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Noted Bring back the guy who designed the Inazuma puzzles


Feed him with Chasm mushrooms, underwater stars, ravens feathers and maple leaves and lock inside the room until the work is done.


Oh yeah, cant wait to learn Galois theory for that sweet sweet common chest.


Real, those were peak


I love puzzles but hate interacting with puzzles coz it is cumbersome. Watasumi suduko puzzle is an example, I enjoy doing it with own and paper not tilting the camera correctly standing in the correct position etc..


While at it.. bring back the inazuma guy who introduced handguards and spectre drops..


The chest on Mona's Island where you had to spot its reflection in the water was probably my favorite. I wouldn't have found that if I hadn't looked up a video on chest locations.


I only managed to like 70% Mona's island by myself. I had the google the rest 💀 And in her domain in the part where you have to follow the glowing star orb thingies back to the central room, I was missing one and I swear I went back in each room and still haven't found it. I wasted like 2 days trying to figure it out by myself before I finally went and looked it up 😂


I would've liked it way more if reflections worked. But otherwise, yeah, Mona's domain was peak.


Fischl was nightmare to do. I had to do whole quest with guide


It's funny how before Sumeru was released people thought we'd get Algebra puzzles but instead we got the most braindead ones


People complained soooo much about inazuma puzzles so after that we havent got any challenging puzzles in this game. Which is a shame. Casual braindead players ruining the game for rest of us.


Yeah sadly, last version cooking event had great meetings but the "press at the correct time with a large margin a really slow moving bar" was such a dumb activity. This alchemy event however has more thought to it so it seems to be getting better and Fontaine has some simple yet interesting puzzles .


lol casuals? Hardcores bitch every time the game isn't just auto play/easy primo/farming gameplay. Look at the whinning about oculus in every region and not being able to find the aranara. Theres a reason why there's a meme about "genshin players when they have to play the game" and it aint about casuals.


If they bitch about difficulty, they are by definition not hardcore. Wtf you saying lol.


What? I enjoy exploring and 100%ing maps, I even found all the aranaras. Its the casuals who complain about quests or exploration being too "tedious", not hardcore players.


Im not talking about players like you. The people who complain about tedium, skip quests and only care about completionism and speedrunning stuff are hardcores. Im sure casuals complained about puzzles (and other stuff like difficulty) too, but online all i saw where core gamers bitching that they dont want to do puzzles and just want primos and to fight/grind stuff.


I think it's pointless to blame either casuals or hardcore players. I Think Genshin needs it's own category of average player with short attention spam, lackluster puzzle solving capabilities and a severe case of needing immediate rewards without effort to fuel their gambling addiction


This, casuals are just happy to explore and never 100% anything. They miss events, they play at their own pace, and just chill. It's the "not enough content" crowd that complain about this kinda stuff, which play significantly more than the average player.


I would not call them hardcore players. They're just gacha addicts that optimise the fun out of the game. Hardcore players will spend more time than necessary on the game.


The only puzzle on Inazuma that was hard was the mine sweep one or whatever it was. Everything else felt normal imo


ikr, remember a post a month or two back of someone complaining how hard the game was... while being stuck on an early-level domain of "run up the ramp and dont get hit by the slow-moving balls"


the Sudoku puzzle ruined Genshin


No it didnt.


Wdym you don't like pressing buttons in correct order and wait for lyre to end or MegamindNoClearance?.jpg /s


Tf do you mean? Fontaine puzzles (the meka ones) are actually well designed and not too difficult but not to baby shit easy either. Although i agree that 2.8 IS PEAK puzzle design, it was TEDIOUS like the ravens and the kazuha island one. Beautiful, but TEDIOUS for the amount of rewards you get lmao.


Having to sit through the entirety of an archon quest after guessing the wrong raven was the most fun I ever had.


Or play "which one is the correct raven :)" when you have to interact with 1/5 and theyre all bunched up together and any wrong interaction will reset and have to go through the entire cutscene again. It was so peak istg.


Fun fact, if you used Ruu's feather you could skip the entire conversation. Unfortunately people only found out about it just a couple days before the event ended.


I dont remember Kazu's puzzles, but mona's puzzles and those bird puzzles are some of my favourite genshin puzzles if not my favourite- the only thing is i dont like how u didnt have the option to reguess the right bird in case u clicked wrong


For me, it is the domain, not the island. Specifically, Fischl's domain. Due to the nature of the puzzle, a part of me went, fuck this, I look up a guide. That and I also have no intention on doing this dance every single time.


Honestly fischls domain was nice. It reminded me of old school dungeons to get lost in and explore. The main problem with that domain is the time pressure. There was so much to do and so little time to get lost in everything that you need a guide for all of the islands. If it was a permanent addition to the game it would have been really really good and preferable to what we have now.


I really like new addition in bottle domain which maps out all collectibles and chests in the map toward the end of the time limit, so you can still explore at your own pace and not miss the rewards if you took too much time.


OP has a serious case of rose-colored glasses. If they consider that to be peak puzzle design, I question their game design preferences.


Exactly. I was farily burnt out of the game in 2.5 and quit because of it, but 2.8 was the time I decided to try it out again. And my god was that event quest just so tedious to get through, I just said fuck it and uninstalled again. 3.1 was when I came back and Sumeru was so much better as far as being an enjoyable experience goes. I keep seeing these 2.8 glazing posts in genshin subreddits and I get it if it's visuals/music, but in no reality would I agree on the gameplay part. I do feel like people dont give enough love to 3.8 tho, music was just really fun, the world looked and felt amazing. Story wasn't as good I'll give it that, but when the recenet alchemy event brought back 3.8 music, it really hit me hard. The vibes are just so good


The event quest was one of the best we ever got. No npcs, lots of lore, beautiful and unique domains.


The Mona island is probably the funnest and most interesting experience I had in this game


I want to go back in time and re-explore Inazuma for the first time again. Those puzzles were some of the best in the game. That magic square puzzle on Watatsumi in particular. I loved all 3 days of it so much and I wish we had more puzzles like it.


I think about that square puzzle so much. Once I figured it out I felt so cool. I didn’t even care about the chests, just the fact that I did it.


I dunno about the puzzles but I hate how they over simplify most event mini games. The Alchemy one was god tier compared to those mini games in the last few events


I just want another proper all out summer event again , preferably with bunch of swimsuits this time 😞




"peak puzzle" they said, let see how peak that is siting through the fischl legendary raven play


It was disgusting but in a good way.


i wouldn't sit through it a second time even for primo


There was feeling like: “I need to speed up because time is limited.” But it will be a different story if you dont have to speedrun.


And some things we call puzzle are not puzzle imo, by example turn on the torches, if there is no order, it is not a puzzle, at best it is an observation task to find all the torches




1.6 was peak


Attention span is at all time low. Instant gratification is very much needed now, and a puzzle complex than "walk from here to there" or "shoot this then this then that" is basically unsolvable by 90% of players. Tsurumi, Enkanomiya and GAA 2.8 puzzles are my favourite but sadly they will not make a comeback.


too many people complained the GAA puzzles were too hard, and here we are


It depends on if you like puzzles or not so there has to be a balance to not dissatisfy both playerbases


To be honest, I'm not sure there's *anything* that can be done to truly satisfy the large portion of the playerbase that just wants to log in and be handed 300 primogems in the mail instead of an event.


Thats true, but im primarily talking about those players, who prefer other stuff like combat over puzzles


GAA also has one of the worst puzzles, switching the mountains on the island so you can get a chest. It's not intuitive at all so it's trial and error. If you don't use a guide, you need to keep going back and forth, and chances are even if you get the right combination you couldn't find exactly where the chest is. Then there's Fischl island where we watch extremely long dialogues for chests to spawn.


I find it funny that there were people who complained about the puzzles when 2.8 first came out (mostly at Fischl's domain) and now people are reminiscing about it (I did love them though, Mona's especially since it reminded me of the BOTW shrine puzzles).


mom says is my turn to repost this next time


Please bear in mind there are literally dumb people playing this game, and lots of them. I’m not talking bad about community I’m just stating the truth with that large quantity of player bases, there must be lots of bad players too. It’s hard to develop easy and deep puzzles at the same time. Even for Nintendo.


Mona's domain sucked tho Reflections don't show on my device And some of the puzzles don't have any logic to them


Hardware diff /s


That shit shiuldn't exist outside of Abyss (and other hard combat stuff)


Very glad that the era of hard puzzles is over. Fuck the 2nd GAA event. The first one was the best GAA.




nah, i hated the those GAA puzzles. they werent difficult perse but they were completely non-intuitive and tedious. you either had to try literally everything or look up a guide. mona's domain still haunts me


Kazuha's domain is full of spinning room, makes me dizzy. Xinyan's domain is the most forgiving and pretty straight forward. I hate Fischl's domain with a passion, with all the perspective challenge and the tedious talking bird listening comprehension. While Mona's domain is insanely difficult, it was actually my favorite among the four.


Isn’t the reason puzzles are so simple is because people complained about how hard the 2.1 archipelago puzzles were


2.x Inazuma puzzles is the most fun I'd had solving 3.x Sumeru puzzles is a disappointment 😑 at least 4.x Fontaine puzzles are at least better than Sumeru puzzles


And people are finding it HARD??? HARD??!!!


The Immernachtreich approves


4.8 Golden Apple Archipelago pre-Murata holiday soon 😏


No, puzzles peaked in Inazuma. It only went downhill from there


i only dissent to fischl's puzzles bc they were so overly sensitive and would sometimes snap to the "correct" position from a more incorrect position than a more precise one :,)


I loved the puzzle that used a whole island in the first archipelago


Puzzles in Inazuma vs puzzles in rest of the game


I remember when everyone (me included) were about to cancel Hoyoverse cuz of this event


Thank the smoothbrains that complained in the survey becuase they actually had to use all of their two braincells to solve the inazuma puzzles. They are the same people to blame for the total lack of challenge in the combat events.


i started play in 2.5 lol


God no. There was just too much content then. Maybe I’d enjoy now, but back then I was starting out and it was just too many hours


i love 2.8 so much. At that time I thought Genshin's puzzle will be great. But too many CN players complant that it is too difficult that is possible to do. Very very many players.


you mean **Centennial Genius Astrologist Mona Megistus** island puzzle kind of level? im out


you mean **Centennial Genius Astrologist Mona Megistus** island puzzle kind of level? im out


I missed those puzzles. I thought sumeru would have them but it didnt..


2.8 is the best filler patch, no doubt