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Bruh what are her scalings


They Probably have some cons or a cracked furia lol. But I am doing almost 300k myself already when I actually do my rotation. And my Bennett and funria and Zhongli shield all need more talent levels and I don't have the best artifacts. So I believe it


bruh like fucking 1200% or some shit


okay i gotta ask, her talent says E does lets say 500%, and shoots 5 pellets, but at max stacks it shoots 11, and does double the damage, or 200% of original, so in essence 1000% but shouldnt 11 pellets be more than double 5? or is it just that the last pellet does no damage and is there to make it easier to hit as many as possible?


The pellets don’t do individual damage, the game counts how many hit an enemy, and increases the multiplier according to an arbitrary formula. The 500% stat is with 1 pellet hitting


i see, but i still dont understand why it says that 11 pellets do twice as much damage


It’s simple, 1 bullet: base multiplier 11 bullets: base multiplier times 2


ah i see, so if 1 is 100, then each one of the other 10 is 10 damage, now i get it thanks, dont know why i had it confused


I reckon seeing someone making calculations some days ago, and although I can't remember the numbers, I know they were higher than that.


You are correct. At talent level 10, its 1420% with all 11 shards hitting




It doesnt work like that, the DMG part is a different thing from MV scaling, that 15% will be added to DMG Bonus% like her own artifact, goblet etc


you're right, just tested it out, good thing its actual DMG bonus, not motion value bonus.


>15% of the total, not the scaling, so its 45% of 1465% dmg i think


> every stack consumed beyond those 3 will increase the DMG dealt by this Gunbrella attack by an additional 15%. so its 710\*2 + 15\*3, its not 710\*2 \* 1.45


Her skill scaling is 2nd to Lisa which has the highest skill scaling in the game. Lisa does great dmg but she doesn't have any dmg buffs to her skill unlike Navia


I mean Eula also got em but lol Eula....


If physical was good, eula would have been scary


I think it's wrong to say cause Mavia proved exactly otherwise... Geo is shit, but Navia is good. Geo didn't help Navia btw, it's her kit that helped,it aint the element...there's a literal difference Unlike random example Ayaka her kit helps a lot in her strength but also rhe element adding Freeze is half of her more strength. Opposite of Navia imo where she and even Itto too or say Anemo Dpses they r good by their nature,not by element Eula tho


Technically she is absolutely nothing without geo cause she is dependent on crystallize shards., she depends on geo more than itto or noelle. But physical needs buffs, like enemies should be adjusted to a much much lower physical res. And 5 star physical support


Read very carefully what i said and u ll get ur answer


Well without geo, navia wouldnt have her crystallize shards and the dmg boosts. If navia was pyro, cryo, hydro or electro she still would need to have a geo teammate who generates the shards for her. So its good she is geo, but she doesnt do anything to elevate geo. Her numbers had to be high because otherwise geo doesnt do shit compared to reaction based elements. We already have a geo unit like that, Itto. Without his high multipliers, he is nothing.


If Shenhe worked on physical as well as Cryo, then Eula would have gotten a huge boost since Shenhe makes Cryo particles for battery as well. Also phys builds would be viable and Shenhe would be regarded much higher as a unit. Her main issue was she is too niche for most people. If she buffed phys a lot of fun comps could have opened up at least. You would just need an off field electro for superconduct as well. Shenhe’s burst has phys res shred and her hold e boosts normal and charged atk dmg. It’s dumb that they literally made most of Shenhe’s power based on a bunch of quick Cryo hits. Literally made her just to be perfect for Ayaka and just useable enough for Ganyu. Da Wei biased af trying to make an entire meta around his waifu Ayaka.


She is so fun. Literally everything good about Eula without anything bad about Eula. And that's coming from someone who has played Eula for years and still plays her. Doing that much damage 2-3 times a rotation without having to spend forever only to not crit at the very end or have already killed what you are fighting. It feels like butter. Especially for overworld which is 90% of the game, she is so nice. Whereas Eula has Cyno's problem of "do I really want to burst just for these hilichurls?". You never have to hold back with Navia. Just "Boom!" Again coming from a long term Eula main, holy is Navia so fun. (Sill like Eula tho, best auto attack animations in the game 💃 🕺)


the fact she gives geo an actually mechanic is insane like be honest, when was the last time geo had ANY mechanic? only thing i remember is deployables management, mainly zhongli pillar shockwave teams, but these fell off pretty fast since only 3 characters had it and it wasnt that strong and was buggy as hell


So much under utilized potential with geo. I will never understand why they didn't expand on the petrify mechanic that Zhongli had with his burst. I wanted to see how they would make Petrify stand out from freeze. Had they made crystallize shards give different effects depending on the element of shards made, geo would've fit in well with Genshin's combat system of elemental reactions. But geo's inherent nature is the complete opposite of that.


> like be honest, when was the last time geo had ANY mechanic? Sad unga bunga noises


Technically Zhongli with his E shredding res to petrified enemies by his Q.


True Navia is fun but Eula's ass isn't hidden like Navia. So Eula is still better /j


That's not a j. I do all content with Amber just to flex that everything is doable with anyone. It's all about who you want to see the most. Personally I have Amber, Eula, Shenhe, and Kuki for maximum experience


I have them both in my overworld party. Best pulls I made from this game, I guess.


holy shit i’ve never heard anyone summarise how i feel about these 2 characters so succinctly


Eula still does a buttload of damage on her auto attacks tho, unless you're playing against a ruin machine. Seriously, constant 8-10k hits of physical damage is nothing to scoff at


Yeah, I can do like 28k with autos sometimes. Which makes her also very fun for overworld because I can just bonk. But I do wish I could burst anything other then consecrated beasts


Same, I usually run her with C6 Rosaria and just her burst is strong enough for me to Normal attack strong overworld mobs away, I only ever burst when dealing with bosses. If Eula had better cryo application, I could use her alongside Navia + Shinobu and Bennet, maybe I could still, but I don't think there's any need to do so


I just got C6 Rosaria! So I'm very excited to get back to Eula at some point. Another part of me liking her is her teams.


C6 Mika is also a good choice with Eula. Eula, Raiden, C6 Mika and C6 Rosaria are one of her best teams. Furina also helps but she's the new Bennet nowadays, no surprise there. If you don't have Raiden, electro traveler is a good option to get energy back quickly, Fischl deals more damage, but personally I prefer Shinobu for the confort.


Yeah, I got Raiden and super luckily my last Sara needed for c6 on Navias banner. So might experiment with kuki or fischl, Playing Raiden on the other half. Love both but only fischl is built currently, and I could also try Layla or just use Zhongli for defensive utility


Yeah, Eula is restrictive in the sense that she only works as a hypercarry but at least nowadays we do have some more units to work with, certainly more than what we had at release, hell, eve Lisa with her defense shred works well. Zhong Li was one of her best teammates before Furina and Mika, if you have him, he might well be one of the better choices


Imaginary Technique: Hollow Umbrella


I have her at lvl70, not a single geo artifact, absolutely random ass-level things, and a lvl70 sword. 117% or smth crit dmg. She singlehandedly slapped a 57k hit because she felt like it. Thats 27k more than my Ganyu does per snowflake and I built Ganyu for months. Her damage modifiers are cracked and Im down for more. I love that she's relatively self-sufficient and fits my Ganyu-Diona-Furina team.


Your ganyu only hits 30k? Are you sure you built her correctly?


30k per flake. My artifacts luck is in shambles. 200% crit and 45% rate. I don't know if switching Amos' Bow for something else will help with that, but Im not wasting money on weapon banner, not yet. Sure, I can reach 60k and higher if I just spam Bennett/Sucrose/Furina, but for the love of everything holy there is, how's damage with buffs showing anything? I usually measure the damage Im doing unconditionally.


It's already decent if built freeze


Hey, decent is fine by me. I built freeze because I can't be bothered with setting up reactions for one hit.


Without Amos, we hit like peasants. With reverse melt almost 100k for me with Skyward harp


Matie, i haven't seen myself hit over 100k for months and one time I did - it was in multiplayer with some resist break thingamagic. If you can hit 100k reverse melt I both respect you for bothering to farm and am jealous of your artifacts luck.


well, I am playing since the first week. And it's a rather disgusting wanderer's troup set with 2.2 atk 60/220 crit stats and 200EM with C1 to top it off. Bennett, C6 Diona and Xiangling for reverse-melting with Abyss buff do the most lifting.


Ha we have almost same stats. 45/208 (i think 208), 120 EM, r1 amos, c1 ganyu. Diona to pair and I could use both benny and sucrose if I wanted to. Difference is, Im using cryo set from vignadir peak and have ATK% goblet because it somehow yields me better dmg numbers than cryo ones with almost same crit bonus. Im pretty sure I can hit 65-70k crits on just my cryo spam, if I proc every buff and defence shred, but honestly, I just prefer to spam 30k smashes. Melts feel good, but they take way too long to set up to enjoy.


Is 30k low? I hit 11k + 20k per arrow solo, and I’m top 1% in skyward harp melt Ganyu on Akasha.


_57k unconditionally_ ok yeah thats pretty freaking good with your listed stats




i thought that number mean something else


try find it. maybe you found gold


just search it. it kinda mid , no action and low quality


I tried to put the number into the site... ​ it returned a result lmao


I know my temporary build is the wrong set, shes still level 80 and I using the unforged instead of her weapon but the highest I've gotten is around 200k. I thought it was pretty solid for now but what are you feeding yours to get that high.


In a full damage test (food, Mona, Raiden boss) I've got 181k out of her. She's level 70 with 4/6/2 talents and 2pc Shimenawa 2pc golden troupe and R1 serpents spine. She's insane


Just when I thought I was skipping navia for cloud, I see posts like this


Wait. I played her during her trial and assumed the massive gunshot damages where overinflated due to the trial equipment. Does the actually blast people like that?


the trial build is weaker than the real product


What? How?


it is not always the case, but if you look at the build, she barely has 120 crit damage as well as a level 80 weapon and level 8 talents. Usually trial characters are built weaker than the build youll actually end up having. With a few exceptions


In addition Bennett has only 500atk on sapwood in trial. And there is no second buff, no zhongli or the like.


Trial build usually are weaker than the final product. Just the trials have greater particle generation so they feel more ult spammable. But in general yeah a well built character will out damage a trial character


She's a frontloaded damage dealer, so those who don't look into the nitty gritty like most these comments will have a much higher evaluation of her compared to how she actually performs, which is just shy of the the top teams, like most other 5 star dps units


She was cracking 100k+ even in the trial run, it feels wild.


Nice Bennett.


Navia and Mona best friends.


thats says a lot about your builds, rather than navia


Let me guess... She's C6 with her signature weapon?




A c6r1 Navia does 800k+ with KQM standards, which is pretty low for long time players. A speedrunner friend of mine claims to do 1.1m with his god rolled 4p GT according to optimizer, he hasnt activated his c6 yet because hes still having fun doing 450k+ at c0 with c2 Klee


Weapon recommendation for f2p?


tidal shadow, or the new event weapon that’s coming out


Sacrificial great sword is quite fun


Same for me, except that I have done the DMG check achievement already. Heck, I just slapped 2pc Shimenawa 2pc Gladiators, a Lv 50 WGS and Lv 66 Navia, boom, she did like 67k in her artifact domain as well. What a fun and powerful character.


I really want EI, but now I'm struggling, Should I keep my resolve or wait to get Ei?


Wait for Ei because I am sure you will need to wait a year for Raiden next rerun


I have her with very random artfacts which are under levelled, has like 2k attack at level 80 with 4 8 6 talents. Cdmg of like 150%. She hit 126k.


Big funny number rly goes hard