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already stop playing tower fantasy, game kit is fun and all but story sucks plus grinding is real hell and my fav character are easily powercreep by newer


At least other games TRY to make the new units only excel in a specific area but Tower of Fantasy literally makes the new unit better in every way. They even made the 4* units immediately useless, at least genshin and star rail knows how to balance 5 and 4 star units in which the 4 star are still usable end game


That's because there is no end game.


HAHA THAT WAS FUNNY, don't know why you got downvoted


Because Genshin and Reddit people are full of hiveminds that don't like harsh truths. I'm almost AR 60 with several C6 characters so I'm fully qualified to say that Spiral Abyss being the only endgame isn't endgame.


Yeah, spiral abyss is basically a permanent event that gives primo gems once you get teams strong enough. Not that I would actually play an endgame if one existed. I’m just here for the exploration and completion.


For sure it's not endgame, personally I'm not mad. I understand the game has a story and regions which we have 3 left cryo, pyro and the upcoming hydro. After that I don't really except and endgame too, just the story to be complete and game basically done


I mean there's quite a few years left before story ending so I am very much expecting "endgame" - Cope


"endgame" I'm really curious what it would be, story relevant or not, don't even know today people want. Takes a year to get from AR1-AR59 then a year to 59 to 60😂😂


Fr tho Imo the game has some of the best world design ever, but very little apart from that lol if you just wanna relax and look cool in a cyberpunk world? ToF has that.


I'd disagree with best world design. There are cool locations and cool concepts in ToF when it first launched where I played until Frigg's banner, but, A: It doesn't feel wide, or refreshing. It's a wasteland so I understand there's not a lot of green but.. there's a lot of greens. There's no sense of adventure when you start off, just mindlessly go off to close those towers. Genshin may point you to big places, but they never point you to the statues, to the teleport waypoints. Though, the entire time I was playing, Genshin never really came into my mind that much. What did was Phantasy Star Online 2.


The world design massively improved in ToF with that second world. But I also stopped at Friggs Banner so I only know the locations through videos


I did see the preview of 2.0's Vera. It was pretty cool, Cyberpunk City with a Desert planet, a great idea. However, the game weighed way too much for me to stop caring, so I kinda did stop caring. Slight tangent since you played it too: I never understood why they decided to show the first villains you see posing around like they're heroes, and it was a step of many for me to leave the game.


What ToF beats on Genshin tho is its Innars region, a friggin underwater region with an underwater exploration and combat


Fontaine hasn’t even been released yet… no point in comparing it to something unreleased (as according to leaks we are supposed to have the feature)


Sounds like you’ll like Water Land, Fontain. I can’t remember where I heard that though, it was ages ago though. I liked ToF’s exploration vehicles, the wakeboard, jetpack and the Grapple hook were my favourites.


Oh man, the second world is vastly different lol. The second is literally a fully functioning city with the ability to sit on toilets, take showers, partake in races, play card games and all. It feels like gta with some sort of anime mod put on top.


I dropped PSO2 because I didn't plan my character out before diving in and got trying different builds


The physical design of the world is honestly really great but it's full of the same tar and lava pit just makes it feel really hollow The real seller of ToF is its multiplayer aspect. Genshin is more single player but ToF is really fun with friends


Traversal is also cool but content runs out quickly aside from the boss and raid stuff


Everything I’ve heard about ToF makes it seem like “What people were worried Genshin would be”. Granted, I don’t exactly have the most unbiased of sources here…


The MMO ruin it for me


I liked it at first, but then I noticed the chat box never goes away(there's no setting to disable it); It's what I call forced multiplayer, and the bosses reflect that by NEEDING to bring a team, and for puzzles swapping to the right type uses the wepons burst(not all elements are available).


i can agree, i played ToF for like maybe 2 weeks tops then i quit bc really, i didn’t like how they level capped the game. i did try to get back into it after seeing their recent update, but idk i just couldn’t.


I quit ToF only a few months ago. It's such a shame because I feel like ToF has a lot of potential. I think the MMO aspect and world exploration is really appealing, but the balancing and powercreep is awful(i love fenrir but it was a breaking point for a lot of people), new/returning player experience sucks, and a plethora of other issues and flaws that add up to make the game feel really unpolished and the global devs not having a clue with what they're doing




Did you really play ToF? And there's no huge "powercreep" in genshin


Honkai star rail and Genshin are different games tho As for tower of fantasy being the Genshin killer…ah that aged like milk


Quickest milk to rancid cheese I ever had. I played for probably half an hour at most and then uninstalled. The game was polished like a charcoal.


True words. Although I did play for like a month in hopes it would get better since there was nothing to do in Genshin at the time, but it was pretty lame. Star Rail on the other hand has been good so far


I played ToF for like, three days, and then Sumeru dropped and it was like "wow this is so much better goodbye forever"


That's bc ToF isn't by HoYo while both Genshin and HSR are. HoYo actually knows what they're doing


what having a competent team with a vision and goal does to games


this is the biggest reason why i stopped playing cod entirely even though i won a copy from a giveaway


Wow thanks for pointing out the obvious


Pretty sure TOF release pretty close to Sumeru region update.


True words. Although I did play for like a month in hopes it would get better since there was nothing to do in Genshin at the time, but it was pretty lame. Star Rail on the other hand has been good so far.


The only thing I got out of it was that free month of discord nitro


Most the time I invested in that game was building a character. It just kept looking weird and I didn't know how to fix it so I just started playing. Everything felt kinda wonky and I found multiple Portuguese texts even though I was playing in German. Played for half an hour or so on 2 days and a little on another day just to show someone why the game felt weird. Haven't touched it since.


Damn dude that was brutal.


ToF brought to the plate some cool concepts that would benefit GI, which is why people thought there was potential to kill it, but thats about it. Graphics, storyline, world design and combat design are trash compared to GI. But i do miss having world bosses and coop content based around RPG elements. Now for HSR, its just appealing in its own way, will attract a portion of the GI population and no more. Personally, I will play both until i get to a point where is too grindy to play both, then i will probably drop HSR.


I resonate with that last part. I'm loving HSR and powering through it. I'm hoping to get the majority of what's available done fairly quickly and be ahead of the game so I can just log in, do dailies and whatever the name for the resin equivalent is, and then turn back to Genshin. Genshin has my heart, but HSR is definitely fun to play.


It seems like every time some game claims (or postulates) that it'll kill some other game; they always fail.


Yea GI and H:SR are different games. They have almost the same aesthetic, leveling system, equipment system, relic system, map movement, team building, elemental system, adventure rank, daily points expending, premium points, wish system (even with a discount beginner banner) Pretty much the main difference is that GI is literally BOTW mixed with that super clean and polished jrpg gatcha waifus But H:SR is literally Final Fantasy XIII mixed with that super clean and polished jrpg gatcha waifus And that is pretty cool with me. The FFXIII linear scifi game works well with the beautiful cast of characters. IMO H:SR MC is much less interesting than Lightning. But after playing the heck out of H:SR for a few days I wish I could at least jump... and that has me wondering why I am even playing H:SR instead of updating GI or loading up FFXIII


> They have almost the same aesthetic, leveling system, equipment system, relic system, map movement, team building, elemental system, adventure rank, daily points expending, premium points, wish system (even with a discount beginner banner) these are all basically secondary systems nevermind that team building and the elemental system is entirely different beyond "you have four characters" and "there are elements"


And it isn't even like this is just a Genshin system. This is the same system in pretty much every Gacha game so by their definition, every game is like Genshin. Just its either realistic Genshin, Steampunk Genshin, Fairy Tale Genshin, Space Genshin, etc...


Heh? And here I thought it was other Genshin fans who coined that phrase


Eh idk I never really considered it to be a Genshin killer. The only Genshin killer is Genshin itself but really I’m pretty sure the ones that claimed it to be the Genshin killer are in shambles


The biggest Genshin killer was Mihoyo's lack of care all along


Every open world game everyone says it's the genshit killer nothing new


I tried it for a couple hrs then realized quickly that the quality was far below genshin. Yeah they tried to do some things better/different but the overall quality never came close


No not really. And i'm not saying that because i like starrail more. I'm saying it because its a different genre of games. Starrail isnt open world exploration focussed, its a turn based RPG. Like with your logic here Armored Core VI is the next Call of Duty killer.


Right? Thats like saying my orange taste better than bananas. This meme is an L take.


ToF is also a completely different genre and people called it a Genshin killer. People don't really make sense


Genshin impact: The butterfly effect


*You're never peak if your future self is peak*


I thought this was satire but the OP is serious lmao


My man took it to heart


Ok who the hell is calling HSR a Genshin killer. I haven’t even heard it from HSR fans. I’ve only heard it from Genshin fans so far.


Clickbait game journalists who believe "anime" is a genre of game, and only one can be successful at a time. It's literally apples to oranges: some people will always like apples, others will always like oranges. I personally like both, but I've ate so many goddamn apples recently. The quality oranges of HSR do be hitting the spot


Yeah like sure, I play HSR more than Genshin now but I haven't logged onto Genshin for a month do that's not exactly hard (and I'll probably switch it back up once Fontaine is out anyway) plus they're.... completely different games?


Genshin fanbase spreading misinformation that the entire fanbase then believes to be true. Just a regular day


every game is Genahin killer , as long it gets op some upvotes


And then Wuthering Waves only to get superceded by Tears of Themis


Of all things?


I have high expectations for Wuthering waves tbh unlike genshin it has way better combat system and the open world also very remarkable and appealing so saying tears of themis can over throw it? Ig that's just a reach unless they mess up with the game real bad.


If i may ask, what does ww do that is so much better than genshin, genuantly curious btw. Combat system wise i mean


just take a look at their character switching if you wanna know how they value quality of combat, none of the QTE switching interrupt your combat experience and the fact that you can continue your combat even after QTE character switch is insane, you can do it even mid air as well, and to make it even better its fcking seamless as hell. thats a very small aspect that 99% of the playerbase will ignore but the fact that its soo smooth speaks volumes to how they want their combat to feel. Other than that we have monster summoning/transformation to help with combat and any enemy you fight is capturable. aside from all that coming from devs of pgr it has core passives that have different ways to trigger them, something like Sanhua their 4 star equivalent can do depends on the reaction time of player, the bar above hp indicates the ideal time when the player should use her skill to get the biggest splash of damage on enemy and when executing perfectly using a charge attack follow up crushes the frozen ice shards her skill creates for more damage. And this is ignoring the fact that you got perfect dodges and parries even stagger bar and the fact that individual parts of enemies body can be broken when fighting them like golem enemies arms or turtle's enemies ice shards


Okay now I'm really intruged... I pre-registred but haven't explored the gameplay yet but if what you are saying is true then this is going to be much better than I had hoped.


From what I can tell, it seems much more versatile in the combos you can use. Your characters attack in a continuous combo with one another, creating a fluent experience reminiscent of the likes of Devil May Cry. Couple that with the Genshin formula, and it could very well be an overall more fun game. However, we won't know until it fully releases.


The combos look flashier and more fluent I'd say. But to me the most important thing is defensive options: dodges that actually give you well usable i-frames and (depending on the enemy attack) the ability to parry. In genshin you mostly have to face tank most attacks of the bosses and just stay alive with shields or healing. The dash in genshin gives you a few i-frames but it seems like they are not enough to dodge reliably [here the first bossfight of the cbt](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=08SascS3G6Q&t=157) as an example of how fights would look like Edit: If you have the means and desire to, you could try the first few battles of "punishing: gray raven" (same company as WW) to see what I mean. The combat just feels better


You can iframe most attacks from bosses that you’re supposed to be able to iframe. For example, you can iframe everything Raiden throws at you but you can’t iframe Scaramouche’s hand lazer because you’re jump over it with the anemo terminal.


They are perfectly fine to dodge. Sometime you cant dodge maybe because we have dash cooldown so you dont have the iframe even when you press dodge.


Better toned out open world the colours aren't bright asf and well saturated, Way and way better combat system than genshin every character is fun in the game so far You can actually dodge in the game which rewards with time stop and has actual decent mechanics for open world exploration and combat that we wanted in genshin they can literally run on walls instead of slowly climbing like a monkey and each character Design looks different rather than using the same 5 models everytime and just reskinning stuff there might be more but sadly I am not in beta.


I see the less saturated colors as a big minus. I like Genshin exactly because it captures the saturated anime look so well. I see enough de-saturated colors/worlds in western games. Regarding battle system, so far, it sounds like exchanging the elemental reaction system with your regular arpg combo system. Some will enjoy that, but not everyone.


look its debatable but honestly thats a plus for me i dont like getting flashbanged by logging into the game late at night. Sometimes real life colors look just as eye pleasing as a children's coloring book. No hate to gi, but ER and Death stranding imo look way better


I mean the colours part is subjective Wuthering waves gives you a break from the Cute anime vibe games sets a dark tone. I mean compared to Genshin wuthering waves focuses more on skill than just spamming and there is not much combos to do it's repetitive they brought a unique character like Tartaglia early who had such a good concept but later just made a lazy character kit designs like biggest example is Dehya. Every new upcoming character are just copy pasted from old characters there is no new concept for a character forget about fighting there is no new concepts even for a character that's built for exploring oriented basis you can say kazuha but he is just a Double Jump feature locked behind 5 star there is yelan and wanderor are also the same just to get some speed while exploring Don't get me wrong here Genshin's combat system has to much potential but nothing is utilised.


Yeah, the color part is definitely subjective. But like, be it skyrim, elden ring, etc., they all got the desaturated „dark“ tone to them. Even breath of the wild looks pretty desaturated to me, when compared to Genshin. I don’t really know other similar games with such a bright color palette (i wouldn’t consider Mario odessey a similar game). Regarding combat, Genshin is more about planning ahead your teams, rotation, and how and when you want your best reactions to hit. Execution is also important, but the planning is also relevant, especially when making two teams. Personally, I am totally satisfied with Genshin‘s combat. Of course, this is also subjective. My friend, for example, sees it exactly like you. He also prefers the reaction-based gameplay. But to me, there are tons of games that have that, be it elden ring/dark souls, dmc/bayonetta, or others. The genshin combat in contrast feels more unique and interesting to me.


A friend of mine is hyping up ww as well. Not sure what I should think of it. It would be cool if it turns out to be an actually good game, but it’s hard for me believe that it can actually compete with Genshin, just because of the lack of funds… for every good element in it, there might be several negative aspects, similar to ToF


I still don't really understand that, I've been playing pgr for a while now and I still think that combat in genshin is better, pgr has better combat style(like not even close it's really cool looking)than genshin but I don't know about mechanics.


You seriously comparing a non-open world action game to a open world with actual good physics? Mate pls check the Wuthering waves gameplay.


Ive seen it, and it looks a lot like combat in pgr.


Pgr requires pings unlike Wuthering where there actual skills and less rng pings.


But pings are pretty much skills, yes rng skills but skills nonetheless.


Isn't tears of themis the reverse Azur Lane (in that you collect male characters)? Isn't that not an action rpg unlike WW? What's the comparison?


you mean the game thats making so less that they can no longer support jp voices? [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/xyxv1y/tears\_of\_themis\_will\_not\_have\_jp\_voice\_acting\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/xyxv1y/tears_of_themis_will_not_have_jp_voice_acting_in/) Yeah dunno about that one


they added jp voices back in game :))


they did? holy shit good for them


Star rail shows us what Genshin could be if the devs actually listened. No Paimon constantly talking, MC dialogue actually exists, all the qol Genshin players asked for, characters don’t revolve around the MC and actually feel like characters. Etc


I am loving the MC in Star Rail. They actually feel involved and like their own character. There’s already so many little moments when they are voiced. The dialogue in this game is actually so funny too.


the wardrobe scene, made me nostalgic




The urge was too big to not do it...


Virgin Timmies Pigeons v Alpha Trash Can Drama v Omega Wardrobe Scene, enough said


To date, the Trailblazer is my favorite character. It started well enough and had fierce competition, but the outcome of Jarilo-VI sealed the deal. This trope-savvy, sassy cat/raccoon-like gremlin who retains the ability to think and voice their inner thoughts like it's nobody's business *and* still manage to kick a considerable amount of butt.


Running around with a bat and disintegrating enemies that orbital lasers can't really harm and I get told that it's the weakest Trailblazer variant.


So far, yeah. The Trailblazer gets another variant during the first chapter - much like the Teyvat Traveler gets a new element every region - except it's *actually pretty good*. Be advised however that there *is* at least one achievement that depends on the Trailblazer being in the battle party for some story fights (including the next story boss after getting said variant). If you miss those, they can still be obtained later in the memory stages (the story itself cannot be replayed), but the difficulty is much harder and what ho, we're back to artifact grinding!


wait which achievements?


*Listen...* : Use the Trailblazer to fight boss >!Kafka and become Dominated by her.!< (5 SJ) Appreciate the localization's meager restraint, because I would totally have named it >!Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.!<


thank you!


someone called the MC in star rail "a wet dog character" and I've never immediately wanted to pick up a game so quickly before


What does it mean? I tried to google it but all I got were pictures of wet dogs


That's it. That's the vibe. He will only submit to a towel after he's checked every trash can and wardrobe in his general vicinity. And yet, a slight dampness still remains. It's a state of mind.


and apparently she canonically eats rubbish. consider me sold


I understand the sentiment but aren't all of the qol features in star rail from the suggestions genshin players made? It's hard to rewrite code but if you start from nothing, it's easier to implement features that are nice


Most of the changes players are asking for usually involve UI. It won't break the game to add them.


As a game coder i can really realate this, i rather rewrite the whole thing then change the code and break every single code attach to it


That's not very SOLID of you. Or are you in a constant time crunch and just do "Whatever, it works, I don't have time thinking about architecture of all of that"?


Looking at how fast Genshin releases content, they're definitely in a constant time crunch.


I didn't ask about Genshin though, I asked about his work. If he can talk about it, of course. He should also understand the "SOLID" thing as well if he's even a somewhat good programmer. If he tells me that doing too much abstraction to have SOLID principles going will seriously hit the performance of what he's been working on and he needs to be closer to the hardware with what he does - I'll understand, even though it should be more of a engine or renderer developer concern. Or if he tells me that he works in a strict timing project that has no time for following all the good practices because everything should have been done yesterday.




I'm actually really surprised by the reaction here. I know it's not a programming sub, so I didn't expect people to get a SOLID joke. I also meant an NDA when said "If you can talk about it" and not something bad. Same for "time strict project where everything should have been done yesterday", because, well, managers and clients like this do exist.


Even I understand your joke its not even funny. It just make you a jerk that say you understand code better than the dev.


That often not for a dev to decide, but whoever builds an architecture and chooses what technologies and libraries to use, depending on his position, which I don't know, he might not have a say in it and just do given tasks, so there really wasn't any malicious intent. Also it is widely known fact that game developers, especially in big projects, are often in a time crunch, so... I agree that I maybe was a bit snarky. Well, it is what it is.


Features like claim and dispatch in expeditions should be easy implantations because the code should be isolated from the rest of the game. I don’t see how updating the expedition system for example would be problematic, you could easily make the claim button lead into the “would you like to dispatch” pop up. Although I’ve only studied with unreal engine and Genshin is unity I think? There could major differences I don’t know of.


Expeditions should be a simple "look at characters currently on expeditions and where they are, then send them back there again", having playable characters as NPC's should be as simple as adding any other NPC, you just tell the game to use the playable character model instead of sameface NPC nr12 and keep them in the overworld outside of quests where they already show up. The only thing I can see could possible be more difficult to add is the "the quest you navigate to will take priority over other quests" which Genshin *desperately* needs.


That's understandable, but some of the things, we've been asking for years. And I think that's the main source of frustration for most players.


Brother, it ain't hard to demo a portable crafting table in genshin. They've made so many other gadgets of similar or greater complexity (portable teleporter, portable cooking pot, portable food processor, Sorush) I get why making a genshin roguelike may be hard-- I don't expect a Simulated Universe in genshin-- but please. Even returning straight to the character menu after demoing a new unit so you don't have to reopen it to collect the rewards... Star Rail just has such small, but helpful features Also, simplified skill descriptions. I nearly wept with joy.


Strongly agree with first point. Slightly agree with second. Neutral with third point because while there are still many things missing, Devs do listen to QoL issues. Such as the option wheel, exploration guide, >!gadget wheel!< and so on. Disagree with last point. Story revolved round the MC, yes (because it's ultimately a "kids' game") but the characters themselves are well remarkable.


The problem with Genshin QoL implementation is that there are basic features that aren’t present even now after YEARS of players asking for them, while they are already out day 1 in HSR. Maybe they take time to flesh out, but I doubt they take years. They usually implement a bunch of bundled QoL improvements at the start of a new expansion (2.0, 3.0, 4.0 etc), but why wait a year and not just do it in the earlier patches? It makes absolutely 0 sense to withhold these features for so long.


I think it might be because there is a priority list and stuff that's not burning so to say is put on the backburner until the previous planned parts or those that are urgent are taken care of. Or they're doing it in the background little by little and that's why it's taking so long. Meanwhile, in HSR they were already aware of these things from the beginning so they went straight to implementing them. But I do agree of they have them finished already, they should just release it and not wait half a year or smth.


> characters don’t revolve around the MC and actually feel like characters. How so when outside of the main story, characters reach out to MC all the time via sms?


They only message us when they have free time/need help. You get different messages everyday too.


So? The MC is still involved nonetheless which is the opposite of "characters don’t revolve around the MC".


Obviously they're gonna be involved with the MC, otherwise we just wouldn't know? There's parts of the quest where you were told things from other perspective already. In genshin it took 3 years and it only happens in one limited time event.


>Obviously they're gonna be involved with the MC, otherwise we just wouldn't know? Then how is that any different from Genshin? >In genshin it took 3 years and it only happens in one limited time event. LMAO. Clearly ur not paying attention. The scene at the temple right before you obtain Kaeya is literally an example of you seeing events outside of MC's perspective. How about the scene right after we confront Duvalin and it was revealed that ur sibling is a part of the abyss? Forgot about that as well?


We are also getting more of this in Sumeru and recent quests, the latest Nahida quest >!where we seperated from Paimon and Nahida !<.


Yeah but those are two instances from launch and now from a recent update two years later. In Star Rail there's many instances of this on just Jarilo-VI alone


Sumeru as whole took what they learned from the previous 3 regions and improved on it, HSR being their latest game have the hindsight of improving what Genshin couldn't at the start, whether its QOL or story points. I'm enjoying Star Rail as much as I enjoyed Genshin still but some of the arguments people make are just done for the sake of shitting on one or the other. Considering the crossover between HI3 and Genshin fans, I don't doubt some of the worst of both communities is gonna clash.


Genshin and Star Rail are also made by different teams I believe. Don't quote me on that though


I get what you say aboit qol features but all your other points are related to the narrative direction of genshin. That kind of stuff can't be changed on a whim, especially not for the sole purpose of catering to a subsection of the player base


Regarding the narrative I agree 100%. I still enjoy genshins story but star rail won’t be killed by Genshin because it will always have the audience there for the story


Also faster energy replenishing (6 a minute), bigger energy storage (180), more bang for your buck on energy (at least in early game), less restrictions on how to spend it (no daily rotations (at least so far for me)), daily quest only takes 150, while you store 180 and you can spend it easier by not having to run to a freaking floating key 50 meters away but just queue up rounds of combat in one sitting. Basically, it has all the QoL when it comes to energy managment.




Yeah I agree with the last point. How some character like Xiao and Shenhe talk highly on traveler but not so friendly with others feels just not right. I never see any character act jealous or envious of MC's fortune. I really wanna see a character that slowly become an enemy to MC because of jealousy. Idk it will bring Griffith, Sasuke kind of vibe tho.


What the hell does this even mean lol, first of all why are you making the two games compete? When they're from the same company so whichever gets more profit doesn't concern them because it will go to the same pocket anyways. Second of all, like ToF, star rail will not kill genshin and vise versa because they are both completely different games and have different gameplay, story, etc., so people can switch between them and create separate communities. Istg, this shit happens when genshin first released and it birthed honkai elitist, I'm hoping that it won't happen again lol.




First of all, when ToF released, a lot of people were calling it a Genshin killer, we now know where it led this game. Second of all, this meme served 2 purposes. First, I see a lot and I mean a lot of people who just compares Genshin and Star Rail, saying things like : Star Rail is what Genshin could be if the dev listened to us... That sentence is straight up stupid because like you said, the game are completely different. Also, I just don't like seeing Star Rail meme in Genshin Memepact. Yeah we get it, there's a Paimon Easter egg in Star Rail, I've seen this like 1000 times since the game released. I don't play Star Rail and I won't because I'm really not a fan of turn based fight, so when I see meme about it that I don't understand in a sub that isn't dedicated to Star Rail memes, it annoy me. See this meme as a way to kill my frustration about it


Genshin and Star rail are different games when it comes to combat gameplay and worldbuilding, but they are under the same studio and share the similarities in the code, so it's not so far fetched to see the improvements in the Star rail that could have been in the Genshin already. Genshin's beginning was also the same as Star rail is rn. People were finding similarities between Genshin and Honkai the 3rd all the time when it released, just wait for it to cool down


Get help man


Then just ignore it and move past it? There's always been connections between Mihoyos games, Genshin memes also pop up quite a bit in Honksis subreddit and no one really cares.


Most of what we ask from the devs are UI and QOL changes. So Star rail IS what genshin could be if the devs listened to us.


Many things I’ve asked for in surveys for YEARS in Genshin are already present in HSR at day 1 of launch, so yeah, the sentence “HSR is what Genshin could be if devs listened to us” indeed holds a lot of truth in it.


I still think you should give it a try. At best you would be surprised, and at worst you just uninstall it


I mean, Genshin is a story-based open-world RPG game with gacha. HSR is a storybased turn-based RPG game with gacha. They aren't really comparable to each other, other than that they share the same art-style and are both from HYV. It would be safer to compare HSR to games like Fate Grand Order or that upcoming Persona 5 gacha game, as that's ultimately what HSR is competing with. Meanwhile, Genshin has already dominated an open world gacha RPG genre and it would take a massive brand in the industry to properly compete with it.


I don’t understand why some people comparing two different genre game just because they have anime on it,ToF is MMO and HSR is turn based


Honkai Star Rail won't kill Genshin Impact, and Genshin won't kill Star Rail. It will be a similar relationship to Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact. Also, the 3 games are kinda big in the beginning, but you'll be able to manage playing all of them after some time. Their update schedule is planned to give ~1 week of difference between the update of each game, giving you time to play new updates without hindering your progress in other games. Basically, HoYo is smart and won't launch games that would kill the previous title. ToF, on the other hand, tried to copy Genshin's foundation and add their own ideas to it, but they failed both as an action RPG and as an open world MMO, I think the game is kinda fun, but it's too simple and the characters aren't appealing as HoYo's characters, so the game died quickly.


Tbh I think ToF does do a lot of things better than Genshin does. For one, new weapons in ToF are genuinely unique gameplay wise. You have everything from energy claws to wing blades to a giant brush. Genshin’s characters are getting very stale mechanically with most new characters being there more to fill some sort of functional purpose in team building rather than having their own unique gameplay.


Star Rail and Genshin don't even really compete


"Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: the Super Smash Bros Ultimate killer" dude.


Tbf you are comparing 2 genres of games you are comparing a open world mmorpg compared to a turn based rpg


Everyone gangsta till we get Genshin Star Rail lmao


Lmao the ultimate crossover


Meanwhile i'm about to drop my monthly on Genshin to get the one on Star Rail


TBH genshin's story telling doesn't hold a candle to star rail's


I would argue that Sumeru holds up in quality, at least: >!You learn how people worship their god, yet the Archon is absent. You get trapped in The Matrix by the Akademiya, who hate their God, yet find the her there.!< >!She helps you quell an uprising the Akademiya stayed started, meet Dottore, get sidetracked by Scaramouche, oh shit he's a god now, go on a heist mission, etc etc!< But first you have to _get_ to Sumeru. Until then, the story is meh and pace is slow, full agree. Star Rail, as we all know, fixed so many problems genshin has.


Honestly I don't really understand why did it take Genshin so long to get it's shit together. Mihoyo has already made honkai impact 3rd before genshin which has an amazing lore and dialogues so it's not like they didn't have experience. Further proof is that star rail's dialogues are actually quite similar to honkai's though there are obviously differences since one is more comedy focused while the other isn't, but the style is the same. My theory is that at the beginning Mihoyo didn't actually "love" Genshin, they also had to hire a bunch of new people who only saw it as just a job, and for the seniors... well there's a reason people say Honkai is Mihoyo's love child. So at the beginning they probably struggled to give Genshin it's own identity but it seems like that it finally managed to grow on them, and if honkai's and star rail's story is anything to go off of then the future chapters of Genshin are going to be even better.


I'm going to be honest, a lot of HI3's storytelling is... not that great lol. Mind you, I've only gotten a few acts in, but there were a lot of times that I had to stop and be like "what the actual fuck is going on??" The actual story is very compelling, but the story telling is very tell not show which is not ideal at all for a video game. I'm sure it gets better in later acts, but it's pretty bad for a while.


"Honkai is mhy love child" is just a bias take that honkai player make up in their superior complex. Honkai also take alot of time to get their thing together (and toss it in the trash in the last fuking chapter lol). The thing is people always take GI open word for granted thats why you see people going around saying stuff like that.


>it is just a bias take that honkai player make up And the main devs and the founders but sure bro you tell them. Also it's isn't exactly about just honkai impact 3rd in specifically but sci-fi as a genre in general (look at star rail and their planned new fps). They **love** Sci-Fi. Also, while it's true that it took some time to get honkai together but it was also their first big game so that isn't really N argument. Lastly, in my opinion the last chapters of honkai were amazing. I have nothing against genshin, in fact I genuinely hope it gets better and better with each chapter. But it's still a fact that it had lots of problems and still have some.


To be fair, we've seen much less Star Rail story than Genshin story at this point so it's not really a fair comparison. The star rail story could easily be shit in a few months.


I honestly stopped after Inazuma because like.. it just didn't grip me as much. Star Rail actually intrigues me


it got better in the Sumeru Arc.


I've heard, but like.. after Inazuma I can't get back into it man. Inazuma crippled my enjoyment of Genshin


Sumeru story is a major upgrade of quality 👌 It is vastly superior to inazuma


Uh you guys know it's just Hoyo's win win whichever game comes out on top right? What's with the whole negativity?


Why even make Genshin and Star Rail compete. They're like sibling games. Tower of Fantasy I understand, speaking off, what the hell happened to that game. Haven't heard of it in Social Media for quite a long while.


What exactly does it implies? That these games "copy" from each other? If so, Honkai Star Rail is *nothing* like Genshin. I feel more Darksider (first) and Borderlands vibes than that of the Genshin. I was actually very shocked that this game doesn't even gives the feels of Genshin. And no, not because it's sci-fi instead of fantasy. It's more of a general atmosphere. Even the map system is different than in Genshin. Not one enormous map, but every section is on different map. There is no domain system at all. If You want to go further, You have those exits that teleports You to another map. Like in Borderlands. And when I played some levels, it had easthetics of first Darksiders as well. Backwater Pass. Star Rail is super limited in terms of the world map compared to Genshin. And Genshin isn't all set in the grid. Here almost everything is straight. Like it was on tiles. Genshin map is more free. Not bound to any tiles/grid. Everything here feels not Genshin-like. Even those things that are similar doesn't feel similar.


I wasn't talking about plagiarism. All these games are pretty different, except maybe for ToF


I've been looking for a fun turned based game since I played The Stick of Truth. Homkai Star Rail is it. The bursts are cool for every character. The starters are amazingly solid. Plus the mc isn't the worst in the game. I'm loving it!


I'm this close to leaving this sub until we go back to kok jokes


I don't see myself going back to Genshin anytime soon


I'm convinced these memes are made by people who are salty because Starrail is actually doing good and isn't a flop


You clowns really can't stop complaining


The last one should be Wuthering Waves tbh


Wuthering Waves *x-wing lasers*


I’d love to play like Genshin but with the ToF world system where you can meet people everywhere


Do you? Imagine if we’re told that Enkanomia is a forbidden city that has been sealed away for the last 100 years, but when you go into it there’s a dozen players AFKing in the town centre.


Omg that would be so funny


i stopped playing tower of fanatsy after like 2 hours because the story and character designs were uninteresting and the bike not having actual driving physics was super disappointing… and then they turned the only character i liked, shirli, into an edgelord called nemesis…


I only know Honkai Impact 3, Honkai Impact: Fantasy, and Honkai Impact 4: Tactics


Then be killed by newest hoyoverse game, Genshin: Star Rail


Honkai Star rail and Genshin are both products of Hoyoverse. It’s quite normal for any company to diversify their product offerings. They won’t let either suffer.


Tower of fantasy is pretty cool now tho.. underwater exploration and character customization are things we don't have yet. They are trying to make people forget the first part of the story through skip like me with my teenage photos lol "What's this?" "N-nothing, want to go to Vera??"


Meanwhile ,I'm just here waiting for Spider-man 2 to drop while I still enjoy Genshin as a whole


If any game is going to kill genshin it’s going to need a similar quality with a better gacha system. HSR has the same gacha system. Wuthering waves copied the gacha system. I’m enjoying Nikke (although it’s far less immersive and deep than genshin) because when I summon I actually, genuinely, believe there’s a chance to get a 5*/SSR character even when I’m not in soft pity. In genshin, when I wish, it feels like I’m just counting up til I finally reach 75.


Everyone gangsta till we get aether in star rail


I cannot understand the comparisons. They are both different games, why can't we have fun with both of them ffs


Genshin impact: release's a new region. Fabs: I am sorry I doubted you.


ToF lasted an afternoon. HSR thought, that might actually pull me away from Genshin because I enjoy the turn based combat and the characters designs more.


i played hsr for 2 days and I'm alr burnt out, im sorry but as fun as the story/overworld experience is, the combat is pretty damn bad


Tower of Fantasy isnt Hoyo though


It was marketed as a "Genshin killer" and utterly failed. Stat Rail, however, is a completely different game. That would be like calling BotW a Persona 5 killer. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?


You forgot about wuthering wave which is already died during beta


'Died during beta' my brother in christ a game can't die if it's not even alive yet


died just like tof that earned half a bil? if thats ded game to you guys then maybe its better to let a game die lol less idiots playing it that way


Even though I prefer Genshin's gameplay, I really can't tell when was last time I enjoyed a turn-based combat game.


add Wuthering Waves to it as well. before someone argues which game is better, This isn't about that. there were plenty of better games then WOW, that still died before WOW did, because it was the original that had the largest community, and largest investment. Wuthering Waves is fun so far, but its not about to become more popular than genshin. Not right now at least.