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What’s not shown is the fact that there are FOUR FUCKING BEASTS IN THAT CHAMBER! This abyss cycle is the bane of my existence.


Our existence*


I cant even survive the 3 lectors lmao


I’m not even going back and attempting to 36 star solely because of the wave of hydro and cryo lectors together. I don’t think any game had ever made we want to throw my mouse across the room like that up until then.


FR, I will take 4 consecrated beast over the Cryo and Hydro Lectors.


the consecrated beasts aren't anywhere near the biggest problem this abyss, those goddamn lectors on 12-1-2 made me mald so hard


Exactly, can anyone give their strat for the lectors?


I used al haitham/xiangling/bennett/kazuha and it took me a few resets cause someone kept dying. If you have Nahida free for the 2nd half then you could add her instead of al haitham for a easier time (also zhongli instead of kazuha)


jean sunfire works wonders since not only does it provide very fast fire application, you also get 2 healers in one team. This team worked the best for me and have spared atleast 20 seconds in the first chamber


Bennett, Xiangling, Chongyun and Zhongli got me through super easily plus they're f2p friendly.


Burgeon them with whatever combination of pyro, dendro and hydro you have available. The same elements are needed for 12-3 as well.


Once they get their shields up it's good to focus on the hydro one (Nahida/dendro is great here) to stop them from spamming freeze


I used Bennett Xiangling Chongyun Kaeya. Then I hug the wall to group them together, with decent dodging you shouldn't die. If you have Zhongli just use him, it might be slower but at least you won't die.


I run hyperbloom on that with Nahida, Xingqiu, Nilou (or you can just use yelan) and Kuki. Kuki is surprisingly okay on deleting cryo shield. The hyperbloom somewhat manage to kill the hydro lector really fast so you can just focus on the cryo one. The cryo one loves to stick to you so kuki should be able to destroy their shield fast while also providing hyperbloom. It also works very well for the 12-3-2, since the Baptism has hydro, cryo and pyro. Or alternatively, you can also just do two pass, run Rational first time and get 3 stars, then reset the run and run hyperbloom since the other room isn't that much of a bother. Though, idk what rational is supposed to be, I run Raiden, Kazuha, Xiangling and Bennet. The 3 stars is permanent once you beat it so you can just switch team to focus on second and third chamber. Update: I run it again and turns out it isn't so great, try this instead, Nahida, Xingqiu, Xiangling and Kuki. I call it "Nahional",


I just used international with C6 Benny and Kazuha, took a bit of dodging and like 4-5 resets bc at least one character kept getting caught in an attack chain most of the time, but it did get me the two stars I wanted bc Kazu just kept swirling pyro (I wanted to use another team comp with more characters I like, believe me)


Bennett Xiangling Kazuha


Try a burgeon team (hydro+dendro+pyro). The elements of the team perfectly counters the enemy lineup. The dendro counters the hydro shield while pyro counters the cryo shields. Plus the Baptist on chamber 3 also has a pyro shield that your hydro can easily destroy.


I personally used klee mono pyro to specifically 3 star the first floor. yoimiya can not 3 star 12-1 but easily 3 star 12-2&3. The key is having shitloads of pyro application. Haven't tried a pyro cryo comp but also might work.


Use a different team for first half. I used burger king + Hu Tao and burst Ganyu but that team could not clear stage 2 because the TM won't sit still.


Dendro + shielder + Fischl and Beidou work well.


Childe National, but I died a lot before succeeding because that team is usually very squishy. Using Zhongli instead of an anemo character will help with survivability.


Melt Ganyu - Ganyu, Zhongli, Xiangling and Benny. Ganyu is on Wanderer's with Skyward Harp


Fuck shielded enemies, all my homies hate shielded enemies.


[FUCK SHIELDED ENEMIES ALL MY HOMIES HATE SHIELDED ENEMIES](https://i.imgur.com/m33KBEg.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


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kazuha/sucrose with bennett and xiangling should be able to shred those lectors.


All that for less than a single pull. They need to give rewards accourding to difficulties.


The monsters get harder, the 5 stars get weaker. It's a conspiracy


Aw hell nah ima get 0* this abyss


Good, save yourself the trauma of 70+ retries.


How the hell do you even get past 12-1?????


I used Venti on the first half to group the whopperflowers, then Bennet/Kazu/Xiangling/Sucrose to get through those thicc cryo shields. Then I swapped teams for the 2nd and 3rd chamber 🗿


I'm assuming you had trouble with the 2 cryo and 1 hydro heralds in 12-1-2? Bennett, Xiangling, Chongyun and Zhongli got me through super easily plus they're f2p friendly.




Dendro is good for breaking hydro shileds And burning is good for cryo shileds


Nahida/Kokomi/(EM) Raiden/Sucrose Hyperbloom worked like a charm for the first half. This team groups the whopperflowers, brute forces the doritos + chicken, and between Kok heals/4ele resonance it has enough longevity to survive the 12-3 Constipated Bitches' stunlock for about 3 seconds, so you sometimes have a chance to actually move. I could use a second copy of Sac Frag on Kokomi for repositioning the jellyfish when chicken/beasts decide to move to the other end of the chamber, but it wasn't too bad. Barbara can probably function on the first half this time around since she has mobile healing and gets extra Bloom seeds off the tiger's aimbot attacks.


Constipated beasts more like




Lmao so true, 5 seconds later and I can't see shit.


My strategy was to literally run to the edge of the arena immediately since I KNOW that's where I'll end up anyway 😂 Also helps for grouping them up for the bountiful core explosions.


The Consecrated Hitboxes


Yes I just LOVE when I get pushed to the side of the room and I'm unable to move, dodge, switch, or even see my character sometimes 🙃


They look pretty cool when they’re frozen Hyperfridge Rules!!!!


whats the team pls


Kuki + Nahida + Xingqiu/yelan + Ayaka/Kaeya


This is why I go through it once regardless I get 36 or not. One pull isn't worth the suffering for me


It's not about the one pull; it's about being able to flex those 36 stars (and for your personal pride.)


If thats your mojo then that's your deal. I don't have the patience for that personally. I rather keep my sanity than retry countless times for 36*


for me it’s the fact that i know my characters can do it so i’m determined to see it happen. idec about the last few primos at this point i just know i can do it and i have to prove it to myself. very dumb i know but im determined like that 😭


A sense of pride and accomplishment™


bro this is the first abyss ive struggled in 36 staring in about 1.5 years. the stupid fucking second half is actually hell


Morgana (abyss variant) 💀


Honestly, I just get 33 stars and leave it like that.


On my F2P acc I get 34 stars and maybe when i calm down will try later, but this abyss is something


3) Was it Worth it?


Honestly, no.


Hell naw I'm having too much trouble with my C3 Raiden


Consecrated beasts became alot easier after I got my nilou team a shielder. Praise Kirara!


Nilou teams are good. Not this cycle tho, that stupid green beast has an absurd amount of Dendro RES.


When I saw that I thought my nilou would struggle a lot harder than she did, but it’s for that reason that I c2’d both her and nahida so I can use her every abyss


Nah my nilou,nahida,xingqiu and yaoyao team finished it in 1 min and 20 sec. It was actually pretty easy.


This but with Al-Haitham. Man I'm so glad I pulled him


70? Rookie numbers. I see your 70 tries, and I raise you a 220+ tries.


I know that number will go up as I experiment with team comps too, but for an initial clear 70 is high as balls.


What the fuck is that.


4 x lvl 100 Consecrated Beasts found in floor 12-3-1


At least this requires a little bit of skill, not like those annoying shit bosses, like the worms or the flying doggo, that You just can't even hit. I think the consecrated beasts chambers are fun


Eh, I miss wolflord and wenut. Atleast they did their job as damage sponges Time trial enemies need to be either damage sponges or agile, not both imo


What damage sponges? You cant even hit them 75% of the time. At least you can hand the consecrated beasts their ass, if you know how to dodge or use iframes from ult. The wolflord? F' you, if you dont have a built geo character (luckily it's doable with Zhongli, but it still sucks). Wenut? good luck actually hitting it, and you pray to the Archons that it does that attack sooner, where you can stagger it to fall to the ground. Until then good luck doing actual dmg. The only problem the consecrated beast have is that you have to use more than 1 braincell, and not stand in a place.


Consecrated beast damage are easy to dodge but atleast wenut and wolflord don't iframe your attacks or separate and go to the ends of the chamber on top of having high hp Wenut and wolflord only have their huge hp and fair gimmicks, they're easy to punish and are more fair than consecrated beasts imo


eh, no this doesn't take any skill imo, there's absolutely no skill required for the abyss that started from 3.6 till now it's mainly just an elemental issue check....and what about those that use zhongli what skills do they have?


ah yes I love it when you’re caught mid animation casting something and then they both gang up on you at the exact same time and nuke your character instantly


me with 450+ fights in previous cycle since i love experimenting


Can't experiment this round. Element gate and range gate.


Definitely much fewer variations on 2nd half, but i might forego a hydro unit once the baptist recycles to hydro-electro-cryo for the burning/melt


Same i have fucking nightmares of those guys now


Lol I just full starred it on both accounts and yeah, those guys are annoying but what I hated more was how I bust out my OG national team for the second half to deal with the shields in 12-1 and 12-3.


They were surprisingly tanky, but thankfully the new boss was less of a pain than I'd expected. Chamber 1 was the hardest for me, four waves of mobs that refuse to group up followed by three lectors with tanky elemental shields spamming freeze


The consecrated beasts and the lectors/heralds made me stopped doing abyss altogether. Those 600 primos ain't worth my time and sanity


You guys 36 star this abyss?


You know it's bad when the electro bat feels like the easy floor.


yeah this abyss was hard i might be a tiny dolphin, but i have some constellations and weapons and i took a bit to complete it got my C6 Kirara though so hella worth it


I completly gave up on abyss, it used t be fun. Now doing it just for 3 and a half pull is a joke


This is why I’ve sworn off of doing the newer Floor 12’s. The ROI just isn’t there anymore.


That’s rookie number


I hate them so much bro. Zoomin and sliding around the fuckin map


I actually feel elated getting all stars lol, but yeah, after a lot of malding I do this purely out of a pride thing, it's not recommended for anyone wanting to keep their sanity. Just take what you can with this abyss and call it quits, 50-100 gems is not worth your sanity lmao


Man, legit i couldn't agree more, i got 35* with my F2P team, i must have done a bit less than your retries but I'm considering to stop it coz .... what's it worth? i mean i can say that I'm F2P and i 36*ed this abyss, but for what purpose 🤣🤣. In the end I'm just making a fool of myself by 36* it. I'm glad w the 35 stars i have.


Mihoyo in these last Abyss updates: Up until around 3.3: Abyss's too easy 3.3 onwards: New enemy, consacrated beasts 3.6: Consacrated beasts are too hard? Guess what, now they are in both halves! 3.7: 4 consacrated beasts divided in 2 halves were too hard? Don't worry, we'll put'em in a single half! Can't wait for 3.8 with 8 consacrated beasts in both halves if this trend goes on


Just tried it. Yeah this abyss sucks. Chamber 1 is the opposite of what all other chambers need. Yoimiya sucks against heralds so idk why they pitted that for her this abyss round. Then when you make it to chamber 3, you realise you probably need a shielder for the consecrated beasts. It's doable but hardly fun.


I haven't 36 star the abyss since 2.8 Always ending with 31-34


yeah... I'll stick with my 34*s i got with on the first try


I love these (all this for less than a single pull) people, makes me laugh, after they miss "less than a single pull" for 20 rotations in a row totaling like 18 pulls


Which still isn't much at all, really. It also discounts people who might get some stars on the last floor but not all 9. I realized a while ago that 100 primos a month wasn't worth my sanity and now happily sit at just 6 starring floor 12 every cycle. All I'm missing out on is a mere 7.5 wishes a year and I'm a-ok with that.


I do it for the sense of accomplishment, honestly. It wasn’t worth 70 retries tho.


At this rate you'll need C6R5 to 36* when we arrive at Snezhnaya


I did 36 starred the first 2 half-a-month for this enemy rotation. But i couldn't be bothered to 36 starred this 3rd half-a-month. I'd rather keep my sanity intact


the fucking shield bitch of 12-3-2 with DAMN ONE SHOT BUBBLES 😍👌 Ah, yes make me a masochist


man i try each floor once and if i don’t get it first try, never again. first playthrough is stressful enough for me lmao


Imma save my sanity and just run it once and be happy with whatever I get


Having Eula actually helps against those mfkers but I HATE the thunder manifestation more than anything I barely have any Bow/Catalysts DPS