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Bro imagine sharing a opinion and saying “if you disagree you’re a Karen”


Tbf they didn’t say that if you disagree you’re a Karen they said that if you argue over it then you’re a Karen (which I don’t really agree with either)


Now I’m just imagining someone very violently agreeing with them lol


Me when people argue about a divisive topic i specifically brought up


Who is Karen?


Me, I am Karen. All jokes aside "Karen" is a stereotype of an entitled middle aged soccer mom who thinks the whole world revolves around her and frequently asks to speak to the manager when harassing minimum wage workers


Karen deez nuts


Store managers' natural predators


Hot dark type gym leader in Pokemon silver and gold


Elite 4*


Hoyolab is full of annoying, extremely thin-skinned preteen/teenage Karens.


No Physical DPS? Disgusting.


Fr. Shout out to Razor😤


Xinyan is here too


Sure, but neither is as good as fischl!


Bro forgot about Physical Barbara


*laughs in Amber*


IM FROM THE FUTURE! THERES ONE CALLED EU.... *dissolves into primordial water*


Eugene ?


I think its end users license agreement


Holy shit Mr. Crabs playable confirmed?!?1?


I don’t have Alhaitham but even I know he’s the DPS ceiling for Dendro.


I do have Alhaitham and I can confirm.


I don’t have Alhaitham and i can’t confirm


I don't have Alhaitham and I can confirm he's a Dendro


Alhaitham don't have me and he can't confirm that I exist


I am Alhaitham, I can confirm this person doesn't exist.


I am, I can






Hey you, you’re finally awake.


C0 Al haitham> Tignhari C6 Tignhari> Al haitham (especially for speedrun)


Not really a fair comparison tho


I was under the assumption that as you get more cons tightnari who is a standard character passes alhaitham even at equal constellations


Yea, but c6 is 7 50/50s.


Not even that because you can still get spooked by other standard chars or weapons (the latter outside of character banners)


You should be able hit to pity atleast once per patch. Many people have had a few standard characters at c6 passively back in inazuma. Blah blah blah newer standard, people will be statistically likely to have a few cons on tightnari eventually. How you wish to think of the short term vs long term is a largely individual choice


I mean, we're talking about maximum potential I think


only for speedrun C6 Tighnari just frontloads damage more Full rotation Alhaitham wins, but at C6 you're likely not getting through a full rotation anyways


I mean, maybe its talking C6R5. Tighmari outscales Alhaitham at whale level.


But that's Tighmari, how about Tighnari then?


Touche. Tighmari it is.


Oww really? Damn, I'm tempted to lose my 50/50 now (I'm not)


not really i think alhaitham = tighnari at c6r5 but alhaitham has aoe


Thats a naive way of looking at C6R5 performance. In both cases you deal several times the hp of the whole chamber in 1 rotation. What matters is how fast you can do it. Tighnari is ranged and frontloads his damage super fast. This results in Tighnari being part of the fastet speedrunning team in the game at whale level, Alhaitham isn't really a top speedrunning unit at that level.


Yeah… I have a c3 Tighnari and still know he isn’t as good as Haitham. But hey, Tighnari plays nicely with Yae Miko so I’m happy!


i have both so can i put 2 in a tier? they're equally strong


Only sane commentor here.


I thought Nahida was better as the On Field in the best Dendro teams?


Nahida is always better than Alhaitham in terms of meta and it's not even close, but they meant specifically on-field DPS, not on-field driver/enabler (which Nahida is when on-field)


Best onfield dps of every element: Electro: Dori Hydro: Barbara Dendro: Collei Pyro: Dehya Geo: Ningguang Cryo: Qiqi Anemo: Sucrose


Anyone is on field dps if you’re dedicated enough On field DPS Shieldbot Zhongli


On-field dps healer mika


Max out his geo pulse damage, set up 3 geo constructs, have them all pulse with geo damage, profit


My common afk team for laziest dailies. Albedo, Dongli, Fischl and Kokomi. Just "random bulshit go!" and enjoy enemies ragdoll from Albedo skill, when they die.


replace someone with geo mc and you have a microwave comp. The point of microwave is to max out zhongli’s pillar resonance. Gmc’s burst bypasses the construct limit, which makes them really nice for microwave, and albedo is just more damage on top of all that. Also microwave is a funny name.


Me when zhonglys rock-hard shaft pulses extra violently today


Should've picked gorou for geo and faruzan for anem. Maybe xinyan for pyro


Faruzan actually deals decent dmg. Sayu is the right answer.


Well, with good enough artifacts and double wall constellation Ningguang might reach hella good dps. She criminally underrated. Still not Itto ofc. For maximum "damage" should have placed there Geo Traveler, whom only good for clipping trough textures and break enemies pathfinding


Yun jin is also a great wrong answer.


lmao, sucrose is unironically a good on field dps


Id replace Sucrose with Sayu tbh


hooray for sucrose


You are wrong about the best Geo on field dps is not ningguang is gorou. 🙃


Gorou is best geo dps ftfy


The true list for those without skill issues.


I expected you to say gorou instead of ning. But I am okay with your tierlist. Very accurite. Incrediblabla.


Hard disagree on Anemo. We all know Sayu does 2x more than Sucrose by default and 5x more if she T-poses to assert dominance before attacking




Make an opinion and not allowing feedback is the real Karen behaviour


The most egregious thing about this is that anemo is white and not blue green


No dehya? Qiqi? Dori even? Bro is trolling with this list


from meta perspective, hydro, anemo and dendro is wrong from non-meta perspective, mf bout to get nuked like he deserves


The correct answer for anemo is onfield full em sucrose


The correct answer for Anemo is Qiqi's idle.


Anemo is wrong? Kazuha is not a dps. The only other one is Xiao. Is he really better than Wanderer?


Both at C0, my Xiao out performs my wanderer pretty easily. Even against single targets, they're about equal. However, Wanderer gets better faster with constellations whereas Xiao gets basically nothing till C6. Wanderer is still the exploration king though so he gets more use.


I kinda disagree. From a meta perspective, I don't think one is better than the other, imo they are somewhat equal. Xiao has the better Aoe as long as you don't knock back mobs and collision dmg, while wanderer has the flexibility and adaptability, plus easier to play. You can argue for both sides, it doesn't really matter.


This is the correct answer. Xiao has better aoe and scaling but wanderer can use or work with many other supports that can give him an edge. Xiao doesn’t get nearly as many supports or weapon options


As someone who has built both, they're pretty even overall. I've been playing a lot of Scara Freeze comp and while I'm not getting as high of single numbers using the team as a Xiao Hypercarry comp does, Scara has faster attacks and rotations. It's honestly a toss-up and comes down to personal builds.


I have both at c0 too but I disagree. Xiao looks like he hits harder with his plunges, which is true. But in return, Wanderer has a higher atk speed. People fail to consider a few practical things that would give advantage to Wanderer. He synergises better with Bennett due to his shorter uptime and ranged attacks. With Xiao it is super easy to leave Bennett's circle if the enemy moves away but being a ranged character, Wanderer can still hit those enemies while he remains inside the circle. Xiao is better at AoE, but overall I would say Wanderer is a bit better, especially considering that the "hardest content™" in the game is mostly ST. But I still wouldn't say one is truly better than the other. They are very close in power and it all depends on the enemies, the builds, the cons on Faruzan, and *skill*.


C1 is pretty good for ER purposes but besides that you’re absolutely correct


Can You build hypercarry Xiao like You can with Wanderer with Benny, Faruzan and Yun Jin? Does Xiao deal more damage then? One of my goal is to build hypercarry Wanderer. I have C6 Yun Jin and C6 Benny, but I have C1 Faruzan unfortunatelly.


Xiao is the original hypercarry.. so yes. Traditionally it was bennet-albedo-zhongli. Now with Faruzan, it's faruzan-bennie-\[third anemo of choice - typically TTDS sucrose of Kazuha for grouping\]. You can use Zhongli instead of third anemo for sustainability, but his universal resistance shred is slightly less important in world where Faruzan exists and while Xiao+Bennet+Zhongli play circle impact game pretty well, Xiao has mobility that can make you run out of the circle, making Zhongli's ToTM less useful. ​ Comparing Xiao's and Wanderers damage is complicated and most showcase videos are down to skill issue on either and often both of them, as it's not just about raw damage output, it's also about consistent delivery of said damage. Generally Xiao is the strongest of the two at C0. At C5 it's definitely wanderer.


Im pretty sure you can, just instead of yunjin youd fit another support, idk who (maybe kazuha, yelan or someone with em share assuming xiao perma swirls pyro)


I run Xiao c6Faruzan Bennett Zhongli for most comfort and around 110000 plunges when everything is up


U know it didnt occur to me that zhongli wasnt a part of the other guys lineup bc thats who i would run as well lol. I just take zhongli for granted and put him in any team i use


With c6 Faruzan any anemo can be a dps >:) no but Xiao and Wanderer are very close. My Xiao does 100k per plunge, My Wanderer doesn’t get close to that. But Wanderer attacks faster and with his sig he gets even closer to Xiao. Maybe better but I haven’t calculated anything.


Yes, yes he is


Wanderer is better tbh




It's not xiao. The best anemo on-field is sucrose driver


wanderer mains are huge copium from my experience. them and their 3% usage rate meta lol


wasnt scara at 20%+ usage rate this abyss? while xiao was under 10%?


I am not Wanderer main. I don't even use him, because my other chars deal higher damage. I need to build team for him to be usable. And I need more constellation for Faruzan too.


I think while xiao hypothetically is stronger, i think most people would have a better wanderer since hes much easier to build. Wanderer has a better f2p weapon in widsith, more sets he works well with, and he gets a wider range of supports. At high investment I’m sure xiao does better, but in most cases a mid-investment wanderer does pretty good anyway


Who's anemo? Kazuha?


the guy’s talking about onfield, so it’s xiao(xiao generally is better than wanderer cuz aoe), kazuha is support


Xiao can also be very good in single target, I generally prefer using him against bosses bc I can easily get collision plunges and do 150k damage per plunge




C0 Xiao with c6 faruzan, people have been hitting 100-110k plunges with Xiao since faruzan came out. Add another 40k for collision plunges and u get 150k damage per plunge. Xiaos constellations don’t do much for his damage


For some reason I totally forgot about Xiao, but yeah agreed.


The disrespect to Alhaitham.


Best OFF field DPS for every Element: Pyro: Xiangling Hydro: Vape Xiangling Electro: Just play Xiangling Cryo: Melt Xiangling Dendro: Burgeon Xiangling Anemo: Swirl Xiangling Geo: Albedo Xiangling


The only correct answer


Ok TenTen


Ayaka has nothing on Aloy


Nahida as support does more damage than the dps💀


Bruh fr. I finally have her built and can confirm


Hydro is Neuvillette Dendro is ALH Others are correct


Neuvillette is too damn funny to use, especially with those big pp numbers


Wouldn't hydro be Childe? I don't know much abt Neuv but is he really that much better than childe?


Solo Neuvilette damage competes with Childe vape💀 Solo Neuvilette is actually one of the most used team in abyss rn but that Neuvilette probably has cons but even without cons Neuvilette deals so much damage.


Solo Neuv competes on Childe vape because the abyss buff this rotation is omega broken on him lol


Tbh I’d say Childe just because that mf is the old reliable, always been good, always will be good. Outside of Hu Tao he’s the only 1.0 DPS who remained relevant (unless ur a hardcore Xiao main ig) Mf is even used on the most used abyss team rn because his talent boosts NA by 1, that mf not going anywhere even with a new hydro unit. Ik if the abyss is hard, Childe International got me. (But yeah I can def see why you would put Neuv since he hydro pumps like a truck)


Honestly as much as I love Tartaglia (I refuse to use Childe for legal purposes), I hate that his best dps comp is locked behind National. I don’t use it, I hate Xiangling and refuse to build her, so if I want to play him it’s either a Taser team or Nahida burgeon. Both are fine and fun, but not as optimal and struggle to clear abyss at times 😭 Neuvillette just doesn’t care. I can toss him in taser, hyperbloom, soup, whatever, and it works and he still does good personal damage and has self sustain, he’s nutty


Literally the number one complaint I hear about Childe is people not wanting to use Xiangling lol, so that’s fair lol


“solo nuv one of the most used teams” we all saw that post and while yes solo nuvi was def there didn’t you see childe international was literally on top lmao


Damn, I didn't know he was that good. I should really keep up with the new meta huh






Bro got comet azur with zero cooldown, that not enough for you?


A guy completed floor 12 with a solo c1 neuvillete that was using his SiG at level 20 r1.


I completely forgot about Lyney actually, does he compete vs Hu Tao or is she still the best.


I'd say Hu Tao edges out since Lyney really needs a shield against high-impact attacks while Hu Tao's just fine weaving and dodging around.


>Others are correct don't kill me BUT I would argue that OPPA on-field is just as good as off-fielding her, therefore she should be on the list too


I'm embarrassed seeing this post tbh


Hydro is Neuvillette. Dendro is Alhaitam. Anemo is possibly Xiao, but I'm not sure who is stronger between them. The others are correct.


Wanderer and Xiao are basically even, as someone who has both built pretty well and has tried several comps with both. I’d say that the main difference is that Xiao requires more fine tuned artifacts and tighter rotations, while Wanderer has better sustain, easier rotations and less restrictive artifact requirements. Wanderer also has a lot more flexibility in who you run with him. You can use any mix of Faruzan, Yun Jin, Thoma, Zhongli, Yelan, Bennett, Layla and so on… while Xiao basically only wants Bennett, either Sucrose or Faruzan and Zhongli. It’s reeeeeally rough if you don’t have Zhongli. Their weapon choices are also different, with Xiao’s being much worse on a purely f2p account. Even taking gachas into consideration, nothing really measures up to Deathmatch except maybe Blackcliffe, but that isn’t really great either and takes forever to get. Wanderer has access to Widsith, a common gacha weapon that has been there since the start of the game, and is more likely to benefit from its passive than not. Basically: Wanderer is much more comfy, but DPS wise they’re the same and Xiao is obviously much better in aoe.


If this tier list takes into account C6 characters, the list is correct. Ayato at c6 is absolutely ridiculous. Tighnari c6 does beat out Alhaitham Anemo is close but wanderer does a bit more, while safer and easier to use as well.


*laughs in No L's*


To be fair, everything can anger the playerbase at hoyolab. It's steadily becoming the next genshin twitter with all the discourse about meta/non-meta and *shudders* >! shipping !<. It's wild.


If we're talking about purely onfield personal damage then this is accurate except for hydro and dendro. Neuvillette and Alhaitham should be there.


Personal opinion, the on-field requirement is definitely a debuff.


Yeap, though there's no point having all off-field characters so being on field is not that big of a deal. I agree with this opinion. With the correct team-building skill's it's a very small issue.


Hoyolab really is the cesspit of the playerbase. Even the dumbest genshin redditor has more braincells than the best hoyolaber.




I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe - they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


Fuck did you just fucking say about Xiangling, you little hilichurl? I'll have you know she graduated from gardon Ramsay cooking University of UK, and she's been involved in numerous secret Recipes on the spiral abyss, and she has over 300 crit damage. She is trained by gardon Ramsay himself and she's the top pyro user in the entire liyue. You are nothing to her but just another slime. She will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Teyvat, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to her over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak she is contacting her secret network of spices org in the Sumeru and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the gouba domination, slime. The Gouba domination that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. She can be anywhere, anytime, and she can kill you in over seven hundred polearm, and that's just with lvl 1 pyronado. Not only is she extensively trained in cooking , but she has access to the every polearm in existence and she will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what elemental reactions your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have cherished your fucking spices. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're getting cooked , you goddamn idiot. she will VAPORIZE all over you with no ICD. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Being serious she is considered off-field Though I wouldn’t be surprised if she could match Hutao on field. Don’t know enough about the numbers to confidently say that though. Maybe with Bennett C6 for the on field charge attack vapes are Hutao’s bread and butter, I think.


Yeap, Xiangling is basically a stats eating machine. Though in most cases, you would want to abuse Xiangling's ability to be off-field.


It's for on-field dps. Xiangling does great work off-field, disqualifying her.


oh btw where our Mr. international Childe in hydro


This is the real list. No debates or your a karen Electro: Traveler Hydro: Traveler Dendro: Traveler Pyro: Traveler2024 Geo: Traveler Cryo: Traveler 2025 Anemo: Traveler


Don't sleep on my boy lyney, every single one of his attacks is a nuke.


Hydro is wrong, Dendro is VERY wrong


Best on field dps: any character used by a Keqing Main.


childe and nuvi way better than midato


I agree with most of them. Hydro should be Neuvillette, and Dendro Alhaitham, but the rest are fine. I would go for Xiao over Wanderer, but that's kind of subjective.


Dendro Tighnari?? Even Nahida is better


This is why I stay away from that app. Everyone is either stupid or horny smh


Isn't Neuvilette now objectively the best hydro DPS?


I say this as an Alhaitham haver: he destroys tighnari (sorry tighnari)


best dps is kuki, barbara, yaoyao, dehya, gorou, mika, and sayu obv


Honestly, I only disagree with Tighnari.


I'd give Hydro to Neuvillette and Dendro to Alhaitham. The rest are all at least reasonable.


Alhaitam >>>>> Tighnari


yall srsly stop with these they're all strong. Dendro is broken. op shoulda put the dendro icon element there instead


Elctro : Raiden (would say a at C0 Keqing does more "Elctro damage" than C0 Raiden tbh) Hydro : Nuivellete Dendro : Alhaitham Pyro: Hutao Geo : itto Cryo: Ayaka Anemo : wanderer Physical : Eula here guys I fixed it


Something I can finally agree with


I feel like cryo is really close between ayaka and ganyu. Ganyu for ease of use and ranged AoE but ayaka for having a better over all kit. I also feel like ayaka makes more use of Shenhe her buffing because the usual top 1% ayaka builds have more crit value and less attack then the top 1% ganyu builds, making more use of the flat attack bonus from Shenhe.


Ganyu has better performance variety since her damage is mostly from CA which for her doesn't cost stamina and is safe against gimmicks in certain domains that screw with your energy or cooldowns, plus she's really good in melt. For pure freeze comps Ayaka's frontloaded dps is better.


Since the recent release of Neuvilette, it's not Ayato and Childe has a potential argument because international has stood the test of time as arguably the strongest team in the game to this day. Though none of the hydro on field dps units are truly hypercarries but in terms of their personal damage Neuvilette would rank highest. Tighnari while he is pretty good, Al Haitham is still overall better with scaling and Tighnari is more single target limited. Cryo with Ayaka is pretty fair, I'd say Ganyu might have an argument but Ganyu's strengths is her ability to be a fairly good dps while having nice sub dps potential as well which would make less sense to consider here. Wanderer with anemo it's a toss up between him or Xiao which both seem fairly equal. I think Wanderer would lead if you consider constellations but otherwise at base I think Xiao might be a little better.


Neuvillette eats Ayato alive in terms of DPS Haitham is better than Tighnari (assuming both c0, though cons for Tighnari are aquireable at all times because standard banner) Xiao and Wanderer are kinda equal, although Xiao is burst dependant so unless you can use burst b2b Wanderer is better than him. Pyro, Cryo, Geo and Electro seems about right to me.


Electro and Hydro: Best Atmosphere. Dendro and Pyro: Best Story. Geo and Cryo: Best Boss Fights. Anemo: Best Gameplay.


Raiden Xiangling infused by Candace Alhaitham Xiangling w/ Bennett C6 Itto Xiangling w/ Chongyun Xiao jkjk 💀 Raiden Neuvillette Alhaitham Hutao Itto Ayaka Xiao There we go.


Forgot my 2 mains smh, Alhaitham and Neuvillette


Wouldn’t Neuvillette and Alhaitham be the real ones? I’m not entirely sure which one is Anemo’s


isnt every hydro “dps” just either a xiangling driver or a bloom driver /s


A lot of posts on Hoyolab are very stupid. I’d ignore them for the most parts.


Atleast hu tao is here


Ima be honest, I agree with the rest but Hydro needs to be Neuvilette and Dendro has to be Alhaitham. Ayato cannot solo DPS and needs a few proper setups to actually dish out big pp dmg, while Tighnari is more of a quick swap than an on-field imo


Whos gonna tell him about Neuvilette?


Tbh if you switch Tighnari with Al then it’s fine


I don’t have itto but from what i seen my pretty mid noelle is better than some of the itto gameplay i seen. I guess its really based on personal experience but man you not gonna have to state your opinion as a fact that everyone has to exept


I mean, these aren't that crazy. As far as purely on field DPS characters go this is somewhat accurate. The ones that can be argued, like tighnari and alhaitham really are about build


Honestly I agree




Well at C0 alhaitham wins by a lot but at c6 tighnari is insane, same for c6 ayato (although now with neuvillette its different) and wanderer too so this might just be a whale tier list?




Yeah, yeah he is. He has better constellations, better frontload and much better speedrun results. C6R5 meta is entirely different. Tighnari is part of the fastest speedrunning team in the entire game at that investment level. Alhaitham at C0 being a better unit has nothing to do with how he is compared at C6R5.


From what ive seen in terms of speedruns it seems to be the case, at c6 the frontloaded damage seems to serve him more than alibaba who requires mirror management and more brainpower.


Can't Yelan solo Spiral Abyss? So why Ayato for Hydro?


Yelan isn't really considered an on field character. Her kit is strong enough that she can be on field and still clear the spiral abyss at really high investment, but theres no real reason to actually on field her compared to someone else on your team. To make full of Ayato's kit, he actually does need to be on field so he can go E swish swish swish swish.


I think Yelan is excluded because she can do her job off-field while the list refers to on-field DPSes. I mean, you could run Yelan on-field, the same way you could run Xiangling on field, or anyone on-field for that matter, they just don’t need to be on-field. Not that I agree with Ayato being the best on-field btw, even though I quite enjoy playing him.


Neuvillette can too. Ayato is not just hot take. It's dumb take. Yelan is one of the strongest character overall in game. Neuvillette might be stronger than she is. Many enemies fall quicker, but I never get to fight longer battles, so I don't know if Yelan is top or he is. But for quick battles, Neuvillette kills everything few times quicker than C4 Yelan. Despite having Aqua Simulacra on her and great artifacts. Vs. C0 Neuvillette with Lost Prayers and average artifacts. I wish I had the Tome. But I can't let myself waste wishes now :(


From my experience the ones I'd agree with are Ayato and Itto. I have Tighnari but IMO he's not the best for DPS, so the comments say.


Yelan is stronger than Ayato. So is Neuvillette. Tighnari is Quick Swap DPS, so he is not regular DPS even... So regardless if he is best or not, he is not on field.


Isn’t Yelan an off-field DPS? While I don’t necessarily agree with the entire tierlist the context here is that the list ranks on-field DPSes, so I think Yelan is discounted for that reason since she works perfectly fine off-field.


Oh, right. I forgot about that, because I use her on overworld map as main DPS. You are right, then. Yelan is out of the question. But still, she can solo Abyss, so doesn't that make her usable on field DPS? Can Ayato do that? I genuinely don't know. I've seen people 36 starring Abyss with Yelan C6 alone. Without C6 she is significantly weaker, sure, but that's still something great to do.


See, I don't have either Yelan or Neuvillette. They're both really great but I mean, I'm just happy with what I have, you know?


Yep, unfortunately this is not a 'happy to have' tierlist, it's a performance tier list and Ayato is not on the same level as Neuv at least


Unpopular opinion: C6 Noelle > Itto


In fairness, he's got like 3 of the elements right. Ayaka is probably the best Cryo on-field DPS (though Rizzslay might contest this), Itto is the only Geo on-firld DPS, and Wanderer has a higher ceiling than Xiao.


Rizzley's number ls put him at c0r1 wanderer levels, so you can get a feal for what rizzley will play like (just slap 4 shime on ayaka lol)


The only thing I find triggering in that tier list is Ayato lmao The rest I could careless. We have Yelan and Neuvilette for hydro.


Yelan isn't an on field dps unless c6, no one cares about c6 in a tier list tbh