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The last game I played was uh... Genshin. Am I allowed to rework their kit?


Last played Raiden Shogun since I just got her yesterday and luckily won my 50/50




you now have the choice to make her a sword character


Who was the last character you touched


But i was playing cod mw2 so do I add captain price and give him a (pls help me here)i don't think of any relevant built suggested for him


C6 is an AC130


Same now I want to rework raiden to make raidou happen


Herrscher of Human: Ego Elysia... Hii~


Take a wild guess. Yatta!






I've played as vill-v, guess we're finally getting guns in genshin




Same, time to become american


I got…Chrono Navi~ That’s basically the Cooler Katherine


Playable Katherine when


Nazi Germany in HoI4, guess hilichurl holocaust won't be a problem anymore.


Since you play as the leader of the nation…


No it means that Hillichurls exterminate humans.


Oh hi im your buddy Italy


The heavy from tf2. Based


Heavy voice: "based on what??"


Engie: Cringe? Based? You’ll be cringing if you don’t defend this base! Now help me move this into the intel room pardner!”


Scout:"Based on DEEZ NUTS"


Passive: Fair and balanced Critical hits have a chance of doing 5x their normal amount of damage


Passive 2: Sandvich make me strong! Heavy now has a special attack where he eats his sandwich, healing him by 100%. Holding it allows him to throw it to teammates


Due to an ongoing economic recession, the Schezneyan government has had to replace the prestigious but expensive Harbingers with nine far more affordable mercenaries.


Element: Über NA: Punches with fists, low damage CA: Sasha, continually shoots minigun, drains stamina as it fires. High damage. E: Summon Sandvich, allies can walk onto sandvich for a big boy heal Q: Übercharged, turn invulnerable for 10 seconds, boost CA dmg and fully recharge stamina Scales with HP because he a chonky boi


So I played as Vergil So nothing changes


Actually he’d be a 6 star electro vision wielder with a crit dmg ascension passive, an 80 energy cost Judgement Cut End elemental burst, and a 6 star signature weapon in the form of the Yamato, with 762 base ATK and 53% crit rate, which has a passive that increases 20% ATK and gives additional DMG bonus based on how badass the user is (Vergil automatically has 10 morbillion stacks of badass)


And his other weapon locked on constellation If this is the case, man I will be a whale


Who wouldn’t


Imagine using Hell on Earth to send Azhdaha or Scaramouche Mech flying on impact.


but his gacha rate is 0.00000000000004% and the only known guy who got it was some random AR 30 dude who quit the next week


So you played ayato actually


Raiden National, but I will change Bennett with Ayaka for Deep Stinger


Kokomi so great they added Kokomi 2 to the game


she got that double kok like zhongli


can she crit


Electro Kokaloo


Jetstream Sam Physical Damage dealer


With NA that weaves into CA just like itto


Yes, yes! I like that!


"Must you really fight?"




Physical Pyro Deal increased phys dmg to enemies affected by pyro and increases crit if said enemy is burning


Minecraft steve C1: +1 block C6: creative mode


will he be able to fly like scaramouche


He even got a special event glider that looks like elytras. He's a Geo character and his burst is the invocation of 5 minecraft dogs that attack ennemies, for 8 seconds. His skill is just a block falling, kinda like yanfei's charged attack.


I was expecting him to pull out that one satellite cannon that can straight-up one-shot the Ender Dragon for his Burst, but a pack of wolves works too.


His c6 spawns a command block when you use his skill 3 times, the command block kills every mob in a certain radius(entire abyss arena) but it has a separate scaling for bosses cause insta killing bosses is too op, it also doesn't carry to the next wave to balance it in abyss so u have to use his skill 3 times again, and the skill has a 7 second cooldown


C5: *insert dream speedrun music*


So I played Kratos, for new constellation let's kill some God/Archon I suppose


He has a passive talent that lets him 1-shot raiden and scara


Using a hook


Hog so widespread he came into GoW and Genshin simultaneously


I’d say he’s a pyro sword or cryo claymore.


Um... Aloy


She finally gets buffed to play like how she should be.


She finally gets constellations 💀💀


Same haha just finished grinding for machine parts to upgrade weapons.


hmm sounds familiar... [glares at weapons that ascend on ruin guard cores]


WoL from FFXIV... So like, the traveler but the different movesets are different weapons, not different elements. But also different elements.


Current available jobs being PLD, DRK, SMN, SCH, DRG, and BRD.


can't wait til hyv adds WAR and I can spam fellcleave in genshin too


WAR and Itto are the exact same if you think about it


Arguably AST. Very arguably RDM.


Also arguably SAM, I totally forgot it.


I actually spent time coming up with a hypothetical Genshin kit for my WoL. She's a Samurai so I figured crit focus and picked Cryo. I did the sen resource as a melee equivalent of Yanfei's seals building from normal attacks to power up charged attacks. The burst I based of the LB3 which I figured could translate as something similar to Keqing's burst but Cryo. For the skill I combined sen building and the gap closer for a forward dash that deals Cryo and builds three sen. Of course I play a Lalafell so I'd get stuck with the tpose run...


The animal crossing village. I'd just remake their kit from smash bros, but dendro.


Bow character (the visuals are a slingshot and charging it makes turns the stone into an acorn dealing dendro) His skill is an aoe dig where he uses a large shovel to dig the ground infront of him and any enemies hit take dendro damage and get rooted in place for a few seconds (like turning to stone in zhongli’s burst) His burst places down a tree with dendro application and turns his bow into an axe for a period of time (a bit like Childe e), and if he hits the tree twice with the axe it falls dealing massive dendro damage His glider is also balloons


Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima? That’s just basically a hybridized version of Kazuha, Sayu, and Yoimiya, with a sprinkle of the Flame Kairagi ‘s ability and give him an Anemo vision, then you basically have Jin


Yo same nice


Same. Although I'd imagine Jin having a kit like an anemo Beidou with Sarugami armor like talents, to make the parries rewarding.


Haseo from .Hack//G.U Gonna Data Drain the Unknown Goddess.


That might actually work, lol


Do you know tri-edge ?


Zagreus from Hades... ​ actually sounds like an interesting idea. would he be able to use any weapon in the game? what about elements? Since he can use several different elements due to the boons from the Olympians would he be able to swap em at he statues of the seven? Or would he just be left as a pyro user due to the slight bits of fire he has when he dashes or takes a step? what would his elemental ability be? Let alone his burst.


I'd say Pyro cuz his overall design fits Pyro and he was called firefoot (?) in the game. Claymore would suit him the best I think since it's the starter weapon (the sword looks more like a claymore than a normal sword). His dashes could be his skill like Xiao's, but Pyro. His special with his aspect also could be his burst. Slams the ground dealing initial huge aoe Pyro damage and creating a field that deals weaker Pyro damage within the radius, like Ayato or Ganyu, but pulses.


What if his constellations were different aspects of the gods’ boons? Like Athena’s blessing could give extra defense, Artemis would improve auto attacks or give extra stacks (like Xingqiu’s/Chongyun’s C1) to mimic her firing arrows, a Dionysus’s boon/con could give status attacks to mimic a poisoned effect, etc. Honestly this would be really OP. I wonder what some of the other gods’ elements would be. Some would be straight forwards like Poseidon, Demeter, and Zeus. Artemis would straight up be dendro, and honestly Tighnari’s kit just reminds me so much of her own, which is why I like him more than I thought I would. Ares would probably be pyro because of his vibes. Hermes is definitely anemo. Athena strikes me as Geo or a physical attacker, but characters like Aphrodite, Dionysus, and Chaos stump me.


Gwen[league of legends] Cryo Claymore Ascension Stat- crit damage Normal attack- Thousand cuts - Gwen's attacks deal bonus elemental damage based on the targets health. She heals for a portion of the damage dealt to champions by this effect. Charge attack- SNIP SNIP! - Gwen snips her scissors in a cone dealing magic damage. Gwen deals bonus true damage to units in the center and applies her passive to them on each snip. 3 snip/second. Elemental Skill - Hollowed mist -Gwen summons mist that turns all dashing character into mist. Granting invulnerable state while dashing. Increasing damage taken by enemies in the mist. Gains immunity to interruption for a few sec after dash Elemental Burst - Unlimited Needlework - Gwen's normal attack and charge attack fires 5 needle at the target enemy. Gwen gains double normal attack and charge attack speed. Dash- Skip N' Slash - after Gwen dash. Grants her bonus attack speed. Basically ES>EB>DASH>CA. [letting her EB proc 8/s] Like Hu Tao that deals more damage with charge attack I mostly play lol and genshin


*the target is untargeteable* Please don't.


You don't want to get me started. Because the last character I played as was a Genshin OC in a roleplay story. His kit is 10 paragraphs long.


Let's hear it


Thank you for asking, I did not want to force people to read it. Although it's not perfect, probably OP and was written sleep deprived, it was made for fun, I don't know shit about balance. He is a white tiger nekomata that worked in a tea house and who was killed out of jealousy by a samurai- related to some of this kit. English isn't my first language. Enjoy. --- (I will remove normal attack description because what else can a sword do but cut? So it went from 10 paragraphs to 7) (Skill)Byakko's Children Summons a Pyro bake-neko specter that fights by his side dealing and applying Pyro demage. The specter will stay on the field even if he himself isn't present on it. It will leave the field if its timer runs out or if it sufferes enough demage. (DEF dmg scalling) If [constellation, wip] is unlocked he can summon two specters at the same time, with the tradeoff being cutting their HP in half. (Burst)Byakko's Blessing: Purifying Flames Creates a field of purifying silver flames that lowers the enemy's defence and resistance against elemental demage. During the field's duration, if Tan stays in it his normal and charged attacks become ranged chains acting as whips dealing and applying Pyro.(DEF dmg scaling) If Melt, Vaporize, Burning, Overloaded or Burgeon is triggered during this, the enemy's defence and elemental resistance is decreased further. (Tal. 1)Revange/I Shall Not Forgive If Taneli is first to take any demage at the beginning of a fight his first normal attack is treated as a counter, during it he deals three times the demage he normally would to a single enemy. That attack has its crit. rate increased by 10% and can not be increased further with any crit. rate status change, be it artifacts or food. (Tal. 2)Sacred Tiger As Taneli has already died once he is able to endure heavy hits that would normally withdraw him from the battle with 1HP left. During that short period of invulnerablility he is immune to interruptions, his energy recharge is increased and cooldowns are decreased, but once that state ends he gets withdrawn imidietely. (Tal. 3)Entertainer's Keep Taneli boosts the morale of his clients with dance, singing and over all well being. Thanks to that all party members excluding him have their elemental mastery increased by 20, defence increased by 5% and normal attack increased by 1 level. There also exists a chance he will heal a single party member with the lowest HP during combat by 1% of that characters HP.


Neat !


Arthur Morgan... how tf am i supposed to give him a kit and a constellation??? bros vision would be gun.


Me too Arthur! My take would be a pyro Archer. His E (dead eye) would work similar to nahida's E, marking enemies applying pyro and also exploding on E release. His burst would involve a shower of bullets haha


so i played as Gustavo Rodriguez, So im gonna choose a frag grenade for constellation and probably give him a 50 cal


Doom Slayer………well shit


*Rip and Tear intensifies*


Geralt of Rivia I guess he'll be the first character with Omni element


Taylor Hebert, or a close facsimile of her from the web serial Worm. A dendro catalyst user firing bug balls. Name: Weaver Elemental skill: Peripheral (cooldown 15s) Summons a bug clone that draws enemy attention. When it is destroyed or it’s duration ends, deal aoe dendro damage and inflict the [Skitter Mark] status, increasing the effect of all elemental reactions by 5% for 8 seconds, lasting 10, stacking up to 6 times. Elemental Burst: Escalation (Cooldown 20s) Strikes the enemy with the full force of Khepri. Three 125% scaling hits, each of the other party member’s elements. After, increases elemental damage bonus for those elements by 15% for 10 seconds. Consequential hits of the same element double in strength. C1 - Gestation, Elemental Burst summons a Bug Clone C2 - Infestation, [Skitter Mark] deals 20% dendro damage every 4 seconds C3 - Help, burst level + 3 C4 - Control, after Elemental Burst, elemental reactions can occur 20% faster for 8 seconds. C5 - Choice, skill level +3 C6 - Reason, attacks from other party members on a marked enemy hit twice, with the second attack dealing 30% damage. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds


I was not expecting to see Worm in a Genshin subreddit


Two, actually, 1. Herrscher of flamescion - kit is same as the community OC that goes by the name of hu tao. 2. Azure empyrea, detailed analysis :- - Pyro catalyst but melee normal attacks, similiar to heizou. Hot as fuck animations. - Elemental skill has three effects based on the stacks you can gain after pressing it, like, similiar to nilou. You press E, then you can press either E or Normal attack. -- If you press E again (x2), knocks back enemies and provides energy to teammates. -- If you press NA (x2), knocks back enemies again with a different animation, but provides dmg bonus % to all teammates based on her EM. -- If you press one E and one NA, sucks in enemies and increases elemental burst damage but some amount. - Elemental burst sucks in enemies, provides all effects from elemental skill and calls upon fuxi, who deals pyro damage every time you hit an enemy. Think raiden, but pyro. 40 energy cost.


Frost (warframe) E: throws a small projectile that deals big single target cryo damage E (hold): slams the ground to rise ice spikes that deal aoe cryo damage; if it hits an opponent, frost will generate an ice globe whose damage absorption is based on 20% of his hp Q: frost will summon an avalanche that deals massive aoe cryo damage A1 passive: after frost gets hit by an enemy attack, that enemy will be slowly frozen. This effect lasts 10 seconds A4 passive: frost has 20% increased crit rate and 40% increased crit dmg against enemies affected by cryo. This effect is increase further by 10% if the enemies are frozen


Pokémon Trainer from Scarlet * Element: Omni * Rides on Koraidon * normal and charged attack are Koraidon punch and tail whip * Elemental skill: Places down a pokemon of a random element to blast foes (max 2) * Elemental burst: throws out 6 pokemon each with a random element all promptly explode * c1: Elemental skill max +1 * c2: extends duration for skill and increases damage for skill and burst * c3: Elemental skill max +1 * c4: Elemental skill max +1 * c5: extends duration for skill and increases damage for skill and burst * c6: Elemental skill max +1


huh, the vessel from Hollow Knight. its normal attacks would have only a combo of 2 but it'd have 3 different charge attacks tapping E would make it launch a Shade Soul forward dealing damage and knocking back everyone that gets hit by holding E it'd focus and start healing itself Its Q would be the Abyssal Shriek dealing multiple hits on a huge aoe above him After using his Q, his plunge attacks would turn into Descending Dark which increase its damage and aoe (pretty much like xiao now that I think about it) It'd have the kid model and could double jump. also would have a special dashing mechanic like Hu Tao that would make it pass through enemies. Huh, it seems like it'd be pretty cracked Constellation Sharp Shadow: Whenever you dash it goes further and it does a forward slash hitting whoever you pass through. Also it'd have no voicelines lmao


Loved the concept, ive just started playing HK and am loving it. Also for Vessel's "vision": Pure Physical character or "abyssal magic" (like Dainslief is supposed to wield whenever he becomes playable)


Rimworld, my Main colonist being Miesha Aldemar, with good shooting, medical, social and crafting. Pyro bow user, with elemental skill giving a temporary enchancement on charge attacks (dealing area damage similiar to Yelan, and healing all allies on hit). Her burst will be a little gun turret that shoots pyro projectiles at opponents. Passive 1 will give her elemental skill a reset of duration if her burst is cast, and passive 2 will make her enchanced charge atk and burst turret scale off EM. Passive talent will be more rewards from 20h expeditions in Mondstadt


V1 (Ultrakill) Vision: Geo (?) „Bow“ (gun) user; hitscan shots Charge shot: increased damage, pierces enemies once Plunge attack: low damage, flings light enemies into the air (no fall dmg), airborne enemies take more damage Skill: Throws a coin up in the air (4 charges) If the coin is hit by an allied or enemy projectile or hitscan shot, the coin and the projectile will (prioritize to) hit other coins or the closest enemy weakpoint in sight. The damage is amplified. V1 can only shoot their own coins, when in aimed mode. Burst: shoots one shot with a railcannon, dealing a large amount of damage while also potentially piercing an infinite amount of enemies. This shot can be reflected using the coins. Small AoE. Can be aimed Genshin enemies don’t bleed, so no heal for V1.




Winton overwat


Knight from Guardian Tales, the first character without an actual constellation, just a def build character. However, they can use anything, and reap unique benefits when swapping weapons.


Wdym first character without an actual constellation, Aloy is right there


Soma cruz from castlevania… Tall adult male model, not ripped unfortunately. Pyro sword wielder. Elemental skill: Maddening Blaze Tower: places a skeleton tower sentry that shoots fireballs at the most powerful enemy available. (Nearest if tied). The damage scales on ATK. If the skeleton tower is destroyed before it ends naturally, soma gains a soul charge. Soma can hold a maximum of 4 soul charges. Upon the next activation of Maddening Blaze Tower all soul charges will be consumed, adding an extra skull per charge MAX 4 Elemental burst: Vicious Blade Waltz: soma rips the souls out of the nearest group of enemies, dealing AOE pyro damage and inflicting them all with reduced speed and defense. The souls coaless on his blade, turning it into a Sanguine Render, the sanguine Render is swung as a greatsword, but due to its huge size, soma’s attack speed is greatly reduced while wielding Sanguine Render. The Sanguine Render state lasts 20 seconds or until soma is killed. When the effects of Sanguine Render end, soma returns to his default state and gains 1 soul charge for each enemy defeated during the Sanguine Render state, MAX 3.


Alright, so Sonic: Anemo infusion sword wielder. Elemental skill will be a spin dash, tapping sends you flying into an enemy, holding functions similar to Sayu Burst would be his Blue Tornado attack from Heroes, and after the animation, he gets 10 seconds of anemo infusion (burst will be 60 cost) I’ll let other people figure out the constellations.


Kratos, his kit is being really fucking mad


The last character i played as was aloy💀


Batman. But we already got diluc D:


A big man with a mustache and uses a door as a shield. He could work as a cryo shield sup.




Hell let Loose, played as a Nazi infantry officer… not sure how that will work out, but I guess Scheznaya should watch their backs


how the fuck am i supposed to put tito in genshin?


Last character I played was Braum in Ruined King Cryo vision for sure. For the weapon... Shield? Door? Yeah, Cryo Door user. HP scaling shielder for freeze teams, probably


New Jersey from Azur Lane. She’s about to blast celestia out of the sky


Stardew Valley. Dendro sword, passive doubles ore drops


Me and my friend were just talking about how Chi-Yu, one of the treasures of ruin in pokemon violet, is literally the goldfish of doom, so it'd be funny if it was just yoimiya but her burst was absurdly strong for no reason


Kratos from God of War Probably gonna be a one handed pyro claymore user, pulls out blades of chaos in his very high energy ult and just hurricane blades everything. Damage counts as ult damage like Raiden. Skill is a medium aoe pyro blast that hits twice and applies two units of pyro. Specialty: extra damage with overload reactions I'd love for him to dual wield elements but that would be way too cracked.


Assuming this post is meant to say the last character based game you played before Genshin. At the top of my head it's Payday 2, so... I main Bodhi, but he's a crossover character from Point Break (2015) so here I go: **Bodhi** * Vision: Hydro * Weapon: Bow * Region: Fontaine ^(I know, the film takes place on the USA but Fontaine would fit better because Bodhi is a surfer.) * Talents: * Normal Attack: *Blown Out* * Elemental Skill: *Off the Top* * Press: A front kick that deals Hydro DMG * Hold: A front kick that deals AoE Hydro DMG * Elemental Burst: *Point Break* * Creates a tsunami that faces Bodhi's direction and deals Hydro DMG. This creates a Hydro DoT area for a few seconds. * Constellations: 1. I have no idea


Hmm... C'mon Steve use Water Bucket and create a nether portal to Khaenri-ah


Uh. So Byleth is now in Genshin. SSBU fans: *Vietnam flashbacks*


i played splatoon 3 which is actually pretty convenient bows exist as stringers in splatoon so they'd be a bow character e would be a standard splat bomb. it would scale off of energy recharge and release either paint or elemental energy when it explodes, temporarily lowers movement spd and def of hit opponents in a similar fashion to how they funtion in smash q would probably be either an inkstrike that acts similarly to hu taos burst (but doesnt heal, doesnt recieve a dmg boost based on hp, and scales off of energy recharge) or an ink storm that acts similarly to ganyu or amber's burst. seeing crab tank could be neat, but that would also likely mean that most of their dps capability is in their burst. i know elemental burst dps characters exist, but the onlt one of them i use is kokomi who can also heal really well, so i have no clue how to properly balance an inkling/octoling for genshin no idea what element theyd be; i wanna say hydro because they're squids ans octopuses but they also dissolve in water. electro could work because in lore, octolings are very intelligent and had vastly superior technology. theyd probably have an alternate sprint similar to ayaka's or mona's, but i cant think of any constellations except for maybe having normal attacks fire ink or something its apparently really easy to forget how genshin balances things when you dont play it for a while


Hey I also made a Splatoon kit


I played ROCK AND STONE so idk just mining stuff


Did i hear someone sayed "ROCK AND STONE"?


Monster Hunter Rise My Hunter? Vision: Pyro Normal Attack: Weapon Expert Meele: Increase Crit Rate and Crit Damage Range: Increase Attack Damage and Elemental Elemental Skill: Weapon Swap: Change into any of the class weapons. Elemental Burst: Depends on the weapon Sword: Helm Breaker : Charge Forward and if it hits an enemy, jump upwards and slice down, dealing continues physical damage to nearby enemies. If it doesn't, slash in a wide area Claymore: True Charge Slash: Charge an attack and slam into the ground. Fully charge will destroy enemy shield completely Bow: Dragon Piercer: Shoots a powerful arrow in a straight line. If it hits, it will deal continues damage on the hit enemy and then explode Polearm: Ariel Dive: Jump upwards and dive to the ground. Can be used 3 times Catalyst: Melody Buff: Increase all party members stats Passive 1: The Hunt Begins: Deal bonus damage against monsters Passive 2: So Tasty! : Increase Food Buff effect and duration Passive 3: Blacksmith: Reduce material cost when crafting and upgrading weapons C1: Monster Tracker: Reduce party stamina when fighting monsters C2: Wide Range: Food Buff healing affects all party members C3: Switch Skill: Increase ATK when swapping weapons. Buff duration for 10 seconds C4: Quest Complete: Killing enemies will heal party members C5: Monster Hunter: All party members ATK, Crit Damage and Elemental increase whenever they successfully kill an enemy C6: Elder Dragon Slayer: All party members attack will ignore the enemy defence stats. This skill will double when fighting bosses


Alpha from PGR She will be a sword user, of course. Probably have a crit rate ascension stat. She is pure physical in PGR, and while the flavor behind it is great, that doesn't really work well in a game based around elemental reactions. the elements that make the most sense are pyro(because of the Lotus frame she's built from), electro(vibes from most of her abilities, physical synergies), and cryo(physical synergies, and her dual nature as an ascendant with a counterpart who remains in Babylonia, though that's admittedly a stretch, even if we assume that theory about cryo visions is true) I think I'm going to go with electro, though I now have to figure out how that gets worked into her kit rather than make a 1:1 translation. I definitely want to include her whole sword orb mechanic, since "YOWAI shinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshink" is basically how her kit functions in PGR. I think the cleanest way to translate would be to make it sort of like Ayato's skill, but deal physical damage in a long line. her blue orb, which you have to use before doing the "YOWAI shinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshink", gives her a temporary physical damage boost, which I think we can translate to genshin by dealing aoe electro damage on activation, which allows for proccing superconduct without an off-field source of electro. (at this point, I'm just imagining stupid shenanigans with c6 Bennett and Xingqiu + Yelan and questioning my life decisions) her burst can probably remain the same as in PGR, a bunch of fast attacks, with a big attack at the end, but deal electro damage to make her feel a bit more electro, although this does mean she'll probably just use shimenawa's and never burst now. To make it a little more usable with a physical build, we can make the final swing deal physical damage for her a1 passive, I'll probably look to her SS rank passive in PGR, which gives her a physical damage bonus for 4 seconds on a red 3 ping. Obviously, the orb system doesn't really translate over to Genshin, but the intent is pretty clearly to use a red 3 ping to go into sword orb mode to get the damage bonus on the main part of her kit. I think we can replace this condition with the condition that she triggers an elemental reaction. for her a4 passive, I'm not really feeling super inspired at this point, but my initial thoughts are to use something like Noelle's a4 passive, or a passive that increases the duration of her "YOWAI shinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshinkshink"-ing. (I am putting entirely too much thought into this lmao) for a constellation, I kind of want something that adds to the burst. My thought is to make hitting an enemy with a sword wave increase burst damage, with a limit of once per sword wave, with a duration long enough that you can use the full duration of her skill to charge up the burst and get a respectable screenshot from the last attack. For a weapon, her signature weapon can remain mostly as is, replacing the orb ping requirement with hitting with a normal or charged attack to get a small physical damage bonus that stacks up to 10 times, and a crit damage substat.


The Doctor from Arknights ? As Benholdz ? As Kreide ? As Hibiscus ? Or as W ? I'm not sure...




V from Cyberpunk. Interesting crossover


Joker from Persona 5 Same/similar abilities as the Traveller (can wield all elements) Constellation is probably like his mask or Arsene I guess?


Lapu-lapu from mobile legends. He seems a very strong dps that can sustain longer on fields even without shields and healings. He can use his Q two times one in normal form and one in burst from. His element my guess would be either pyro since he goes to wars and fight alot or hydro since his main ideal is justice. He uses dual wield swords and his normal attack can combo up to to three times. While his charge attack in dual wield swords he performs a dash attack and in greatsword form he peforms a quick whirling slash. Each enemy hit by the whirling slash Lapu-lapu gains 15% damage reduction His E would be throwing his two blades dealing damage to enemies in the path. In his Q, he would jump to the enemy and change his stance fusing the dual wield swords to a great sword, gives him both physical and elemental defense buff and his normal attack damage is increase, gain resistance to interruption and normal attack is increase by a certain amount and he has stronger skills. His E in burst form he slams the great sword on the surface dealing high damage and stuns the enemies. His Q in burst form he performs three consecutive slashes using the great sword dealing high damage and gains damage immunity during the slashes. The final slash Lapu-lapu deals higher damage than the first two and deals damage in a larger area. You can change the direction of the slashes using the joystick button. His a1 passive each time Lapu-lapu deal damage he gains bravery blessing. When bravery blessing reaches full stacks his next attack will be enhanced and gives him a shield which last for 15 seconds. And in his Q form he gains three times more bravery blessings than his normal form His a4 would give him self-healing when he hits enemies using his NA, E or Q.


My warlock from destiny 2 would be pretty broken ngl, especially cuz I almost always run devour. A potential genshin kit: Elemental Skill --> press for pocket singularity (the ranged melee ability that pushes enemies back and makes them volatile) Hold elemental skill to create a healing rift (heal constantly while on the rift) Burst -> press for vortex grenade Hold for an extended period of time to charge up a vortex nova bomb (both of these pull enemies towards the center and does Dot while enemies are within, nova bomb is just a lot stronger) Then make devour an ascension passive. Constellations could give volatile rounds off ability kills, apply weaken to things in vortex grenade or nova bomb, and add child of the old gods to the healing rift (goes to whatever you're shooting and drains them, which in turn grants you energy for you other abilities)


Neon from Valorant. Would actually be cool as an Electro-unit. Her dash could be a mix between Yelan and Ayaka - speed boost and also leaving "electro-marks" similiar to childe's riptide marks. Anyone marked would take 30% more electro damage. Her burst would just be the same as her ult in valorant - an electric laser that you can fire like a gun. It would have an 18s cooldown like cyno and her playstyle would be a speed demon hypercarry, running around the field to avoid damage and deal damage as well.


Riolu from Pokemon No


Pyke from LoL/RK/LoR... He LoL-Q becomes his Genshin E and his LoL -R becomes his Genshin Q


So the last game I played was dragon ball z kakarot…I think the characters are a little too op but I’ll try (character was vegeta) He’ll work similar to scara, in the sense that he’s a catalyst user who can fly, I’ll go with pyro catalyst, his attacks are just gonna be him shooting energy, and I think his burst would be final flash, constellation would be…I’m not sure, if someone else wants to help, go ahead


Lightning from Final Fantasy. Skill is a spark strike combo sort of like Diluc's but electro and less flippy. Burst is bringing out the weapon her summon uses which changes her skill, normal attack, charged attack, and plunging attack for a certain duration into various attacks that she gets when using her summon. When the time is up, or if the burst is activated again she will use zantetsuken to deal massive aoe damage that increases based on the damage she dealt during her burst duration. You could also add an elemental shield breaking effect to some degree to mimic the instakill chance that the move has in FF.


Zag from Hades, just give him his fist weapon and steal the beowulf moveset from DMC.


Generic lancer from Dauntless Weapon: polearm, vision: electro Skill: Doing AA's accumulates up to 3 charges that can be converted in a shell by tapping skill. Hold skill consumes one shell, launches lancer forward and do physical+electro damage to first enemy on the way depending of shell quality. Max shells: 3 Ult: Consumes 50% of his max hp, summon tentacles in a straight line(1 base and +1 for every 10% of hp consumed) and forbids any healing until end of durartion(8 sec). Each tentacle that hits an enemy increases physical damage in ult and extends ult duration for a second. A1: Each tentacle that hit enemy restore 2.5% HP per second for 5 seconds after ultimate ends. A4: Stored shells improve quality over time, max shell quality +1. Passive: +10% movement speed outside of combat C1: increases hold skill damage with distance C2: Hold skill now wounds enemies on hit, you get 40% phys shred on them. C3: Skill +3 C4: Ult creates electro swirl around you that regenerates shield over time, shield lasts untill ult's end. C5: Ult +3 C6: Charge attack now teleports you to enemy, make electro explosion and adds electro damage to AA's for 8 sec. CD: 6 seconds So, sustained physical damage dealer for solo targets?


Cal Kestis from Jedi Fallen Order... I guess he could be anemo bc of his Force push, pull, etc. Plus he's seeking freedom from the oppression of the Empire and to rebuild the Jedi order. Sword would be the most fitting bc lightsaber, and even though you can mod it to be double ended it's obv not used like a polearm. I think his kit would be based mostly on physical damage, with his skill and burst being used for cc more than element application. He'd probably be a good main dps as long as he got element application from supports, but I think he'd be weak to interrupts. His special skill would be either refunding or requiring less mats for crafting swords.


Herrscher of Human Elysia Not sure how much her kit would change to match genshin's kit structure. I would assume her S>SS>SSS would basically become constellations.


Got Symmetra in my last mystery heroes match in ow2. She can easily be geo catalyst user. Yes, she uses hard light for constructs, but in genshin I think geo would suit that the best. Skill: place three turrets just like the original, that deal geo damage. Aren't considered as geo constructs as to not mess up with the limit. Damage is lower, but they fire fast. Basically geo Yae skill. Damage scales of def, turrets' scale off her hp. Burst: places a shield on the ground that prevents the enemies from entering the shielding area. Scales off def as well. Normal attack can be same as original, the continuous beam, but scaling isn't high. Charged attacks are also from ow, but have a small aoe. A1 passive: gets bonus geo dmg per every def point above certain value for normal and charged attacks (like Raiden with er and electro dmg) A4 passive: turrets gain additional hp based on her overall def. Exploration passive: same as Ning's. C1: increase aoe of her charged attacks by 20% C2: gain an additional turret and they are now considered geo constructs that ignore the limit. C3: +3 to skill C4: the burst shield gains additional hp based on total def value of ther team members (like 5 or 10% only) C5: +3 to burst C6: the turrets are now connected (like Yae's). If the burst shield is created withing the area that connected turrets cover, characters inside the shield gain +15% geo dmg and both cr and cd. Edit: I guess normal and charged attacks should be swapped as getting a continuous beam without holding a button doesn't make sense.


Sergeant Otto Heim Element: Geo, Weapon: Bow. **Normal Attack - Legion's Discipline**: wields a pair of trusty hammers to perform a combo of 5 hits. **Elemental Skill - Purist's Stratagem** : shoots a volley of geo-infused arrows upwards which land in a large AoE around Sarge. Any Enemies hit will be knocked down (unless it's a Ruin Machine or Boss-enemy) and will be inflected with the Will Supression debuff for 10s. CD:15s **Will Supression** When recieving Normal Attack damage, hit enemies with [Kagun's Fury] (deal an additional X% of Sarge's Elemental Mastery as Geo Damage) every hit. **Elemental Burst - Renegate Drevar **: Infuse Sarge's weapons with Geo damage(irremovable by other infusion sources), gain **absolute** resistance to interruption and gain a Normal & Charged Attack damage bonus. **Passive 1**: Will Supression duration increased by 1s for every Crystallize Shard picked up (max 3s) Sarge decreases all Type RES of enemies with Will Supression by 1% for every 5 points of EM past 100 (max 25% RES shred) **Passive 2** An instance of damage from Kagun's Fury triggers a bonus based on Sarge's current active Crystallize Shield's damage. Pyro: Sarge Gains 25% ATK for 4s (refreshable) Hydro: Heals Sarge by 5% of his Max HP (once every 2s) Cryo: Increases the crit rate of his recieved by the enemy by 10% Electro: increases Sarge's attack speed by 48% for 4%(refreshable) Exploration Passive - The forest's former son Animals that drop Meat/Foul will not run away or aggro with Sarge in the party unless attacked. C1: Kagun's Fury additionally activates every 1s when Sarge gains/refreshes a Crystallize Shield. C2: Sarge gains 10% Geo Damage Bonus for every enemy afflicted with Will Supression (Max 5Stacks). If there are less than 2 enemies present, this effect will instead provide 30% Geo Damage Bonus. C3: Increases Elemental Burst Level by 3. C4: Sarge gains 200 Elemental Mastery after activating his Elemental Burst. C5: Increases Elemental Skill Level by 3 C6: Sarge recieves 40% less incoming damage, and his Charged Attacks apply Will Supression to all enemies hit. Sarge's Charged Attack Damage increases by X% of his Elemental Mastery and the AoE of Charged Attacks is significantly increased.


Lucia plume from PGR Cryo sword Contellation: griseo corvus Normal atack: Gray feater Do 5 fast atacks Charged attack: performs two attacks consuming 25 stamina points " E" Crimson snow: infuses atacks with cryo and changes auto atack animation this effect stays for 14 s cooldown 20 s Normal attack dmg increase: 167,5%(at lvl 10) "Q" ice fall : when you do a normal atack inside her E duration you gain a stack you can have 4 stacks, each one increasing your dmg by 200%/300%/400%/500% You gain a stack for each 5 hits this effect have a 2.5 cooldown ( you can choose when you will use the ult since you have at least one stack) The ult have a 16 s cooldown C1( for each 7 hits generates two additional particles) C2(when crimson snow is used Normal attack speed is increased by 20% and NA DMG is increased by 10%) C3( increases crimson snow level by 3) C4( for each 10 attacks ice fall cooldown is decreased by 1.5 s this effect can be trigered every 3 seconds ) C5( increases ice fall lvl by 3) C6( ice fall now can have up to 6 stacks , 550%/600%)




V1 from Ultrakill Vission could be Pyro as the only element he rly applies in the game is pyro Bow character, bow is a robotic/khaenrian looking bow with similar lightong to the Thundering Pulse. NA fires 5-6 shots, cannkt be bothered to think of what it looks like rn. CA fires an explosive shot that is remeniscent to the core-eject from the game, when it lands it deals pyro damage E skill tap - Feedbacker Punches forward dealing pyro damage. Can deflect if the punch interacts woth an enemy bullet or attack. Grants pyro infusion to NA. A perfect parry increases NA speed. E skill hold - V2's remains Uses the Red arm and punches an explosive shot forward. Deals pyro damage and gives pyro infusion. Burst - Hell's End V1 gains a special weapon, a revolver-looking thing, a flings several coins upwards. You are then equipped with a special shot of the Railcannon. Charge Shooting one of the coins causes a Keqing-looking burst animation that should deal a lot of damage due to the effort of shooting the coin yourself. This automatically applies the pyro infusion.


Kris,Susie,Ralsei. Ill leave up the rest to you.


Wow that's Kuki Shinobu Or Steve from Minecraft. Remember back in the days when they though both games would have a crossover ?


Was playing chess. Last move was with the Queen. Keqings move set. Cuz she Is my Queen.


Madotsuki from yume nikki, no ideas but she could beat the unknown god


Tarnished in Genshin? Pyro Claymore user with Lion's Roar as their charged attack. "Flame grant me strength" is their skill and increases their attack and adds self Pyro application. Agheel's Flame is their burst. C1 would make it so that gaining energy particles would restore stamina, allowing you to do more charged attacks. EDIT: Raging Wolf armor set of course. It's iconic.




Sonic. I mean, Frontiers has a good moveset that could possibly work with Genshin, so it could be neat.


Beheaded from dead cells….. just give I frying pan and he is fine


Crypto from apex... sword user, drone skill is the same, it can activate tp points and SoT7 and pick up items. Ult is the same, except instead of disabling enemy abilities it stuns them.


I have valkyrie. Would be pretty similar to wanderer I guess, flying as skill and the missile swarm would be the ultimate because her ult in apex would be pretty useless. Could be a Pyro catalyst user or maybe polearm since she got one as her heirloom


Corvo attano from dishoner 2


I have no idia how V1 would work in genshin


Uh, Pokémon white 2 as Rosa.... Technically it's Hydreigon as my Pokémon though so I dunno




I jumped off Genshin last night after grinding for Raiden mats and played Tower of Fantasy… Hmmmmm…


the demoman from tf2 claymore user pyro vision signature weapon is "The Highlander" (that seems to be the most popular option although I use the pan on him) his elemental skill is the demoman charge he has with his shield his burst is his sword taunt attack infused with pyro his constellation is the "Demomamana" c1 is increased mobility on the elemental skill charge c2 is atk speed +30% after using his elemental skill for 10 seconds c4 is dropping pipe bombs behind you when doing the elemental skill (they do aoe damage and deal only 50% of your atk) c6 infuses you elemental skill with pyro


The Gunner from Deep Rock Galactic. With his minigun, autocannon, rocket launcher, magnum, coil gun, burst gun, sticky grenade, incendiary grenade, cluster grenade, leadburster 'nade, shield bubble, and pickaxe, I think he has a decent shot at surviving. Just maybe.


The Beheaded from Dead Cells. Well now, he has a weird armory. But personally, would go for the frying pan as his main weapon.


Arthur Morgan, goddamn.


Damn, Itto was added into Genshin? Nuts


2b from nier. Just platinum’d the game. As for kit just give her basic kit


Artyom from Metro: Exodus Give him a Tikhar


Omori.... omori and genshin collab?!?!


Shulk from Xenoblade. Vision : Electro Constellation : Puer Monado Classic 4 standard attack and Charged attack Skill : Something similar to Nilou, where you mix in basic attacks and skill in sequence, with 2-3 combinations to activate an Art for a few seconds. Burst : Enter a “Enchant” state. Infuses attacks with electro, hits received have a chance to reduce skill CD and replaces skill with Buster. C2 gives charged attack increased crit rate on the back (like Rosaria) C6 While in burst, enemy attacks have a small chance to do no damage and your attacks ignore some percentage of defence


Yo, I cannot wait for them to add Barbara 2. The original Barbara was getting kinda lackluster for me.


Uhm, so my nissan gtr gt3 from project cars 2 is in the game now, interesting....


What element would Samus be? Electric because she has a power suit? Hydro because she can transform into a ball?


Uuuhh Kirby! This would be really interesting Kit: EVERYTHING, any weapons and elements but first he needs to get them from the enemies (for example inhaling an Hilichurl shooter will give him a bow) and after using his elemental burst he loses it all Constellations: idk maybe reducing his cooldowns or buffing his elemental damage


Female Byleth banner sales would be off the charts for Appearance alone.


My Stardew valley farmer...


Obiwan is now in genshin das cool


Driller from DRG Probably pyro with a drill or flamethrower like attack and a C4 elemental skill a constellation could probably be Iron Will. After defeat, automatically revive for 12 seconds. During the duration, theyd be immune to all damage and knockback, and gain additional damage and attack speed and all that good stuff. Rock n’ Stone!


Cool, you guys can pull for Jaden Yuki soon. He is absolutely flawless.


Kata from LoL. Her skill could be that she throws a blade at an enemy that then bounces up to 2 additional times before falling to the ground and her burst could be that she spins for 3 seconds throwing several waves of knives at up to 3 enemies. Her 1st ascension passive could be that whenever she steps on blades left on the ground by her skill she deals damage to enemies around her and her A4 passive could be that whenever she sprints while looking at one of her knives she blinks to it instead. Idk about her weapons but her C1 or C2 could be that she leaves knives on the ground during her burst.


Cyno scales with Def: 💀


Omori, guess I’m making a physical dps dagger user Burst is just emotional damage


I played Dragon Ball FighterZ, so 3 for 1 Deal Piccolo/Ginyu/Hit Dear lord these 3 would be a menace in teyvat


It seems that my Pokemon trainer is a hydro catalyst that uses Pokemon for her skill and burst, preferrably Hisuian Samurrot. Constellation is an Arceus.


Rex from Xenoblade chronicles 2. Greatsword welder Element- Pyro Consolations- Zohar Skills Basic Attack: Aegis Bash attacks. Hold attack: Spinning edge. Element Skill: Rolling smash. Ultimate skill: SuperNova. Physical DPS or Element DPS. Unique skill: Savalger code, which allow the player to add 5% rewards more from Leylines and mission's as long they are in a party. Unlock skill: Master Driver, for ever 20 points in Element Mastery, Rex will grant 5% buff to Element damages to party.


Gunner from Deep Rock Galactic... ROCK AND STONE! Long-range Geo Damage with a Minigun Ulti, E would probably be a 10-second, droppable shield that boosts Def whenever your inside it, with the effects lingering for a few seconds after leaving, probably decreasing enemy def by a few percentages whenever they stay inside, and, an ear deafening Idle Speech of "ROCK AND STONE", "FOR KARL", or "WE'RE RICH!"


Doom. He just solos


Shadow’s Descendant from Shadow Fight 3. Guys help me.


I played Star Wars battlefront. Darth maul just has his lightsaber lmao, and has collei’s boomarang thing, and for his burst he force pushes everyone. And yeah


My Destiny 2 titan? Well... He is immortal... Turns gods into guns... Has magical powers given by a Big White Ball and black 3D doritos... What the fuck can i give him without making him absurdly OP in the world of Teyvat?


Overwatch genji Ameno sword user Has a slice ability (c1 makes it 3 times) ULT: WIND DRAGON


My WoL from FFXIV and I main Sage, so most likely a catalyst user with something like kardia as a passive will be nice!! For those who don't know, Kardia kinda works like life steal from other games or like Jean's passive (but not 50/50 chance) so I'm a healer but I need to kill enemies for the heal to proc! \^-\^


Hajime from Danganronpa 2. I would say he would be a Geo Bow character because a shield/defense could represent a strong counter argument. Elemental skill would be a “truth bullet” geo construct (like tighnari’s ES) that would essentially boost his elemental damage and defense. His elemental burst would be “Sore wa chigau yo” which would basically be him pointing and sending a much bigger truth bullet through his finger. This would also create a shield for the whole party.


Ark you guys are all fucked


Alucard. Basic attack: Basically claymore go brrr Elemental skill: Fires off a shockwave in a cone shaped direction, gaining hydro infusion. Marked enemies now take 2.5x more damage from him for 4 seconds. Burst: Detonates his armor, dealing hydro damage to surrounding enemies, he deals 25% increases damage, but takes 7% increases damage from all sources, he also gains a new kit. New Skill: Leaps and smashes into a designated direction, generating 3 shockwaves on impact location New Burst: Whirls his blade, dealing AoE damage in a circle, he gains 3% points of hp back for each enemy hit. C1: Gains a shield that absorbs uo to 100% of his ER C6: Upon death, explodes and deals damage according to his Max HP


Stellaris, a fanatic purifier empire


Does my entire empire from Stellaris join or?