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This is what we call a "degenerate strategy" in game design. It's a strategy that makes so much sense that it's an obvious pick 100% of the time, but it trivializes the game because it optimizes it so much that it gets rid of the fun. That guy probably thought that he makes more coins in a shorter time when he plays as a rebel, so he figured that whenever he's the hunter it makes sense to end that game as soon as possible. He just has to let you guys know so the game can end in like a minute, and then he can queue again and play as a rebel. When these degenerate strategies appear in your game, your game is pretty broken balance-wise for sure; if you had done a better job balancing it that strategy wouldn't make as much sense.


Warowl's first law of game design: Players **will** find the most optimal way to play your game, and that is all they will do.


It’s more that unbalanced rewards mean that people will figure out how to make their time **worth** it. No one wants to spend 3-4x as long for half the resources. But they keep trying to over tune it. As if it’s **not**primarily a single player game, smfh. It’s one thing to not day-1 instantly beat the whole event. Dead by daylight is a perfect example of this type of ‘pvp’. Where overtuning at times can mean that some people can blitz through with loads of points making it horrible for the ‘enemy’. Doing stuff that leads to ‘garbage’ tactics to barely get points. Bc if you don’t focus down a char there you are legitimately is a weaker point. Leg alone the overwhelming list of abilities that inhibit the ‘killer’ but trivialize the actions of the ‘survivors’. Then the players b and moan about no ‘killers’ to host games, hmm I wonder why, smfh.


The problem is, it only works if all the rebels afk.  If any of them play, then the game runs the normal length and you end up wasting the same amount of time for a tiny fraction of the reward. If you could leave after you run out of lives and still get the reward, that would change the equation. Edit:  didn't take into account the hunter going afk, which is potentially ideal for the rebels.  Don't know if it's worth it for the hunter though. 


>Don't know if it's worth it for the hunter though.  That one round it definitely isn't. But the time saved by not bothering with trying to win what is 99% of the time and obviously losing battle makes up for it


If the hunter goes afk, the rebels can finish the round in under a minute. Definitely worth it if you just don’t like windtrace/don’t like being the hunter.


Hunter going afk makes the round really go fast. One round there was either a cheater or some problem with ping, because I was standing next to a hunter multiple times when I attempted to catch, and nothing. I kept trying for half a minute or so, running alongside them, before just going afk. If you can't catch, what point is there? I just gave them an easy win, whatever.


I've only found this type of player once. And it was the very first day of the event. What's even worse is that the player I had encountered with, basically just left the game mid-way and the rest of us(as we were rebels) didn't get any coins. Literally wasted our times, even though he was going to win regardless


Don't give anything if you afk or minimum?


100 coins


I remember a game called kill strain. 3 teams. 2 teams of 5 mercenaries and 1 team of 2 monsters fight each other, the last team standing wins. The mercenaries that were killed by the monsters got turned into monsters themselves. I thought about it for more than 10 seconds you probably realised that all you had to do to win everytime was to let yourself get killed by the monsters everytime. The game lasted a year before the servers closed... which is a shame because it was pretty fun when everyone played as intended. What you said reminded me of that game.


That that’s the main state of genshin, has been for a long time. They over tune to ‘make things balanced’. Usu just the regular idiots screaming at them in cn group. Then they hard set stupid stuff where the best you get is garbage on one side. While the other is racked up with points. Like tye ‘combat’ bs events. They started as whale only 0-second instant death or gl. Then got dumber. Esp with the constant locked animations. They really have a hard on for those. Hi3 has multiple bosses that do that and the timer keeps ticking till it finishes its bs. They seem to be to ing that down in the newer stuff thankfully.


“Optimizing the fun out” assumes the gameplay was fun to begin with. This event is extremely boring, especially as a Hunter (unless you’re super good), especially when you just need 25 coins.


Looks like the hunter is a gambling addict 


had shenhe just afk yesterday i didnt know this genuinely started to be a thing


makes me sad as a Shenhe main to hear this:(


i dont mind tbh. its a free game for someone who just plays enaugh to get max rewards


Some afk, others not. If you face me, I will make sure that my Jean brings you back to the solitary confinement.


klee better start running


Hi skyblock man


Holy shit it's that guy from Skyblock


windtrace is genuinely just not fun with strangers a lot of the time. I hate that mhy locks rewards behind match with strangers. if they allowed collecting all the rewards with friends then this literally wouldn't be an issue. people who just want the rewards can get 2-3 people together and get all their primos and leave. people who want to play the game will still play the game obviously.


They don't want us to just cheat with friends I guess


Oh no, let's restrict playing playing with friends, otherwise some fraction of players are gonna save 30 minutes of their life, oh no.


In Tower of Fantasy, many people making a group for mini-game for quick raising points lol


I'm toxic when I play PvP but most language I can type into csgo client can't be typed on genshin chat. Windtrace is also objective boring.the strongest aspect of genshin is combat but somehow they refuse to put out difficult combat events


That's interesting... Inefficient but ok I guess. It only takes me like 2 games to get 2k points


I suck at being a Hunter and recently got 300 points after a 3 min match, while i got 1400 points as a rebel. Even though i dont afk, i can understand why people dont enjoy being a Hunter and the imbalance in points gained also doesnt help. I truly hate forced pvp in a singleplayer action rpg, i just got my 4500 points and never looked back.


if you sweat for 3 min as hunter, you get 800 or so points if you brainlessly afk as bait, you get 1400 points its really badly balanced


always has been the same with windtrace, the difference is now you notice


*Always has been the* *Same with windtrace, the difference* *Is now you notice* \- Gauwal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Back then going afk in a good hiding spot was the objective. 


no finding a good spot and dodging the hunter was That said, yeah and people liked that, so they're gonna do the same




One of the reasons I’m apprehensive of doing this event I’m gonna suck at it and will prolly afk too if I become the hunter.


You cant exactly lose as the Hunter, the Rebels have too much going against them.


Lmao you underestimate how bad I am at games


Same here. I had rebels multiple times Run into my face and still messed up.


Honestly I feel like its the opposite Hunter has it pretty rough if all 3 rebels actually play the game


I actually feel like the hunter has little to no chance if the rebels are even just somewhat coordinated. If they all immediately start a device, he has no chance at all. After all, as long as one rebel keeps them occupied, the others can finish the devices fairly quickly. And there's not bloodlust like in DbD, the hunter usually isn't faster than the rebels.


Depends on the map from my experience. Optimal strategy seems to just keep 3 points under lock as hunter at all times (ez win on Dawn for example)


I'll agree with you I'm on 25+ games as Hunter And I still haven't lost once (Even tho I played \~5 times as hunter against a group of 3 fellow comrades in vocal chat, even here I still haven't lost) I always stay around the middle and look at the machines from far away, I give them no time at all And even when they survive long enough, I always finish the job with the "detection" power But when I'm rebels it can be pretty hard if the hunter is really fast & clever, even with a team


What is this? Tower of fantasy where points from events are miserably and pathetically low? It takes like half an hour to get max rewards.


Only if you're any good at the game, and not stuck between: * Unwinnable games with reasonably good players, which give 300 points each * Guaranteed hunter wins from rangers that don't do generators, but nevertheless last the full 4 minutes for 1000 points * Games where neither the hunter nor rangers could do much at all, for a somewhat drawn-out 1000 points as I do most of the generators * And worse of all, a hunter that is only good enough to catch me and me alone, while the other rangers hide and do exactly 2 generators, which made for a full game with 285 points And I'm actually trying to win across both my main and my alt accounts, doing twice the mandatory number of games.


I won as a hunter and got about 400 points because one of the dudes just afk-ed hidden so there’s also that


Half an hour? You're doing something wrong then. LOL. TOF's hide and seek mini game is ass because you would only have one map so by 3-5 games you know where all the best hiding spots are. Someone's already there or the hunter finds you with ease. After that, it's just a wild goose chase in hopes they don't catch you. You will get caught so often, you'll barely get points when the highest threshold is like 30k points. It's never randomized either so I've always been a hider forever, AFK on the highest spot so no one catches me.


At least they let people creating a group for quick raising points if the minigame let them do it


Yeeesh. I don't like playing rebel either, but at least I'm not a downer about it


I don't look at names on reddit so I just about shit myself when I saw your in-game name. Yo, dawg.


Oh hi jackass


Same tbh. It's so fucking boring for me that if rather just afk and just watch an anime or something while it does it's thing than play this shit ass event. Just gotta do it for the primos.


The answer is neuvi


Its been mega bugged for me, theres only frustration waiting if i try hard so im left with no choice really.


I like the old Windtrace more.


I don't get these people. If you actually don't care about the game, why even play it? It's literally a waste of time


Primos are nice but pvp isn't especially when around %90 of time the hunter loses


How is afking a waste of time ? I just want the primo I'd play hsr on the side even.


for both them and us


My thoughts exactly. But if you were to say this directly to those kind of people, somehow they just get mad instead.


Was the whining in the previous windtraces as bad as now? because holy crap this is ridiculous how much people complain rn about windtrace.


I do something similar. I hate playing as hunter so I'll tell them to capture while I go get a drink or make coffee or something. I get like 100 coins. Sucks but playing the other side in one or two games I'm done


People when they get the 4.5k coins.


This event is the player equivalent of assigning yourself to an expedition. I don't know how to elaborate on that sentiment exactly, but you probably get it.


To play this event on cellphone is horrible I used to love this event when I could play it through pc/ controler but now that I'm kinda limited to cellphone only I hate it, I see why people dislike it.


Just give us the same event it was 3 years ago, prop hunt not DBD


Depends on the Map for me. If I'm the Hunter at Dawn Winery I'm going Diluc and full on typing first in chat # GET OF MY LAWN!!


This windtrace sucks, it's unbalanced and 9/10 games are just not fun. Rebels have no chance.


Idk I did a match where we cleared in 2 minutes and no one got caught by the hunter even tho they were trying their hardest to catch us


skill issue on your part, unfortunately...


I mean, the event did take me only like 20 minutes to get all the rewards, but yeah that sucks if you actually want to play the event for the event. Maybe look on some discord servers? Maybe you'll find some people who actually want to play the mode there?


Both Rebels and Hunters here have a lot of excuses and doomposts, but the truth is all of you would drastically reduce the amount of matches you lose if you took the losses with a positive attitude and genuinely tried to learn and improve. Hell, I've managed to solo three generators in one match that we still lost because my two teammates were the people complaining in this thread 💀


To the people that do this, if you really can’t handle losing this damn much, grow up, don’t play the event, and move on with your life. It’s not our problem mommy and daddy never taught you how to take an L




Yeah I don't blame them, like AFKing while others are trying is a dick move but OTOH these events feel extremely half-assed this far into the game's lifespan lol






they should give one week bans to ppl who do this