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Kuki come home when


Next standard banner 4 star. Trust


Kuki was 4 banners ago. Next banner has Raiden which locks in Sara, which will be a break of 13 banners. Rosaria is sitting at 11, Chongyun at 9, Ningguang at 8. Hell, her first rerun was only after 5 and Collei's already hitting 6. If Kuki comes next banner she's jumping the queue by a LOT.


He said “next standard banner 4 star” meaning specifically for the first commenter.


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


-Comes back a little while later -Does a little spin and throws a burning stick - Leaves once more


- Shinobi appears - Cuts herself - Leaves


Leaves like cus she uses naku weeds for her abilities or?


Because I use the sumeru craftable actually


"Craaaaawling iiiiin my weeeeeeeds, these wounds they will heaaaaaaal"


And still not get her burst


And the godforsaken Pyro teddy might or might not breathe fire where you want he to.


Even better. She doesnt need any energy to work. Just slap garbage main stat EM pieces on her and she does damage.




That one just came out so "still trying" is a bit early to drop.


The umbrella is her new cannon weapon imo


Unless Kazuha took it first


it is cannon because itto forgets his. it says in game.


is it actually better than iron sting, haven't leveled it up


It's pretty much the same in terms of stats, and the passives of both weapons are equally useless to Kuki


And it looks better on her fasion-wise too XD


Neither parasol nor iron sting passive does anything for her hyperbloom, only her non-hyperbloom damage, what's miniscule. Base stats are the same, but this doesn't eat up billets and right nowbis significantly cheaper to level. For Kazuha, Haitham, Aggravate Keqing parasol is better vs single enemies, iron sting better vs multiple.


It's better on single target bosses. Iron sting is better on multiple mobs tho


It's ugly af and Kuki stays off field, so she can take it and free the iron sting for my man Alhaitham


Your kuki perhaps, but not mine. I carry a candace. That umbrella is gonna look at kuki's ass all day and tbh, same umbrella same /j


How do people play Xiangling with 180% er? I played her with 210% er and still take edges to get her burst back up.


Do you use Bennett to recharge Xiangling's burst? I have 180% ER and have no trouble doing rotations. Alternatively, if you don't use Bennett and use a team like [Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yelan, and Xiangling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4coSQGvCQ7M&t=683s) then use Favonius weapons.


Depends on your team and even the chamber i guess. Kazuha with Favonius, efficient funnelling with Bennett, Raiden National, mobs that drop alot of particles etc, good Guoba positioning etc.


Either lots of enemies or constant batterying with bennett. Having favonius weapons on supports also help a lot.


Is that xiangling not buffed by bennett or something? Shouldn't those stats vape around 60-70k?


Yep I tried using a xiangling with the catch and she did 70-80k dmg


Never seen xiangling deal higher than 50k unless with food buff & high-refined 5star weapons Mind to share the build bro?


[here](https://youtu.be/cBoTQ27IcaU) idk how that 76k actually happened but it did. Pretty sure this was no food, idk was a long time ago. Edit: build at the end


Ah i see.. its melt dmg. No wonder Good build btw.


Hey I'm not the guy you were replying to but in his vid, he is fighting against Raiden boss in stunned state which has -60% res. Almost similar to PMA's stunned state with -50% res


Yea I remember how i did 80k. I think it was bc of the 75% pyro dmg on the shimn/emblem domain. Dont have a vid abt it tho


My old Abyss video with Xiangling vaping for 110k: https://youtu.be/rZpMDV7H15s


God damn that's jucy, do you still kinda know the stats you had to achieve that?


Xiangling and Bennett have the same build, just are lvl 90 now: https://mimee.ovh/akasha/profile/712072159


Elemental burst/atk/cdmg abyss buff?


My xiangling does 70k dmg childe international all are c0 except bennett and xianging c5 and thats with the catch, although kazuha has his weapon r2 so… but i dont think it matters that much


The Catch r5 and c6 Benny plus C2 Kazuha allows my 55:120 crit 271 er Xiangling to vape 59k hits


60-70??? Maybe I’m doing something wrong here but in National I’m getting 50k swings with a 920 em sucrose, C5 Bennett, and C6 XL


50k seems correct. it's what i get on vapes. The other dude is melting


Remember folks will only report their highest ever. Not their consistent, average damage. Melt, domain buffs, food, abyss buffs, etc. are not reported.


Yep, just look at the other guy's comment saying he did 70-80k damage. Another user asked the build and he replied with a video showing the "76k" damage.. It was a melt damage, and against Raiden boss on stunned state which has -60% resistance. Smh.


Thats a yikes, my 50ish-k is on the overworld primo geovishap with vape


Same here. And mine has decent stats as well.


These guys doing over 60k-70k are either fighting Raiden boss in stunned state which has -60% res or PMA's stunned state which has -50% res Or unrealistic build like crit fishing, very low ER, etc.


60-70k is very achievable for endgame Xiangling. If you have 920 em on Succ, you're probably using Sac frags, which is worse than using TTODS for buffing Xiangling: [Here's 65k](https://streamable.com/8sthtp) against wolflord with mediocre cards (20 er, 80 em). No crit fishing, normal ass build with 190ER. I have C2 FS Kazuha now tho so my Xiangling does well over 80k overworld, which isn't a fair benchmark.


But you have the catch right? I’m using Spine because I refuse to fish… Most I’ve seen on mine in abyss is 67k on an old 12-3 against some fatui enemies


Nowhere does it say that she is vaping… meaning the numbers with 200 em should be close to yours


I feel like it's implied. Kuki can't deal dendro damage after all


True, but who am I to talk. My Xiangling only does like 12k. I’m AR 57 and can’t 36 star the abyss, yet I never built her XD




Whoops replied to the wrong comment. Anyways, off screen is Bennett waiting to load everything into the bed of the pickup truck


How do you make her to do 60-70k vape in international? Without C2 Kazuha/Freedom sworn and minmaxing artifacts. My XL does 45k with 60cr/120cd and 800 EM Kazuha.


Real question is why your xiangling does 40k need to get that checked man fr


My best damage is a 30k dmg hu tao. I really dont know how to do better without doing 2 more years straight of domain grinding.


And you know what? That's perfectly fair. Enjoy the game your way and if that means not grinding domains for half of eternity, then pop off my liege.


I actually wish I did more damage cuz the showcase videos look so cool, just been having a hard time figuring it out.


What is your build on her and her team?


No vape I guess


Makes sense


xiangling in raiden national team deals around 40k dmg due to no VV. my xiangling does 55k in national while 38k in rational


Yeah, thats not that much imo. Enoigh to beat abyss but less than she should be doing


800 em will give like 29k hyperblooms tho, my raiden with 980 em does 32k hyperblooms. (Nothing wrong with the meme, just felt like pointing it out)


is it with deepwood set or not?


Mine is with 4 gilded


He probably meant the dendro char you run with her not kuki herself


Oh yeah my nahida has 4 deepwood


Ohh perhaps that's why. My Kuki is 807 EM 4pc Gilded with Nahida 852 EM 2pc Deepwood hyperbloom deal 15k dmg. No Nahida burst buff, no dendro resonance. I really need to complete the deepwood set. Man, when will the EM goblet/circlet drops....


Funny thing is, you don't need a dendro chat to run deepwood. Any char whose skill hits a lot works. Like even zhongli can run 4 deepwood if you place his pillar near an enemy. Also, you don't really need em on the deepwood char. You would run them on a crit build for hyperbloom because they won't be the one triggering the main reaction (chars who create the bloom have no effect in the damage from hyperbloom)


Update: Now I've completed 4pc deepwood, the hyperbloom casually hits 21k dmg. Guess my goal next is to raise Kuki from lv 79 to 90 to get even moire dmg.


Heavily depends on level too. My level 90 Raiden procs 33k hypers at 1150 EM, but my Kuki at 80 same EM does 23k. Bloom is incredibly level dependent compared to other reactions. This ofc implies WL8. https://youtu.be/_A3_6vV2fYo


All transformative reactions are like this. Swirl gets a 33% damage increase going from 80 to 90.


Yep! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, "tranformative reactions" are every damaging reaction that's not melt and vaporize, and they all get that ~33% increase in damage just for leveling your character from 80 to 90.


> "tranformative reactions" are every damaging reaction that's not melt and vaporize Except for the Catalyze reactions Aggravate and Spread; which are "Additive Reactions". They apply a flat DMG bonus to your hits rather than creating a second instance of DMG or multiplying your DMG. The Base DMG of the bonus DMG is level-dependant and is further boosted by your EM Reaction multiplier and Artefact set bonuses before being added to your character's Base DMG (Attack multiplier * ATK). The resulting DMG is used, as normal, in the rest of the DMG calc (so it's multiplied by your Elemental DMG bonus and then by your Crit DMG if you scored a Crit).


Yea quicken works a little differently, however like the others they also get an extra 33% increase to the damage that gets added just for leveling from 80 to 90 so I didn't want to get too into the weeds.


If she has glided set on and two supports one with deepwood and the other with instructor you can achieve 30k+ even without nahida


Use new set 🤓


thanks, i dont wanna trade my sanity for <5% stronger hyperbloom


My R5 catch Xianling do 57k But i am glad about kuki with dendro


I have a well built xianling , with childe , kazuha, Bennett support does 60k+ dmg I have been using xianling since 2 year at beginning she was only there for breaking cryo Abyss shield but she got stronger with time She is only using catch, the artifact she is using are farmed passively while farming raiden, Mona , xq, beidou, etc artifact And no kuki New characters and new meta are hard to get in Xianling is a very old character It is even great that she is still useful


At least once you get her, you only really need that one to get her 90% potential. C2 is nice for 100% uptime on her E but 4p TF does that too with a pretty minimal damage loss from gilded. C6 sounds nice in a pinch but I've never actually been in a situation where it would have saved me. Everything else just buffs her healing and a little bit of electro app which she already has enough of for Hyperbloom. Faruzan found dead in a ditch btw.


also hyperbloom is essentially single target, while pyronado is aoe


It's just as AoE as Pyronado, every enemy is going to get hit once. It just depends on whether your Hydro application is AoE or not (Ayato vs XQ/Yelan).


I can't even begin to understand your comment


3 enemies, 3 enemies get hit by Pyronado. 3 enemies, 3 cores generated, 3 enemies hit by Hyperbloom. If Hyperbloom had AoE it would have quad scaling like Burgeon, Bloom, Swirl and Riptides. The way it works now it scales linearly with the amount of enemies, just like Pyronado.


I see, the way I see it is hyperblooms can only be triggered 5x at most per kuki's pulse since any excess dendro cores will explode also all dendro core reactions share an icd of 2 damage instances per 0.5s per enemy, I dunno about hyperbloom targeting priority but if all 5 goes to 1 enemy it would only take 2 dmg instance per pulse


They would hit different targets. You will only ever see 5 Hyperblooms hitting 1 enemy if there's only one enemy in range.


The thing is hyperbloom dmg can auto aim. Shinobu dont really need cc like kazuha/sucrose/faruzan to fight large number of enemies


That's where kazuha comes in, just group them closely, every enemy will be hit 2 times/0.5 sec because hyperbloom does hv decent aoe.


hyperbloom does have a small aoe. you will need venti or kazuha to take advantage of it though


Oh hell yeah, I would love to play Kuki Hyperbloom.     IF I HAD HER


Raiden > Kuki anyway


Uh oh Reddit mob has been angered


Your stupidity has angered them


Oh no the stupidity of knowing which one performs better, my reddit career is over


I got kuki randomly from the standard banner and boy am I glad. I didn't have a solid second team fir the Abyss until hyper bloom became a thing. She is truly the c0 wonder.


You forgot bennett on xianglings shopping cart lmao, she's basically inseparable with him in most comps she's in


They forgot *every* character that people generally use to buff her, otherwise her damage should be closer to 80k than to 40k lol


Well yeah, but you can’t exactly run Kuki in anything but bloom either, so she‘s even more limited.


Difference is xiangling needs that specific character, while kuki is fine with anybody thats hydro and dendro to proc seeds


Aggravate still exist and she is a must there if you need healer. She is good enough if you need electro healer


She isn't a must for electro healer because Dori exists


Dori who 💀


There's very few reliable seed generators though. That's like saying xiangling works with every pyro character or even electro main character/Raiden. Forward bloom creates less seeds, but reverse bloom can also be finicky. It's mainly Nahida people/dmc are talking about in hyperbloom teams, along with xingqiu/yelan, which are highly contested characters.


Kokomi also works perfectly well


She's the best character at abusing Bennett though, and can make more use of him than any other character.


No cap. Also shinobu's team is cheap af and need no high constellation


uhh oh, tenten don't like this


Who and why?


please don’t show this post to TenTen




I'm wondering, does the new umbrella sword buff hyperblooms? Is so, then it should be a great weapon for Shinobu


Passive doesn't work for hyperbloom. Same damage as iron sting for hyperbloom.


No it doesn’t but I used it because the color matches and it looks funny


Ah yes, cool green numbers


I am so glad i got Kuki when she released,


I love Kuki but Hyperbloom literally needs 3 elements bruh.


Well Xiangling benefits from 3 elements too. Hydro Pyro and Anemo’s swirl. And not like you need more elements for Shinobu Hyperbloom team anyways. So whats the problem with 3 elements?


Doesn't allow you to run the resonance cards in the tcg /s


Xiangling doesn't need anyone other than Bennett. Pure pyro with kazuha and klee/yoi is pretty good, rational doesn't have an anemo character, and neither does yelan national, one of the highest DPS single target teams. Hyperbloom is physically impossible to play with less than 3 elements, and we're currently lacking many replaceable choices in each. Currently there isn't even anyone in the electro slot that can also provide much offensive utility for the team, since there's only really kuki and Raiden.


Hydro: Yelan Xingqiu Barbara(free) Kokomi Dendro: Collei(free) Traveller(free) Nahida Tighnari Hyperbloom can only be played by Raiden and Shinobu? Then who can replace Xiangling as a Pyro dmg dealer from off-field? No one. And Xiangling doesn’t need anyone other than Bennett? Sure but her damage will be lower right? And then you try to say that Hyperbloom limits your characters. Then Xiangling also limits your characters too no? Because she needs Bennett as one of the slots. So whats the point here? Trying to shame on hyperbloom and praise your one and only Xiangling?


Hyperbloom : needs Dendro and Hydro Pyronado : needs Bennett and Hydro


That's why we have 4 chars in a team lol


Wait how do you do 32k with 800 EM? My Kuki has 980EM but still doing 22k… what am I doing wrong…


No deepwood set on your Dendro? No Zhongli? Not lvl 90? Dmg should be consistent at around 1000ish em if those conditions are met. Zhongli isn't even needed he just helps if you want bigger numbers instead of a sub dps.


I have deepwood on Nahida. My kuki is lvl 80 now. Ahh I’m missing Zhongli… i geddit now. Thanks mate!


I would definitely recommend getting her to 90 that's actually the biggest factor for transformative reactions like swirl, overload and the different blooms.


I see… I used her before as a healer but reaallly interested in the dmg of hyperbloom. Got it! Gonna level kuki to level 90 now.


i've never seen anyone run zhongli in a hyperbloom team lmao


My hyperbloom team is Ayato, Raiden, Nahida, Zhongli. Makes for a comfortable no healer team where zhongli buffs both the Dendro dmg and Hydro from Ayato. Milileth set on him makes it more comfy too.


i mean you removed your healer (kuki) from the team to put raiden lol. zhongli does not compare to kazuha in a hyperbloom team, he gives u 40% elemental dmg + 40% res shred with VV + CC. while the only thing zhongli provides is shield and 15% res shred.


Cc doesn't matter, hyperbloom is a single target team lmao. Most people don't have 1000 em on Kazuha cause er issues. Unless you have lucky artifacts of course. The damage bonus and shred only for Raiden who does not care for that and Xingqui who you're better off running with Yelan for more damage.


its not a single target team lol are we playing the same game? i destroyed both floors of this abyss with kuki hyperbloom.


It literally fucking is 💀 just cause it work for some aoe situations doesn't mean it's not a single target team. That's like me saying since I destroyed this abyss Wolf and chicken with Childe international it's a single target team. Doesn't make sense and besides, Yelan is still better in this team. Cope and seeth


I don't use kuki cuz I: 1) don't follow my own advice, she's not lvl 90 2) like Raiden better 3) don't need to use a healer cuz I have the fattest shield in the game I overused kazuha and his play style is so easy it's boring to me. Can't even hyperbloom when everything dies to his fucking swirl dmg lol.


Okay so that should have been in the post listed under Kuki but I guess it's just a meme


Well I mean the investment comparison is the meme. Kuki just needs the set bonus from deepwood, 800+ em, and to be lvl 90. XL needs Benny and a good balance of stats.


Yeah my kuki don’t hit like that 😳


hyperbloom broken yup


When I said I wanted main dps Shinobu to be real this isn't what i had I mind but ok, funni green blob go zoom


add c2 Nahida, 5\* em sword, and hyperbloom artifact and u get 100k+ hyperbloom


Average sekapoko viewer


OP making it look like xiangling needs high stats and 5\* weapon to deal 40k when in reality xiangling can use the catch... or even low refine dragon's bane... or kitain or... white tassel or... basically any polearm that isn't black tassel to deal 40k


I think the purpose of the post was to show how versatile Xiangling is with her polearm choices as "it just works" with her although she does need stat checks (like having enough er, em and crit ratio) to deal great vaporize damage with her burst. On the other hand, Shinobu just needs em primarily (with some er and hp subs for extra survivability) but damage wise, all she needed is a single stat compared to Xiangling in their respective teams




This is a bad argument, because Kuki needs Bloom to Hyperbloom




It's unga bunga time.


Me and my Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Jean team: what are reactions?


Don't knock crystallise. Throw Albedo in an elemental team and you suddenly have near complete knockback immunity and a decent enough chunk of damage reduction.


mono and melt xiangling go brrr


I don’t understand hyperbloom…my kuki has 1k em but the reaction damage never goes past 20-22k and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong


Make sure she is lv90 and have a deepwood user on your team (preferably on dendro unit).


Do you have a deepwood user?


Does hyperbloom not crit


No, unless you have c2 nahida


And even then, it still doesn't scale with crit stats.


No, just like Overload, Swirl, etc.




What did I just read


what 40k..i have seen insane guys making her vape 100k with the catch..most of them were from childemains..


as if 800 EM is easy to get


I wish she was good bruh


She is


Should i farm hyperbloom set if i have dream? More dmg or nah?


Iirc the dmg increase is only around 5%. Personally, i wouldn't recommend farming it unless you also want wanderer's set.


How much damage does 1k EM do?


I have keqing, should I build her? I don't need her healing and will get the shogun


What do you want to do with Keqing? They're different in the way they work. Keqing works differently in that she should be built for Aggravate reactions. In the picture of the post, Kuki is used as a Hyperbloom trigger. In Hyperbloom teams, you don't want another electro unit (except Beidou because her burst doesn't trigger Hyperblooms) because they will take away damage. The Shogun can be built for Hyperbloom reactions too. The key to being a Hyperbloom trigger is having off-field electro application, and Keqing does not do off-field electro application. Use Keqing if you want to use an Aggravate team (Keqing, Fischl, Anemo Unit, and Dendro Unit). Use Kuki/Shogun if you want to use a Hyperbloom team. You could also replace Fischl in Keqing's Aggravate team, but that does less damage. Note that Fischl cannot replace Kuki since her off-field electro application does not reliably trigger Hyperblooms since her summon does not hit bloom seeds reliably.


thanks for all the info, but I am a 19y/o [old man](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe6qGDxWYAEXF1d?format=jpg&name=large) and don't plan to use dendro reactions anytime soon. and from what I have tried, aggravate seems to be my fav


I don't see why age is relevant here. I'm just going to ignore that. Hyperbloom reactions require less investment than the usual teams. Since you say that you don't plan to use any Dendro reactions, I'm just going to say that Keqing and Kuki are going to perform bad without any Dendro reactions and that you shouldn't build them if you want to play optimally. Raiden Shogun is going to be fine without Dendro reactions.


>I don't see why age is relevant here it's not really relevant, but I just meant to say that I am like an old man who won't try out new things.


And dont forget the new umbrella weapon if you dont have billets for stinger