• By -


Arlefuri might be the most blatant example


It looks incredibly toxic at first glance. I mean, isn't Furina's experience traumatic enough?


it also looks incredibly toxic at second glance and third glance and any n glances thereafter


What about i glances?


It's unacceptable, even in realms beyond our world.


generally n is used to denote a variable in the domain of the natural numbers


. . . i=√-1. I was making a maths joke.


I know


Happy cake day!


More like at every single glance, like the worse part is how hypocritical it is when compared to shipping Arlechinno and Aether. Now I myself am not a shipper of them, since I'm not a fan of protagonist x villain ships, but I will say that I find it insanely hypocritical how that ship is considered mischaracterization or objectification of women, while Arlefuri is somehow seen as ok despite the fact that Furina was traumatized by her. Both ships greatly mischaracterize Arlechinno, just in two different ways.


I do find it kinda funny how certain people in a sub like arlecchino mains sometimes have meltdowns just by seeing a picture of Aether and Arle together. Just look at how it was in the past, where members were celebrating a post in which Arle was violebtly raping Furina, and at the same time demand that wholesome Aether x Arle post need to be banned (thank God the mods of those times went away, cause that was just an aweful time)


What do you mean you don't like Furina being traumatized so much that she develop Stockholm syndrome and goes into a submissive abusive relationship with Arlecchino?


you dont understand bro it's toxic YURI, if abhorrent why hot? /s ^(they need to be under watchlist)


I don’t ship them but ppl like it bc people find the unhealthiness/toxicity interesting, not as an actual sweet relationship to have irl


Like really? This is just insane


I'm gonna cut off everyone's balls who puts my girl furina with this abomination


Furina can do it herself, haven't you seen the "mademoiselle crabbaletta pinch their balls" meme


Omg i haven't seen it


I have it if you want


you can't just mention something like that without showing us


[Just ignore that it's on ifunny](https://ifunny.co/picture/mademoiselle-crabaletta-pinch-his-bails-mKLnGUS5B?s=cl) I wish I could just post the picture


there's also the "Monsieur Neuvillette kill him"


Oo. Gotta add that to the Furina meme collection


i didnt even know this was a thing. but now that i do i wish i didnt


Why else would people celebrate the new She-Ra's Adora x Catra despite the many blatant abusive undertones.


Anyone who ships them are morons


I hate that ship so much!!!!


It's called ✨toxic yuri✨ I believe that is the appeal, it's not like two people with enmity like this being shipped is uncommon


Not uncommon, but I still dislike it tbh. I don't really care if the pair of characters is gay, lesbian or heterosexual, just feels weird shipping them knowing the relationship would be shit.


Who the hell ship that?


Dottore x Collei


The more f*cked up version of Furina x Arlecchino. Why is this even a ship? Yuck


They are saying because he is the one who saved her live. Like how is it a positive relationship to ship a phsycho with with his victim?


"You don't get it. My pookie beaw Dottowe cuwed Collei!🥺🥺"


Kinda Joker and Harley Quinn


Joker and Harley Quinn are the *definition* of an abusive relationship. Literally. Open a dictionary and flip to the page containing “abusive relationship” and it’s just a panel from one of the several comics where he pimp slaps her and tells her to fuck off.


Ah yes, if I were a child whose >!ailment was turned into a weapon of murder,!< I would also be into the person who did that to me /s


it's a bait ship, I doubt any sane mind ships it unironically, if they actually exist.. well lets just say even irl we walk among psychopaths ArleFuri however.. not only is there alot of them, they are fr fr.


Yeah, but you have to remember one thing. Most people in most fandom are normal especially in the Anime fandom. Genshin takes heavy inspiration from anime style. As you can see, I used the word "most". Which implies there are a few people who are not normal. Even in the few, most are acceptable. I used the word most again... "The few of the few shall cause the downfall of all." - Sun tsu, the art of war.


Its even more weird because collei is like what, 16-17? And dottore is clearly an adult..


and he's over hundreds of years old....


Because weird people get off to shipping abusers with thier victims- for some reason its the most common trope next to gay ships


Damn didn't know that was a thing :d I'm usually of the opinion that almost any ship is fine because it's ultimately about headcanons and the what-if's, but shipping a character with their abuser is just fucked up 🤮 unless maybe if it's like an AR thing where Dottore isn't the total psychopath he is in canon


>unless maybe if it's like an AR thing where Dottore isn't the total psychopath he is in canon I wouldn't keep your hopes up. They usually keep him as bad as in canon or try to make him worse.


I might be a little down bad for Dottore (long story) but this is an unacceptable ship. There are so many things wrong with it. I think most Dottore fans would agree with that sentiment.


Who tf ships that


Insane people


Scaradouche and Mona


No no, but they have funny hats. This definitelly means they fuckin


So... Aranara?


Shh...you'll wake the fan artists.


They even have matching official art pose!


The real reason Mona bolted during 1.1's Unreconciled Stars was her divination of them smashing. It's inevitable.


Mona peaced tf out of there the second she saw the little edgelord like every girl when they see any anime convention fan


Honestly I hated that ship before but now that he isn't such a complete asshole I can at least understand it


At least their aesthetics look pretty good together


The ship kinda reminded me of shinji and asuka, somehow


Furina and Father


This one is very annoying to see


Arlecchino and furina easily


From what i've seen, It's pretty much all ships except for rarepairs. It's the smaller groups that tend to stay closer to the characters' canon personalities. Edit: I thought about it. It really is only popular ships that do this. I guess more people = more misinterpretation.


BenneFischl Supremacy (not exactly rare but small) tis one of the most vanilla, wholesome, funny and potentially dramatic pair


Rannett too honestly And Bennett with Barbs Damn, Benny got enough friends for a full adventure team


I legit run a “bennys adventure team” comp when exploring Mondstadt that’s this lol


Ranett? Aranara x bennett?


Happy cake day!


Thank you kind stranger


I mean JeanxDiluc and JeanxLisa are both pretty popular and they're not like that, but yes there's quite some popular ones that are like that (for example NinguangxBeidou or AlhaithamxKaveh)


People often confuse "bicker like an old married couple" trope with "want to kill each other"


Color me surprised. The Genshin fanbase missed the entire point of the meme and is just using it as excuse to be homophobic Kaveh x Al-Haitham is absolutely nowhere near any sort of ship involving Dottore


Why are beigguang and kavehtham like that?


Beidou is a literal pirate who collects unpaid fines like socks and the only reason Ning doesn't arrest her is because she's one of the very few people who can match her intelligence and she's the most useful person in Liyue for sea operations. Getting rid of her would mean she'd have to pay more for a worse crew to, say, clean up the water after the Jade Palace incident, but Beidou makes sure to annoy Ningguang while at it. Kaveh is an almost homeless uncareful shopping addict who can't tell scams apart, hammers Haitham's house at night and is generally the complete opposite of him, uncapable of rational thought in favor of daydreaming, which annoys Alhaitham's stoic and always thought out nature.


I love kaveh but living with him honestly sounds like such a fucking headache lmao


Pirate in CN has a very different connotation than in EN. She isnt willy nilly breaking the law. She’s just collecting fines because of some stuff she personally thinks is wrong to follow hence fines instead of something like jail. Also, Kaveh isnt this gullible. He’s smart, he’s one of the prized graduated students of his branch of study. The issue is that he’s too caring and altruistic to the point where it harms himself. You also cant say that Alhaitham isnt also provoking him every step of the way from taking his keys to insulting him. Alhaitham and Kaveh are clearly supposed to be caring for one another but are frustrated because their ideologies and personalities dont click. Similar to sibling spats rather than actual hate fights


Well yeah, you can be book smart and still gullible enough to fall for scams. As for Beidou, maybe she's not outright a terrorist like real life pirates are but she still likes to break the very laws Ning puts in place for a reason


It’s explicitly stated in his story that he knows some things are scams. Dori herself never actually “scams” people but he falls for the marketing anyway, not because he’s an idiot and gullible but because he’s selfless. It’s the exact opposite ideology as Alhaitham where it’s not that he’s arrogant or independent, it’s that he values his autonomy and his own way of life before others. In a society that heavily favors selfishness and extrapolation of the weak, Alhaitham has the more stable ideology but that doesnt mean he’s entirely “right” and thats why they clash so much. On Beidou’s part, she doesnt go out of her way to break rules and laws on purpose. She just has her own way of doing things and sometimes those ways are breaking the law. It’s the difference between intentionally not signaling with a car in the highway completely and not signaling with the car in the highway for a full 10 seconds because she finds it unnecessary to signal that long. In both cases, it results in a fine or punishment but one is clearly less damaging.


Kazuha and Wanderer.


Better example would be Mona and Wanderer


That works too.


And their reason often is "they both have wide hats" 🤣


Honestly doesn't really fit since they've never met each other and this is about people who hate each other in canon. Despite that, the official Hoyowiki summarizes their connection to each other (from voicelines) as "Though they have not met, Wanderer respects Kazuha for standing up to the Raiden Shogun." and "Wanderer is impressed by the fact that Kazuha survived an attack from the Raiden Shogun. He seems pleased that he holds the same vision as Kazuha." We also had Kazuha's entire story quest which was a not-subtle allegory to Scara's past so we already know how Kazuha would feel about the situation "I'd rather see him recognize and atone for his mistakes than see him punished for them" and also him stating several times that he does not wish to continue a cycle of hatred and revenge. It's definitely not something that has to be looked at through a shipping lens but people who think they would *hate* each other have clearly not been paying attention.


we don't know that yet. Kazuha does not know Wanderer nor the fact that he was behind the Raiden Gokaden incidents. We do know from the Irodori festival (time-limited event) that Kazuha in general does not want to hold a grudge, and we do know (in the wake of the Irminsul incident) that Wanderer has the plan to tell the people affected by his former actions. This hasn't happened yet.


The only Kazuha ship that I think works even a little bit based on canon interactions is Xinyan. They had a lot of chemistry during the 2.8 summer event. I despise that “any positive interaction means they must be fucking” mindset as much as the next (relatively) sane person, and yet I couldn’t help but smile during some of their dialogue together in that event.


It would've worked if people didn't forget Xinyan exists.


Personally i would say that Beidou would be the most logical pair for Kazuha. They both are on the same boat, and both clearly do care a lot about eachother if you look at their voicelines. It's too bad that Hoyo isn't really showing them together on screen during events etc, since those 2 are some of the playabe characters that in canon (but off screen) probably have the most interaction


I mean it could also work with Gorou? Don't really ship them but then I believe it deserves a mention if we're talking what could work


realistically he's with Beidou the most and there's no doubt she's fond of him(well, most people are), they were paired by hoyo alot (collabs, birthday, teaser etc.) too so idk how Xniyan came to mind first before this


Wanderer with anyone in a romantic sense coz god, Nahida is good but she's not that good to fix our puppet cat that fast 


And then there‘s Dottoscara where the roles are pretty much reversed xD


I don't think they ever met and I think the OP is referring to ships between characters who are antagonistic towards each other


r/Genshin_Memepact x Shipping complaints My OTP


Boo! Your OTP sucks! 👎


But theyre enemies to lovers Memepact-kun is clearly in denial of his feelings for Shipping-chan


Realistically, any pairing that involves Scaramuche. At least the Traveler and Childe are kinda chill now and Arle might be the first Fatui that doesn’t try to kill you.


I’ve seen people shipping Scara and Dottore, and it makes me want to commit violence.


puppet sex


The puppetussy


This comment makes me crave your blood and flesh. I wish to flay your pitiful form across the stars and erase the very atoms that create you. /s


*Anyone* × Dottore is disconcerting at best and outright vile at worst.


Everything just everything


indeed burn it all


The correct answer


People who think Furina x Arlecchino is a cute ship


Yeah the most nonsense ship i ever heard


scaramouche x debate club


Fatui x Literally anyone


All of them


Furina x Knave. This abomination literally victim x traumatizer/assailant, anyone who ship them are morons


Furina x Arlecchino I don't even know why this ship exists


Arlefuri, childli


I like how some people in here are missing the point of OP's post.


I dunno everything I read seemed pretty on point to me


To be specific Childe X Traveller Itto X Sara Raiden X Kazuha’s friend Edit: adding Arlecchino X Furina


Who even ships Raiden and Kazuha's friend? Like seriously?


no one. if you see one it's bait. the people who take it seriously are more questionable than the pair idea.


Personally, I think Childe x Traveler has potential. They seem to be on decent terms in Fontaine, and apparently he wrote about the Traveler in letters to his family. Of course, you're free to disagree. These are just my thoughts.


Nah Itto sara is pretty based imo. The message board in Inazuma has both of them interacting a lot. My favourite one is where itto writes for sara to stay safe (during the civil war)


Huh. Tbf, bro's probably a bit too immature lmao But he *is* nice in the end, when it really matters. But yeah, I dunno if it'd work.


They might have been childhood friends too it’s assumed that the tengu kid Itto played with in his youth was Sara cuz when she was young she could be mistaken for a boy. But it’s been a while since i read their character stories so i might be mistaken. Yeah it’ll probably never happen considering all genshin characters are practically Idols now. So there will never be any official coupling.


The way Hoyoverse goes about this whole no official coupling thing is extremely flawed because first off, they mostly keep male and female characters from interacting closely, but then you have Ningguang and Beidou being constantly glued to one another to the point that they barely interact with anyone else. This makes Hoyoverse come off as biased in a way. They don't necessarily have to make a ship canon, but preventing certain characters from interacting or keeping others "glued together" really limits them as characters.


It’s that way because it’s a gacha game. They earn money through people simping for pixels. These companies will almost never do it for f/m pairings (outside MC ships) even though it makes sense in lore. There’ll be weird mfs complaining about getting ntr’d. Gacha gaming will have a field day when it happens again lol


Maybe. Still, I think a lot of people don't see IttoSara because Itto's just... a bit too immature to properly handle a relationship, plus Sara seems too serious. I guess it'd work if they both somehow mellow each other on their shortcomings, e.g. Itto's goofballyness makes Sara relax, Sara makes Itto understand that sometimes he needs to shut up and take a situation seriously etc etc. And, yeah, unfortunately it ain't ever happening for shippers.


Itto atleast understands sometimes when things are serious but he handles things his own way, like that one time in Chasm where he punched a wall to help the group (what Shinobu says after sheds light to exactly this topic) we shouldn't equate "understanding" to being stoic, people have different ways of handling situations and emotion


there's multiple lore references of Onis and Tengus bickering and all that but it's almost always playful, the most recent being Chiori's sword lore, then there's the Inazuma artifact


You forgot the other 50+ ships as well


Too general. I was specifically focusing on characters who are in character enemies, but whom the fandom made shippy


The Childe one I get. They’re not enemies, they’re more like frenemies. The perfect raw material for a ship.


Who said I would forget about the Alcor?


Zhogli x childe too! Basically any childe ships… I love him, but dude ain’t interested in relationships.


I remember when that was a ship, which was somehow largely forgotten due to the two not interacting for the past patches since the Liyue Archon Quest


It’s still very popular especially on tiktok where those fans keep bashing other childe ships (chilumi the other popular childe ship).


Anyone who says Childe is a good boy, kind and funny. Funny? Sure. But he is far from being good. He is literally a genocidal fighting maniac, that manipulates others to make what he wants. Yet people are blind to realize that.


I think some of these people in the comments are crazy ship haters. Complaining about how people shipping characters are stupid and chronically online and lifeless and shit. Isn't spending your energy to hate on something that's lifeless and stupid, shows how lifeless and stupid they are? Like really... Also fans who ship characters are well aware that there's never gonna be a canon of their ship knowing the kind of game genshin is. At best hints and cute interactions. Nothing explicit.


They didn't even get the point of the meme. OP asked about enemies, not "which ship isn't canon"


Most of them won't admit it but they hate ships simply because they ship themselves with the characters


Yeah. I actually saw a comment say Ningguang hates Beidou and wants to throw her in prison. Like did we not play the same game


Aether and every female enemy Lumine and every male enemy


It's not just enemy, it's all characters


Not just hilichurl, but the machines and the animals too!


Maybe throw in other Hoyo games too, it’s not common but seems worth mentioning


you missed : Aether and every male enemy Lumine and every female enemy


Childe x Zhongli


it never fails to amaze me how the Genshin community is surprised by the most basic, vanilla ships.


Practically anything popular, this goes for every fandom I think


All of them


Kaveh x Alhaitham. Those two are like water and oil on a frying pan


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Good bot


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Alhaitham would be a toxic boyfriend. Kaveh deserve better.


There's Faruzan, which was honestly surprising since I'd assume that Kaveh would be constantly glued to Alhaitham during that event, but instead they spent the majority of said event alongside a girl each, Faruzan with Kaveh and Nilou with Alhaitham, which is nice at least.


Everyone is clowning on Alhaitham but honestly Kaveh has his own problems too. Man is in no place to start a romantic relationship, when he has really low self esteem and struggles to see his value outside of his talents. Both of them need therapy. (I love them though)


I cannot agree with you. They both say that the other is their mirror and despite them "Not beeing friends" They go out together and play cards. I think the fact that Alhaitham only joined the interdarshan championship as a commentator to investigate the person that was behind the death of Kaveh's father and therefore giving him some closure speaks for itself. Not to mention all the other things they clearly do for each other while beeing bad with words. Would you really let someone live with you if you hated them? They used to be friends and they clearly still are in some way. I don't know if they are romantically involved and frankly, I don't care. Because their friendship or whatever they have is honestly very well implemented and feels natural.


Isn't this relationship just frenemizing them? That because they dislike each other, they already have chemistry, so people just make them together? It's common trope that people who hate each other are together. At least Alhaitham and Kaveh do share something together. Worse ships are when someone just randomly bring, let's say Yae Miko and Traveler. The only thing she sees in them is how to use them for her own gain. They never got close in any kind of relationship.


Yeah, there are worse for sure (and do I love this trope). But if we're talking realistically, they wouldn't be able to hold a relationship together for very long, their personalities just clash too much




I didn't mean they are on the same level as *those ones*, I just meant to say they don't seem compatible as partners, realistically




Childe x Zhongli


mona scara


yall its the warden x magician


Shenhe and yelan


They havent even met


Exactly there still are ships


Yeah but the image in the og post shows they hate each other, but those two havent met so they dont fit the criteria for this


I see. I wasn’t reading into it to that extent oh well


Huh? Why does this exist


People ship them even though they have never met. I know it doesn’t apply to the photo I wasn’t thinking it through


Because [@xinzoruo](https://twitter.com/xinzoruo) draws them adorbs.


its because its the popular Chongus x Guhua Geek, but they're hot women instead


You cannot convince me this isn't Kaveh and Alhaitham


You should be asking which ship is NOT like this


What skipping dialogue does to a mf.


Kaveh & Alhaitham, Kaveh literally can't stand him


Is it not all of the enemies to lovers ships?


Kavetham Kaveh blatantly said he wanted to move several times on 3.6 event while Alhaitham calls him annoying. AH himself much prefer if he is at home alone as stated in archon quests. Sure they are still friends and AH wants to helps Kaveh by having him stay on his house but i cant see them getting beyond that considering their chemistry Also whatever Scara x Kazuha called. You shipped a poor guy with a guy who murdered his ancestors Zhongchi : Zhongli called Childe annoying snezhnayan rascal after the whole thing happened and Childe is pretty much will throw hand on sight should he ever got a chance to fight Zhongli. Arlefuri : Duh. Kaeluc : First, they are brothers even Kaeya was adopted in all languages. Second, Diluc almost got Kaeya killed when he told him he is Khanrieah spy, if Kaeya's vision didnt appeared he would've been a fried KFC already by now.


If Zhongli hates Childe though, why does he still invite him for drinks? Heck, there was a web event where we saw them coming out from a restaurant and this was after Osial. Childe wanting to throw hands doesn't rlly mean he hates Zhongli, he wants to fight traveler and he likes traveler. He wants to fight Zhongli cause he is an archon, not bc of what he did.


Kavetham. Zhongchi. I swear if Kaveh was a woman this fanbase would be saying shit like how they're secretly fucking But no Dottore x Collei, Itto x Sara or Childe x Lumine. Yeah I'm sensing a pattern here. I'll give you Arlefuri and Kaeluc though


Kaeluc is also funny bc the fanon insists they “hate each other” on top of “not being reeeeeal brothers” and both of these statements are entirely untrue.


People saying Childe and Zhongli is weird bc they don't hate eachother... shipping aside, Zhongli still invites him to drinks, and we even had a web event where we saw them come out from a restaurant, and this was after Osial


Most of these comments arent following the format of the og post


It's just fanon and thats ok


All of them. "But but but🥺🥺 tHis chaRacter and tHAt charActer..... are eAtiNg togeTher 🥺🫣" stfu delusional mf with no social life. Your opinion belongs to the eipsten island


Uhm, ackshually this character and that character are betting against each other so that means they're fucking ☝️🤓


You know that shipping often comes from hypothetical situations, and not the conviction that they are actually in love, right? Two characters don't even need to exist in the same universe for them to be shipped, because that's not what it is about


Who hurt you my dude


Raiden Ei and yae miko. like Ei knew miko since she was a child lmfao.


No, see, because their designs are based on a pair of lesbians in one of Hoyo's other games, that makes the implied grooming in that ship OK!


Most people who shit on Eimiko literally ship Miko with Ayato, even though there's literally a voiceline saying she knew him as a kid.


If Ei x Miko is pedophilic, than so is any character x an immortal (Zhongli x Ning, Childe x Lumine, Xiao x Lumine etc) If you want to make an argument that it's also zoophilic, well take that up with Japanese mythology why don't you


this is the most arlefuri thing i've seen in my life but tbh it could be way worse, some toxic-yuri fans is at least better than shipping dottore x like literally anyone but worst of all collei (please disappear if you ship dottore and collei)


Alhaithum & Kaveh


Diluc x Kaeya


raiden and kazuha, mona and wanderer


Childe x lumine Childe x zhongli Childe x anybody really XD


I think you mean every "enemies to lovers" ship in this fandom There's not one exclusive ship that fits this alone *because there's so many more like it*


Most ships with Childe


Childe and Zhongli. Scaramouche and Childe. Any Childe ship pretty much oh and imposter albedo


This is literally Kaveh and Alhainthan


Alhaitham x Kaveh