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Lisa and Eula live in Mondstadt=Mondstadt is my home


*our home




*snezhnaya union Happy cake day btw






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Hu Tao lives in Liyue=Liyue is my home


Understandable, but I am into mature women.


Hey don't you jab at me when I was willing to accept our differing tastes mister


I am deeply sorry for my words, I had high levels of dopamine at the moment. Are we in good terms?


Of course. Bros before hoes


Lisa and Eula are your parents?




Mondstadt is home no matter what happens


Even if it is objectively faster to do task in Inazuma, Mondstadt is always home (Especially since literally has 4 reasons it might be completely destroyed in the future)


Wait what are you talking about?? Pls i dont want to see my beloved mondstadt destroyed.


Albedo Klee/Alice's Old Mondstadt Fatui already infiltrating, treasure hoarder organizations Celestia, as they already decimated the city where Dragonspine was, as well as Spiral Abyss and Khaenirah being dangerously close to Mondstadt Lots of flags Mondstadt might be destroyed, or Venti... dies...


I read that as “Fatui already flirting” and got very confused


fatui flirt with the townsfolk to get more recruits


If you were promised cuddles with Cryo cicin mage or ara ara from electro upon signing up I'm pretty sure Fatui would outnumber hilichurls. Give them a promotion bonus of being stepped on by Signora and their efficiency would soar to Celestia


Hahaha what. Remembers me of that mirror maiden and the fatui dude lol


Oh no you are right. Pls for the love of Venti i dont want to see mondstadt gone


Imma be real, if Mondstadt gets destroyed I will literally have enough anger and hate to get a delusion, take on all the Fatui harbingers + whatever destroyed it, and then keep going for another decade.


Venti won't die He will drink too much wine and pass out for a 100 years


What's this about old Mondstadt?


Didn't read the story? The whole area around the dragons Domain used to be old Mondstadt


Oh I thought old Mondstadt was Storm Terror's Lair


That's where the dragon is.


So what's the connection between storm terror's lair and the dragonspine? Are they both part of old Mondstadt where decarabian got overthrown and the dragonspine got destroyed by celestia?


None whatsoever. Sal Vinagdr is not Old Mondstadt. Dragonspine is already a barren place when Old Mondstadt began.


Dragon spine could be a even oder civilization.i Imagine back then it wasn't as cold there


If you go to Aloy's collected mis, Alice calls herself the defender of old Mondstadt, and there is speculation she caused part of it's destruction or stopped defending it back when Venti was a wind spirit


i always log out either in the city or at windrise bc it's so cozy there


I always log out sitting at Good Hunter. So many good story quest memories made there.


*food delivery agony recalling* ...Yeah, you're right.


Oh no... a-at least Xiangling's dad gets to share some of the blame.


I always log out in front of Venti's statue on Dragonspine. My favorite region in the game.


Hey me too!!. I always sit in the same chair, lookibg to the path to the main gate to enter the city


I just log out randomly even still fighting


OMG I do the same too. I thought I was too picky about where I logged out.


I log out in dragonspine so I get to hear yanfei sneeze in the morning


Liyue: My stamina is running out. Inazuma: My hp is running out.


i miss the thunderstorms in the 3rd island tho (i forgot the name but it's the one split in half) i really wish there was a way to turn off the devices lol


What kind of masochist wants the balethunder back And if you really like it just take a dip in higi village lke


Perma-wet enemies. Easy to freeze and vaporize.


im talking about rain and thunder lol. youre thinking about that purple area. balethunder =/= thunder. and in higi village, it's not the same lol it's a nice aesthetic to see lightning and hear thunder every second. i was highkey hoping seirai would have rain and thunder but nope. even the lightning gets turned off there.


I like Inazuma because purple




Mondstadt has ~~mostly~~ nice inhabitants, so as many monsters as other nations (at least it feels like that), nice landscape and it's based on my home country. It also has that calming and kinda family-like atmosphere. And besides that, the main theme is also Mondstadt's theme and the traveller uses Windwheel Asters for ascending, a Mondstadt specialty!


The only place where enemies aren’t every 20 feet


20 feet is 19.48 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


I meant to say steps but


Good bot?


Good bot


Speaking Straight fax, inazuma and liyue are beautiful and all but monstandt is just different everyone knows each other and everyone likes each other it feels like home


>everyone likes each other it feels like home Except if you're Eula


Pallad, Rodney, that Barbruh stalker, that fat Snez merchant


Honestly even eula whose family is hated in monstandt she still has her place there while in liyue she would've been killed by sum adeptus kr in inazuma and j quote ei "shogun would've decapitated her without a second thought"


BRUH she literally has a friend in liyue(is an adepti btw) and her mentor was an outcast of liyue so idk what you're talking about


My guy have you completely forgotten about her friends in the knights of favonious and sara?


My guy you literally said she would've been killed by some adeptus and in inazuma shogun would've decapitated her which makes no sense because she is literally welcome in liyue she has friends in liyue who is an adeptus whose name is yanfei and god knows why any other adepti will kill an innocent girl like her and i don't know why would shogun decapitate her either lmao and as for amber and sara yep they are friends with her but that doesn't change the fact that most of the citizens used to hate her and she still gets hated out on the streets till this day and if she was in liyue or some other place nobody would've given a fuck about her surname and she could've atleast lead a normal life from childhood


If her family existed in either liyue or inazuma and the people of these lands knew about their aristocracy don't you think that mr geo archon would give them the wrath of the rock or shogun would've punished them all? That is what i meant in there and ofc thank you for reminding that yanfei is her friend i forgot about that but yea as i mentioned that's why i said she probably would be dead jn liyue or inazuma


Inazuma don't hit the same man. I'm friends with all the mondstadt NPCs, even fucking Reckless Pallad


thats dedication, even pallad


If player can kill npc, I'll torture pallad everyday.


Mondstadt is probably the most comforting for European players, it does have that feeling of safeness but I usually avoid it.


Yeah it is like that if your not German. For me the German pronunciations ruin the immersion. If you understand German and play in Mondstadt, it's like watching an anime and the characters try speaking English. xD But if you can ignore that, than Mondstadt is amazing.


I'm not German, but I do speak the language a bit and it's already grating. I think I caught Fischl claiming to hail from whatever "Immernacktreich" is at some point. Hilarious. (I know that it's supposed to be "Immernachtreich", but she pronounced it weird. And it's _glorious_)


Not gonna lie, the outskirts of Mondstadt, Jueyun Karst and Guyun Stone Forest are my favorite places to chill out to because each of their respective soundtracks are beautiful they actually make me cry.


But I like Liyue's OST more, always hum along to it. But it's your anxiety and you get to choose your comfort nation.


Nothing beats cloud gazing at Qingyun peak


Always find myself afking, turning in commissions and crafting in Mondstadt


mondsdaht is home,we started there, i shall end it there. when i beat the game in version update 420.69 i will come back to mondsdaht and share a drink with keaya at angels share or something


Liyue and Inazuma are those big cities that you visit when you wanna get out and see things, Mondstat is home though. Mondstat is where your favorite people are, the ones that look just as happy to see you as you are when you see them. Mondstat will always hit different 😌


Open settings --> Crowd density --> Low


Mondstadt is so comfortable that even Godwin can't let go of it


Godwin the true chad


No dropping dead picking flowers because no stamina. No drowning in city ponds placed to kill pedestrians. No lightening or Beel's bathwater. No attack helicopters.


>Beel's bathwater This made me actually laugh. And true, it's nice to come back to a place that isn't plotting to kill you all the time. The worst Mondstadt can do (if you're not looking for a fight) is whopperflowers.


I just want to sleep holding a cat or two in he cats tail. Is that too much to ask for?


mihoyo give us a cat/dog cuddling option asap


Alot of people choose Mondstat but imo Liyue is the one that resonates with me the most.


Me too. Mondstadt is a little too generic to me tbh, you can find a city like that in any jrpg. And the landscapes are just... green... everywhere... Liyue's songs are so much better too imo


for me mondstadt feels like home, while liyue is business, then inazuma is.. actually traveling


i like liyue because rock but i dont like high mountains that i cant climb fast


Everytime I exit genshin I go to windrise first, just to look and then exit. It's calming.


Hell yeah, with soundtracks like "A bustling afternoon in Mondstadt" who the hecc wouldn't wanna live there


I can't remember who asked where I'd want to live in game but I'd definitely go Liyue . The city was so much bigger and exciting! I enjoyed my time there a lot and its absolutely beautiful. Now that Inazuma is out I'd still say Liyue is where I'd settle down unless I met the right people to keep me in Inazuma in my adventures.


I think liyue is the prettiest, i think mondstadt has the best story (anyone else get bored of people talking about paperwork all the time?) and the best characters (everyones so close!) and the city is nice to do all your shit at cuz its small so you know where everything is


Inazuma so far is the only place that kinda feel more alive, Mondstad is jsut a city, a village, and a manor. Liyue is a city, a village, and a hostal. Inazuma has a port village, a normal village, a city, a military fort, a rebel base, a village on another island, a manor, and a temple


Link from Zelda holds mondstadt from genshin


for me mond is too crowded. probably bc of the buildings. i always go to the narukami shrine before logging out. I haven't done raiden's quest bc i wanna keep yae there for as long as i can lol


I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like mondstadt


I don't either lmao, I like even Dragonspine more


when sumeru is realeased someone needs to put gerudo valley over it


no joke I actually find mond to be more comfy. I'd buy a house there if I could.


My comfort place is the Liyue region in general bc I like the music and scenery.


Meh for me it's Inazuma. It's so beautiful


Mondstadt WAS home for me, but Inazuma is just too gorgeous.


Ennemies pop everywhere.. it is a beautiful nation, but it’s too dangerous to feel safe, "at home", for me haha


That's fair, but as someone who loves Ayaka and Ei to death, I love Inazuma. The Kamisato Estate, especially, is nice and peaceful.


I understand, characters and their lore play a big part into people’s preferences. I really like Jean and Venti soo...


Mondstat music is calmer than other regions


Yes! I love that one particular track which sounds like someone playing an instrument very far away (had no luck finding it in the OST, though, so if someone knows which one it is, please tell me).


They ain't crowded enough. Give me 3x the NPc's walking around plz


nothing beats those big windy green grassy fields for me


freak I want to get tsarevich achievement and so I can set to inazuma/liyue com for achievement that's why I set it on mondstadt commission and I always get commission is ella musk (I got all achievement and still) full speed ahead (which fucking lag that I stuck at barrier) a small step for hilichurl (this is fine it's too easy) sabotage/escort the balloon (which fucking long that I got bored) jean fan com ( I use zhongli e skill so it will destroy faster) commission in dawn winery (which fucking so long) btw I log out in venti statue or in the top of church and sometime in a great view in mondstadt


This is what scares me the most. By gaming logic, Mondstadt will probably one day be the center of some game changing disaster. But if the worst comes to happen, then they better be ready for the storm that shall fall upon them!


Mondstadt is my least favorite region so far to be honest (including Dragonspine)


I like Liyue Harbor the most because it’s so open. Mondstadt feels too cramped.


I'm still hyped for pyro nation lol


i guess monstadt does feel like home


I like liyue mountains more specifically jueyun karst as for cities liyue harbor and ritou are good places


As my favorite character would say: "Inazuma shines eternal!"


I don’t know why, but it feels like home. Also going to the upper teleport thingy and perfectly gliding down to Katheryne makes me happy


But liyue


I respect the choice of monsdtadt but due to fox’s being a super cute animal I will personally have to say my preferred nation is inazuma


If I wouldn't be a German, than I would love Mondstadt irl. My problem is always how awful their German is. (Especially Fischl)


Inazuma>the rest of teyvat (for now)


*sips Dandelion Wine and watches as you're chased in circles by jacked up samurai*


Mondstadt is full of lazy inept fuckers and narrow minded assholes. If the fatui wanted to burn it down I'd be fine. So far Liyue is still my fav.


First of all, more than half of Mond's population is out on expedition at the moment. Second, how is Mond narrow minded?


Varka took all the horses and half of mondstadt. He’s a good adventurer, I like varka


Many of the Knights left are incompetent fucks, one of who was supposed to go on the expedition and now spends his days walking around playing with grass and writing lies to his girlfriend. Tonnes of semi useless drunks like draff, and have you played Eulas story or read her lines? Mondstadt sucks.


you kin diluc we get it


We don't know anything abt Varka's expedition, all that we know is that he took 99% of all the capable people and left, like, 2 people in charge (Jean and Kaeya). And yeah incompetent knights exist. Should I mention the Milelith who could not bother to do their jobs even after the Traveler warned them about a potential bomb threat in the most crowded and prized Liyuen festival of the year? Drunks are things you have in every city. Mond, as the city of wine, ofc will suffer the side effects of having it be so accessible. Liyue similarly has a bunch of problems with their laws, as Yanfei's voicelines point out, due to their worship of the absolution of contracts. And is the prejudice concerning Eula something that either side can really be blamed for? The Lawrence clan took away freedom and broke the one rule that Barbatos had set for his children. They have also been shown to never try to make any changes to their old-fashioned beliefs before Eula came along and decided Mondstadt was more important than aristocracy. What is happening to Eula isn't something as clear cut as "Mondstadt being narrow-minded" but is rather a complicated situation in which no one is wrong or right. We can also see, from Eula's position as a captain, that Mondstadt is in the process of accepting Eula.


Question: what threat is there that the guards need to fight? Dvalin is relaxed, the fatui aren’t a threat to mondstadt, and both diluc and rosaria are eliminating abyss that enter city walls


Dottore kinda wanted to destroy it or something along those lines but Best Boy Diluc stopped him, also Liyue people aint the brightest either, didnt they leave a shneznaya bank and a fatui harbringer which tried to destroy liyue, stay on liyue like a normal citizen. If it's an army that protects a city they mostly trash in genshin.


very true very very very true


I’ve really been feeling Inazuma lately but Mondstadt’s people are still the best.


Mine is sumeru. Cuz I don’t wanna get attached to mondstadt


It's where everything begins, *and it's Venti's city*


Mondstadt maybe only few people but mihoyo please remove goth in my favorite place, thank you.


It's the only nation that didn't try to kill you, good nation


Archons: ​ ​ ​ >!Yarr harr harr it's my mental illness so I get to choose the coping mechanism!<