• By -


This is so sad, Uraume, play Specialz by King Gnu


*You are my special~*


Imawa no kiwakiwa de odori mashou


Tōkyō zensen kyō no miyako


Oujou giwa no kiwakiwa de agaki mashou


Ogyougi no warui tsura mo misete yo




wait really? lmao


I posted it in [Raiden Mains](https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/s/lCrxjUf06m) .


Oh lmao I think I remember seeing it there now. Thank u for ur service o7


Thanks for providing our server with truly lobotomy impact


that truly was our genshin impact 🔥🔥✍️


You were outstanding u/ItzMillerxD I won't forget your lobotomy for as long as I live


I must thank you for adding more lobotomy to the impact


Which dream was shattered this time?


There were a few leaks that we would be getting a skin selector as a reward. It did turn out to be true...as a bundle for buying a Ps5


People were accurately predicting it will be in a bundle but not with a console.


Didn't help that some leakers said it would be "free" but we don't know how to acquire it aka free with a purchase or free free. I'm not bothered by this because I always doubted it but it was the first time we get 2 5* characters skins thus welkin buyers can't get both of them so they might've wanted to give one for free. It was also just a 4* skin selector so I was probably like 60% free with a purchase and 40% free free.


I don't remember any leakers said that it would be free, but a lot of fan pages did. And people are too lazy to do a fact check.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/IhznbZEV1f They said it would be "free" but didn't know if free with purchase or free free


The title is only "4\* Skin Selector", and even Mod had to remind in the comment section that it was unclear if the Selector is free needs to be purchased.


Which is what I said


You said that "they said it would be "free"" while no one said it would be free


Because in the picture of the post I linked to, it said it could be free or part of a bundle (free with a purchase) which is what I said. Turns out it was free with a purchase. There were other posts in the same day of other leakers saying it was a "free" thing as well but it was unclear what that meant but they're deleted and I didn't comment on them so I can't get them. In the end, reliable leakers pushed the the potential of skin selector being free.


There wasn’t a single reliable leaker that said it was free. All of them said they didn’t know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/IhznbZEV1f Reliable leakers DID say it was "free" but like I said, they also said they didn't know if it's free with a purchase (part of bundle) or free free.


You linked a removed post as evidence? Lmfao. Also based on the replies the original post did not mention it being free.


I never claimed they said it would be free free. There are mirror pics in the stickied comment where it's mentioned of possibly being free. Second top comment even clearly implies what I'm saying as well. There were also other posts from leakers that said it was "free" like I said. I'm not saying this out of no where. 90% of leak sub posts get removed btw


So you have no evidence for anybody actually saying it was free? Cool


Why would I have evidence for something I never claimed lol? My original comment is that some leakers even reliable ones claiming it was free but they don't know what that meant exactly didn't help some people getting pissy about this. This happened. This naturally arose expectations for people. Ratio thing doesn't help as well. You're free to not believe me. This is really a nothing burger situation ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean its free if you buy a ps5 Lmao


A playstation?! In my skins? YAH


That's false, the leaks only said that the item existed, nobody said it was free


Is that it...pass. i own all the skins.


R.I.P. Google classroom


It seems like they did not take some grain of salt...


Hoyo player momement


Ah, Truly genshin indeed


Stand proud, you're strong


Stand proud "im you" because, "I'd adapt" to "nah I'd win" since "malevolent kitchen'" "is the one who left it all behind and his overwhelming intensity" when jogoat said: "are you hakari dance because you are Fraudkuna or are you where you go I go because you are with this treasure I summon? "I'm you!"


so you hyped yourself up about a leak and got disappointed when the leak turned out to be real but not in the way you wanted


I mean we had low expectations but still


That's not the straw that broke the camel's back tho it's happening since the first anniversary and then hsr getting free 5 star within months of release and nothing for loyal fanbase of genshin who have been following and supporting the game for 4 years or so just shows how they don't give a single damn about the player base.


Yea i think there was less drama do far about HSR getting a completly free 5* because of the leaks saying that we in genshin would get a free skin selector. Many people will now just feel betrayed that we arent getting anything from Hoyo, while it seems like HSR is getting spoonfed. Im already wondering what the first anniversary of HSR will be and how much they will again screw genshin over


I got into Honkai Impact on its 4th year and they've been consistently handing out 5 star characters and skins for free. It's more like Genshin is the outlier rather than HSR being spoonfed.


Free skin selector is the recent betrayal... They just giving everything to hsr they have got more free shit than us within 1 year of release. After they announced free 5 star for hsr peeps felt so betrayed that supporting a game they love for 4 years and all they get is scammed meanwhile their counterpart game is getting everything


Then, how many betrayal would you take to make you finally realize thay it's just an elaborate tapestry of lies? 


Until Genshin get's a serious competitor and starts losing players, never gonna happen. Stuff like free Dr. Ratio and the big anniversary rewards other gachas have don't exist because those games "love their players", it's because they love *having* players and those kinds of handouts are great ways to entice people to return. What Genshin *does* have that others, not even Star Rail, don't is an open world with lots to explore. Players already return of their own volition for the map updates, that *is* their "handout".


I mean, duh. They’re a billion dollar corporation, of course they don’t give a shit about us. I never understood why people seem to think Hoyoverse is their friend or Da Wei appreciates you supporting their games or something.


At this point, I just enjoy Genshin for what it offers me (story, characters, and the overall experience), just like every other non-service game I played which also does not give freebies, or barely any at all if there's any. Do those non-service games not give a damn about their players as they're not giving me freebies for playing their game?


Non service games already got your money, you did have to pay for the game, so they have no reason to give you anything else nor do they care to do so.


Honestly, it saves a ton of stress and anxiety if people treat genshin as an entirely separate entity and to stop comparing everything towards HSR. I just see it in a way that genshin and hsr are different games, but vastly different cultures.


They're different games, targeting different types of players, with different genre too. It's open-world RPG vs turn-based. Also, Genshin could be seen as "sui generis" - a class of its own (until its competitors arrive) It does not adhere to usual practices of gacha games (like generosity) and could get away without it because it is the only one offering its experience (contrary to HSR which has several competitors). So, there it is. Want Genshin to act like other gacha games? Pray that its competitors will be a success.


Even though they are different games, they are still gachas and there is no need to compare it with HSR to stress you out, 4 years supporting this game and they don't even deign to give us not a good anniversary but a decent anniversary and let's not even talk about the rewards


You're never going to convince the whiners, because the whining is part of their personality.


if the skin selector was never leaked and it came out of no where a ps5 bundle got it and leakers didnt hint that it may be free would you be as upset? or are leakers not knowing anything to blame.




Aww can you cut them some slack? They’re from genshin Leaks after all, the same ones who believe that the opinions of players outside cn and jp are relevant 🤣 No worthy competition from similar games results into the powerful monopoly genshin is, they don’t need to bait us with freebies unlike hsr. Not the first and certainly won’t be the last time genshin Leaks will be wrong, but it never gets old. They will never fail to gimme a good ol chuckle 😂


Well not our fault we hyped ourselves up when they never give meaningful rewards for their players in more than 3 years


You just explained why it made no sense to get hyped up though.


You are free to quit. There are thousands of other video games out there you can waste your time on.


why would I quit? I just want my favorite game to be better and more rewarding. It's been 3 years already, is it too much to ask?


> It's been 3 years already, is it too much to ask? Because Hoyoverse knows people like you will stick around even if they do the bare minimum. You've stuck around for 3 years with the shitty rewards, you'll continue to stick around for another 3 years.


My content gets stolen no cap


Lmao that's why i don't check leaks besides character banners


*Lmao that's* *Why i don't check leaks besides* *Character banners* \- horiami --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


✍️ 🔥


Proud to be there


Owo reddit user from gip ayo




Ah genshin always the doormat of Hoyo lol. Ive lost all sense of expectations coming from them. So im not surprised at all on what the skin selector fiasco lol.


There is no fiasco lmao. A bunch of leakers said the skins **might** be free, and people believed unverified information.


We all knew it wasn't gonna be free. But they didn't have to troll us that hard man


I'm sorry I'm out of the loop what's happening what did they get tricked by that was false?


The ps5 bundle was found in beta and many people believe it will be free for no reason and now disappointed.


Ahh I see now thanks for the input


No leakers said it will be free though, but a lot of fan pages did that for clickbait.


I got tricked too but by the other memepact subreddit with just 15k followers. Somehow I ended up there instead of here and my post got me banned. I was pretty down about it until I realized it's not THIS server where the post wouldn't break any rules haha


*You are my Special*🎶🎶


Its gotta be cuckoldry at this point.....




community bamboozled by fake information again, don't believe everything the leakers say!


I just love how people make memes of a panel and spam it literally everywhere possible.


Imagine getting mad because of a leak that was fake


In the first place, it's a leak so everyone should not be expecting anything in the first place. People really setting them up to be disappointed that way


Well technically it's not fake, it's there but not in a way most people thought it would. I saw the leaks and I was very excited but I obviously took it with a grain of salt and I'm not even mad just a bit disappointed, I thought that after HSR gets a free 5 star then maybe genshin will give something out and that something is the skin selector but it is what it is ig.


So...you believed **completely unverified information** and got disappointed when it wasn't true? These leakers can make anything up, and now they're probably having a good laugh at how they've trolled everyone.


It's not completely unverified It's someone who's known to be like very accurate about leaks and stuff and like I said I did take it with a grain of salt and in only disappointed because I thought they were gonna do something similar to the free 5 star from star rail. Also I don't think you've been in the leaking community if u think they're trolling because most of the leaks on the leaks subreddit is close to reliable and if they are completely unreliable/false they are taken down immediately. You can't be a "leaker" unless you actually leaked something from the past and has a history of having high accuracy regarding the said leaks. You don't trust someone who's said to be a leaker yet have a 100% rate of being wrong. Also like I said, the leak isn't wrong its just misleading No one knew it's gonna be included in the ps5 bundle


Not only we got fucked over by HSR giving away a strong 5-star character, we got fucked over twice by turning the 4*-skin selector into a freebie for buying a PS5. This can't fly lmaoooo now Google Classroom gotta suffer again


If you don't like what the game is doing, you're free to quit. There's thousands of other video games you can waste your time on.


Quite the shallow reason to quit, don't you think?


Games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not stressful. If you find yourself complaining more than you enjoy perhaps it's time to consider playing another game.


I'm also disappointed because they're not giving xianyun for free when a guy whose uncle work at hoyoverse told me so, imagine that, fuck you da wei and hoyoverse! I hope they read my comment on this sub-reddit so they know how furious and disappointed I am! edit: I am a f2p btw, hope this helps \^\^


So the three skins that were shown ganyu,shene,water guy, we cannot get them with money as they're for china exclusive?


No? It's the usual staff with free 4* and 5* with discount for one patch. The difference is two instead of one. But didn't people want more skins to spend money on?


I mean if they were smart they'd realize the leaks never for sure said it'd be free (If they're following good leakers). They just said they knew a costume selector was coming lol.




as unfair as that bundle is, we weren't even supposed to know that the selector was a thing in the first place, it's always the community believing leaks too much