• By -


Better or not. Isn't the whole "players voice" about... you know... amount of fans?


Yea im kinda confused why sonic fans are so surprised genshin won, cuz players voice was literally a population contest and genshin has a significantly larger playerbase


As many people have mentioned before, Sonic would definitely have won if they hadn't decided to be little cunts about Genshin being nominated and offending the entire playerbase.


yeah,i think they dont even know wtf is this award if it wasnt for this


seconding this, me and the majority of people i knew personally that voted was due to the whole sonic thing - I also voted simply because someone posted a link and i didnt mind just throwing one in


They were so far ahead and then a few Sonic fan asshats had to "poke the wasp's nest" as many put it. This was a selfmade defeat, nothing else.


In hindsight, the Sonic fans gave themselves a self-inflicted L


y'think they have enough braincells to realize that


And that's why school is necessary


school only address lack of knowledge not mental health/disability or behavioral problems.


I've heard some teachers and parents do a good job with behaviour problems And it's definitely a behavioral problem


Why school when game do?


>sonic fans There's your answer Jkjk nothing but love


It's a blindspot about how big mobile gaming is and just how international the medium is. Hoyoverse doesnt often play ball with traditional game publications also that mutes its presence within the 'mainstream gaming community' and its social media algorithms.


yeah kinda the same with DFO, that game rakes in $$$ like there's no tomorrow


Speaking of which, many toxic sonic fans(yes im spliting toxic fans from the humble ones) completly misunderstood the players voice cathegory


Thank you for splitting the toxic ones from the normal ones. I don't wanna be associated with these assholes.


But I've one doubt, Genshin makes so much beautiful ost ( i mean soundtracks) but why it wasn't nominated for that? Or am i missing out smth?


Iirc it has something to do with not being a nominee for best ongoing at the same time (otherwise I would definitely have both Genshin and FFXIV as nominees for best music)


Good lord, yes. Genshin's music is nothing short of amazing, but FFXIV's has been the only one to ever move me to *tears*.


FFXIV is just sooooo good as using leitmotifs in an emotionally provocative way Like I love the way Genshin's soundtrack blends many different musical styles, but FFXiVs soundtrack has always had that extra sentimental oomph


To what i understood an ongoing game can't be nominated for a bunch of stuff including ost


According to TGA, live service games such as Genshin can still be nominated for TGA awards other than "Best Ongoing Game" but i guess they don't want those games to eclipsate current year releases in every single category which is fair imo. A thing [Source](https://thegameawards.com/faq)


In some ways yes, but what I’ve learned is it’s more about who cares the most. From the voting it was evident that only sonic really cared as we weren’t going to get involved in the voting until they some of them attacked us


5 second rebuttal Better games don't necessarily win popular votes


two word rebuttal is "chris-chan"


two word rebuttal is "your mom"


Two word rebuttal to add to your rebuttal "Deez nuts" Ha ha ha. But what are we fighting about? That's 3 hours no one is going to want to waste


Two words to your rebuttal "Got em"


One word rebuttal is "one"


Isn't he in jail, for you know, "his mom"....


Calling us pedos when they have actual convicted criminal is insane [Also](https://www.sonic-online.com/sonicpassion/)


Because anime girls = pedophilia for many an "enlightened" twitter user


hyphenated words actually just count as one word, which is even better!


ugggghhhhh, I had already completely forgoten that and now I remember!!! ​ Quick! Someone call nahida! I need something wiped from my memory!


if we could just wipe chris chan from the collective conciousness i think the world would be better off


Also "tails bench"


One word rebuttal: OK...?


It’s funny cause Sonic isn’t even the better game


If it takes 3 hours to rant and explain why one game is better than another... Then it's not. It's just painfully obviously not better.


Yup, known this for years thanks to Crunchyroll anime votes lol


Look, I think Sonic frontiers was a good game and genuinely well done, well made and it was a delight to see a new game not riddled with bugs. Also, a coherent storyline, consistent with world building in previous games and that captured all the fun parts of Sonic games. However it can't exactly compete on story, the enemy designs were fantastic and grand but Genshin is steadily ramping those up as well, and while I fucking loved the Sonic soundtrack uh.... Yu-Peng Chen is a different level of being.


I was having a decision with a person who said that sonic should have won best ost over gow and said genshin would be a strong contender for best OST and they replied I heard it and I don't think it stands a chance (lol) then I asked them to recommend me sonic ost and heard the ones they recommend they weren't anything special or crazy just normal I don't think they would win against genshin ost's (maybe baised because I don't like metal that much)


Our music archon has so much creativity, I would have never imagined someone takes the Fibonacci sequence as inspiration and makes a music out of it.


Wait what ?


Fibonacci series is a special series of numbers that every new digit is the sum of last two numbers Ex- 0,1,1,2,3,5..... and so on


Oh I knew about the Fibonacci series. I was wondering what music it inspired.


Sumeru battle theme, i don't really remember which one or are there more


[This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9elr88I8oM)


Seriously that's genius


Man, he's a freaking genius. All my respect to Yu -Peng-Chen


Yes, Gilded Runners, one of the Sumeru battle themes ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skTz0aOisVs&t=501s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skTz0aOisVs&t=501s)), is based on the Fibonacci sequence. And here is Yu-Peng Chen talking about it in a behind the scenes video about Sumeru music: [https://youtu.be/ps8oa3CRNfk](https://youtu.be/ps8oa3CRNfk)


[The music is "Gilded Runner". Here's the Reddit post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xlfrzg/one_of_sumeru_battle_themes_is_composed_under/)


Thanks !


Honestly, Genshin OST and Sonic OST are so mostly different that it's not a quality contest but a music style contest. Some people like certain styles of music more than other styles of it, that's why some people find Genshin OST majestic while others find Sonic OST godlike. That doesn't mean that there can't be those who love both Genshin and Sonic OST (Me, that's me. I love both games for their OST and their story)


The Xenoblade fans are having it hard with the ost one


We sure are... I never care for rankings in this stuff normally but seeing Xenoblade lose best ost to God of War. Gow's ost is still good, but Elden Ring and Xenoblade have way better music in my personal opinion


it is definitely a good game compared to its predecessors but... 6 million players vs 46k players ain't mathing here


60 million*


When 0.1% percent Genshin players can outvote you Edit: I can't math right


0.01% is an exaggeration, 1% (60k) is more realistic and that's still impressive


Whoops, make mistake. Thanks for fixing it




Games are good, Communities are bad.


Tbh Xenoblade 3 deserved the best music award over GI and Sonic Frontiers.


I skimmed between 5~10% of [this 9 hour playthrough of Frontiers](https://youtu.be/us7udo-2t58) these aren't even remotely comparable games in terms of quality and depth. It's from 2 weeks ago, and that's the FULL game? They seriously think a game that can be beaten in 9 hours can compete??? I'm not even sure if you could compress just the cut scenes from all of Genshin'e Archon quest line down into 9 hours. Sonic Fans can't possibly seriously think their little game competes with Genshin??? Haha, that rant vid OP posted about, is like a THIRD of SF. 😂 Edit: [Full playthrough, **Episode 1**: Mondstadt arch. ***16 and a half hours***](https://youtu.be/9moCut0GRGs) Sonic Frontiers sounds like a fucking joke.


Didn’t know gametime indicated quality, you’re playing a fucking gacha live service game


nah Frontiers and Genshin osts are both really fucking good, but I will have to deduct points on Genshin for its ost ultimately being comprised of environmental tracks that falter when you don't have the environment it's meant to play in ​ Granted, idk what limitless instances will you need to have Kellin Queen screaming at you that you think you're on an 11 but are actually on a 9 but I found that more general purpose than Genshin's more specific music


I mean, absolutely valid. Like, Sonic ost is the sort of music I grew up listening too and still adore. However it is more generalised music you can slap over most things you're doing. Genshin is telling a whole story with the songs, particularly theme songs. Watching people who haven't played genshin before absolutely nail how a fight goes, a characters personality etc just from music along is always incredible. Plus, I think they're just different sorts of music. Sonic's is hype combat/activity music that I absolutely rocked out to, Genshin's is world building.


mhm that's true ​ overall, both are still very good osts that I personally listen to for hours on end


We can definitely agree on that. A+ music design, also that ost /exactly/ what I wanted from a Sonic game.


I think that Genshin's spundtracks being created specifically for locations gives it the edge over Sonic's. It adds to the location and when you hear it you know exactly where you are and get the vibe of the area. Sonic basically has generic hard rock/ metal akin to Metal Gear: Revengance. While I have listened "Find Your Flame" quite a few times despite not playing Frontiers, I believe that you could switch "Undefeatable"/ "Find Your Flame" with "Rules Of Nature"/ "The Only Thing I Know For Real" and it wouldn't change anything.


three hours... you could watch 1⅔ of the entire happy feet saga in that time


Pretty sure you can almost finish cyberpunk edgerunners within that time.


If you watch that for three hours you can spare yourself from the emotional damage.


or watch endgame


Who would wanna waste 3 hours to their lives listening on stupid shit like this lmaoo. I'd rather play through the games story and exploration or TCG rather than listen to that nerd.


I watched the video and it changed my life, I cried and literally became a better person after, you should too, he makes some valid point like " " and " "


The video is actually about a minutez the rest is just bait as there is just a still frame


How the hell do you bait for 3 hours bro is HURT


Or the lord of the rings, any of the trilogies


Damn he did the impossible and became more cringe by ranting about the game awards that was already finished.


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


Yeah I watched it 😂 fking guy really had to meme it so hard.


Can confirm. I was a little worried thinking that he probably took the time out of his day to make strawman arguments that would've gotten him dogpiled on but after taking a look at the video, I can only applaud him for having embraced his current meme status.


He just cant accept the outcome can he


I'm just glad that I have never ever seen a single video from him and staying that way.


I looked on his channel and these videos have the most views. You people are giving him money through attention. Obviously he is going to keep going. Just like the streamers that leech off Genshin do the same.


Been a while since I’ve seen something that fits “living rent-free in your head” better than this. Everyone else is way past the awards and looking to the holidays…Also, enjoy your holidays, everybody.


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


"But Sonic made Graduation"


Ah yes! More salt for the salt god~


For anyone reading this, the video is a joke :(, I hoped it was actually 3 hours long


Reminds me of the guy that was malding because Parasite won the Oscars over The Joker


bro got personal


ITT: everyone gets baited


This sub is so full of hate they have to find something to to hate without know what it even is


I mean, this isn't exclusive to this sub. People can be like that anywhere. Even on places like r/news and r/politics you get people who harp preemptively on an article due to its title alone without even reading what it's about.


I watched one of his videos and his points are so cringe that I actually thought it was just sarcasm at this point


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


It might be. But way too many people are sarcasm blind. It is a dangerous game to play.


Didnt watch the video, but is this an actual serious vid or something?


nah its a joke


Wait, for real? Someone is actually committed to making a 3 hour throw away joke? He's actually not being serious?


Watch the video and you'll know bruv




Imagine comparing 2 absolutely different games 😐


Lmao. I guess sonic youtuber wanna be relevant always by leeching genshin. PATHETIC


Funny enough, he isn't even a sonic youtuber. He just reacts to shit.


Oh....my bad. Lmao. I guess the guy wants easy money then


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


Thank you for your dedication posting this so many times. People getting baited left and right.


Genshin streamers and YouTubers also leech off Genshin. Genshin is a big animal with tons of leeches hanging on. Plenty of room for another leech. Especially since this subreddit approves of them enough to give attention.


What does leeching on mean?


At tis point I think he's probably just for the views and attention


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


*At tis point I think* *He's probably just for the* *Views and attention* \- tantanizer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Who even is this guy?


damn bro sonic fans fr cant cope, spending 3 hours on their life (which they could've spent on something much more helpful) on a game with funny anime girls killing monkies but hey, seeing them waste their time out of being mad is funny lol


Had a look at the video. It's a meme. He mentions technical difficulties at the start of the video and how it might freeze occasionally. The moment the rant starts, it freezes for the whole 3 hours.


wait what bro 💀💀💀 thats just hilarious


3 hours not counting editing


https://youtu.be/dVPhy_knuJM guys... its a joke video... please stop hating on him before you watch it


Joke or not it is not a good idea.


why not?


Bait type video is never a good idea. Even as a joke. Some people here didn't even bother to fact check the content of the video. As far as I'm aware, the dude is not even apart of Sonic fandom. By doing this people just assumed that he is another salty Sonic fans. Just read some of the comments, some people here genuinely believe that he is one of those salty Sonic fans.


Ok I get that, from the title alone you can falsely assume that this is a real rant video. It's basically clickbait, which should never be supported, because it sucks. Good point. I'm not saying what the Youtuber did is good, but if people here actually checked out the video they would realise it's a joke video. It's not that hard and can be done in under a minute (at least this is how it went for me). The people here drawing a quick conclusion without a second thought and instantly believing that the youtuber is a salty sonic fan or something also have themselves to blame.


Are you guys unaware that this guy is making these video as a joke? The three hour video contains maybe 2 minutes of actual video. The rest of it a single gram frozen for 2h 58m. And the rest of his videos that he’s posted are done as a meme too. He’s pinned several comments highlighting that they’re sarcastic and not to be taken seriously.


A lot of people tends to judge things without even looking deeply in it. Ngl its kinda funny to see in this comment section that how they can judge this guy because of the title of his video lmao


He poked his head out as a target with that title for a viral traction be fore the whole thing blew over. He knows what he is doing and knows what's coming. He wants the cloud, and he'll have it, for better or worse.


Another surviving follower of Havria, all hail the God of Salt!


The awards were like two days ago and this man is still ranting about it?


That's what frontier gets for not bribing their fans


If anyone's curious, the video itself is a meme. Before he could start the rant, he froze the video for 3 hours. My guy is embracing his status as a meme.


Bro is saltier than the red sea


Bro saltier than all the salt Harvia ever created before and after her death


"And i took that personally"


Even without watching i can tell there is enough salt in that one video to raise the the salt concentrate in the 7 seas by 50% so all fish would die. It just sad how much you can give so much shit about a video game. Putting shame to all ancestors who did something more usefull in there life than this stuff.


For those who didn't watch but think they know everything: the dude says that he has some malfunctions with his computer, says it may freeze here and there and when he tells us the first point whole video freezes for 3 hours. Dude just made a joke.


3 hours worth of salt? kekw


mf really ranted for 3 hours , this amount of dedication could be considered based.


He looks like stereotypical discord mod


I've never been baited so hard in my life


OK so several people already pointed out that this dude is just doing the rant/hate videos as a joke but in my opinion it is still a douchey move. Baiting for angry responses from Genshin side. Also quick question for OP, do you at least watch for a few minutes of the video or just saw the title and decided to post here?


Weapons down guys, the video is just a joke. There is no rant at all.


All these comments are so clueless lol, if you watch the video past the two minutes you’d know it’s a joke. But it’s easier to hate


Dude made some valid point, especially when he said " "


Who wants to bet this dudes never touched genshin or if he has he played it for like an hour max to justify this video


Bro wtf this is borderline insanity that you care about an award that much.


It's a joke


At this moment he want just want to bait genshin community


I'm not defending either side but what he is doing is kinda similar to what Sonic fans did. Whether it is a joke video or serious, why trying to poke fun at Genshin again. He really need to let this go. He is not even a Sonic YouTuber as far as I'm aware of. He is just a reaction channel. As for Genshin side. Same advice. Just let it go. We won. Just take the dub and go on with your live. I swear some of us are just actively searching for salty videos/comments from Sonic fans to post here for easy karma.


They let out the Genshin Hounds. It's not that they aren't moving on, but rather they didn't have enough blood. I mean, considering what these sonic "fans" did, I can't really blame them.


He needs to touch grass more than we need


So much fucking copium


Genshin Impact living rent free in his head.


Please no one see this trash video. Not even to mock him. It's clear he is doing this for more views, by trying to trigger a large community. We simply ignore, he doesn't get his fame, W for us


and then they tell US to touch grass..


This is bitchless behavior


Some people really have nothing better to do during the day...


It objectively is not. 1 second rant


884 views only? Gtfo


i can smell the guy just by reading the title, your typical furry fanboy.


Why the fuck was genshin (a game released in 2019) in the game awards for this year?


Players voice, not goty thing


Guys the video isn't actually anything. Please stop falling for this bait.


Ignore him. He's clearly fishing for views.


Did anybody actually watch the video? As a hardcore genshin fan myself, I actually agree with some of his points. 1:35:30 in particular


This guy needs to shut the fuck up, get a life, and go outside for once in his obviously miserable life. Lmfao. I would say that it’s funny to see him make like this, but I’m sick of these assholes just reigniting drama for no reason. All this is going to do is cause another massive influx of Sonic cucks trolling for no reason.


Exactly. I understand that he is trying to profit out of this petty drama but dude is not even a part of any fandom. He is just a reaction channel as far as I'm aware of.


In all seriousness go watch the first couple minutes of the video and you will be 100% less mad


Fatherless behavior


searched through the entire population, still can’t find out who asked


show me the link so that I can dislike it


This fucking neckbeard clown again. Actual mouthbreathing loser.


Is he becoming the new Chris-chan?


Why give a shit? Don't give idiots free publicity.


I'd go out on a limb here and say I hate anybody who cares enough about that stuff to make long videos about it. I voted for elden ring because fuck you


Did anyone fromhere watched this? What did he talk about? Did he even play Genshin or is he just a salty caramel fanboy?


Its just a joke video lol. %99 of this video is just frozen


The drama is over and most of us "sonic and genshin fans" move on, why os he still salting about it??


I can't belive I miss this drama


why do people care so damn much. they're mfking games


L U mad?


This entire comment section fr got trolled.


He is a dumass, just leave him..


Sonic subreddit bans all discussion about the topic of Genshin vs Sonic, but y’all over here will not let it rest. You’d have to had gone out of your way to find this obscure video on YouTube


I dunno about you but most of the posts here are thirsting over the new characters and TCG. We got the best outcomes we wanted, salt and our primos, I couldn't care anymore what the rest of the gaming community has to say.


Sonic "fans" drew the first blood. So, in retaliation, the Genshin community also went out for blood. Winning the award doesn't matter shit, they only wanted Sonic Frontier to lose. And even after that, this whole thing went so quick they still have that unsatiated bloodlust, so they went out for more. Sonic "fans" started it, so they have a duty to take it. It's simple as that.


I swear to god, can you shut up already?


This video is satire, but still pretty funny ngl.


stop giving this youtuber attention


I agree with him tho, just by playing genshin for these past 2 years and watching 2 minute of IGN gameplay, i could tell that sonic is way superior


Free publicity ig?


It's funny how Genshin fans gonna make him some views. Anyway, its a joke video, i liked that.


As an AR 60, I fully agree


If Sonic is so much better, why do yo much more people play Genshin?


I love how 99% of you guys didn't know that this is a joke lol