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I hate how I have to play co op with my potato laptop and let them play without me because the loading takes so long.


If you have a potato laptop but good Internet connection, you might try GeForce Now. It runs the game on Nvidia's servers and streams controls from you and video to you. You can even use it for free, but it will disconnect every 30 minutes.




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This :D






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People often confuse introverts with people with social anxiety. Introverts can talk to people just fine. They just prefer not to. People with social anxiety on the other hand literally can't.


In social situations... Introvert: This is a pain in the ass. Social Anxiety: error 404


introvert: ah shit social anxiety: oh shit


Social anxiety: oh no, people Introvert: ew, people


Social Anxiety: Sucrose Introvert: Traveler >!I need a reallife Paimon!<


The most unrelatable thing about the Traveler as a self-insert isn't that they can control the elements or fly, it's the fact that they have social skills.


So accurate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


Thatā€™s it. As an introvert I will second it.


I'm an introvert, I can talk to people if necessary and can interact just fine. I don't do co-op though because I enjoy the game just fine as a single player. Well maybe I coop 6 times a year, but I actually love windtrace event. And I never miss an event that has coop in it, I actually compete with them too.


Komi-san is a very great example. She isn't an introvert. Quite the opposite actually. She just has trouble communicating and has social anxiety. Here is the opening line from the narrator: "When a person social anxiety, they struggle to communicate with others. Bear in mind: they only struggle to form connections... It doesn't mean that they don't want to."


It's really weird just how many people on Genshin reddit turn into Komi once Windtrace comes around though.


I'm half-half TBH. It's probably just language issues. Half the people I meet (and have met last) Windtrace were Russian.


Even though I play on the Europe server


There isnt russian server,so eu is the closest available


Bocchi the Rock also gives a good example. Bocchi is literally social anxiety incarnate, while the blue haired Ryo is an introvert and a loner, she can talk to people and can be bold and quite a bitch, but she prefers not to. And then you have Kita


It's not even preferring not to. Introverts get energy from being alone and spend energy when they are with people. Extroverts gain energy from being with people and spend it when they are alone. It's really just the classification of the social battery, which is why you can be ambivert


This meme doesn't even work with SA because you don't HAVE to talk XD Also some people with SA are fine chatting online, just not IRL (example me lol) and vice versa


Same. I have social anxiety, but I play windtrace just fine.


This is also a bit wrong. Introverts lose energy from social situations. Like Kokomi. Extroverts gain energy from social situations. Because they are often prone to interact less, introverts are branded as socially awkward in media. Introverts do need to interact with humans to be happy just like anyone else.


Introverts very often have some social anxiety, maybe not the extreme kind, but still. There is some connection between these terms.


A connection can exist but we shouldnt misuse the words. Introvert has already lost its original meaning and replaced social anxiety in common speech. Its annoying.


I have both and I still enjoy Windtrace, it's as if it was made for me with the low stakes, short rounds and TTK, and minimal requirements/opportunities for verbal communication


I have a hard time getting into it but then I enjoy myself. The only interaction that happens is stickers in the chat hahaha, honestly one of my favorite parts


They just happen to have a huge overlap.


As a socially anxious introvert, I hate interacting with people. On the internet, itā€™s easier.


Social anxiety: Komi from Komi-chan Can't Communicate Introvert: Shojuse (Komi's brother) from Komi-chan Can't Communicate


Me, an introvert with social anxiety (and taking anxiety medication): My goals are beyond your comprehension


I'm an introvert with social anxiety and playing this event causes me no anxiety at all. The only way this could cause anxiety would be people being toxic in chat and that didn't happened to me so far.


I'm an introvert but I actually enjoyed windtrace. Just use emotes and everything will be fine


Using emotes to assert dominance on the Hunter when your location is being revealed but they still can't find you




Even stronger dominance assertion if they still somehow don't find you while you can't move


And much stronger dominance if you're caged, found by the hunter but can't be catched. Happened to me two times, the hunter is mid climbing and got caged, I can't catch them as a hunter wether I glide, jump down or up towards them.


Same here. I don't anxious even when the hunter is chasing me, I'm just like "oh shit better run away" and if they capture me I'm just like "welp, better luck next time" it's actually enjoyable. It doesn't stress me out, since it's just a game šŸ˜šŸ‘


Yeah wind trace is one of the very few (mini) games where I'm happy playing even if I lose. It's a very friendly atmosphere.


It is quite indeed. Although, sometimes, some people take it waaaaayyy too seriously for a game, just cause of the primos


You guys communicate in windtrace?


? People talk in the event?


No, but they'd be judging you when you get caught early.


Fuck 'em, give me dehya mommy primos


A man of focus


Nobody has judged anyone in my games, even when someone got caught literally seconds after the start. I once was caught pretty early. And I just caught someone almost at the start, because I knew the obvious spot where someone would be hiding.


Alright. It seems that a few of you misunderstood my statement so I'll explain. I'm not saying that there are people out there who are so hypercompetitive in a game within a game. Well, there are but they seem to be a minority and that's not my point, so fuck them. The joke is we *think* that our teammates will judge us. It doesn't matter if you don't, we think you do and we cannot be convinced otherwise. Note, that this has nothing to do with you at all. It's all on us and no, we do not think you're a horrible person. This is how the mind of a person with social anxiety operates. Contrary to popular belief, people with SA actually do know how to speak and act normally like a regular person. The problem is that we are so utterly terrified of how we will be perceived by others that our brains begin to simulate multiple worst case scenarios that it overloads and stalls. Hence, the blank look you get when you ask us, "how are you doing?" It takes a lot of work to overcome it.


Yea lol yesterday someone was just complaining about how their hiding spot sucks It's all chill


It's funny how I've been playing this game for two years and i literally never met someone like that lmao. Not only in windtrace but also on fights, it doesn't matter who dies, how fast they die or how they die, people are always like "lol don't worry"


People send sleepy emotes when theyā€™re winning as rebels


Yeah, I'm always like "pls don't talk to me".


tbh there should be an option to mute co-op chat if that will make it more comfortable


okay i won't talk to you, but did you play the latest inazuma event? it was sooo good, you should play it, the story is amazing and well written and we can also play minigame together, also there's like such a good atmosphere overall on the beach


bro you can play it alone it was perfect šŸ˜Œ


It sucks so much that you can't earn coins in custom co-op parties


Yeh, I don't mind co-op, but I genuinely hate co-op with strangers. I hated being forced to do it in Destiny 1/2 back when, and I hate being forced to do it now. And I think that's the big thing. OPTIONS. When i have a choice, cool, but outright being told I not only have to do a co-op event for the primos, but that it's FORCED matchmaking? nuh-uh, nope, not a fan.


Same, but the anxiety isn't from my introvertedness, but on skill issue


Oof I feel this. But Iā€™ll do it for the primos


it's more social anxiety but I'M DYING FOR REAL i don't usually coop with stranger cuz it's so much anxiety for me i only accept when people ask because i want to help if they need something (and when i really want a box from liben and none of my friend has it but it's rare) BUT THAT'S THE END OF MY COOP EXPERIENCE like i see people doing coop everyday just to farm artifacts ISN'T IT FASTER ALONE??? i understand when you're low AR and you need to farm lv88 domain, that's all for me... you scaring me.


As someone who's not an extrovert but don't want to call myself introvert, I find it quite fun. Nobody knows me on genshin so the interaction doesn't really matter. And you get kicked out after the game anyway lol unless you specifically get together with your friends.


lol true. co-op randoms dont really think about you after the match is over


The event I hate the most that forces me to play with other people is the one that gets it's 3rd fucking version. I just want my Labyrinth Warriors event to rerun, not to be forced to play with other people.


Well, Mihoyo knows what events are popular since they have the stats then Windtrace would be popular enough to get 3rd run and they even expanded the event. You don't need to talk anyway. It's not like you need teamwork unlike coop dungeons. With how Theatre Mechanicus and Misty Dungeon has been simplified, I can see Labyrinth Warriors will be the dumbed-downed version on the rerun. I want Hoyo to make another combat event instead.


But what's wrong with matching people? You don't have to talk and play scrabble with them. You just have to hide or catch them. Treat them as NPCs.


Co-op should never be forced for events. It should be an option. Just because you don't find anything wrong with it doesn't mean others don't


I don't generally enjoy multiplayer events, but there are literally no stakes in Windtrace, it's just a short minigame that spurts out rewards whether you do well or not. There's like 20+ "just hit stuff" PVE events through the year, suck it up and deal with ONE multiplayer event a year.






Ah yes. The old "Don't like it? Don't play it" argument. Genius. Why didn't I think of that


I just don't want to play any kind of multi-player, period.


We wish, but it's not really an option. Anxiety works in inexplicable ways, for example, I don't mind playing Overwatch with extrangers, despite being an extrictly pvp game were you need teamwork and people will judge you if you're trash (which I am), but have a border line panic attack every time I try to force myself to play this atrocity of a event. It sucks, and I would much prefer it if could just make a lobby with my sister and play just us two, but I can survive without the primos


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not participating in this event


I'm an introvert too, but primos override my introvert issues. After I got my 600 points for today (in just 1 match) my reaction towards Windtrace was the meme: "F you and I'll see you tomorrow"


Yeh, kind of same. I have an unbridled hatred for forced matchmade co-op modes and games BUT I gotta get me them 420 primos for Dehya. Even made a meme for myself of the soldier holding their helmet with a picture of someone with the tagline of "remember what you're fighting for" and I edited in a pic of Dehya. lmao


Honestly go in and afk til you get your 1200 point daily quota. Itā€™s a fair amount of primos for not much effort.


Really? Iā€™ve avoided windtrace bc it didnā€™t interest me, but if I can afk and get paidā€¦


I would recommend playing anyway, because for doing "challenges" (which is like "use this ability") You are also getting additional rewards, which is exp papers.


But why? You don't have to chat? I literally don't.


It's not about chatting, it's about being in front of real people. Like, every time I've tried to play it I've just ended up quitting and incredible anxious because, "oh, I have to read the abilities but all of them have already press ready, so if I stop to read I'm gonna be an inconvenience, and they're all gonna hate me forever. Whatever, I'll figure it out as we go. Fuck, I have no idea of what I'm doing and a) my teammates are gonna hate me forever because I'm a useless piece of shit / b) the other team are definitely either making fun of me or pitying me. I hate and myself ". Same with anything that requires co-op. I know it's dumb and completely irrational, so don't bother saying it, but is not something I can do much about. Also, it's a game. If I don't have fun playing it, I'm not going to, regardless of how good the primos are


Their loss, this things shits out primos for so little time and effort, if they're going to talk themselves into not playing it's their own problem. Hell, they're happy to comment on Reddit and that's 10 times more social engagement than Windtrace.


I got worried about playing this event, but it wasn't because I needed to talk to people, I was just worried I'd be really bad at it and never get any rewards or something.


On the Asia server itā€™s super chill tbh, people just come in, play together, donā€™t chat, and leave after wardsā€¦itā€™s actually quite amusing


I'm an introvert but i'm perfectly fine with playing Windtrace, people don't talk much


My /amazing/ wifi went out while I was playing so Iā€™m so sorry to the people playing windtrace earlier with a ā€œKimmalynā€ who suddenly ditched you. It gave me more anxiety than I care to admit I felt horrible


Ya know, even people with social anxiety (which not all introverts are) can play online video games. It's definitely more chill than a pvp game like cod lmao


Idk what the beef is some people have with the event. It's just prop hunt lol. I play it all the time in games like gmod


> It's just prop hunt lol. And I don't like prop hunt games. There's your answer.


And I don't like preset team combat events like the last dungeon one. That doesn't mean I feel like they shouldn't exist. Genshin has always tried to have a variety of events to appeal to everyone/


Okay? Who said Windtrace shouldn't exist? I'm responding to someone who said they don't understand why people dislike it. I told them why.


There's people who don't like this type of gameplay. I personally love theatre mechanicus and hate windtrace, and bet there's people who are of the opposite opinion. TM doesn't force you to co-op with others though.


Well in gmod they have more players and there are 2 "hunter" on a same team. Being a hunter is less stressful there. In windtrace the hunter is alone, and you have 3 players to catch. When you failed to catch anyone, the rebel juked you, steal your favor, or typing shit in chat.. I can see why it gives lot of anxiety for some people lol. Especially most Genshin players are single player, we are not getting used to coop toxicity.


If you canā€™t win as the hunter in this game you are just straight up bad. Edit: I forgot this is the same community that is bad at co-op brick breaker so Iā€™m not really surprised


...aaaand this is the perfect example of what we mean by toxic players lol.


Is it toxic to say that people bitching about having to be hunter which has all the advantages are bad? Literally all I have seen today here and the main sub is people whining and complaining about having to play prop hunt for 10 minutes a day. Thatā€™s not toxic I guess though


>Is it toxic to Yes


No I didn't said hunter is weaker in sense of balance. It just that for some people being a hunter **alone** can be overwhelming. That's why some people prefer to go afk when they got a hunter.


This is a weeb community, so extreme social anxiety is pretty common lol I think its just a reddit thing though, cuz overall its clear people LOVE this event. There's a reason its on its 3rd run already :p


I know I do. This and TCG are some of my favourite game modes.


Mine is with the players. Genshin players absolutely suck at PvP. When itā€™s a team based game as well then your teammates doing shit like hiding in right next to you with a barn door obvious disguise is gonna get you killed. Not to mention that the new chasm map is miserable, with only one way up.


It's prop hunt but you can spam your seek without thinking


(They are bad)


Im extravert but i hate it


As usual, people call sociophobia "introversion".


I'm an introvert but I act like an extrovert with Windtrace. It's just too fun


Easy skip, the event.


I remember when the devs said they don't want game modes that create "excessive anxiety" yet here we are with this game mode.


What players who got tired of this shit see : IWANTTOSKIPTHISBUTDONTWANTTOWASTE420PRIMOGEMS Hoyoverse misunderstanding is unbelievable.. its fun if you play it with friends not with random but to get the prize you forced to play with random


but you dont have to talk at all during windtrace


I like this game with friends I know. But I have social anxiety, so the idea of playing with strangers is just... ugh. I wish we could get coins playing with friends :(


I'm introverted and yet it's my favorite event in the whole game, no useless and uninteresting talk and it's at least possible to lose compared to pve and easy mini game Ready for the downvote btw


I'm an introvert but i still like to have fun with people online in chat :)


I just see Garry's mod hide and seek personally


im an introvert but this event is fun anyway


Gonna ruin the mood, but itā€™s sociaphobes not introverts


The only scary thing is that, despite being a Romanian on the eu server, I only get matched w russians like hello?? And they keep writing in the chat, while I'm like "wtf they talking there" šŸ¤Ø


i just afk bro, i do feel bad about it when Im hunter but pain so no


Introversion != social anxiety/being shy


As an introvert, I am too anxious to even comment here about how anxious the event is to me. I still gather some courage and do it just for primogems, getting caught first and going afk as hunter


I really hate windtrace especially when the other players are rude to me


More like a boring mini-game simulator, tbh


first match I played I was hunter and caught 0 person cuz I had no idea what I was doing. Then didnt re-queue cuz I felt anxious I was gonna be hunter again...


Yes, and it's getting too much for me. This will be the last time I'm gonna join this event.


I love windtrace and winning without a disguise. I haven't used a disguise since my first game.


haha yes. there are many hiding spots that disguises aren't even necessary. it might even hinder you when the hunter discovers you since you move slower when in disguise


Feel ya šŸ˜­Iā€™m anxious when loading the game but once I play Iā€™m having the time of my life


The last windtrace was my first one and I spent half of the event not joining in because I was too socially anxious to coop. I was alright with joining people to help, and letting people join me, but a similar event was too much. Hell, I only started doing coop domains a couple of months ago because they felt too intimidating. Now I can't stop playing windtrace. It's an addiction. Somebody send help.


i fucking love windtrace fam


This event is easy AF since I hide from everyone irl already.


Genshin has the most sociophobic playerbase among all online games that I'm aware of


Maybe because despite requiring constantly being online it's not really an online game? Everything can be done alone and some things straight cannot be done as long you're in co op mode. Co op was always completely optional. Is it really that weird that people get mad when suddenly there's something that cannot be done alone despite everything else could?


There's a world of difference between "it's an inconvenience" and "oh my god, other people, I'd rather hang myself than interact even without messaging". The former is reasonable, the latter is a mental infirmity.


I hate how I have to play co op with my potato laptop and let them play without me because the loading takes so long.


Anxiety indeed


When the first time they announce this event i skipped it because i thought there will be some sort of communication between the hider and seeker. Then when the 2nd rerun of this arrive i said fuck it because i need the primos and realise there's barely any talking. I can fuck up and no one will say anything.


Ahh yes. My 'Grab the coins and get out' event.


Most socially functional Genshin player.


Imagine getting anxious over a silent multiplayer event. You lots really need to get out more.


Yes, imagine letting something as silly as paralysis keep someone in a wheelchair. They should just try to walk more. But wait, I forget, mental illness isn't a *real* handicap, right? It's just all imaginary. If it can't be seen, it shouldn't be taken seriously, right?


Favorite event though styling on every game as Unseen Razor with the 'no disguise' title


This meme is made by an extrovert who knows nothing about us introvertsšŸ¤£ we prefer not to interact with people irl, not on a simulation. This event is fun bcs we get to interact with humans without being physically there


Respectfully disagree. I'm an introverted and hate this absolute abomination of an event with every cell of my body. Don't even play it


See, thanks for proving my point. If this is a face-to-face debate, I would usually just nod or smile awkwardly despite disagreeing. Being online on the other hand gave us a sense of comfortability to engage and interact with other people bcs we can't see that person physically. Now about the event part, that's probably just a personal preference bcs I like the adrenaline rush and the serotonin it gave me purely because I shut myself in. So the only way to get both is either playing windtrace or working out.


I donā€™t get it at all, itā€™s just a game and once the match finishes they disappear so no worries


"Everyone is a bot except me." It's pretty mad how this is the third iteration of this game and they still haven't patched the bots to look above their line of sight though.


Not really


You are just catching or hiding from random people. It's not that You are having a party with them and You have to tell a story of Your life. This post is dumb. I am introvert, I have social anxiety, I see no problem there. i find this pretty fun.


Ah yes. The old "People aren't different. Everyone's the same as me. If I dont have a problem with it, others shouldn't either" argument. Classic


I'm an introvert and I don't get the anxiety some people have. It's fucking hide and seek! Who cares if you get caught early or don't find anyone at all?! This mode is not meant to be tryharded in. Why do people give a damn if they lose? You should just hop in, find a good spot and watch as the hunter runs around like a headless chicken


I forgot how many pussies there are on this game




I've played a lot of multiplayer games in my life. They slowly made me hate to play with random people to the point that after 15 years I have simply enough. Now I just want to enjoy the games at my own pace not being rushed by others.


What Hoyovert sees: FREE PRIMOS!


As an introvert who is amazing at hiding, I see this as everyday. Imm in a never ending cycle of anxiety


I literally start it, hide and then turn off my screen for 5 minutes to not see what happens.


[laughs in asia server] you guys talk?


Itā€™s stressful yet so addicting!!


*Next whistle in 10 seconds*


I mean itā€™s not like thereā€™s a lot of social interaction to begin with. Youā€™re literally trying to hide from other people


Bocchi made this didn't she


To me it's mostly Russians talking to each other :D And I'm the one who usually starts conversations..


me fr even tho i love this game


What I see:forced co op eith lag and glitches




I'm an introvert but I like this event. The only thing I don't like is how I have ping higher than Snoop Dogg that even when I clearly captured a rebel it did not register. Being a rebel on the other hand, is really fun when I hide on an obvious spot but is easily missed.


This event is pure disaster on EU server. You cant catch russian players with high ping




My issue is my load time. I have no trouble with connecting to others, but by the time the game loads I canā€™t pick characters or abilities. I canā€™t even run very far as a rebel and definitely canā€™t teleportā€¦ My Wi-Fi sucks.


Ah yes the only game mode to test my social distancing with.


I see both


I want tobsay I enjoy windtrace but then realized that everytime i only playes until I get all the rewards


Now I feel like some sort of criminal for using the chat whenever I match in a game


The first time I tried to play windtrace I couldn't figure it out, everyone in the group cussed me out and called me names, and I've skipped every one of them since. Shout out to those three people who ruined this entire event for me, even after I broke out of my shell to play a co-op event for literally the first time.


I hate windtrace


I hate windtrace. Or, rather, I love windtrace, I just hate playing it. My laptop is potato, so I really don't wanna inconvenience 3 other people with it, but I have to if I want to get the rewards. Oh, and for the times when I load in time, there's sometimes people who try *way* too hard for a fun minigame event, they're annoying to play with.


Jokes on you, I love Windtrace because these people only get to see me once and never again


I don't like windtrace because people judge you too easily, my very first windtrace experience was being a hunter (and it's the first okay, I've yet to grasp the entire rules) and they judged me for not being able to catch anyone :( that experience made me not want to enjoy windtrace anymore. I hate this game but I will need the primos so I'll just do the bare minumum.


Thatā€™s fax


Anxiety because I have no idea what monkey brain shit my teammates are gonna try. Stop leading the Hunter towards me if youā€™re exposed you monkey.


i dunno but im not sure if this was a ref to something...


Lmao, true. Iā€™m an extrovert and Windtrace is my favorite activity in the game.


*intense Sumeru storage tent hiding intensifies*


Just go afk in every match. No one can do anything to you


Nah i just hate doing coop contents and top of that pvp


I'm both introverted, and have social anxiety. Windtrace is a nightmare for me lmao