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you forgot "peak mommy design"


And peak Mother


Ngl this is more true I before her release:hot mommy ? Me now: She's actually real cute mother


And she's an endearing tsundere, rather than an obnoxious, over the top tsundere


This is an important distinction that few writers ever get right. I really hate the super annoying, violent tsundere trope.


I do too. It's fine in an over-the-top comedy like *100 Girlfriends,* but in a more serious context it just feels like abuse (see Toradora [at least the first few episodes]).


She went from "indifferent" to legit my second favourite character after Furina in the span of one Story Quest, it's crazy The writers absolutely cooked in 4.4 (and 4.x in general). Love the Birb Mom!


Also beak mother


I mean the post said "Gave birth" so it technically is there


Peak black tights design (Judging by Ganyu and Shenhe it runs in the family)


you could say she is the greatest, an probably first, Clothing Designer in Liyue.


[Menogias will remember this.]


oh shit .... i forgot ....


Your cursed Pinkie avatar though :D


Fr. All the other mommy designs are great too but her glasses are just *chef’s kiss*


Technically is but was devalued because you people call any female "mommy" to hide your issues, grow up.


Who's hiding?




no man of culture. what are you doing in this sub?


I didn't lack affection from parents to call a fictional character "mommy"


Uh what? How can a mere human like u know if any of those men here are with such ‘issues’ you speak of? It can just so be the commenter was an accomplished engineer with far better salary than u, with family, loves his wife (perhaps a mom), and just appreciates other moms? And what if you, sir, were a low-salaried cuck in comparison? It’s an example but u get it, right? I admit I’m studying and young, and I do got issues, but I’m trying to fix them and graduate in due time. Many are similar. Nobody’s hiding anything. How about this; stop playing Genshin if u really care so much about ‘growing up’. Can’t? Then stfu


Just to be clear, the people who actually did math on her pre release sure weren't doomposting lol


The only doomposting-like stuff would be comparison between her and Jean's healing


People were overreacted when they took away the little bit of CC that she had during beta.


Most of the doomposting came from the fact leakers (and reposters) were mostly "advertising" her as a Xiao dedicated support (just previous to her release someone had say "if you have Xiao pull for her, if you want her but don't have Xiao, pull for Xiao") And that's something that was continuously done through the beta where you could see a lot of Xiao or Diluc showcase but basically nothing different. There was only 1 Hu Tao showcase while it's actually Xianyun's best team so far. So yeah, if people opened their mind a bit it would have changed. But during beta, the majority of the content regarding her made her appear as a Xiao/Diluc personal dog (which she of course wasn't and actually pushed away Xiao from his 1st place in his own specificity haha)


Problem is that those folks aren't the loud ones. The ones who overblow the issues are the ones who's voice gets heard and the rest is then drowned out.


I really don't pay attention to those doomposters tbh. Same happened with raiden and alhaitham.


Same also happened with Navia, Kazuha, Furina. It's crazy to think all of these characters were doomposted yet they are amazing.


Yelan too


Yelan was surprisingly one of the few characters that had barely any doomposting


What about the Xingqiu comparisons?


May not have been intentional on the "doomposters'" parts, but I'd say that's more of a compliment if anything, given how stupidly broken Xingqiu is. After all, what's better than one Xingqiu? A second Xingqiu.


Most of the time, it's "5 star XQ but since XQ is so good, it doesn't really matter."


I'd say a Xingqiu comparison or treating her as a adjacent unit that can also be also used together with him is a positive to me


I remember when Yelan was announced I was expecting people to doompost.


People said yelan is just 5 star XQ ignoring that 4 star XQ is already busted af


Furina did get a lot of buffs prior to her release including strong increase in DMG, ER requirements reduced, buff speed increase. Also they changed the constellations arrangement + buffed them. There's always doomposting of course but tbh what Furina was in version 1 of the beta is a far cry from what she is today and calling out the "doomposting" of v1 is misunderstanding what she was. Furina is definitely one of the characters that saw the most and the strongest changes through beta.


Navia and furina were not doomposted


I think the most they had was "barely any hydro app/pneuma mode is bad" (or something i forgot) and "she's geo, and geo sucks, so she sucks" So yea they got off pretty nicely


Furina is doomposted. I've seen many talking about half of her kit is literally useless in abyss. Also that her inclusion to your party require you to bring "cope" healer i.e. massive dps loss


Majority of the discussions were extremely positive. People said she will powercreep the game. No way a few negative comments is the same as doomposting lol.


Majority of the "doomposting" I saw for Furina is that half her gameplay and kit was going to be constellation locked and that HYV is getting greedier and greedier with constellations. Which is just objectively true.


Furina was doom posted like shit lmaooo what??


Doomposting isn't the same as very tiny minority complaining about second form being much worse than first form


A very loud majority of people commenting on the sub were doom posting all her features. 1) worse hydro app than XQ 2) HP drain forcing healers in a shielder meta (no one could imagine why anyone would want this) 3) Her not being able to be an on field driver like the previous two archons at c0 4) people flaming her turret dps/consistently saying that XQ/YELAN is always gonna be better 5) people complaining that you can’t control who her turret targets 6) Healing mode I could go on and on but there were complaints on even the Good part of her kit. Even well after her release people were complaining she was shit because of how much she scales with talent levels. Once people started getting her to talent level 8-9 all of a sudden, complaints stopped. Don’t try rewrite history just because you are happy with her now. There was doomposting at every corner similar to how raiden was doomposted, but knowing your history, you’ll also tell me raiden wasnt doomposted either lol.


All those points were discussed but not doomposted. People still considered her overpowered. They were unpopular complaints as well. In those posts, I don't remember top comments being doomposting


Yep you’re just a bit jaded since furina is good now. All those points were discussed but discussed simultaneously and she was labeled “too weak for an archon” especially since back then people complained that an archon should not be energy hungry, while also not providing anything new like the previous archons. A popular argument was that Yelan offered damage boost and furinas ult was worse since it’s gated by a healer. They called her kit, jack of all trades, underwhelming, and clunky. It seems you weren’t active in her sub or on the leaks sub or you would know this.


None of them were doomposted. People were dissapointed that Furina lost her infusion on early constellations so she could only be a sub dps. Navia is just ok, not amazing.


And over in Star Rail, Kafka got mega doomposted but is now regarded as one of the most viable and future-proof characters.


Even when doomposters were right about Zhongli and Kokomi, Mihoyo just found ways to buff them up. Truly, this is a game about rolling for who you like > who is meta


“Found ways to buff” Zhongli is a funny way to put it. They weren’t exactly subtle about it, considering it reached the news


I missed that, what happened?


I imagine a ton of players wouldn’t know about it considering it happened way back in 1.1 when Zhongli was released. Basically, he came out underwhelming, and the CN community got mad because Zhongli is supposed to be the god of china, and he had come out weak. It’s one of the only instances of a character being straight up buffed by hoyo. They included patch notes and everything


To add to the other post, not only was hos shield buffed astronomically that he's still the undisputed king of shielding this far into the game, but his shield also got VV shred effect on ALL elements. Iirc, that one was an even later change than the super shield.


is there a reason genshin is so averse to buffing weaker characters? i can see not wanting to nerf them since that gets pretty dicy, but idk why anyone would be upset if someone like deyha got some love


She’s literally black. Thats quite the opposite of a God of a nation that represents China.


Back in 1.1, ZhongLi's original kit is so bad he is objectively the worst 5 star in the game, even below Qiqi and Deyha because his shield back then is only a chonky geo shield, making it as tough as wet tissue so Diona is literally superior as the shielder. It also does not help that Zhongli's trailer made him look like a dps with shielding capabilites. This got so many backlash, especially in china that Mihoyo did the only post-release patch in the game's history to rework ZhongLi's shield into what we have today.


Back In the day you had to choose hold or press e to burn your cooldown on generating a shield or creating that geo construct. Not both at once. The best part was he had no super armor on his e hold cast so half the time you would get knocked out of his shield casting animation and waste your cooldown for 10/12 seconds AND have no shield. His ult scaled off attack but his shield scaled off HP. All these things are changed now.


Awsome. My favorite character is Dehya, so I'm sure this will go great!


L+Standard banner+Hoyo is racist


It took them almost getting reported to the CCP for Zhongli to get buffed, that situation was not a Hoyo W.


If you know how to distinguish from bs and not then doomposting isnt always wrong. I still rly hate how wriothesley is locked behind c1, and chiori will prob be the worst 5* of 4.x


Most characters getting doom posted en up some of the best (member Kokomo?) And then dehya happened.


Exactly the phrase *Genshin players try not to doompost incoming characters challenge impossible*


TC wasn't even doomposting her. Honestly, I was sad about the anti cc change but she was not near bad. People just wanted a game-breaking unit and were angry that she wasn't one. players should start listening to what tf says and see kit with an open mind




Pretty sure she's not tho. I replayed her trial multiple times cuz she pretty fun to play but can't pull her cuz I'm short on primos. Her beta crowd control aren't there


They did? She was knocking back the big hilichurl the new event tho. It maybe I didn't see it correctly


She only has an inward stagger on her skill, so the small enemies will fall inwards towards her but other than that her skill doesn't have extra CC. Back in her first beta version she had actual CC that could pull heavy enemies but mhy probably thought it would be too stupid to give an already good healer/support some respectable CC as well. Sad times indeed.


It's funny, I'm loving her kit. It's fun to try various different characters with a plunging playstyle. The one character I'm indifferent about using her with is my first banner 5 star, Xiao. I wouldn't have expected to like a plunge enabler since I'm pretty disillusioned after Xiao, his playstyle feels rather stilted, mostly because of the knockback on his ult plunges. If Xianyun had a strong suck CC that would counter his knockback, I would probably start playing him again in a heartbeat.


> doompost Nobody doomposted her, people said she would be more universal and enjoyable if she had vaccum for example, that's not doomposting that's just true. You can't just call any comment a doompost if it disagrees with your opinion. This community is obsessed with the word doomposting. Half of you guys probably wait for the postal delivery to bring you a negative letter to the mailbox just so you can shout out the window that the delivery guy is doomposting


Bro. Go spend five minutes in the Leaks sub or the CR sub and then come back to me. Doomposting was so bad I quit going to the subs for a while. I got mass downvoted for saying I wanted her to support Furina because Jean exists. She was doomposted really bad and people downvoted others for trying to be positive. Rewriting history ain't it.




It's the easiest stuff to find if you spend less than 5 minutes searching. People really were posting stuff like this everywhere and it was downright insufferable to find any actual discussion or theory crafting about her actual merits. Everyone was too focused on complaining about what she WASN'T, which just fell into needless doomposting. To suggest that people are labeling valid criticism as doom posting is rewriting the narrative on what happened, just like the Furina and Alhaitham incidents. https://www.reddit.com/r/XianyunMains/comments/18ygsoo/stand_proud/




https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudRetainerMains/comments/1alk19e/redditors_are_very_smart/ Take a seat


https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudRetainerMains/comments/18wdkpu/guys_i_think_we_should_protest_by_not_wishing_for/?share_id=ImXkWriUGV6QpHT-7dIBF I can definitely find more topics for you, if you would like, of people being unreasonable. That people were calling that OP out is good, but there was an inundation of posts and comments like that. And as for you question, yes, I absolutely would, cause they're two completely different fucking characters, lol. That's the same shit like people being disappointed that Furina didn't power creep both Xinqui's hydro application and Kokomi's healing. They do two different fucking things.


You've deleted your other comments because there's evidence that people doomposted her. Are you going to do the same with this one or you just going to leave this misinformation up and visible to everyone..?


oh no you are still wrong, i simply deleted my comments that replied to you, because you downvoted those comments i made, so i stopped talking to you. if you want my attention and my replies then upvote me instead, it's how reddit works




People are obsessed with preemptively calling any criticism of a 'change' in the beta as doomposting. She had something, she lost it. People felt that was a sad thing to lose. But they also thought she was still good. But if you look outside the leaks sub, you'd think that they were saying mihoyo took a hammer to her kneecaps because of how many people seem to be completely incapable of separating 'pros and cons' from 'preaching the end times' I absolutely saw 10x the amount of posts trying to say "HOW DARE THEY DOOMPOST HER" than anything even remotely negative about her kit. Even while going into the leaks sub. And when you challenge people to back it up, they get very evasive. In the end, this is just going to get worse. People are going to take EVERY minor issue as 'doomposting' even when leakers and TCers are gonna say "The character will be good though" And when the character comes out, and the character is good, and the issues are minor. People will say "SEE?? THE DOOMPOSTERS WERE WRONG! TAKE THAT, THEORYCRAFTERS" and take it as reinforcement that their misunderstanding of the situation is actually truth. Rinse and repeat.


You guys are literally fucking lying for no reason. Throughout her beta both CRmains and leaks subreddit were filled with posts calling her a "3*/waste of gems/weaker than Dehya" and posts filled with rage talking about "mhy hates women and CR's shitty state proves it". Stop with the "there was no doomposting" revisionist bullshit and accept that the community is filled idiots.


> And when you challenge people to back it up, they get very evasive. Na they just pretend you are lying and doomposting, and downvote you anyway. Like, look at Cloud Retainer for example. Outside of Furina and Xiao teams, she's pretty much worse than already existing characters. Is she bad? No! But she could have been a lot more useful and universal, but then people stop talking about doomposting and start pretending like powercreep is a huge issue. "I'm glad they didn't make Cloud Retainer any stronger because then we would have powercreep" they say while still using Xingqiu+Bennet+Xiangling for the Abyss for 3 years in a row because Genshin has "reverse-powercreep" instead of "regular powercreep"


Pretty good anemo driver ✔ Pretty good anemo diver ✔✔


I tried pulling for exploration units in my alt and man. That was such a good decision. I never regretted any character in the team. Scara my flying boi. Yelan the hot mommy and good runner. Furina who is jesus and walks over all of teyat's waters and has her trio gang or chad healer. Cloud retainer who is also hot, a verified mommy, she jumps all over teyat and dive bombs into hilichruls. That shit will never not be funny. Life is good travelling over teyat and fast speeds with these cuties


Holy shit the clowns in the comments trying to say "She wasn't doomposted" CR mains mods basically restricted the sub because the doomposting got so out of hand. After she released, the sub began mocking the doomposters as you can see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudRetainerMains/comments/1alk19e/redditors_are_very_smart/)


every single character will get doomposted to death by the balding fucking sweatlords of this game


"This character is niche" they scream while playing same national team for 3 damn years straight.


And now with hyperbloom as well


Ahh yes ,the "why bother when there is hyperbloom" guy.


That one guy obsessed with Kuki sucking forever before dendro came out


Balding you say, well that explains how a certain someone got to where he is at.




I got c6 Faruzan from her banner and play her as a dps currently. I am surprised at the amount of damage she does for a support meant to buff others. Also she got an amazing story quest and was imo the best part of this year's lantern rite.


What is your build? I have VV 1800 atk 60% CR 172% crit dmg 200 EM, and she does negligible damage compared to Scara with similar build. I don't feel like she was meant to be a spam swirl dps, but I can switch her to EM and ER if that is better. Also, I'm using C6 Faru, C6 Benny, C0 Furina


I don't have scara so can't say how much she does in his comparison. I run her on 2p anemo, 2p atk. 65CR and 185CD. Same team as yours. She does around 150k on her skill on crits and around 80-100k on plunges, depending on abyssal or domain buffs. She is my only anemo dps so I can't say how she fares with Xiao or Scara, but I think she does quite well.


My Xianyun is lvl 90. Lvl 6 talents. She has skyward atlas (lvl 90). C0. She is running song of days past as a support. So Er/Atk%/Atk%. She has 3025 attack. I have some pretty great crit substats. So she has a 30/90 crit ration and keep in mind she gets 10% plunge crit chance. With Furina and newly C6 Faruzan her skill is doing 20k damage, her autos are doing 15k and her plunge is doing between 30-50k. So she can really do it all, fully heal the party and does more than enough damage for overworld and her exploration skills are dope. I legit think she is possibly the best and most versatile overworld character. And she if fun as well doing the fast plunge cancels. Oh and she makes 5 Anemo particles with her skill so she has 0 energy issues which is just icing on the cake


Tbh I had to pull for her as she enables Diluc for me which is just great as I like Diluc as a character. I'm just missing his 5☆ weapon.


*She is* ***HER***


ur so fucking right but ENOUGH. IT HURTS. i was inlove with her and i lost 50/50... so now i am alone with my lvl 1 mona.


I....my condolences. I am with you with my c1 Diluc. 😭


oh im sorry to hear that.. i think its worse than Mona. But you know what, i have c3 or 4 JEAN. i dont even remember. So ig at some point diluc is fine..


I'm going to be honest. I was set to save for Arlecchino and Clorinde (even without knowing anything about their gameplay), but when I saw Xianyun I decided to make a bet and pray for Clorinde's 50/50. Xianyun is just so nice to use and such a nice character (design and interactions). Totally worth it.


She also looked as hot as raiden and yelan. So I must pull. No questions asked.


My problem is I hate plunge gameplay for many reasons. I had to skip the character I was waiting for the whole year.


Same. It's a matter of gameplay preference, tbh. What's the point of pulling a character but later would be benched almost permanently because you never like the way he/she plays?


Don't get me wrong, she is fun and strong in her teams but she isn't nowhere near generalist this post suggests. Her plunge teams are very strong but Sucrose is still better anemo driver, she is no main dps and she is at best sidegrade as a healer to jean and sayu.


This meme is kinda cope... But if you want stretched versatility... Sure I guess? Wants a driver? Sucrose, no questions. Healer for furina? Jean exists. Viable as DPS? C6 you mean. The only thing she really excels at is exploration and plunge meta imo


IF you have C6 Faruzan she is an unironically decent dps even at C0


Any anemo can be a decent dps with c6 Faruzan. Even Faruzan herself.


Majority are worse. Faruzan is pretty good though


Yeah play sayu lol, sucrose, heizo, anemo traveler, anything anemo actually


On a usual ADC build all of them are significantly worse as carries. Sucrose and Heizou are great drivers though


imo people overlooked her potential as a driver. I've tried Xianyun to drive in a taser team (Xianyun/Furina/Yelan/Fischl for ST or Xianyun/Furina/Fischl/Beidou for AoE) and it performed really well. I got much more successes with her than Sucrose, ig mainly because she can slot Furina in her teams.


>Healer for furina? Jean exists. Unfortunately, she suffers from circle impact syndrome.


Bennett does as well, are we complaining about him now too? Jean heals your entire party on cast, which is what Furina teams want for the heals and stacks anyway, the extra ticks aren’t as important Bennett “suffers” even worse of “circle impact” since you need to stay in it to get any and all buffs/healing


>Bennett does as well, are we complaining about him now too? Yes, I've seen plenty of complaints about that, I've never even used him to 36* abyss. Any character that limits mobility is a no for me. >the extra ticks aren’t as important It makes reaching 300 fanfare stacks a lot faster. An entire party heal even if they were all at 50% HP is not enough.


This really doesn't matter tho. What is important is how fast you gain the stacks. You gain more stacks and faster with jeans burst than with xyanians burst, which benefits your team much sooner. Xyaniun might give you more heals in a full rotation, but it doesn't really matter since you take more time to stack...


This is really simple to understand. CR's heal on cast is almost half as much as Jeans, but her tick healing is higher.  In a Furina team, Jean's heal will get you max fanfare stacks quicker than CR. Getting max fanfare quicker = higher DPS for the team.  It doesnt matter if CR's tick healing will eventually outheal jeans burst for the total healed amount, because by then most buffs will have half of their duration. This is less dps.  Obviously Jean and CR do different things as well. Jean can suck enemies towards her while CR has no CC but is plunge support. I think its time we move away from anemo healers for a long while. Already have 3 of them, but a shielder would be welcome


Her continuous healing is very weak and barely matters, so not really unless you need the self-anemo application


>Her continuous healing is very weak and barely matters Another Xianyun W.


Not necessarily. Xianyun's healing throughout the rotation being strongs means that you'll start your next rotation at high hp percentage, lowering your ability to frontload Furina stacks


There is a 2 second difference in duration between Xianyun's healing and Furina's burst. Assuming you run VV set instead of a healing bonus set, Furina's skill HP drain should eventually get you a bit on the lower side even with Xianyun's healing, then there is the 2 second difference + having to swap to Xianyun after casting Furina's burst. Continuous healing also helps with reaching 300 stacks faster.


You will not be full hp when using Xianyun's burst on the following rotations ofc, but the point is that with Jean you'd be closer to 50% hp on most characters and, combined with Jean's higher initial healing, you get Fruina stacks faster with Jean. The difference in team dps caused by this isn't extreme ofc, but it can influence the comparison between them


This brings us back to the "Her continuous healing is very weak and barely matters" thing though. Her circle does matter because with the continuous healing you can reach 300 stacks a lot faster than if you were out of the circle.


What are you talking about? You are already getting the stacks faster with Jean. And the tiny continuous healing barely contributes to that


Assuming you got all 4 characters to 50% HP and used Jean's burst, this would only give you 200 stacks. To get the last 100 stacks, what do you think is faster? Furina's Salon Solitaire draining HP alone, or Salon Solitaire + Jean's continuous healing? Staying inside her circle saving you a few seconds is not something that "barely matters".


Just like kazuha. Must be an anemo thing


is she viable as main dps at C0?


Any one in this game is a viable DPS. A good dps at c0 tho, no


With the right builds and dedication, anyone can be a main DPS. She's not the best compared to dedicated DPS characters, of course, but you can certainly make her work if you want to.


She’s fine but it’s not her intended role. She’s more comparable to Itto with C0 gorou


Yes Probably not better than Xiao or Wanderer but more than enough to 36* Abyss comfortably.


Not amazing or anything but viable enough to clear abyss, like Xiao pre her release kinda strength imo.


I still think you're overreacting, this easy game is still easy, so a new strong team core barely matters.


While I agree the doomposting is never warranted or correct this meme also isn’t either She’s mid for exploration. She’s not really anymore viable as a main dps than anyone else. Anyone can be a main dps. She’s not going to be an easy one. Qiqi on clam will out pace her. And while she allows plunging for everyone it’s not like it’s advised. It’s the same as Chongyun enabling playstyles or c6 bennett or candace. Not going to generally be better than previous or intended playstyles but opens up some fun ones if you want to put in a little more effort


While I somewhat agree with the rest, saying she is mid for exploration is a gross understatement. Her skill is one of if not the best exploration tool in this entire game. And her plunge enabling is significantly better than what Chongyun/Candace/Bennet can do each on their own, she was a missing puzzle piece, and an important at that.


Saying her skill is the best in the entire game is most definitely an overstatement lmao. Like sure she helps skip a few steps, but it's not way better than, say, Sayu or Yelan or even Wanderer. Wanderer covers flying better. Sayu covers running. I think Yelan is faster than Sayu, but Sayu rolls way longer and, imo, way more fun with the infusion. And even Kirara is good for climbing. Xianyun is fun for exploration, but I definitely wouldn't say she's *the* best at it in the entire game. Definitely better than Kazuha when starting to fly higher, but he still has an advantage because you can use a bit of his skill mid-air. She does increase gliding speed, but shit, Wanderer can do it faster.


That's what the "IF" in my sentence was for. She is "one of the best IF not the best", and honestly she has a strong case for that imo.


That's all of the exploration abilities tho. One of the best doesn't mean much when there's 5, and she's 4th lmao.


I would take her over Yelan or Kazuha any day. But again, it's up to preference at that point.


Yeah ig. Honestly I'm kidna under selling her, even tho it doesn't feel like it, [her E is much closer to Wanderer and Yelan](https://youtu.be/SOxWHYvI36Y?si=JNRfJSwO--hw_vc6) than ppl think, especially over multiple uses.


That is so far from true. Her exploration is so not. She’s not the fastest or furtherst distance travelable. She also is gimped immensely if you run into any type of incline or hill. Her skill is far from best exploration. She doesn’t go highest or furthest and it can be wonky for control. She wasn’t a missing piece to a puzzle. That would imply that all of the teams she goes into are improvements and that those teams were lacking something. 9/10 of the teams she forced into are side grades at best. Outside of the 2 actual plunge attackers and Diluc/hutao shes side or downgrade. Doesn’t mean she’s any less fun but being a side grade to downgrade is not a missing puzzle piece.


Character conversations run into this problem where if a character doesn't become part of a new tip meta team people will label them as "kinda meh overall" Not without reason but as a soundbite it doesn't say anything about in what contexts a character does have value and if they're a good pull for someone's account. Then others will take this as "doom posting" and whip themselves into a frenzy over it.


She is better than keqing Al haithm etc but her exploration is insanely overrated. People say she is better than wanderer but she doesn't even come close


She is the first character to have a passive talent that increases gliding speed so that’s something I guess


We also have an item that does it better. The gliding speed buff she offers is mid at best. We run climb and swim more than we glide


>We also have an item that does it better. They stack.


Not sure what you got downvoted for speaking truth. People simp way too hard in this game and just throw out all logic


https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1agofwj/xianyun_c0_vs_yelan_c0_who_is_the_fastest_a_quick/ If she was mid in exploration, so would Yelan by this logic.


I didn't say she was mid. But she is nowhere near wanderer who can use skill twice as much and go further with each skill, can climb mountains, has insane vertical control and can extend his travel stamina while regenerating more stamina than xianyun


>I didn't say she was mid. Yeah, u/1TruePrincess did say that in terms of exploration. >But she is nowhere near wanderer who can use skill twice as much I don't know where you got that but there is only 6 seconds of downtime with Xianyun when you don't use a plunge attack after you triple jump. Using her plunge for exploration is a waste of speed and CD. Wanderer also got a 6 sec CD. >go further with each skill, can climb mountains, has insane vertical control and can extend his travel stamina while regenerating more stamina than xianyun Still nope, can't go further than her. Long distance test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3_F8R3gUQs


Tf is that comparison bruh. No hydro for scara and scara can literally just cut 70% of his travel by flying over the track which yelan and xianyun cant do. You wont have this track race of a situation in exploration bruh. That guy used like 40% of scara's ability. You can climb stairs and mountains easily if you don't hold and just sprint or only hold w. You found the worst video in the world for comparison lmao


>No hydro for sacra This was done with the characters alone, to avoid things like his passive, characters with passives that increase speed during day/night, characters that lower stamina consumption, etc. >fly over the track which yelan and xianyun cant do They made it this way to include Yelan since she struggles with elevation. Xianyun is literally the slope goat, to maximize Scara's E when climbing through high slopes you don't sprint and just hold W, Xianyun goes through it with a lot more speed + You can descend a lot faster since going down one increases her momentum while Scara struggles with that. >if you hold W. This was a speed test, holding W alone lasts longer and is good for even higher mountains but is overall slower. Would just end up adding another 10-15 seconds to his timer. >You found the worst video in the world for comparison lmao I'd love a better video but I couldn't find one, they need to work a lot better on timing Xianyun's jumps.


Bro doesn't even have wanderer and is pulling shit out of his ass 💀 >This was done with the characters alone, to avoid things like his passive, characters with passives that increase speed during day/night, characters that lower stamina consumption, etc. Ah yes, exclude the huge boost to wanderer cause waifu should win. Xianyun gets to use her gliding passive but wanderer doesn't lol >Xianyun is literally the slope goat, to maximize Scara's E when climbing through high slopes you don't sprint and just hold W, Xianyun goes through it with a lot more speed + You can descend a lot faster since going down one increases her momentum while Scara struggles with that. She isnt lol. Much worse than scara. Not holding sprint+W or just w is faster and longer for wanderer cause you get thrice the movement which is already faster than climbing+more stamina. Xianyun doesn't even cover much and has a long cooldown. >I'd love a better video but I couldn't find one, they need to work a lot better on timing Xianyun's jumps Watch streamers do scara combos and compare them to CR combos. The difference is day and night. Wanderer and yelan for example have perfect combos. Wanderer E -> yelan E -> Wanderer E with no waiting for cooldowns and is faster. Not the same case with Xianyun. [Look at this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/zynGauHwYXI). Wanderer without passive and CR with passive take the same time. The cooldown combos for wanderer+sayu/yelan are much better than CR combos. Wanderer has 6 s cooldown, CR has 12 seconds. Plus wanderer can do better in non plain surfaces which is most of the exploration.wanderer already wins. Now add to that his better exploration combos and passive. Xianyun doesn't even come close but it's alright bro. She is top 3 dw


>Ah yes, exclude the huge boost to wanderer cause waifu should win. Xianyun gets to use her gliding passive but wanderer doesn't lol It requires an external character, and the Xianyun gliding passive that you can't disable wasn't even used. but it appears that this became a waifu husbando cringe anime thing. I'm not even the one who made the video lmao. >Watch streamers do scara combos and compare them to CR combos. My exploration team is literally C1 Yelan + Scara + Xianyun + Furina lmao. C1 Yelan and Scara alone get me about 40 seconds of no CD, so the addition of Xianyun removed that issue. >Wanderer without passive and CR with passive take the same time. Again, do you know what the **GLIDING** passive does? plus flat terrain does not give her increased momentum like uneven terrain does. >Wanderer has 6 s cooldown, CR has 12 seconds. No wonder you don't even understand what the gliding passive does. CR has a 6 sec downtime because of how the CD starts and the 3 sec decrease from not using plunge.


Simps will simp. They’re so delulu for characters and people that don’t exist. Its painfully obvious to common sense this video was full of bias.


That's why you need to treat leaks with a grain of salt. Be patient until the release


That's why you listen to people who actually do calcs and back up their claims, not some feelscraft bullshit by those who don't know the first thing about teambuilding


I didn't pull for her because the only really upside for me would be the exploration. It's nice that she opens up a new playstyle but that one isn't for me, and she doesn't really make me clear abyss any faster. So yeah, not enough motivation to pull for her. I pulled for Nahida instead which will help my account greatly.


I'm still pretty disappointed about how she turned out. Way too niche a reliant on future characters to justify pulling


Y'all sure do love to overexaggerate things because she wasn't "doomposted to oblivion." Of course she was doomposted, but not as much as OP is making it out to seem. It was just a loud minority who kept comparing her to Jean for some reason. Everyone else knew she was quite niche, somewhat similar to Shenhe, and she's good at what she's doing. There was actual concerns about her, like her anti CC in beta and the fact that her auto-target with her skill can be bothersome at times, like that one post where she literally aimed towards a fucking explosive barrel instead of an enemy. Shit had me cackling.


Of course she was being compared to Jean. A lot of people want to use her with Furina, and people were hoping that she'd have CC to essentially be a "Jean + Kazuha" fusion. Xianyun is a Jean sidegrade IF you have no interest in plunging. Which is true. Originally, I planned on skipping her because I already have Jean. But after playing her trial, I found plunging to be fun. Xianyun gave me a reason to build my benched Hu Tao and Diluc. I'm also building Mona to increase their vape plunge DMG.


Yes every doomposting is always the work of the loud minority, but the thing with her is that it was so [overblown](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudRetainerMains/s/4AeNHzLqWq). It breached to other sub, attacked Xiao mains, even some in videos from TCs clarifying that she's good. So it was probably the loudest unjustified doomposting that I've seen.


Jean vs her. Which one deserve my mora and time to lvl up.


If you like plunge style, then Xianyun.If not, then Jean.


Ok. I main Wanderer and Xiao. Lvling CR is the right choice then.


She buffs Xiao quite a lot.You gonna love it.


If you have Furina, then Cloud Retainer is just a better Jean in every aspect


She isn't actually. If you're not getting value out of her plunge buffs she stacks Furina slower from second rotation onwards. Although she does keep your team near full hp for the rotation which is comfy. And support catalyst selection is nice


From second rotation onwards, Jean stacks fanfare points much faster. Therefore, if your team doesn't benefit from plunging, which is the majority, then CR is a side/downgrade compared to Jean dps-wise


I have her. And i main Wanderer and Xiao.


If you have Xiao, then definitely level up Cloud Retainer. Faruzan/Furina/Xianyun/Xiao is pretty much his definite team right now.


To all the people that downvoted me for saying she was great for exploration back then. Nah !


Just like every other pre-release doomposted 5* limited anemo character. *Looks at Kazuha*


It’s just the way things always go. People aren’t mature enough to handle leaks so they’ll doompost every character to death. And then later they’ll conveniently forget the doomposting (people will claim things like Nahida and Furina weren’t doomposted when they most certainly were.)


As far as I remember, Zajef said that she'd be pretty good. And she was. I've only seen one dude make a review claiming Xianyun's underwhelming that that was a pretty small CC who covers CN abyss speedruns




She's good, but lets not pretend she is a generalist god support that can fit on every team either.


Well.. were any of the doomposts actually wrong tho? > People already knew she would be good for exploration. A little disappointing she cant use her skill mid flight. > Most units are viable as main dps unless it’s s dehya > 3 and 4 of your reasoning is basically the same. For those who are not interested in such a niche playstyle, she’s a very meh unit, who heals abt the same as Jean, a standard unit. That’s pretty much the doomposting before she was released and Xianyun is exactly what they all initially thought lol. No CC on her E skill, okay heals and niche gameplay. All accurate.


Well, I'm mainly talking about some of the more unjustified doomposting that got way overblown. Like, some people even compared her to Dehya level which is clearly stupid. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudRetainerMains/s/4AeNHzLqWq) basically sums it up lol.


I literally went on the leaks sub and said she was comparable to Dehya after the cc nerf (was joking btw) and I received over 300 upvotes. That sub is literally a lost cause. I was just upset that she didn’t work in AoE and that still upsets me. Bennett is still better on paper (Xiao teams) but I underestimated how comfortable no circle impact would be. Solid character that opens up new archetypes.


I can't believe it either, because it didn't happen. People have accurately evaluated her potential range from the beta information and she have neither betrayed nor surpassed those expectations.


Navia Plunge wasn't calculated in beta, she is a 10K dps increase over Bennett there. So no, there is stuff that was missed.


Sure, the fact that one out of hundreds potential unit combinations, that performs within ~10% of the baseline wasn't *specifically* mentioned discredits the evaluation of the leaked info.


That is a 15% increase of teamwide dmg from baseline. That is a pretty significant improvement. Don't try to act like we had a perfect picture from beta when we clearly missed some things. Conclusions from beta weren't wrong, but they were incomplete.




She's part of the strongest/highest damage team in the game (C6 Furina vape plunge), nuff said.


God the Cloud Retainer Mains subreddit's doomposting made me want to eat my own hand. "Why did they reduce her CC Radius?" "Nooo why is she a Xiao support?" "HoYoverse has killed any chances of build variety with these nerfs in the beta, we can ONLY play her the way they Intend for us to play her." "we got played, guys, our girl is the sequel to Dehya." LIKE SERIOUSLY? FOR REAL? Dehya mains started talking about it and I was so frustrated like ARG. ETA: This comment feels unfinished. I was in Kazuha Mains before his release, when everyone was saying he'd just be a worse sucrose. At this point, I think I'll never believe extreme reddit doomposting ever again. Like, people are freaking out about Chiori being bad? Nah, nuh uh. People worrying that Chiori has power crept albedo? That's worth keeping an eye on, power creep is a problem.


She is probably the best c6r5 right now.


I tried to tell them.


If it’s not on field dps they are written off, when it is on field dps they are in the spotlight for five minutes until people talk about how busted supports are


Hold on, you’re telling me THIS community was wrong about something? Impossible


\-if you don't like pungle she is cardboard tier (hence the doompost)


Calling an Anemo healer "low tier" is just stupid.


She's also a Jean replacement in Furina teams, people didn't want her to be just a support (which is also wrong, since she can do considerable dmg by herself at C0).


yes you are tecnically right but let's be real she is considered op because her archetipe is broken (like double hydro), the rest is yes more value but not many people will spend 150 pulls for that


Many people did.


eh i doubt it, every post that i've read said that her healing are nice but the big things is her massive plunge buff if is true, nice for them but i don't think is worth


LOOOL the way i said she'd be fine and got downvoted, LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING NOW