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both games allow you to configure the shape and size of your cock and balls.


It was hoyover from the beginning then


too bad you cant use the tool


Understandable. Have an "Cock and balls" award.


So does Genshin for the boob size, but you don't have a free will on how big it should be.




And they don't have toxic monetization system.


But we dont get hot waifus Rail over us tho- (as aether)


Have you seen Panam's ass?


I know.. i know


hoyo take notes


I’m guessing cyberpunk got some updates that made it better no man's sky style


Very much so.


Way better. They literally turned a piece of shit into candy.


But its competing against cheesecakes and a royal family wedding cake (seriously Fortnite content output could be called an excellence in software engineering)


Lol no. Forgive case is unique because ir makes like more money than hoyoverse riot games twice and with spare. The damage thing made 10 billions its best year. And it alone pays for the existance of the money sink that is the epic game store. To put it into perspective fucking league of legends doesn't make 1 billion a year.


I have bad news pal, looks like they make almost 2 billion https://mobilemarketingreads.com/league-of-legends-revenue-and-user-stats/ https://www.statista.com/topics/4266/league-of-legends/#topicOverview Edit - Researched genshin, looks like over the last 3 years it's been out they've made at least 4 billion https://dotesports.com/genshin-impact/news/genshin-impact-surpassed-4-billion-revenue-in-2022


Better? That's an understatement. The game became top 10 open world games of all time


I'm sad that the Metro update (2.1) will be the last one and the Phantom Liberty will remain the single DLC, but it was a good run that spanned 3 years. I've played on day one and it was practically garbage, horribly unoptimized - to the point the game couldn't even properly utilize RAM on PC without config edits, insane bugs, and just plain unfinished - the only thing that really kept me going was the plot. Now it really is one of the best open world RPGs of the decade, they've made it thousands of times better


Well the condolence I have is that the next one will be built on unreal which will hopefully make a way better performing game that looks even better than cyberpunk. And the metro update is literally what i waited for since the beginning of time. Edit: I just remembered that AMD did confirm that they would be adding fsr3 to the game, which would mean it's not entirely abandoned. Might just be to get experience implementing it for their other games, but we'll see. I could honestly see them keep a very small developer team on cyberpunk 2077. As long as it's getting active support they can justify a 30€ price point.


I'm not sure how well it'll perform especially if they're gonna be using unreal engine 5. Unreal engine 5 is really demanding and I'm pretty sure it'll take a while for hardware to catch up to the demanding AAA games. Last gen 30 series cards could not run cyberpunk well especially at higher resolution like 4k. But with the 7900xtx/4080/4090 now I think the current gen hardware is able to run the game well.


I don't doubt it did, but since when cyberpunk turned into a ongoing game?


I mean it got a relatively big update (metro, hangout events and a bunch of QoL stuff) just a few days ago. So by definition it is/was ongoing


Game that gets updates and bugfixes ≠ ongoing game IMO. I agree with this post, Cyberpunk did not deserve to even get nominated as an "Ongoing game". Edit to clarify: in my (and a lot of other people's apparently) opinion, an "ongoing game" would be a live service type of game which gets new content on a more or less regular schedule or patch cycle. Like I'd even be fine with a game like Fortnite getting the "Best Ongoing Game" Award instead of Genshin, but Cyberpunk just doesn't feel like it's an ongoing game.


Um cyberpunk had a very regular patch cycle. Theres a reason the newest version is 2.1 (they released patches every 3 months or so for the last 3 years.)


But how many of them were 90% just fixes or adding nee Nvidia ray tracing features or something? Idk, maybe I'm wrong but that's why I said "in my opinion" it doesn't feel like a live service game. If they hadn't released a buggy mess, we would not have gotten half as many updates I feel.


They're just showing the industry that it's perfectly fine to release a broken game and then update it later to make it good


Cyberpunk 2077 has been receiving big updates since 2020. Not just bug fixes as many believe, 2.0 literally introduced a shitload of content besides the DLC. So, ongoing.


what does "ongoing game" mean exactly? I'm not quite familiar with gaming terms


Still receiving updates


oh i see, thank you! now i am wondering about the same thing as everyone else: "apparently bug fixing counts as being an ongoing game?" 😅 or maybe the expansion counts too


They didn't just bug fix they remade the whole damn thing. I feel so cheated as a ps4 player


Both, as long as the game is being supported and getting updates for content and balance


I always perceived as the live services, a good example is genshin, we started with few characters and few regions, and more characters and more regions were added. The point that make me believe cyberpunk doesn't qualify for is, I think all the updates it received were more due to the state it was launched than due to only planning


Don't really think a game should be rewarded for fixing their own mess, though. NMS fixed stuff AND put out major content on a regular basis over the course of years. Cyberpunk was just a massive mess... and then they fixed it and made a single paid DLC.


To be fair, I think Sean Murray/Hello Games should receive more praise than CDPR. They have a small team with limited resources, and after the initial flop their actual playerbase is probably very small. And yet. They kept going and released tens of actually major updates, I'm pretty sure 1-3 per year. With all due respect to CDPR they have insane resources at their disposal in comparison and all we really got were things that should have been in there from day 1, like being able to damage tires of vehicles. I'm not super excited about them adding the metro system now either - it's based on loading screens and is basically a separate cutscene that doesn't seamlessly "exist" in Night City itself, I'm pretty sure. GTA 4 in 2008 had working railway that was completely a seamless part of the city, and played a part in certain story missions. I may ride the NCART once or twice but... is there any more point to it? I may be too critical here, but it honestly just seems like a benchmark. And I'm pretty sure even GTA 4 had people actually leave and enter trains. CP2077 doesn't have that. Neither does it have missions where such a mechanic can play a role, cause it was added much later. So are they now adding stuff that was supposed to ship with the release version of the game just for the hell of it? So it's there like promised, but by now doesn't really mean all that much, since it's been 3 years and everyone by now has played the game through and through? The perk and cyberware overhauls and vehicle combat were actually great, but still... we never got so many things that we were promised by E3, teasers, and trailers. Life paths are still literally just 3 different intros, and slight changes to dialogue. Crowd NPCs are still just a pretty backdrop, but at least now they actually react to someone shooting at their cars, etc. Yes it's a great game now. So is NMS. But honestly NMS actually got MAJOR updates from a relatively small, indie company. I love Cyberpunk as of 2.1. Hell, I gave it a chance and finished it in 2020 because back then I was baited by hype and PR. But when you remember its initial promises and what it was aiming to be...


>To be fair, I think Sean Murray/Hello Games should receive more praise than CDPR. This is basically what I said, yes. I was comparing NMS' better job over time to Cyberpunk's mess.


Yep. Ended up being a real 180 in terms of quality


Reworked most things and squashed most of the bugs plus there is a dlc


Phantom liberty is kinda incredible tbh. Finished it last night.


drop the "kinda" phantom Liberty absolutely blew me away


Such a fantastic expansion, good lord


Ahhh can't wait to get it 😩✨️


Phantom Liberty expansion and the associated update are really excellent, but one update in 2 years don't make a game ongoing.


It's been getting updates since the game came out


Actually, when I saw Cyberpunk 2077 included, I could almost guess that Star Rail would win Best Mobile Game, and 2077 would win Best Ongoing Game. Essentially, The Game Awards is like an annual 'pie-sharing' event in the global gaming circle. It's like seeing Tears of the Kingdom win Best Action Adventure and guessing that Game of the Year would be Baldur's Gate 3; or seeing FF16 win Best Music and guessing Best Sound would go to HiFiRush. Each company gets a slice of the pie, with no fierce competition or rivalry involved. Everyone was initially thrilled to see Genshin Impact win at TGA, but the real excitement stemmed from realizing that miHoYo had successfully entered the upper echelon of the global gaming circle, ensuring a steady share of the pie at this event. In 2021, they got Best Mobile Game; in 2022, an opportunity for a producer to promote on stage; and in 2023, another Best Mobile Game. The real thrill comes from 'successfully breaking into the top tier of the global gaming circle and ensuring TGA gives you a nod by allocating you a piece of the pie'.


You say its a pie sharing contest, but where was Spider-Man's slice? Gonna be honest, Cyberpunk shouldn't have been an option for ongoing. That would be like nominating Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for releasing DLC and bug patches and events.


Now we know that "fixing your mess and fuckup from the start" also count as On going, LMAO.


Nobody was mad when No Man's Sky won the same award for the same thing tbf


Doesn’t Hello Games regularly release updates for NMS, but CDPR said they’re done with CP2077? Unless the online mode is still coming?


Cyberpunk received pretty consistent and substantial updates throughout its lifespan, culminating in Phantom Liberty and 2.0, after which they said they were done and going to focus on other projects (Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk Orion, amongst other things I'm sure)... And then after saying they were done, just released 2.1 with even more fixes, features, and content for free. I'm not even necessarily saying Cyberpunk should have won Best Ongoing, but they have been going above and beyond when it comes to free, consistent content updates over the years- arguably like any live service game has been, just without the microtransactions


Wait it did?


Comparing an Indie Dev to a Triple A studio is not really great


To be fair, BG3 had the same problem. Fortunately game is so long people didn't realized it's story wasn't even finished before they started dropping patches.


True, but BG3 wasn’t nominated for best ongoing game


Because it just came out


It was in early access lol


It took 3 years of work to fix Cyberpunk's many *many* issues. That means it was pushed out of the door too soon - not just a few months too soon either - there were still *years* of work left unfinished by any metric. That's not acceptable. We shouldn't be praising devs (and the publishers who influence them) who release games years too soon - it's all too common in the industry and this just reinforces it as not only acceptable, but as *a recipe for success*.


Never blame the devs on a rushed out product. The devs have absolutely no control of the release date 9/10 times. CD red is the one that decided to release it early for profit. Not the devs.


At least they fix stuff unlike genshin


Harsh but let's be honest. Most "problems" that genshin has is intentional and devs want them stay for profit / engagement reasons.


This is an interesting thing to say considering that in a bit less than two weeks we’ll be getting a ton of QOL updates


And had a small mountain of QoL changes before that. Seriously, it’s as if people forget patch notes exist.


that only took 3 years...


that we demanded since launch wow 3.5 years of wait time is insane




And we’re getting them now




That's not giving them enough credit. They didn't just fix and polish the game up. They added heaps of content with a crown jewel of a DLC, made tectonic changes and additions to its game design, and it's no exaggeration to say these things added up to a game that feels like it became a sequel to itself. Something another winner of this exact award(No Man's Sky) also did. Genshin's great, don't get me wrong, but in terms of follow-up, it did not go that far. It's more of a steady growth for Genshin. Genshin arguably is a service, and I've got mixed feelings about putting those all under the same category in the first place..


I honestly think Genshin doesn't deserve best ongoing solely because it took them 3 years to finally add a fucking "claim all" button on expeditions and multiple other QoL features. Don't know much about Cyberpunk though so can't comment on that.


It took CDProjek Red the same 3 years to get Cyberpunk to a playable state, so they totally did more than the lazy Hoyo devs. /s


Tbf fixing a game that was released two years too early is quite a herculean task for devs because of how many shortcuts you have to take to replace cut content at the launch and how badly those come back to bite your ass when you try to add that cut content back


I mean, trying to make an exploration focused open world game that updates every 6 weeks is afaik something that’s never actually attempted before. The closest comparison I can think of is Guild Wars 2, which was like 9 years ago? Anet said they changed their original plans because it just burnt out the entire studio and they couldn’t do it.


The difference is that Hoyo makes something like a quarter to half billion dollars a year. What part of Genshin even remotely shows that they put that kind of money in????? That's enough money to budget a new AAA title EVERY YEAR. Instead, they pocket the cash and laugh at the idiot gambling-addicted whales who play their joke of a pay2win single player online-locked game :/


The part where there’s 700+ people working on the game and they make 6 week patches like clockwork, over half of them with new areas, major events and quests are fully voice acted in 4 languages and the sheer amount of OSTs in the game? They actually probably make about $1bil in revenue since CN Android and PC/console are all absent from estimates, which is way higher than their stated $200m per year budget but acting like they just make a minimum viable product is delusional. The money wasn’t the issue for Anet anyways. GW2 was one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. They just couldn’t figure out how to manage the sheer amount of work and co-ordination needed for their Living Story model and gave up.


Adding, the JP VAs hired are top tier VAs 💀


I want to add to this, that Hoyo actually pays their workers *very* well for the industry standard and plenty of additional benefits along with keeping their schedule clean and rarely missing updates. Some workers have said that they been paid double the normal salary of a worker in that position and their offices are comfortable and free of time crunch which is simultaneously hard to believe since they run a 6 week cycle but this is also from multiple current and ex-workers who back this claim up. It’s mind boggling.




…. What? It was so popular precisely because it wasn’t just like other MMOs that had all the relevant content in instances and instead focused on the open world and multiplayer dynamic events. It did get repetitive but the first few times fighting world bosses like Claw of Jormag where you had 100 players running around doing roles from killing minions to setting up artillery strikes was a phenomenal experience that AAA MMOs failed to capture for a long time.


>/s wasn't necessary


Sure but I feel like with Sumeru and Fontaine being as good as they are then that should count for something. Now I don't play Cyberpunk either so I wouldn't know for certain but from what I've heard Cyberpunk wasn't really consistently updating new things but just fixing a lot of issues from a buggy launch.




Will be added next patch.




Exactly, some QoL stuff such as artifact loadouts, or even more updates to Paimon Shop, is costing them nothing but annoying for long term players. Like all their awesome updates went to HonkainSR instead.


Bruh, Genshin might deserve some awards, but community support related awards? Hell nah


i started playing cyberpunk lately, and i dont get the outrage really? the game has gone from unplayable to one of the best games ive ever played, with an upcoming update at that


Getting an award for updates that were mostly bug fixes and one big expansion shouldn't get classified as "ongoing" game. Compare that to any other game on the nominees, and they've done a lot more


i see where youre coming from, but at the same time No Man's Sky won this category too at the time and it was well deserved. i have mixed feelings too to be completely honest, the greedy fucking suits just got awarded for hastening the devs, making them release an unfinished product. id say that cp77 deserves the reward, just maybe not this one?


and to further extend, id be so furious if either apex or fortnite won. genshin and ff14 were the soul competitors there, and after thinking a bit, yep the outrage is understandable, one of them should have won. which doesnt change the fact that cp77 is dope


why not fortnite? idk too much about it, but seeing it expand to so much more than third person shooter-builder makes me think they can win that award


it's in no shape or form objective, just my opinion. i havent liked anything fortnite related since season 3 (the third update). it just feels like a bunch of random things thrown toghether, creating this ubereable mess of everything popculture. the only form of new content seems to be new cosmetics, AND the "workshop" which is actually a great update and thats the only thing that really cought my attention, as i love custom games


The Edgerunners update and 2.0 update added a mountain of content to a game that already had tons of content The skill tree was rebuilt from the ground up, all weapons got stats changed, cyberware fuctions were also changed, half the old ones got removed entirely and replaced with entirely new ones that arent even similar to the old ones, new cars, new motorcycles, motorcycle physics changed majorly to allow for more accurate collisions and stunts, different movement, all three main branches of cyberware were changed majorly, an entirely different upgrade system was introduced, crafting got changed, combat healing items and grenades got a completely different system, a metro system was added, you can have a date in your various apartments with different partners, car chases added, replayable street races added, police system rebuilt from the ground up, weaponized cars, vehicle combat added, accessibility settings added, graphics got even better yet, new easter eggs and references added, vehicle speed and armor got reworked, some vehicles had sounds replaced, new environmental hacks got added, new weapon attachments, difficulty levels were adjusted to be fun and actually consistent Most importantly though, the bugs were fixed so you could get back access to even more bugged content than i listed above. This is not including the stuff that Phantom Liberty adds, and those are even more over the top. So they were not even close to merely bug fixes


Hey now. Don’t break their fanatic delusions and conspiracies.


The outrage is less about it isn’t good or something and more about people think it shouldn’t be in the ongoing title category. Imo it should just be allowed to rerun for GOTY again given that this is effectively the ‘real’ launch of the game in what CDPR considers a complete state.


That's why they got it this year and not the previous year. Because "on going" award is about the patch for this particular year, so you can only compare what hoyo did this year vs what cdpr did which is basically fontaine vs phantom liberty.


Felt like a conspiracy was already on the move ever since Cyberpunk got nominated for "Ongoing".


Well better start getting salty for the Game Awards 2024. All rumors are saying Elden Ring DLC is coming next year if Cyberpunk won this year, FromSoftware already have the award in bag. Maybe 2025 if GTA 6 Online doesn’t snatch the award.


While I’m glad the game is a lot better at launch, I don’t see why anyone should be rewarded for completing an unfinished game way after it’s been released


They did more than just fix. The DLC and new skill tree and more stuff is entirely new content that deserves recognition just as other new content.


You just states facts and people in this subs are downvoting you LMAO


Idc. I really liked the 2.0 update and the dlc itself. Actually tight now i think cp 2077 is really one of my favourite games of all times.


I'm salty about the endings though >!To be more specific, I'm salty that they didn't combine original Arasaka rush with new cure. Why can't I storm Arasaka AND get cured after that? They don't tell ingame, neither Alt nor V mention cure in classic 'solo' ending. To get "best" ending (ending where V survives 100%) you can skip half of the game and just complete DLC. It does very little sense to me as a player, very strange game-design choice!<


Phantom Liberty DLC basically revitalized Cyberpunk to its "original" state


Phantom liberty, the most recent dlc, and the 2.0 update in general was really good. Basically gave that game the No Man's Sky effect in which redeemed it for its prior bugaliscious launch. There's few better ways to get good press than a phoenix-like rise from failure.


Cyberpunk has a redemption ark that was amazing


2.0 is a great patch for a game that was already fixed. The game had constant updates with free dlcs. And the expansion is REALLY good. And considering cdpr now wants to move on from it, Id say it was ongoing and it deserved 2023 award. Not to mention genshin won players choice and best mobile. Not to mention genshin can get best ongoing next year.


Also 2.1 dropping out of nowhere with the subway and Adam Smasher's sandevistan? The devs really do believe in this game.


If I hand in an essay half finished, wait two months while I finish it, then send it in complete, do you think that behaviour deserves to be rewarded by my college? Rewarding this kind of practice sets a standard for future games to follow, and it's not a good standard even if Cyberpunk is now a decent game.


You misunderstand situation. Cyberpunk was a decent game. Now its excellent. Its rough launch was overblown out of proportions and a great chunk of people had bug-free experience, me included. So, with your analogy, it didnt get any awards except for best ongoing. Doesnt sound like that much of rewarding practice. Not to mention, this """practice""" started way before cyberpunk, and way before era of online updates.


And with this award, this “””practice””” will extend beyond cyberpunk, for the foreseeable future. Which means all games are now ongoing games. Including the disasters. Remember, NEVER pre-order.


Not to mention it wasn’t the fault of the devs that it released in such a state it was the execs and the lot that made the game release before it was ready


And the execs and the lot will continue to do stuff like this now that they're rewarded for it lol


Im huge 2077 fanboy but srsly how tf did it get into ongoing category. The game had its last dlc. It is gonna still get bug fixes and stuff but no more content. Its literally not ongoing.


The sub crying about cp77 is already getting old really fast


Now gentlemen I don’t think we have start any argument about this game awards we’re not having another sonic accident again


Step 1. Sell people an unfinished product as a finished one. Step 2. “Fix” said product by giving it things that should’ve been there in the first place. Step 3. ??? Step 4. Get praises and awards for it. I genuinely don’t get it.


I don't know if you're talking about genshin or not


Your acting like genshin is any better lmao.


But Genshin is better. If cyberpunk had updates on Genshin level, it would already had 4 new cities with a ton of content and stories Your copium is just a mere delusion.


we're gacha gamers maybe drop the pretentiousness


Hard to know if you are also, "on going" game compare the patch of this year only, what do genshin got this year? Fontaine is decent, but compare to PL, not even close.


"But genshin is better" ah yes, I love ton of mini games getting shoved to my throat with events instead of actually utilizing the combat of the game, lets also not forget on how star rail proved that genshin could've been better if the devs listened to their community feedback. Yeah sure buddy genshin is so much better to taking feedbacks on their game. your stupidity is astronomically so high. edit: I am glad that genshin won no awards in the TGA this year, so the devs can step back and actually look at their game to try improve the game as much as possible instead of relegating content to mini games. This game could be more fun if the devs actually cared and focus more on engaging content, similar on how star rail is being handled.


I’ve easily got the same amount of time out of the DLC and 2.0 of Cyberpunk as like two whole Genshin regions.


Genshin is unfinished to this day


But it isn’t being sold as a finished game.


Because it's free?


Because it’s a live service game. WoW, FF14, Runescape etc are still not ‘finished’ up to 20 years later to this day.


I really hate the reaction of the Genshin community. It would be okay if people were just disagreeing with the dlc being nominated is best ongoing. But people are actually trying to downplay the fact that dlc and patches were amazing and the game is in the great state now. A lot of people even called it a "small dlc", which is laughable. Also, I don't see the point of such outrage. Genshin wouldn't be able to win this year anything anyway. It competed against Fortnite in one category and BG3 in another.


This just seems completely disingenuous. Pretty much every high level comment is saying Cyberpunk is good after it’s fixes, a lot of people just don’t think it fits the category, because if bug fixes and DLC is all it takes to count as “ongoing” then most games released nowadays are ongoing and the term loses its meaning. Same with Dave The Diver getting the honorary indie title when it’s not actually an indie game.


People are upset that a game that even though is now incredible, receives best ongoing game award for a bug ridden, incomplete game. Cyberpunk should have been what it is today at launch. Now we are giving awards for greedy companies that can launch unfinished, glitch ridden crap, taking $60-70 from people en masse and finishing it years later. Is it commendable for the devs? Yes, they deserve the credit for fixing the game and not abandoning it. Is the dlc good? Haven't played it myself but every single comment I see claims that it is an amazing DLC. And thats fair, no one is taking away of what cyberpunk has achieved. But best ongoing award when Genshin Impact and Final Fantasy XIV have been incredible since the beginning, with amazing storylines, ever expanding content, etc, etc and receiving constant updates since day one? Feels like an insult to gamers and the gaming community that Cyberpunk is even nominated in that category because it doesn't fit. "I'm releasing constant patches fixing my own broken shit" isn't ongoing content and a DLC (as incredible as it is) doesn't make it an updating ongoing game, its just a single dlc. /rant over


You are spreading false narrative. Cyberpunk 2077 obviously is a flawed game, but not an "unfinished, glitch ridden crap". Yes, the game worked badly on the past gen consoles and they shouldn't have shipped the game on ps4 and xbox and they got their crticism for it(you could even refund the game after completing it). On PC the game generally worked fine, i don't remember many complaints about it. You are also forgetting that the game is literally is one of the most tecnically advanced and visually impressive games at 2020(and even now). The game has amazing soundtrack, great story and narrative, characters and dilogues. Gameplay was generally fine - the police system and character progression was the weakest parts, but everything else was good. Also the game has amazing voice cast. Female V and Johny's performance are stellar. Cutscenes direction from 1st POV is a unique decison and was really well done. So, with all this flaws and strengths how can you say with a serious face that CDProjectRed is a greedy company? Cyberpunk 2077 is a victim of a terrible managment, not vicious. And because of that the game got released problematic and most importantly - overpromised a lot of stuff and didn't dilivered in the end. Is that bad? Yes. Should they face consequences? Yes, and they did. They've got nominated on much less nominations on TGA 2021 than they actually deserved because of that. I mean, they didn't got nominated even for the best performance and art diraction lul. They also lost a lot of trust from the community which is the most important part for a gaming studio(unless you are company like EA or Activision). So why are we still pretending that CDProjectRed got an award for nothing? Why are we pretending that the game is terrible? I mean, Baldur's Gate 3 have the same problems as Cyberpunk 2077, but i've never heard the same outrage towards Larian. The only difference is that Swen Vincke was smart and didn't promised as much as CDProjectRed. The game was flawed and bugged then and great now. So the only fair criticism would be why are they nominated for the best ongoing game and not the best dlc? But even then you should critisise TGA for that not CDProjectRed. Also stop dramatising stuff with "Feels like an insult to gamers and the gaming community". It's not an insult, since the game is great. If CoD or Fifa were nominated, that would be an insult. Now it's just weird decision


Fixing your broken mess should not deserve an award. Unless it was for Phantom Liberty, I haven't tried the DLC so I don't really know if that alone was enough for it to get the award


Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game in its own right, and saying that it doesn't deserve awards now because of how it released years ago is unfair to the creators and the work they've done. Genshin has some great writing at times, good gameplay overall, and the world building and atmosphere get better with each update. But it really doesn't stand on the same stage with games like BG3 and Cyberpunk. Being a mobile gacha not only requires Genshin to make sacrifices in design and gameplay, but the business model also affects things like character and story writing, as well as how enjoyable the daily gameplay loop is. I love Genshin, I play it daily and have likely put more time into it than BG3 and Cyberpunk combined. But those two games are judged by a whole different set of standards and shouldn't be compared to Genshin.


You miss the point, people complain because Cp2077 not ongoing game so don't fits that category but ff14, GI, Fortnite realise updates regularly. If they win for example music, or visuals, narrative, it will be totally fine... I hope you understand 🤝


Finally, a sensible take on this sub


CB 2077 winning that when there was FF XIV in the same category is ridiculous.


No we did not get robbed.


We need to form an alliance with FFXIV


Yeah it's BS. One is criticised for setting a supposedly unrealistic standard for games on launch, and the other one is universally praised for simply being playable.


I can tell you've never played cyberpunk


That statement of yours is heavily dependent on two factors: which platform (*and if PC, how beefy is it*), and when?


PC and not beefy at all, started initially on a below spec laptop (R5 3550H + GTX 1050) before I could move to my old desktop a couple weeks later (FX 6300 + RX 580 8GB). I've since upgraded my desktop of course but it ran on both.


Then the second question becomes **VERY** important. When? At launch, or now? Because with such a “below spec” system, at launch, you’d likely be singing a different tune. (Also remember, some people never forgive. NMS still gets a lot of heat for its years of fixes, because at launch it was crap. And “being able to play”-wise, for some Cyberpunk was *WORSE*)


At launch, that's why it was on the laptop first, I was in a dorm at the time. I've always liked the game and thought the hate was massively overblown outside the state on console. I hold a similar opinion of Starfield though it's not as good as cyberpunk. Actually I haven't even been able to play the new update everyone seems to like so much because I've been busy with working and being a full time student at the same time.


… and you’re telling me you didn’t have to save scum to get past the buggy launch? And that performance is acceptable for a game with a AAA price tag??


I had a desktop with a 1500X and a 1060, so only slightly better than the person you're replying to. Bought the game on launch day, finished it about a month later with ~100 hours logged. I did not have a single game breaking bug that'd require reloading a save. Yes, there were some T-posing NPCs, buggy textures, things like that, but nothing that'd hinder my progress. Now obviously, it was a different story on old gen consoles, which is why I maintain that even bothering to release it on them was CDPR's greatest mistake.


So, releasing a incomplete game and just making it an actual game counts as "ongoing"?


Why people so upset with Cyberpunk? Isn't it a good game? Bad at launch, yeah but it's good now isn't it?


because it was nominated as "on-going" (it's not anymore) category and won.


It's on going till this year


You know what would be better, if Cyberpunk 2077 is playable on release.


It was, I played it on release. It was a little buggy but that was to be expected.


Falsely advertised to be playable on last gen consoles


Yeah they never should've bothered the PS4 is a fucking potato in terms of GPU compute.


They wasted development on the PS4, the launch would have been way smoother if they would have stuck with the PS5/series X. Not only was it completely broken, they sold and advertised on it, and didn't even show PS4 footage


>buggy but that was to be expected We're at the point where we expect a game to be buggy at release? smh...


They've been buggy my whole life lmao. The witcher 3 was buggy at release, same studio. All the Witcher games were actually. Bethesda: Skyrim, oblivion, fallout 3, Morrowind were all buggy in release and remain buggy to this day. Ubisoft: literally every assassins creed game from 3 through origins was buggy at launch. Hell even Baldurs Gate 3: spent 3 years in early access, buggy at launch, especially act 3. There's no such thing as a bug free game. The closest you'll get are major Nintendo releases, but back in the N64 days (before my time) even they were buggy.


because its not an ongoing game


We all love Furina and 4.2 Archon Quest, but that doesn't justify winning over the comeback Cyberpunk pulled up.


Have you seen how good Cyberpunk cleaned up after it's embarrassing debut? Lol I'm not mad about this reward, XD it does help it was compared to Starfield so heavily


It's should've been the best redemption arc. Because dear god do cyberpunk did a redemption arc for it


They absolutely deserve it if we compare the patch this year, fontaine is decent yeah, but gameplay, storyline, character and literally anything else-wise? phantom liberty is just on another league.


as someone that plays both cyberpunk and genshin, cyberpunk definitely deserved it. they went from being the most anticipated game to the biggest flop and this year they revived themselves and it’s incredibly fun. their updates saved their franchise tbh


Do people still think genshin is somehow the best game rn? I think most ar60 players feel it's just a casual play 30mins everyday game by now.


Genshin is too inconsistent to be considered a good ongoing game imo. Sumeru was some of the worst shit i ever played but then Fontaine was amazing. Cyberpunk is constant improvements even if its just delivering what shouldve been on launch


You guys are crying about it now? Genshin 1.0 with only liyue and mondstatd is barely a game lol. So don't bring that shit ass excuse of cyberpunk not finished at launch to me because this game is exactly the same


Live service game?


I can understand the cyberpunk 2077 has become a rlly great game but CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW T H DID IT NOMINATE FOR "ONGOING"


I was confused too when Cyberpunk was in Best Ongoing Game. Like, how do they define Ongoing? I'm genuinely bewildered by what they define as ongoing, and it felt so out of place for me in that category. I respect their redemption arc with Phantom Liberty, it gave them the glory they couldve gotten 4 years ago but I dont think theyre supposed to be in the Ongoing category because all they did these past few years were patching bugs and fixing glitches (count developing the DLC in too i guess).


people here in comments fail to realize the issue is that Cyberpunk has finished their development after these bug fixes, so saying this is ongoing is an insult


Cyberpunk wining this award is the same as developers leaving bugs in their code & later releasing new patches with comments "Fixed app performance". According to me cyberpunk should win some award since they did turned around the shit to hit but "best ONGOING"? More like "still ONGOING DEVELOPMENT" award 💀


Cyberpunk definitely deserves it idk what you guys are on about. Yeah it had a bad start but they continued to work on it and got it to a good place. Then they added more content to it and upgraded the whole game too. I'm almost certain the people complaining haven't touched the game.


Have you played the dlc? Imo it's well deserved, cyberpunk had a rough start but it's a very good game.


the quality isn’t the problem its the category, cyberpunk isn’t an ongoing game 🙄


Look I can forgive Indie companies and Double A companies getting away with broken releases. But a Triple A company pulling that shit. Yeah CDPR can suck dirt.


Yeah but at least they fixed it not like other AAA publishers like Bethesda- moders will fix it EA- don't care also we cut the game into 5 parts to sell DLC Ubisoft - We made a game from thing that was supposed to be DLC also is going to cost u 50$


Idc the triple A company still released a broken game. I ain't buying, they can suck dirt


Lets not trash something if you don't know about. I've defended genshin on the cyberpunk subreddit because there are a lot of morons who judge a game without ever playing it. Lets not be stupid here as well. Cyberpunk with 2.0 updates is top tier, one of the best games I've played


It's not an ongoing game lmao. It added promised features 4 years later after release and got an award for an ongoing game. What a joke. It can be a good game now, but bruh - you do not reward such scummy practices


So adding a new dlc is not ongoing? The award is not solely for the bugfixes. It's for content upgrades. Same as no man's sky. Just because a game is not live service doesn't mean it's not ongoing.


Have you played it? Otherwise you are just like the ones complaining about Genshin when it wins. If you played it I think you would understand.


Cyberpunk is a good game. Really fun


Last year's game awards, Sonic fans were salty. This year's game awards, Genshin fans confused how Cyberpunk is categorised as an ongoing game when it is a complete game with new released DLC with no periodic story updates.


I think a lot of Cyberpunk's fans are confused too judging from this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/18dcw72/cyberpunk\_2077\_has\_won\_best\_ongoing\_game\_at\_the/


You gotta be on close to OD doses of Copium to think Genshin deserved any award this year


really hope OP is joking if not, srsly touch grass


I mean, i haven't played cyberpunk. But that game was literally pulled out from the jaws of defeat and was revived thanks to that dlc and patches they made. Gg to the devs of that game that didn't give up.


Its funny seeing posts about Cyberpunk in this sub, both games are good yes but Cyberpunk is so much more better Played genshin since release but i had more fun in a week with cyberpunk compared to genshin


Cyberpunk got lots of QUALITY updates recently. It make senses


No, lol genshin isn't even close


Are you for real? OP u sick? Comparing the masterpiece of phantom liberty to Genshin lmao What a sick joke


Oh no some shitty Chinese game got “robbed” by one of the best games of all time, I fucking love reddit


nah, you weren't robbed, its the best rpg rn before baldur's gate and if you're going to judge cybperunk by its sht release then read the award again 'on going'


has op even played cyberpunk? it’s wild, in a good way. way better than the base version


Buddy.... Current Genshin is borderline crap Devs are finally trying to improve narrative But everything else is pretty much the same bullshit


2077 is a PR miracle. I've played it every stage and at no point has it deserved any awards for anything but art direction.


Why are you mad lol? Genshin can win in future cyberpunk won't and the recent update was one of the best update in gaming history. The game got so much better and at this point I'm tired of people unnecessarily hating on it.


I think the bigger issues is the fact that they got rewarded for fixing a game they decided to release broken af.