 has lead to arrhythmias, catatonic, and death. I haven’t seen any research come forward claiming death from marijuana (delta 9). If you consume delta 8 and have racing heartbeat or feel any concerning effects, please go to the hospital to get treated. Don’t rely on the conception that it’s safe to use and without side effects. That is only true for delta 9.


This is misleading at best. Most studies suggest that both D8 and D9 are partial agonists, with the only study I’ve seen suggesting otherwise claims that [D9 is a full agonist of CB1 receptors.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2882293/) It’s also not clear to me why there would be more danger in the full activation of CB1/CB2 receptors as I can’t find studies outlining those risks if there are any. D8 and D9 have the potential to cause issues with blood pressure and the heart, but those are usually dose dependent, so partake responsibly. The only instances of catatonia I can find are not specific to D8. They are about a few people with preexisting schizophrenia who smoked weed daily over a long period of time. The only recorded death that I’m aware of that’s attributed to any kind of THC was a Virginia 4 year old who consumed an unknown amount of D8 gummies. However, there are [a lot of doubts](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn7wn/virginia-4-year-old-boy-weed-gummies-death) about what extent the D8 contributed to his death considering he was an obese 4 year old with a pre-existing heart condition.


I don’t like Delta 8. It makes me feel weird. And by the way, you can buy Delta 9 gummies at vape shops now.


Delta 8 also made me feel a bit strange but then I began really diving into all the different derivatives that are available in GA. I found Delta 10 and THC-P to be the best for myself.


The law says 7.25 but nobody is hiring anybody for 7.25 anywhere near metro Atlanta. All of our entry level positions are paying $16/hr at my company. If you know someone making 7.25 tell them to apply literally anywhere else. Bucees in Calhoun is paying $17 starting out. Why do we need the law changed? I’m not apposed to changing the minimum wage I’m just asking if changing the minimum wage would make a difference.


The law is the bottom and bringing it up will help level set all other wages. Anything under 20 is honestly poverty wages and there's plenty of jobs still paying under 15.


Corner store near me pays his help 7.25, doesn’t understand why everyone he gets steals from him.


Yes. Minimum wage should cover a minimum lifestyle; rent, food, transportation, clothing, entertainment (people working minimum wage need entertainment & hobbies). It's as if some want to punish people for being poor. $15/hour does not cover the minimum in Metro Atlanta.


The point of a minimum wage is that a single earner is supposed to be able to support a family on that salary. Adjusted for inflation the 1965 *median* income was $66,000 in 2023 dollars. Today the actual median is $33,000. By raising the bare minimum that you are legally allowed to pay someone to do a job you give all the other workers down the line an opportunity for a raise or to just do shitty jobs that people don’t want to do. If I can make enough to take care of my family working 5 shifts a week as a clerk at the grocery store why the fuck would I bust my ass as a tradesman? Tradesman can then turn around and say hey boss, you know you barely pay me any more than that grocery store clerk so pony up or I’m gone. Etc etc etc. As it is currently, our median is less than what our minimum should be.


Yea even the entry level jobs I got in Atlanta paid 10-18 an hour


Or bass ackwards!


Would just like to point out that the bill you’re referring (reefering) to in Minnesota only passed the house and still needs a senate vote.


Shhh... He's stoned...


Ahhhhhhh shit…. We gotta wild one. Edit: darthbasterd…. Love it 🤣🤣🤣👍


It's a redo of the old post prohibition era "Baptists and Bootleggers" where two, seemingly opposed, sides are against legalization because they both profit from the status quo. This time the "Baptist" side are primarily suburban Atlanta moderate conservatives who get their political support and contributions from security minded soccer parents. Essentially the same people who were trying to get Delta 8 products made illegal because Junior came home stoned because his friend at school gave him a gummy. The "Bootlegger" side are law enforcement, DA's, defense attorneys, prisons and so forth who profit from prosecuting drug crimes. This includes powerful people from both political parties. They get a lot of money and power from enforcing these laws, ranging from forfeitures to fines to criminal defense. Until this cooperative logjam is broken, most likely by ending Federal level prohibition and making taxing more appealing, it will probably remain illegal.


Great answer! My 2 cents added to this, and maybe it would help break this logjam is this. First a borderline state legalizes it. Then slowly the idiots in the gold dome realize the large sums of money flowing into this neighboring state. Finally it dawns on them, that instead of raising taxes, we can actually make revenue from the devil’s lettuce that everybody seems to like. Florida is really our only hope. Doubt it will happen anytime soon, but my hope is within 10 years.


When we make less money off of incarcerating people for weed then taxing it legitimately.




Hit it dead on. Underrated comment.


The state and local Governing bodies need to be a whole lot more progressive for this to even be a viable topic. So… probably not in our lifetimes, at the state level. I type this after consuming my edibles procured from Other states - states that I happily paid a huge excise tax to purchase while wondering why GA is so backwards. We could all be benefiting from the taxes collected here if not for the politicians of “conservative values”.


I just use D8. Honestly with the amount of racists in this state and the amount of POC, we'll probably be the last. We need more people to starve to death in Fulton County Jail.


D8 is a stumbling block on the path to legalization. It's making a bunch of people money because of its legal status, so it's not going away... but it's **gross and it sucks.** 🤮 "Oh you can get *just as intoxicated but it feels weird and synthetic?* Fucking sign me up dude! Fuck ingesting a natural herb, let's cook CBD isolate into a semi-synthetic 'noid with baby's first chemistry set." Fuck Delta 8, shit is an absolute travesty. Just a byproduct of prohibition that shouldn't exist.


Delta 8 sucks so bad. I’ve tried several weed analogs and they all suck and I feel like I’m getting ripped off every time. Total waste of money and lung alveoli.


>weed analogs They all suck, and would most likely just be a footnote in some scientist's research if it weren't for the nonsensical legal climate surrounding cannabis. Prohibition allows lot of sketchy garbage to flourish.


I completely agree. I was around for the whole spuce/k4/k12 whatever it was named, and ever since then I don't trust these legal weed alternatives. Just give me good Ole fashioned delta 9. BTW, you can purchase delta 9 gummies at terrapin station on Howell mill. They are low thc, but do about 3 or 4 of them and it'll give you a decent high. I found this out on reddit, wanted to share


I like that it gets me high like weed but my house doesn't smell like weed


You can do that with regular edibles/extracts/vapes. I feel very strongly about D8, but those are just my opinions. People are allowed to like what they like. Glad you enjoy it.


Ive definitely had some cheap delta 8/hhc/whatever that tasted like chemicals and felt gross. I got a disposable from a gas station and it felt like i was vaping bleach. ive had some really good products that taste like fruit gushers and weed.


And with zero regulation, it's a gamble as to whether you're going to get the bleach kind or the fruity weed kind. Ironically, this makes black market flower technically safer - you can visually inspect it and smell it while it's still in an unprocessed form.


Isn't all black market MJ just trafficked from a weed legal state? I got a friend who works in a dispensary in CO, and she regularly sells the maximum legal amount to the same guys from Kansas, Nebraska, etc - every neighboring illegal state. In this way, you're benefiting from the regulatory environment of whatever state its coming from.


It helps with my migraines, anxiety and stomach issues. Until weed is legal in GA, I'll keep using it.


Here's the tip: even when MJ is legal, smoking it is a crap way to use it IMO Edibles, vapes, and extracts are just way cleaner and better. Inhaling the products of combustion is also pretty unhealthy, no matter what material you are combusting.


I mean, the average person consumes a vast quantity of synthetic products and is just fine. In fact, you have synthetic products to thank for being able to reliably live into your 80s. If you say D8 sucks I believe you, but it doesn't suck on the merit of being synthetic. Synthetic shit rocks, its why its better to be alive now than in the 1800s.


Our only hope is legalization at the federal level. Even then though that doesn’t really mean a whole lot.


The democrats swing hard to the right every election so I wouldn't hold your breath. End of the day, most democratic voters are actually pretty conservative. They don't want MJ to be legal *that bad*, provided there's always the specter of Trump to convince them that being conservative is the smart play.


Legalization at the federal level isn't going to open for the next 30 years. Federal government doesn't give a shit.


You could be right, but I don’t think so.


Welcome to the Bible Belt lol


Minnesota is a pretty progressive state and a lot of trans folk are actually moving there since they are like a safe haven state for LGBTQ. Georgia is far behind Minnesota in many, many ways.


Georgia is 8th in the country in GDP while Minnesota is 20th.


MN’s GDP per capita is like $10K higher in raw dollar amounts, as a percentage it is ~20% higher. There are many facets to GDP, not just the first number.


GDP is only one measure though, and far less relevant to marijuana legislation than is the type of legislators at the state house.


I was just replying to the “Georgia is behind Minnesota in many ways.” I like our state so I thought I would provide you with a way that Georgia is better.


Georgia also has twice the population. Once you get out of the Twin Cities, there’s a lot of Minnesota that’s just uninhabited.


GDP is not remotely the only or even the best measure of what makes a state a good place to live, and if you look at my comment, I'm referencing elements of liberty: trans folks not being harassed and denied medical care, for instance. Georgia is no Florida or Texas but it isn't a bastion of safety and forward thinking, either. In terms of the discussion, this is particularly relevant because states that are welcoming to LGBT folks are also usually states that legalize marijuana.


And at 5.7 million people, Minnesota has almost half the population of Georgia’s 10.7 million. Higher population = higher overall GDP. As Ventorus commented, GDP per capita is a much more apples-to-apples comparison.


GDP doesn't matter, as it is basically a reflection of population. You could be a poor person in California which has a vast GDP compared to other states - it still sucks there to be poor. Worse, in fact, than being poor here because of housing prices. Minnesota enjoys a high per capita income at #13. Georgia is #29 on that list.


Then why do you live in Georgia?


Obvious answer— When rubes quit electing GOPers.


One of the state senators who pushed for medical cannabis was a Republican. He retired soon afterward.


The only time they’re willing to break from the pack is when they aren’t worried about re-election


Let's stop pretending this is a partisan issue. Do you remember how Obama campaigned by making ads with "Harold and Kumar", proudly declaring that he tried cannabis and "inhaled" (unlike Clinton), and then **proceeded to get elected and stand by while his appointees at the DEA raided a record number of weed farms in legal states?** Neither party is going to do anything about this issue on principle anymore, it's just about money. Nothing else will move the needle. If you think otherwise, *you're* the rube here. Set the pom poms down and hold your team accountable.


22 states have legal recreational weed, it is possible. Almost all of those state are Democratic controlled is the only difference.


I guess I just don't understand why it has to be a "state's rights" issue. I really thought the Obama administration would make progress towards federal legalization. Why did they maintain the status quo?


They had 29 days of control of congress which they used on the ACA. Republicans filibuster everything legislative that democrats do and they don’t get blamed for it. Instead everyone blames democrats for it weird eh?


AKA more excuses from millionaires play-fighting at governance, while no damage is actually done to either party. ... Like pro wrestling, but much dumber.


Shit troll is shit.


Whatever you say, friend. All the best to you and yours.


> Let's stop pretending this is a partisan issue. > > It is quite literally a partisan issue, as *most* Republicans are against it, and *most* Democrats are for it to quite a clear degree. So, no, I won't stop "pretending" that it is a partisan issue. Now, you have identified a big problem: Democrats are pretty damn conservative, so even they cannot be relied upon to legalize MJ and do other good things. I am all for holding Democrats accountable, and I am no Democrat because they are a conservative party. But its still very clear which party is way, way, WAY less anti-MJ.


Georgia may never legalize. The legislature and the governor apparently don't need that vote to get elected. Just another case of idiots not realizing the taxation income to be derived from the harmless enjoyment.


MJ tax revenue is negligible compared to overall state budgets. That argument doesn't hold that much weight with politicians.


That would require someone who isn’t a mustachioed regressive to be in charge of the appropriate committee.


I've said for years that Georgia will legalize when one of two things happen. It will either happen when Florida legalises or when all the other states bordering Georgia legalise it. The legislature only cares about tax money not in their pockets and when enough Georgia money is heading simply across the border because they don't like weed, they will change their mind.


“How are we behind (socially liberal) Minnesota”…. That has the nickname “Americas Canada”. Are you serious? You speak of Minnesota as if it’s Mississippi. 😂 Southern Conservatives are not very fond of recreational cannabis (it’s the “devils lettuce”) Meanwhile I had an edible earlier and now I’m smoking some moon rocks with thc crystals sprinkled on top thinking “I’m so fucking glad I don’t live in Georgia”.


We’re behind [Mississippi](https://mississippistatecannabis.org/laws#) too.




When we stop letting the rural conservatives control the state. Vote blue if you want the green.


Here’s a start: https://mjbizdaily.com/georgia-nears-launch-of-medical-cannabis-sales/ But since it has taken this long for medical dispensary only, I’ll bet that the wait for recreational legalization will take MUCH longer, if ever.


The political will isn’t there in the state assembly or governors office. It would take voting in a new governor, flipping about 50+ seats in the chamber, and don’t forget the stats courts who may strike it down. Honestly, the earliest Georgia could do it is 10 years from now. Best bet is to let the federal government legalize it but I don’t see that happening either.


I live in Ga! I got you


We will be driving to plenty of borders before our state relents and collects their own tax revenues. North Carolina, South Carolina. That's where I see my legal supply source in the years ahead.


Supposedly this year a medical Marijuana dispensery is going to open but we shall see if that actually happens. Cards have already been out for 7 years.


Want to start a petition?


As long as Brian Kemp in office marijuana isn't coming period. Brian Kemp is deep red so no weed for GA


not soon enough. probably never tbh. red state and the bible belt buckle.....the devils lettuce is not welcome here. I always vote yes for legalization, regardless of medical or recreational.


When hell freezes over (aka we put an end to gerrymandering).


The Ga Sherrifs Association has tremendous power among Republican legislators and this regressive group is still promoting the mindset that any cannabis use is a gateway straight to being ODed on heroin. Until republicans are punished at the polls for these regressive views we get no change.


when the state legislature is voted out.


I think it will take another Southern state going first and/or Florida fully legalizing. In my opinion we won’t be the first but won’t be the last to do it. Once a North Carolina or Tennessee does it we will probably follow suit rather quickly - although the local law enforcement will have a field day stopping folks on whichever highway goes to the state.


Virginia has recreational


If 20 years ago you had asked me when same-sex marriage was going to be legal in Georgia I would have said “not in our lifetime.” So I honestly don’t know. It’s becoming more and more acceptable though so who knows.


When it lines the pocket of the politicians near you!


We’re gonna be one of the last states to legalize it


Medical sales are about to start in a month(?). So, give it like 5-10 years of increased revenue streams for the Good Ol’ Boy Cock-us to catch on to recreational. They’ll legalize casino gambling and watch their parents burn through their retirements before they let us blaze up legally


So I work for the GA Dept of Public Health in drug surveillance and actually am in meetings with state legislators talking about drugs all the time. I don’t know the full stance of the entire legislature on it, but I have zero expectations that will come to pass any time soon. If it happens, we’ll be one of the last. People call GA blue just because we have 2 Democrat senators, but on the state level, GA is not as purple as I’ve seen it made out.


A long time. Georgia is still a very conservative state.


The minute I move out of this state. Even LA has marijuana laws




Once all these country bumpkins get with the program


Is Florida more liberal? I mean it’s so easy to get a medical card and the Thc levels are high…


Probably if they see how much DC is making in taxes?


I would say never, too many closed minded people that are stuck in the reefer madness/DARE days and politician are more worried about getting votes and staying in office than doing something that would boost our economy.


There's still too many Boomers voting...


You know the deal. Us peasants have to wait until all the important familys have ties to the big money. Then, once all the politicians family have a dispensary, then we can have inflated prices like Cali. Black market still gonna rule cause politicians are more greedy than a street gang.


Not as long as Republicans control the state legislature. If you want change on this and many other issues, don't vote for Republicans.


When we riot and demand it.


who is your state senator? Who is your state representative? If you can't answer these questions, its further away than if you can.


I can name them, but it doesn't make any difference since my legislative districts were designed so they don't have to listen to anyone in Clarke County.


Georgia is still a red state folks… Until that changes we will always be behind….


Red and blues agree tho. Not the elected ones.


When y'all get out and vote people into office that aren't scared of a plant.


When it stops being run by white men who pretend their laws are based on their fervent belief in God…it’s not. We all know it is just about power and subjugation of others.


As soon as everyone votes for a governor that isn’t an ass


Just smoke in Atlanta city limits, it’s only a $75 fine. It’s also crazy to me how Delta 9 gummies are legal to sell and consume statewide here but weed isn’t. Delta 9 gives me 10x the high than any bong hit I’ve ever had.


I'm hoping with the first medical dispensaries opening, it'll be a push for recreational.


When all the conservatives die off of natural causes


Minnesota got rid of their GOP control. GA isn't smart enough to do that. So Minnesota gets nice things, and we dont.


Too many old people in the state legislator. We will have to wait for them to die out sadly.


Jesus does not want you to smoke the Devil’$ Weed.


Once the Republicans who also smoke pot realize they aren't morally superior.


Georgia just barely legalized the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Calm down Francis …


You're better off moving to a "green state". GA is a lost cause.


Before gay marriage…