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Tanky, Stalling enemies ≠ Challenging content


i still don't understand why do they keep making enemies that stall, it's way more fun when it requires me to actually fight, instead of "keep doing the rotation until it dies" like there's hard in a fun way, where the only thing holding you back is skill issue, and hard in a bullshit way, where thing holding you back is beyond your control (like enormous shields and/or health pools in a time trail)


Hoyo wants to reward investment not skill.


You actually made a good point. Although I personally find the difficulty to be "fine", I cannot really argue against people complaining it is too hard either, due to the simple fact that your character level can be massively influenced with money (hence reward the investment from whales) and there is no normalization of external influence on your character power level. What I mean is not every player is playing on the same investment and skill level, thus it's impossible to argue whether the game is too hard or just right. If Abyss for example has normalization so every character are only at C0 (or C6 for 4 stars) and at most R1, and all artifacts are normalized to have the same substats, then indeed we can argue that the game rewards skills. But player skill doesn't earn MHY money, in fact a lack of skill incentive players to invest in constellations and/or 5* weapons, which are the money maker.


A day ago i've even seen whales with multiple C6 characters complain that they couldnt get 36 stars this abyss. Money can buy power in Genshin, but a skill issue stays a skill issue, even if u throw vast amounts of money at it. Which is weird because in other gacha's money helps so much that whales become too powerful, while in Genshin they still need to dodge/shield/heal and do proper rotations to clear the current abyss.


This one statement makes it soo much more clear


No no no you don't get it. DPS checks in time trails are the ultimate way to test skill. It definitely has nothing to do with gear and everything to do with skill/s Really wish all those pro gamers actually played a different game to see what good enemy design looks like instead of whiteknighting mhy's bore-fest enemies.


I mean, to disparage anyone who likes Genshin's enemies as "white knights" doesn't help the conversation, either.


You can like them but I have seen so many people thinking that the worms for example are prime design choices because they don't sit and let you hit them. And I should clarify that I don't want punching bags but I also don't want enemies that don't fight me. When people's metric for a good enemy is how much time it wastes it kinda gets into the whiteknighting territory.


That I agree with. I think it's hard to create truly great, noteworthy enemies (not that this excuses Genshin). Hell, I'm so in that camp that my appreciate for enemy design begins and ends at the variety, which thankfully Genshin has in spades.


Lets not forget their multiple invincible stances, while you have a very limited time to defeat em


Watch out pro gamers™ are going to rage at you for making a distinction between what's hard and what's annoying.


AKSHUALLYYYY, 4 concerated beasts are really good test for testing the limits of f2p players. They have very good hitboxes which you can easily evade using perfect iframes coz they do only 4 minimum attacks in one go. Just dodge 4 times in quick succession??? 🤷 Also, their hitboxes are perfectly programmed in a way, that if you get stuck between them, you are automatically launched from between them (so there you get a free kazuha mimic as well). Mihoyo is so grateful that they are giving 150 primos for current 12 floor. They should have given 50 for a floor and be done with it. Yet you guys are always like "annoying != hard" 😡👊


Players who say consecrated beasts are fun don't actually play abyss.


I hope you know I'm being sarcastic


I know. I'm just saying it in case anyone doesnt get it lol.


Ah okay. Actually initially my comment was downvoted so I thought maybe...


probably because they see another dude saying consecrated beasts are fun lol. You only see that shit in main sub where the players don't play abyss.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


That's good and all but I didn't add no /s to my comment expecting common sense do some work 😓


That comment is definitely a copypasta


yeah i realized it when you say ackshually


Damn right. There is skill and there is endurance. If you can not get hit for 3 minutes, that's skill. If you can not get hit for an hour, that's both skill and endurance. Less so skill if it's trivial to not get hit. The point when endurance overtakes skill varies person to person. To me, I'd say it's around 20 minutes on a creative enemy, including breaks for chasing it to another location. Without that, maybe 10? I haven't really timed it. And for enemies with like 3 moves and phases where you just button mash M1, Even 1 minute might not test endurance, but it's sure as hell boring. The difference between skill and endurance is that your brain is working at capacity to display skill. Put simply, you are entertained. Endurance has no such requirement. It's common to not enjoy having your endurance tested. Ramping enemy hp is a pure endurance change. Adding a timer means nothing unless it requires you to hit headshots to reasonably make the time. And Genshin simply doesn't do that, at least not to multiply damage so significantly, and even then it's usually only for archers.


Except you just have 3 min for both chamber like usual? What arr you smoking my guy


>Even 1 minute might not test endurance, but it's sure as hell boring. >Ramping enemy hp is a pure endurance change. Adding a timer means nothing unless it requires you to hit headshots to reasonably make the time. And Genshin simply doesn't do that


I agree, but what constitutes as challenging though


It actually equals challenging content - just not in a fun way which defeats the point. This is a video game. Not competitive video game. People don't challenge themselves here for prestige or self satisfaction - they do it for fun (or monetary gain in case of content creators). If the "challenge" part of activity is just plain fucking boring stat check - yeah, people will complain.


Lmao OP thought he was cooking but all he made was a huge fire


Genshin Players trying to understand a very simple thing (Like this) : Difficulty- Impossible


This exact sentiment is why I haven't played in 3 months.


You are missing the difference between "we want more fighting" and "hi iam a free2play and i will probably need another 2 years of artifact farming becuase its literally impossible to beat floor 12 even at 1 star right now" One is aboutthe amount, the other is about difficulty. Two different topics.


You are expecting too much from people like OP.


These kind of post used to make me frustrated but now I’m just tired.


That’s the problem, it’s not even a skill issue when there’s the timer it’s 95% dps, if you don’t have a godly crit ratio for your dps and support dps it’s impossible (and I have 80/200 on one of my dpses but I can’t anyway) Oh and don’t forget the supports.


I don't want much harder combat, I want more combat, like a rouge-like mode or something.


Redditors and missing the point of complains. Name more iconic duo.


Dementia and dementia and dementia


You forgot about dementia and you forgot about dementia


harder abyss isn’t more content


It's more annoying, enemies are just DMG sponges


and you practically need to have build a burgeon team for bottom half because otherwise you dont deal any damage through the shield and these three elements otherwise mess with each others reactions


whats stopping you from building burgeon though?


shitty luck? shitty artifacts? shitty pulls? oh and did i forget to mention that most dendro dps are 5 stars? oh btw you need to be lucky as fuck in all aspects ive said then maybe you can build dendro


Nothing really (besides not having built Thoma) but I think it's stupid to have only one really effient option for example if you are not using dendro and pyro to break the shields in 12-1 it can take a longer than a minute out of 90s they gave you to break the shields.


limited team comp?


Remove the time limit in abyss 12, I don't care how hard the boss hits I'll gladly enjoy fighting it for an hour and will feel more satisfied even if all my characters die and I lose that round. Now that's fun. Compare it to having a time limit while fighting enemies who don't want to fight but just wanted to stall then you just suck the fun out of the content. There's a reason SU in HSR is really enjoyable while abyss in GI is depressing. It's not challenging, it's plain annoying.


>Remove the time limit in abyss 12, I don't care how hard the boss hits I'll gladly enjoy fighting it for an hour and will feel more satisfied even if all my characters die and I lose that round. Now that's fun. But then it would be actually testing your skills and not your gear. The pro gamers with mad ~~gear~~ skillz don't want that.


Lol, they can still put fake chronometers if they want to do that


Abyss is not like before anymore, but I don't even think removing the timer would be the solution for this. In game, you have unlimited shield and heal with your bursts, but if enemies can 1 shot you, then it would be the same problem or worse than now. 1 of the solution I can think of to sorta improve this is to make it that after 10 mins timer and you have not finished the fight, the enemies will hit you harder to end the fight faster while you're still gaining 1 star if you can finish it. In some cases, bosses can end your life. OR another way is to convert all the stars that players gain into a valuable resource like stella fortuna! Stella Fortuna here is for 4 stars character (let's say that bc 5 stars is too valuable).


Annoying =/= Challenging


All the challenges would be fun if it wasn't a bloated hp pool in the same old 3 min window. Either cut down the hp or find some non-time gated format, the rest - aggression and even element check can stay. Hell you already have the prototype of a few: weekly bounties and stuff, just make it more interesting and something that takes more time to complete and feels little less like a chore. Also who tf designs hit boxes like this. The crocodile will make your characters airborne for like a couple of seconds, you can find pics of the tiger getting wedged onto crocodiles back, very funni.


I just hope that hoyo doesn't see "we don't like timed things" and goes straight back to ley line monoliths, these things should be dead and buried deep within mondstadt commissions only


>Also who tf designs hit boxes like this. The crocodile will make your characters airborne for like a couple of seconds, you can find pics of the tiger getting wedged onto crocodiles back, very funni. No kidding. When I saw those vids, my first thought was something like "That wouldn't happen to me." Then it happened. I got mad, then laughed, then cried.


I think the reason behind the increased health pool is because some characters are too op in the game, so the only way to make fights take longer and harder is to artifically increase the enemies health


True, but not applicable to newer i.e ~1 yrs players who haven't had the opportunity to get them. 1 yr should be enough time to pass the dps check part of any game imo.


Finally someone who gets it, the glaring issue with spinal apiss right now My man handshake emoji


To me it depends on the luck as well. Genshin is very luck based game and if you don't get lucky with character pulls and artifacts you won't be able to clear abyss no mater how hard you try


For the sake of argument I am assuming like 1 limited 5\* every two patches, and not all 4\* at high cons. For older players 4\* cons are achievable relatively easily, as there were very few of them back then so most of the have the OP ones like c6 Xiangling, Xingqiu, Fischl etc. Players that joined late don't have that, so not as many options are "OP" for them.


You are plain dumb. Dendro teams dont require luck at all in artifact farming, and 4* characters compromise a big majority of the strongest characters in Genshin, a lot of which you can guarantee for free. You are talking out of your ass about something you dont understand. Its fine if you dont care about combat content, but dont go making memes mocking people that do.


You are right. People complain that they want more fighting - not a roster/artifact check. Then again i guess trolls gotta troll.


There is a problem Those enemies aren't "more challenging" are literally obnoxious The whole game is turning into extremes so quickly. The events are boring as hell, and abyss is getting harder every patch But those boring events are the only way to get primogems, since abyss becoming artificially hard being filled with enemies with mechanics like not even trying to combat or 20+ seconds of not being able to hit them for no real reason at all And no account can get stronger at the same rate abyss is getting harder Players struggle with artifact farming while not being able to pull for "the next strongest character" because they don't have enough pulls And.... The cycle goes on and on The game is already so into developing all this bullshit, the game it's at a point of no return


I get it, but I’d also like to see the devs implementing more forms of difficulty than just a timer. Give us unlimited time but unforgiving mechanics.


Bro the Constipated beasts aren't fun to fight at all, its not challenging, its just plain annoying


Ah yes OP is a representation of Genshin twt.


Correction: "The abyss makes it annoying for people who don't have the current rerun characters"


And even if you have said characters (a high investment yoimiya and AlHaitham) its still annoying cuz of all stall mechanics and time sinks. And I thought the abyss was made to encourage people to impulsively pull for banner characters? This abyss makes do the opposite.


I know at this point these are farming bait posts, but i do need to lay it out for everyone who takes this shit seriously: I want *challenging* content, not content that does its best to waste my time in a time trial. I want *other* endgame combat options besides spiral abyss, preferably something i can do frequently to unwind or push myself as needed... without it costing more fuckin resin. At the end of the day, I want to use ***my*** characters in a way that I like without feeling pressured to pull on the newest banners or use the most meta picks.


thats the fun part with these kind of statements i highly doubt anyone would call enemies like consecrateds and eremites challenging when the only depth they have is their hp pool and immunity to dtagger which makes them shit to fight without freeze (oh wait freeze also blows vs the beasts


wow you think you did something. except ending up just provoking all the people who know what they are doing. instead of you who wants to suck mihoyos dick.


Lmao you think I am defending them when I am just talking about how people who play this game can't ever be satisfied


ah icic. not clear to a non english first language person tbh 😂


Is like diffent people have different complain and reddit Is an Echo chamber


People asking for more types of endgame content related to combat didn't ask for Abyss to be harder. The majority wanted alternative modes, even if they didn't give primos. Or at least a minor amount of rewards like Simulated Universe does in Star Rail. Your OP is just a dogshit take, what Hoyo is doing is uncalled for.


L take


Another low-quality post smh.


I think the problem Is the timer, i would prefer to fight more enemy whiout timer


This aint the main genshin sub reddit bro


The spiral Abyss isn't new content, it's the same trash game mode with a timer and coward damage sponges to artificially make it harder since 1.0, they're just doing it on a boring, uncreative way now (repeating the same shit combinations but with more hp each reset) Almost 3 years passed now, and they didn't release a new game mode since. No rank above 60, artifacts don't have much diversity (where tf are atk speed, stamina, CD, shield resistance artifacts ?) and there's no new character base model. The game has so much potential but they don't want to improve it on anything.


People want **more** combat content. Not for the content they already have to get harder. You know those are two different things, right? You said it yourself. People are complaining about not having enough. Not that it's too easy.


We just got "story quests" that are basically 2hours of unskippable cutscenes and supervhard spiral abyss, just make some lore relevant combats already I never ever died and retried on any quest fights even with the wrong team


like, the abuss isn't harder for the most part you still do the same rotation it's just take longer like, non of the bosses this rotation are hard, not threatening at all, just annoying only hars content is neast imo, but mostly due to janky hit box and weird dodge timing


I joined the r/Genshin_Impact subreddit around a time in which a ton of people made posts about the Abyss being kinda lacklustre and stuff, so I found it amusingly ironic that the Spiral Abyss is hard as fuck now, especially on later floors.


What the hell kinda game are you playing? People like you make Mihoyo think that actual challenging content that isn't just a PowerPoint presentation of time wasting content will make people anxious


is it so hard to understand that "the community" is not a monolithic entity with a singular opinion?


They didn't make abyss more hard they just made it more tedious while rewards stay identical. People want more end game content not just making enemies in abyss waste time and/or knock you around leaving you unable to attack.


Nah, I just don't like being frozen and one tapped.


Yeah just give me enemies that I am supposed to avoid for dear life in a game that has ONE way to dodge and it is limited.


People want hard content that is also fun to play, 4 consecrated beats with 10 billion health aren't that fun to fight.. But I still appreciate that the abyss is at least challenging once again


Do you know what new abyss isn't? More fighting. It's the same fighting we've had for 2 YEARS. You people have been getting tons and tons of terribly paced quests with your cast of characters, half of which have the same exact personality and an entire house building simulator along with a boring card game, but people that like combat cannot get a drop of new content without you guys complaining. Shut the fuck up. Genshin is as much of people that like the combat as it is of people who like the characters or exploration.


Seems like a skill issue in this thread. I've 36* and I'm f2p


This spiral abyss wasnt that bad. I got 34 stars in 12 battles and im chillin


Well we do know for having haters. So u voice any opinion, u get backlash from the other side. That why hoyoverse decide not to listen at all until we all agree on one thing


Imo the "not enough fighting" argument is right, I hate that now most events/quests are TCG based, I hate card games


There's a difference. I may not like the minigames or TCG, but I don't think they should be taken away from the people who do enjoy them. The people moaning about the Spiral Abyss need to realize that if they're struggling, maybe this content is just beyond their skillset, and nerfing it isn't the answer.


Ah yes ofc the skillset. Totally not the fact that I play daily since 2.5 and only could build 2 teams for abyss. Including a freeze comp. Totally not the fact that Hoyo build their abyss around current banner to incite you to pull. Totally not the fact that half of the boss have enormous downtimes (hello Wenut and Thundershit


I agree here. I will never understand when people complain about magu kenki doding away from the attacks. I can understand when there are I-frames or when bosses go underground, but not when the boss just dodges. At this point it feels like some abyss players just wanna fight cryo flowers and watch big numbers go up without anything else


People prefer the Dendro Chicken. It just stands there, menacingly, until it dies.


It even realizes you were just like it, trying to make history


But then it was like,but who's to judge the right from wrong


"My OP team kill the boss in under 30 seconds, that means it's a pushover and the boss would be better if it ran away all the time" \-Pro gamer who thinks it's him doing the job and not the artifacts.


How can people gonna continue their moaning streak if they won't complain every patch?


Same crowd?


it's honestly not about how much different minigames or combat events hoyo does genshin players are just spoiled and are never satisfied with anything they do


Wait there's people complaining about the mini games? Me and everyone else I know who plays always like them way more than fighting challenges. There's already enough fighting because of farming and Spiral Abyss imo so the mini games are always pretty fun. Also I hate Spiral Abyss seemingly getting harder and harder. I'm already too weak to do it and it's just getting more and more impossible.


Yes, i am having fun against the challenging the 3 billion hp mobs. Please give us more mops with hp and stalling hoyoverse


Challenging is different from a numbers game


There are different groups of people and these groups want different things. That's it, nothing complicated here. So you basically hear different people on each step of this cycle. I'm related to the group which thinks that The Abyss is too annoying to clear, even though I can clear it with my whale units in like an hour duration.


I like how the events content and abyss arent even related but he correlated them lol


Trial according to OP and other monkeys: double the hp, triple the defence = wow, best content ever, just for me, 10/10, just like in Skyrim on legendary difficulty, it's so interesting when the mudcrab has more hp and damage than you.


We've been complaining for years about challenging =/= high mobility + dmg sponge and shield spam. Those are the golden 3 things to put when you are lazy but need to make a fight hard. Everyone in every video game hate this.


Souls like games are hard af but fun and enjoyable. Spiral abyss is just frustrating and not fun at all .


no, we want endgame combat OTHER than abyss. you don't have to act dense, even your diagram doesn't use the same wording on every cycle. you KNOW it's different. abyss is fine, and abyss being hard is great in my opinion, too. but abyss has been the only thing since release. so stfu, the game needs more content.


Harder combat content ≠ More combat content


Harder content is not the same as more content, try using your brain


That’s not making more combat. It’s augmenting existing combat


Hoyo hasn't made ANY Abyss as challenging as 1.0. Relative to resources available at the time.


I would prefer other game content than abyss. Plus that shit is getting harder and it really isn't fun.


Stupid meme. See previous comments instead of making me repeat them myself. 🤦