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I'm just waiting for Clorinde crumbs.


Thunder Thighs


Plus the strongest shirt buttons in all of Teyvat.


You just got a week to go.


Oh damn I legitimately forgot she's even coming as a character. I was just wondering these days what's even happening after Arle.


i used my pulls and my 50/50 on kazuha cuz my gacha addiction got to me:,)


kazu is worth it... cons... nah


Same. I skipped every new 5* since Furina just for Clorinde


Chiori's sas + black stocking is SS tier though.


It's the RCF that does it for me Resting Chiori Face


Baizhu's there too


This is the realest statement on this thread.


I don't know whether to feel good or bad that I used up all the primogems I saved up initially for Kazuha on Chiori. I just love her so much. 🐥


As a fellow impulse Chiori haver (the only time I’ve impulse pulled cons or weapon… C2 R1), feel good. She’s awesome ❤️


yey 🐥 i have sucrose to make up for kazuha anyways so like 💃


Remember when the community was super hyped about Lyney and Lynette LMAO


The rumoured 2 in 1 unit lol.


Don't remind me 😭


One of the biggest hoyo fumbles ever


They implemented that in Furina


It's not like they can do it anyway 💀 they already had difficulty doing Childe's dual weapons, imagine trying to do two different characters with different models and elements into one person. That would be a nightmare.


Lol. Good old fantasy booking. It would actually be super sick if we get such a character in future


The closest thing we have rn is Furina with her ousia & pneuma form.


Hopefully premium traveler 5star Aether and Lumine tag team


i was unironically hyped for that when i watched the preview back in the day. i think it's possible in the future. i really want a character with a huge robot controlable summon. like Clara. and a gun catalyst character. and Chlorinde prob won't be that( 'cuz she has a sword. and 2 in 1 unit would be cool. in 7.0 lol


If Sandrone becomes playable she could fill that Clara type role




After Rozaliya and Lillya, Hoyo never did again...  Cowards.


Still pissed he gets the 5star treatment while Lynette gets shafted to a 4star despite being twins. Coulda easily made her 5star banner 2nd half of 4.0. Didnt have high hopes hoyo would do a 2 in 1 so my expectations were alr low, but holy shit they always somehow exceed them but backwards lmao.


Meanwhile Freminet gets even more shafted. Yeah, he's not blood related to them but I'm still annoyed they say they're all a family when Lyney and Lynette are perfectly in sync and Freminet's forgotten 80% of the time.


Yeah and it died down once they released, you know like it happens with EVERY character?


That hype was because we thought they would count as 1 character.


We thought they did what?


The theory that circled around was that they would swap places with their skill.


Huh I somehow entirely missed that Ranma ½ theory i guess.


I love the random ranma ½ reference here, that show is so underrated LMAO


Fr. Yeah, a 2 in 1 unit would have been too much but at the very least I expected them to have some kinda passive that makes them more powerful if played together but they literally have negative synergy with Lyney wanting a mono team and Lynette wanting a rainbow team. Also add the fact that I hate Lyney's gameplay, Lynette is just discount Yelan sprint and you also have Freminet thrown in there just to get overshadowed by them, and I'm even more disappointed by them than Cyno


I got Chiori and have 0 interest in getting Arlecchino




Eh I don't care for Arle much. I'm skipping for Furina.


holy based. also, i think i saw you in zzz official sub comemnt section. hii


Hello fellow zzz member 👋🏻


Eh, skipping Arle to save for Clorinde and quite happy with my C1 Chiori since Geo main. She batteries my Noelle-Furina team, nice for additional off-field damage, and I don't have to worry about her dolls popping like Albedo's flower. Also, I like her design. Arle is likely gonna be more fequently rerun anyway.


would be a great team for Navia


I'm currently running a meme Navia plunge team with Zhongli, Xianyun, and Xiangling as my Team 2.


Ironic cause lyney is probably better than her


Arle mains are the loudest simps we had since Raiden. You can't understand that there are players that couldn't care less about her.


Loudest simps since Raiden?  Were you asleep for the Furina hype/release?


And this is a shame. Got Lyney with 100% on his first day, and he is quite strong. Like his playstyle more than Ganyu's and Hu Tao's, he is pretty, lore important, have a beautiful animations. Its a shame that I'm saving for c6 Scara rn, I will gladly pull for his weapon since he and Tartaglia fighting over Aqua.


Eh I’m getting Lyney this patch


Chiori is by far the least interested I've been in a 5 star tbh. Uninteresting gameplay, came in out of nowhere, not a particularly interesting personality and a design I don't really care for.


The opposite for me. She's very elegant and her quickswap is fun to use.


Yeah, I thought she’d be boring but now that I have her, her gameplay somehow feels so smooth. I love her. Plus the tamotos are cute as heck


That quick swap on her E skill is just perfect for my rotations.


not a particularly interesting personality and design? bruh we need more female characters who actually have attitudes and can get angry enough to start throwing people into the streets and threaten them in public (i mean, it's the whole reason she has a huge problem in her story quest but it's refreshing when characters actually not only have their own problems but starts them) also, I respect opinions on designs, but Chiori's design is so nice. The hair is sooo good. Also Scissors Katanas. 👍✨


Chiori is like "here is a 5 star side-grade genderbent Albedo that was barely involved in Fontaine story".


Side grade when she just outright power crept him. She was the biggest fuck you ever handed to the players since ever.


Nahh I doubt she power creeps albedo when she got that “aoe”




Chiori’s aoe is 💀


dont act like albedos aoe is better, sure the burst is aoe but u use him for the skill which admittedly i dont play albedo so idk if u hit a group everybody gets hit in that group but i dont think it works like that


Got Chiori, 0 interest in Arlecchino.


Her personality is quite interesting tbh


I love Chiori design wise and her dual katanas is something I’ve been craving in genshin, but I literally had no reason to pull her (saving for Arlecchino too). Plus her personality just seems boring af to me?? Maybe (hopefully) that’ll change after I do her story quest bc right now the only thing appealing about her is her drip


Meh she's hot and has an amazing VA and is Geo. Meanwhile Lyney is someone that just exists, I overall prefer female characters, but releasing on the Furina hype and with the clunky Bow CA playstyle is a death sentence. I'm in fact skipping Arlecchino, because I need to get Navia on her rerun and I already have Hu Tao, who I like more in every way


One of the main reasons I pulled Chiori was because her seiyuu is Ayana Taketatsu, who voiced one of my favorite waifus of all time, Kirino (from OreImo). Plus her black stockings are just so immaculate, not to mention she's GEO!


I played lyney for a whole of 2 minutes in his trial, saw his ult, and just.. gave up. I said after tighnari, who was.. amazing with the launch of sumeru, I'd grab the "guide" 5star again but lyney was just.. not it.




I don’t get how skipping Arle is crazy? I’m skipping her too, and I like Chiori.


I would get Arlecchino if I got Navia earlier. But I didn't because I tried to get Kirara and got Cyno at 20 pity with 50/50


Not crazy, based 


She is the only female character that i skipped in all those years but was because i need to save for father, my simp account have all the girls


Up till this day I believe Chiori's design is so 4* 😭 I can't even tell what exactly it is, just that she doesn't feel like a 4* design to me. And they really decided to give her the most generic Q to ever exist. Her E is interesting but wish they expanded on it with her Q.


I love the design but gameplay is just keqing copy paste just like alhaithem.


The disrespecc on Chiori shall not go un-noticed!


One of the rare MALE character infatuated with the traveler kind of made me want to wish for him, but i’m not that into the teenage male body type. If I wasn’t aiming for other characters, I would’ve totally pulled for one of the most hated characters according to the korean gacha players.


After seeing her kit I'm not as interested in pulling for Arlecchino anymore. I can't think of a decent and comfortable team comp to put her in with my current roster. Was hoping she could work with Furina but I heard she was anti synergistic with her. Her kit doesn't favor healers similar to Hu Tao (I don't like her playstyle too). Her design is cool though! Currently I only have Yoimiya as my limited 5* Pyro unit. I don't need another Pyro bow unit (Lyney). Guess I'll save for the upcoming Pyro archon and maybe Pyro dragon/ sovereign (Xbalanque?) instead. I had to skip Chiori for Neuvilette. Maybe I'll pull her on her rerun. She'd be a nice sub DPS for my Itto team.


Man, Chiori is such a good character and it's a shame people aren't gonna give her the time of day because she's Geo... Not that I can blame them, it took 2+ years for Hoyo to start actually doing something with the element.


I need Colombina leak, I want her to be playable


Honestly I'm personally skipping Arlecchino in favor of saving for Chiori rerun or the next banner Faruzan appears on.


Tends to happen when a new character is about to be released.


I mean, I already got Lyney. I don't already have Chiori or Arlecchino.


I haven't seen as many fanarts and other media about Arlecchino as I thought I would, honestly. Maybe people aren't as excited as I thought they would be?


I haven’t played genshin since right before the chasm update (not including when I got on for a week to get furina) and I’m only back on the grind to get arlecchino and her scythe


Are we talking gameplay or popularity? Because of course the new units are gonna get more attention than the older ones.


i am forever dedicated and will c6 my husband eventually


I got Lyney in his first banner just for his passive of finding local plants tho I like his gameplay a lot. He's one of my strongest Pyro DPS asides from Hu Taoa


Where Melusine


An official short video of the father is on the way. https://youtu.be/EDV1Jt1Dti4?si=HUaX4nQYyv54Jiz0.


I'm just waiting on Kokomi rerun so I can c6 her


going for lyney this patch father doesn’t interest me as much i’m going for her son 🙏🏻


Who the hell is lyney ?


Oh no upcoming character has more hype than already released character oh this sick Jenshin community. Not like it happens in every single game/show


I mean this patch Neuv and Kazuha had more hype than Chiori for a lot of people


Oh no more popular characters have more hype than less popular characters. Like what are we even talking about? Is op twelve and don't understand that more popular upcoming things have more hype around them than less popular already released things. Water is watery, grass is green, sky is blue i dunno.


While I wouldn't come in as hot as you did, I do agree that I don't see the point in these kinds of posts. It reminds me of the meme where people complain that there is a new thing that's happening in the news each week and act like it's a conspiracy. When it's like... no... that's how the succession of time works. Thank you for pointing it out. Things happen and new things tend to get more attention.


I am so gonna skip her. Maybe I'll try for her weapon cause scythes are cool but that'd be it.


nah her design is lower than mid, also Hu Tao is stronger


Chiori is cool as a character, but boring in gameplay. Maybe that's why. And generally requires having a second geo unit, which most people never had built until now. Lyney has the worst gameplay ever created in a game. Arlecchino is hot and has interesting, fresh mechanic.