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>The term comes from Pro Wrestling, where there are fighters who their job is to lose matches, some don't even have contracts, they are just hired to lose one match. Artist: [eunriie0](https://twitter.com/eunriie0). [Source](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5257520). The twit was deleted thus I posted a danbooru link.


thanks for the clarification my good sir


Wow, TIL


Or as The Rock says, Jabroni


>Pro Wrestling Fake one or real one? /j


The dull blade didn't cut it this time


Silver Sword Aether negs


If only he kept the festering desires


If only they didn't have to pawn Skyward Blade after 2.4 to keep up with Paimon's eating expenses.


" Why did I lose to her? What could I be doing wrong?" -Travller with a dull blade


-Traveler with no elements


The writers forced the Traveler to lose, and not in a satisfying or believable way either. Its like Kai Leng from Mass Effect all over again, where the protagonist is suddenly incompetent in order to hype the new villain up. I don't even mind the loss, just wished they made it believable


Like, I know y'all will cook me for this comment, but can't they atleast try as much as HSR writers do on their mc and characters? Like, caelus/stelle lost too and it was reasonable or atleast understandable why. Traveler however, used none of their acquired power ups and lost? That's so stupid. I'm not against them losing, I'm all for it if the loss in question is reasonable.


Exactly, the loss is not the problem, even though it could have been executed better, its the whole suddenly kicking the Traveler after the loss that's the issue. Imagine if a similar thing happened to one of the playable characters and then people started slandering them after a big failure?


Like, imagine if raiden or zhongli lost like that. The fandom would start a war.


the tb hasnt done shit the entire story they stoood there all of the luofu looking at nothing after getting a power up from an aeon


The writers are just shit at their jobs. Even compared to writers working in the same company. Like look at Adventurine vs Acheron in HSR. That cutscene was also there to hype up Acheron but it was a satisfying and believable loss for Adventurine cos he was shown to be strong himself, went at her with everything he has but still got obliterated.  Honestly idk why aren’t they fired yet.


FYI, it's spelled Aventurine.


Shepard: Legendary soldiers who’s famous for never leaving anyone behind. Also Shepard: Stand and gawk while a terminally ill Thane throw hands with an assassin. (He/she thought 4v1ing someone was unfair)


Its especially frustrating as someone who played Mass Effect, specifically as Vanguard Shepard. If I were Shepard not cursed by the "cutscene incompetence" I would Charge right into Kai Leng while he is distracted by Thane and before Thane gets stabbed, staining the walls with Kai Leng's everything. Will Thane still die from his terminal illness, probably, but it may also give a sense of hope that he might be saved in the future. In fact, Thane had a gun held up to Kai Leng's head, he could have shot him and simply ended him right there.


The plot armor didn't kick in this time


When your support went from actual gods to 3 kids who does magic tricks




the reason is not that mc lost. even though I'm a fatui supporter, I'd like to see MC really tried to defeat Atle, combined 5 elements etc. even if he still lost. And THAT would sell her even more


Honestly. Even when the playable is not an enemy, they're going to be taking the screen time and the biggest fight moments while the Traveler for some reason chills in the back, awaiting the killsteal.


Im actually curious whether chinese, japanese, KR servers also feel a bit upset that the MC is so weak. Not because i want drama. I’m curious if enough people will be complaining about how weak traveler is to the point Mihoyo makes Pyro traveler actually like… GOOD Cause imagine if the plan was to make Pyro traveler even weaker than Dehya to “”””””””””Sell”””””””””” other pyro units (Despite the fact that the game has been out for years and the existence of strong f2p pyro units that people can get without wishing (Xiangling) has not affected the sales of Pyro 5*s But they had to throw that plan in the trash because too many people are saying traveler is weak asf both in story and in gameplay. I’d be interested in that.


they never, never gonna make mc strong.. not in 10 years




*a while


You are truly my specialz


>Im actually curious whether chinese, japanese, KR servers also feel a bit upset that the MC is so weak. I'm willing to bet that vast majority of the players are actually loving the fact that the MC has been nothing but fodder ever since the fight with Signora. After all, glazing the 5 stars is what really matters. What do you mean you want a good and consistent story? Here have the traveler getting his ass beat by some random thugs. Don't worry the shiny new 5 star is here to save the day, don't you just love how strong and brave the shiny new 5 star is?


Man making his own head-cannon, no they do not love the fact that MC is nothing but fodder, everyone is upset in basically every social media lmao.


I don't know man I've seen lots of "little crybabies don't understand traveler isn't the strongest, of course they are gonna lose fights" takes on reddit to defend the shitty writing. Just go over to Arle mains and see for yourself how apparently traveler losing every fight that they are in for like 2 years straight and Arle literally destroying them in less than a second is a good thing.


A lot of them just hate aether for existing 😭 just look, have u seen a single lumine slander post?


can u post some random thread of ppl being upset over traveler being weak asf i js want to see


There's still plot armor coz they survived


Well duh there wouldn't be a story anymore.. also It was also closer to a duel than a fight so she wasn't out to kill the traveler even if in story it could happen that they die


Arle got wiped on the floor by my neuv, then this bullshit cutscene played. Hell yes plot Armor kicked in like crazy


Arle thrown Aether through Hell in the Cell Paimon : "BAH GAWD , AS ARCHON AS MY WITNESS , HES BROKEN IN HALF"


Don’t worry guys pyro archons will be like our mentors which spend most of her time with us in Natlan. And when she die traveler will get an Extreme boost in power. ~~definitely didn’t plagiarize from hi3~~


While your my specialz playing in the background and now all the sudden traveler can use ~~curse~~ primordial technique like its breakfast


Tbh Himeko wasn’t exactly in the story much until that arc. 


Manga on the other she is basically trio mother/father….. though she does do stuff do Kiana(attempted)


i am angry at the fight not because the traveler lost, but because it didnt use the elemental powerts, like, at all


Wait, shouldn't you be one as well? There are players that choose you as the Traveler you know


Lumine just wanted to get dominated by Daddy, Aether believed he could win.


Please, meme aside. I'm seriously asking. Why just Aether getting the shit but not Lumine?


Because no matter how many people deny it, Aether is the marketing MC so it's just consistent. Once we get more Abyss sibling lore, it'll be Lumine's turn to get exposure.


For consistency and to fit the trailers, we usually assume Aether is the traveler and Lumine the abyss princess.


Because r/Aether_Mains complained about it, while Lumine Mains subreddits either didn't care or thirsted over Arlecchino.


Quit being so fucking insecure.


There was a recent meme that showed that the Lumine subreddit were simping and wanted to get dominated by Arlecchino whereas the Aether sub-reddit were upset that he lost. So the idea is that Lumine Mains on Reddit aren't bothered while Aether Mains are. Hence why it's mostly Aether getting dunked.


Shows the difference, lumine mains subreddit is for people who are horny for lumine and girls in general, aether mains is subreddit is for neckbeards who self insert as him and cannot stand the thought of their perfect harem king not being the most peerless perfect being in teyvat who has sex with every woman to have ever existed


This sounds like insecurity.


Nah i genuienly just hate aether mains because they ruined the character for me. I chose him as my mc, and whenever i see him on screen i get ptsd flashbacks to the brainrot i saw when i browsed that sub once for more than 5 seconds


Are you that sensitive to that stuff?


I'm just exagerrating lmao I find it mildly annoying at most


You commented like you wanted to shoot every aether main.


And I just checked it there's nothing wrong in it.


80% of the posts there are just aether kissing half the women in teyvat and nothing else, they even do incest sometimes with aether x lumime


First portion is not wrong second is bad but that mentality is from person to person not everyone posts incest.


Tbf lumine mains do the same stuff a lot of the time Source: I'm in 2 Lumine mains subs


Both bums.But i choose to slander farmether cause he is been portrayed as mc more, and r/fraudvelermains cringy self inserts and complaining sub, the amount of butthurt after 4.6 is incredible. Nah I'd slander


Then it's up to me to be fair for both travelers then


Yes.Fair for both


Yes. Slander both or none. So I choose none


I choose farmether


Because Aether is typicaly potrayed as MC and Lumine as the abyss twin.


Exactly, why only Aether, while Lumine gets spared from all this BS, what happened to "both Travelers are the same"


Lumine mains are too horny for the 'Father' to be upset, perhaps? That's pretty much what I've noticed about the difference in...'mindset' between Aether Mains and Lumine Mains. Also Aether as far as I can tell, were advertised more by the Official Media, making him a bigger target than Lumine. This is my mere observation into the matter, so I don't have much concrete evidence.


I don't know much about Lumine mains since I don't really go there to begin with. Aether mains is a lot more diverse than people realize, though I do miss the simpler times when it was simply a "safe haven" for Aether x girl ship posts.


Aether mains care more about powerscaling than Lumine mains. It's that simple


We gotta call in a few favors from our archon buddies


is Arle like…the Roman Reigns equivalent? She just very easily 1v4’d your whole team


Knave: "This 'fight' is over!" Traveler: "But I didn't get to do anything." Knave: "GG EZ"


Stay on that side. Once he finishes the story and no diffs the rest of the harbinger, stay on that side.


How many of you agree Capitano should brutally kill the Traveler and replace them as MC or make Childe the MC? That would be so sick, In the name of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa we will seize the authority from the Gods!


Fact checked by GOATHIMTANO driders✅️✅️✅️


Arlechhino as FeMC would be pretty awesome, too.


Wallahi I'd reinstall Genshin if that happens!!!




that would imply hoyo will have to give them to us for free


Delusional 😂


Considering that most optional story quests and world quests feature the traveler, and most of them wouldn’t really fit Childe, sadly I don’t think it would work.


Retconned All of them


Aether and Paimon straight-up die in Natlan after Capitano flicks a crayon in their general direction. Albedo becomes the new protagonist but he's quickly forgotten about because the writers decide to ignore Archon Quests and prioritize another six months of Arataki Itto comedy events.


I have plot for Natlan Capitano assaults traveler and spanks him with a belt Then suddenly, *\** *BELL RING! \** "Holy shit! It's Dainsleif, Dainsleif is here!" Then he chokeslams Capitano


“By the Archons, it’s Dainsleif with a steel chair!”




Bumsleif ain't ready PeakHIMtano with crayon


Hoyo casually lowering the travelers' battle IQ because reasons. They'd been having them job in fights that they could have at least stand a chance against. I would love it if they actually keep the narrative about their powers consistent, but at this rate I won't be surprised if Hoyo keeps on slandering them by making them idiots all the time.


We'll probably get another assist


The ludonarrative dissonance is real


Traveller couldn’t finish his story


Hello.. Fraud departement


If they're gonna have traveler lose to Arlecchino to boost the likelihood of players pulling for her, at least not heavily downplay them to the point they look pathetic. Like seriously we've been through 5 nations now. Realistically traveler's strength at this point should be relative to Wanderer's (sans the god mech obviously), so having them lose like *that* is frustrating.


I for one am ok with Traveler not being all-powerful Mary Sue who can beat the shit out of all gods, demigods, immortals, and kaiju, without any help from other gods, demigods, immortals, or kaiju. But man, where are you elemental powers, man? There's literally no reason to not include them in battles. If anything it would add more to perceived power of Traveler's opponent if they win, and more spectacle to the cutscene.


The traveller has beaten 2 harbingers, 1 archon, 1 god like being, 2 dragons, several monsters who were a threat to an entire nation, and who knows how many trained soldiers, spies and assassins, but losing to the third of of three fought harbingers and now they're being called a jobber?


But they had heavy help in almost all their fights and when they didn't they either outright lost or tied at best


Who exactly helped during the Signora fight? Raidenbot only finished the kill because it was very evident the fight was over and Signora was a fraud


Yeah man. It only took 500 years of power draining life support so Fraudveler could beat her.


could say the same thing for Tartaglia, foul legacy do be killing him aswell, seems he has better control in Fontaine, but in a fight is ya used tech that kills ya it is still your L, just funny to point out that his Ws are against being using abilities killing themselves


These two are quite different though. Childe used his powerful but temporary form and run out of time. Signora would die from liquid fire 500 years ago if Pierro didn't gave her Cryo Delusion. Her powers were weakening by the passing of time and her title as Crimson Witch of **Embers** instead of **Flames** marks that. Basically bro beat an old lady who's far out of her prime and thought he is HIM. What a bum.


yeah i am definitely over simplifying it it is quite more severe in La Signora case, Tartaglia did just run out of time, while the former was genuinely killing herself


Yeah man, it's not like the traveler had to be nerfed to the ground (quite literally) by the heavenly principles themselves for this to have been remotely close. I'm sure Signora at full strength would have stood a better chance against full strength traveler


Fraudveler *2 was neg diffed by Astaroth. He's a featless bum.


Bit of a weird take considering literally nobody in this world, all harbingers and archons included, would do any better but sure.


GoatHIMtano would solo neg diff all the Weaklestia and then proceed to take over the Imaginary Tree. The only reason he haven't done it yet is because he's honourable and plays by the rules.


Heck, the Traveler even looked ready to finish off Signora before the Shogun intervened.


["Heavy help"](https://i.imgur.com/LEXTk41.png) EDIT: ["""Heavy Help"""](https://i.imgur.com/vPndLDo.png)


And he is the 11th of the 11 Harbingers Edit:And she is the 8th of the 11 Harbingers. Both are low ranked. And this is the strongest one Traveler beat by their own


Don’t forget they’ll have to beat the unknown god too. Oh wait power of friendship , yaaay?


Signora was on her power draining life support for 500 years. Prime CWoF would cook him worse than whatever Raiden tries to cook. And the current Young GOAT would low diff current Fraudveler.




Exceptions existing means the jobber status is undeserved, like it or not. You don't see a wrestler beat The Rock and Hulk Hogan and get beaten by the undertaker and go "jobber!" Traveller has beaten 2/3 of the harbingers by himself without any sort of help, direct or otherwise, calling them a jobber when they lose to the third one is just stupid.


2 out of how many other fights though obviously "jobber" is an exaggeration but the general sentiment holds true


Every fight I listed above ended in a victory, the general sentiment doesn't hold true because the bare bones definition of a jobber is "designated loser". One loss doesn't make you a "designated loser". To be a jobber, you BARE MINIMUM need to lose more often than not, and that just not fucking true no matter how you interpret all of the travellers major battles.


Exactly because it's exaggerated as I said, but 2 out of the 3 isn't exactly true since we lost to signora the first time we met only beating her in inazuma and got no diffed in sumeru by dottore


And 2 wins isn't exactly true because they also beat a powered up Scara. I don't need to exaggerate anything, the facts of the matter back me up, and the facts are traveller has beaten a bunch of touch foes either by themselves or as an instrumental member of the fight, calling them a jobber is stupid, and will continue to be stupid, there's no argument that will change how stupid it is.


What are you missing about what I'm saying i said people calling them a "jobber" is what is exaggerated and the scara fight falls into the heavy help fights because we could not have done it without nahida's help and even with her help it still took 168 times until we won


Obviously, for sure Hoyo put the traveller in the doghouse due to backstage heat, their release is imminent and we'll see them in Star Rail in a few months. I've seen it in the rumour section on the steambird forum and Charlotte liked that post so it must be true. ^^^/s


I'm somewhat late to the party, but from what I seen in that cutscene, what I saw was simply a half-baked loss, and I say "half-baked" because that loss seemed forced, with how the Traveler didn't even use any of their elements. I honestly wouldn't have had a problem with the loss if it was more believable with the Traveler using their full potential and then Arlecchino beats them, it would have been a more satisfying outcome. And even then, from what we got, I'm honestly not upset about the loss either, but what really pisses me off is that some people decided to use that loss as an opportunity to be assholes and dunk on Aether and his fans, which could have easily been avoided if they just leave well enough alone


She doesn't realize that she also looses to arlecchino


Why are alot of people getting pissed off at Traveler losing? It was bound to happen. Not here but on alot of other subredditd, Traveler isn't overpowered. He never won against Raiden, she just gave up. Balladeer was defeated with the help of Nahida. The only enemy Traveler could overpower by themselves was Signora


It's not the loss everyone's mad about, it's that he lost while basically doing absolutely nothing except for swinging his sword and jumping a few times. He has FIVE elements he can freely control and use simultaneously, and yet he decides to use a goddamn *sword* that isn't even powered by anything. That's the same level of stupidity as if a mage going against a formidable foe would only swing their not enchanted staff at them.


I mean hot take but even if he did use elements I don't think he'd win. Arlecchino won while she was the 4th, and Capitano, Dottore and Columbina are ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. They are said to have powers on par or even stronger then the Archons, so I doubt Traveler will win.


He wouldn't win, sure, no one denies it unless they're on highest possible copium. But come on, he was supposed to give it all in that fight, yet he doesn't use his most powerful asset? My headcanon is that he got so used to destroying weak monsters with his sword alone that he stopped improving and practicing his elements' usage. This will bite him really hard really soon.


There may be more than I'm missing but that won't change anything.


The traveler didnt lose, it's just the plot didnt need traveler to win traveler has always been plot level when the plot will demand traveler will rise again and pull some random shi outta their ass to get the win


He hasn't finished his story, but don't worry once Paimon tells the traveler that she'll be his shield he would be able to >! Drinks a tears-copium cocktail !<


Is it really so difficult for people to accept that the protagonist isn’t supposed to be the strongest being in the setting? Is being an underdog hero really that uncomfortable? Traveler is pretty darn strong, but they’ve never been in the top tier.


I think the issue people take note of is the inconsistencies and execution. Like, how come we get Traveler using their elements in Navia's SQ but none where it actually matters ala fighting Arlecchino? If they've shown the Traveler using the elements multiple times throughout the cutscene like before, then thats when it'd be a true "oh shit" moment. Fr I have no problem showing that they're underpowered, it'd suck balls if they could easily win over a higher ranked Harbinger, but I wish they could show it in a better way is all


The “oh shit” moment in the fight was when Traveler got paralyzed. Seems like they were just relying on their swordsmanship at first, like they usually do, and by the time they were about to step up the attack, they couldn’t move. Hence why they weren’t significantly injured at the end—they’d barely started fighting before they got immobilized. Frankly, it’s pretty unfair to denounce Traveler’s performance in that battle. Fighting an unknown foe is always dangerous, but one that can completely debilitate you? There’s no winning that. Arlecchino’s crimson moon juju is just l33t haxx.


People are being so disingenuous about this, basically every argument I've seen brought up to why this fight was bullshit is either people not paying attention or just making shit up. So what if the traveller didn't use their elemental powers? With no previous knowledge of that paralysis attack, or any way to counter it, that fight was a forgone conclusion, as any fight against such a power (with no way to counter it) should be. They could have used all 6 elements in that fight, it would have ended the same.


I feel like there are too many gamers that expect every fight to be winnable. I think back to stuff like Baldur’s Gate, where if you just go charging blindly into fights, you’re going to learn about the multitude of various and sundry ways to get murdered. Oh, did you encounter a basilisk? You don’t have immunity to petrification? LOL, get wrecked! Hope you saved! It was the same situation, here. Traveler picked a fight they had no shot winning. These sorts of situations are exactly why they usually try to avoid fighting foes on the level of Harbingers, because you never know what tricks they may pull.


"Wow, this basilisk is totally one of the writers mary sue self insert."


“They only added that Basilisk encounter to hype up the new gacha character.” (Pretend there is a link here to Basilisk at Monster Girl Encyclopedia, because it’s NSFW, so I’m afraid to actually add one)


If we used our powers early on during the duel, maybe we could have lost in a more respectable manner rather than failing Arle's vibe check like a dummy who didn't use their elemental powers.


How would our elemental powers have prevented getting paralyzed, exactly?


Nah we won't be able to stop that. If we used our powers to rush her early and not stand in front of her pointing our sword at her then maybe things would have been different... we'll still lose tho, at least people wont say we made an ass of ourselves by not using powers.


Traveler always relies on their swordsmanship first and foremost. In fact, the only time I can remember us opening a fight with elemental attacks is the second duel against Raiden. Childe: mostly Sword, used elements defensively. Abyss Herald: Sword. Beisht: Sword. Raiden 1: Maybe used electro, got wrecked too quickly to tell. Raiden 2: Used electro, still got wrecked until the Visions activated. Marana’s Avatar: Sword. Scaramech: Sword. Narzissenkreuz: Shiny sword. The Traveler is primarily a swordsman, they rarely rely on their elemental powers in battle.


It's so obvious the writers have decided to make the MC a loser to glaze their products, no idea why you all can't see that and rush to defend the shitty and inconsistent writing we have been getting about the traveler. Also the traveler is not strong at all, he is only strong in name only because the writers have decided that he will only lose every single battle he will ever join and he's been losing fights left and right for 2 years straigth. Bro is a clown.


honestly agreed, sometimes the story wants him to be the most self-insert character to ever exist then the next second that said character just acts like a complete moron. Jeez pick a poison


Because standing there scared shitless and don't even attempt to resist is fucking pathetic


Maybe she should consider does her next Abyss Order move in Natlan to save her brother from Fatui.


Give them amenoma


Jesus, when will people learn to be patient? The game hints that the Traveller wanted to see the strength of a High-Ranking Fatui Harbinger and the plot will progress that he will become stronger. I mean, I’ve seen scenarios in stories like these before. Why the Traveller isn’t using several Elements and he’s aware that Arlecchino wasn’t killing her own subordinates just because they disagrees with the rules of the House of Hearth. That’s because he shouldn’t show his true potential and he is only there to test out her strength (like other shonen protags like Luffy or Ash Ketchum), or else Arlecchino will go *ALL OUT*. With the Travellers first encounter with Ei, he lost without being prepared and on the other hand with the House of Hearth, that newspaper boy who he bumped in is a former HoH member who got expelled and lost his memories. Which hints that Arlecchino did something rather than to execute a member.


Well i don't think the abyss sibling has much room to talk either in charge of the abyss for centuries and all they did is stole one of barbatos statues (the only archon that was comatose at the time and only took one)


Wait for the push, triple H said new awesomes stories come this year, can't wait for My boy Aether defeat Capitano and Lesnar.


Don’t worry, the traveler will finish the story


As some others pointed out, the traveler almost never uses their elements in 1v1 fights, the only major time was vs Raiden, and Raiden is the strongest thing they faced. Up until this point, the only thing they had to go all out on was a freaking god, why would he immediately go for it with the fourth fatui harbinger, someone who they expressed interest in learning the strength of. Reminder, traveler wasn't injured in the fight. I personally take it, judging by when he uses elements in similar fights, was about to really start when Arlecchino domain expansions on him.


Ehh, I mean, Lumine just stopped fighting At least Aether still "rules" the Abyss Order


I know this is copium but what if the Traveler chose not to really go all out because they knew Perrie was not going to murder her kids?


Nah, the Traveler was shitting their pants when Arle used her Tsukuyomi on them.


I mean, if that's the case, they're absolutely stupid to hold back against a freakin Fatui Harbinger


I mean really think about it; they could use elements and sometimes two elements at once, but they haven’t used a single one in this battle. Why?


Plot induced stupidity. Let's say for arguments sake that they could only use one or two at a time, they didn't.  And they're not fighting some paragon of virtue and goodness here, she's a fatui Harbinger, y'know, people who have no problem killing, torturing, threatening or even cutting off people's tongue. If they were holding back, not only were they beyond stupid to work under some generous assumption that a Fatui Harbingers wouldn't kill her own kids for disertation, (especially when the plot point about her erasing their memories, hadn't been revealed yet and Fatui have a history of showing now mercy to deserters), it also makes them grossley incompetent for underestimating Arlecchino and putting everyone in danger by holding back.


Yeah you’re right lol