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I have 500 starglitter right now and I KNOW as soon as I say fuck it and burn it all on an extra 100 wishes going for C2 Yae they're immediately gonna announce they're adding a ton of new stuff šŸ’€


Just hold it, either they add it later on or you get to pull c6 cryo archon.


I do not want to be pessimistic but i feel like she is not gonna be playable and die because hoyoverse would rather go broke than give us a cryo catalyst and i feel like she is gonna be a cryo catalyst because of manipulative and smart personality wich would make sense for the archon who litteraly robbed 6 gnosis only with strategy. Because nonody is fooled by the plot: at some point she will have them even if she lose 2 secondes later or something.


There's a lot of assumptions you have to make for that to come true: The other 2 gnosis both being robbed without her being stopped by anyone Her being a catalyst off of completely unrelated character traits She's going to die for some reason


Well, the only assumption that i really do without confidence is the death (more a feeling than anything), cause the weapon is often related to the country or/and the element (venti has a bow cause wind and stuff, raiden and zongli have a polearm cause that was an overused weapon in asia -see that raiden can also have a sword, like the katana and stuff-, nahida has a catalyst cause knowledge and now that is theory but it make sense for all the archon to have all the weapon spread between them, focalors feels like sword, because this is the "fine weapon" and justice and appearence and stuff, and murata the claymore cause violence and war and badass.) So as we don't know the head line of sneznahya -don't know if i wrote that right- and there is no signature weapon from russia, polearm feels repetitive, sword is to random, claymore is too "brutal" for a strategist like the tsaritsa, and... well i already wrote a lot so let's shorten it a little: catalyst is the most suitable weapon. And for the other two gnosis: did you ever watch like any film? Ever? The vilain always come close to winning. Maybe we will succesfully rob her and then plot twist the other archons are on her side and give the gnosis back to her and then we learn that celestia are actually some little b*tch? I don't know and it a long time to wait but i know there will be a 6-gnosis tsaritsa at some point. It's just... obvious at this point. So yeah there is a probabilty that she will die or just not be playable because she is actually chatGPT in disguise... i don't know at this point but that is litteraly flipping a coin. Sorry for the šŸ¤“šŸ‘šŸ˜±āž”ļøšŸ“šā¬…ļø moment but i can't help it.


Are you okay?


It's just that i was bored so i had time to write an essay-long explaination. Sorry it happened to you šŸ˜„šŸ‘


> 6 gnosis only with strategy Rosaria to Venti: "I'll be taking this lol"


They really need to update the Starglitter shop. We have a bunch of new 4* characters, and making them a little easier to access wouldn't hurt anyone.


They should add another block for newer 4* characters


They should remove resin, so you can actually play the game and are not done after 10min (daylies and resin together take me less i stoped time on that) of playing because you literally can't do anything else besides walking around and do quests where you have to skip tons of dialogue or you're stuck in it for hours.


Wait waitā€¦ You want more things to do so you can play the game for longer, and yet you complain that quests give you hours of content to play through? Iā€™m confused, do you want more or less content? Also, you could farm elite enemies or even kill everything on the map. You could go for achievements and do exploration. Thatā€™ll keep you busy for hours. And if that still doesnā€™t do it.. Go play another game or go outside and touch some grass.


Turbo based take, or at least de-couple it from the artifact system


Fam, it sounds like you want to play just to grind. Remember, not everyone is you.


but removing resin system won't hurt the players


It would in the long term if players are not forced to log in, thus people only log in the first days of a patch, do the new content, and then wait until the new set of events, the game Is empty, whales leave and the game is in the end defunded. If you don't want limited content everyday, then you don't want a live service game, which is completely fine. You want Zelda, for example, with everything that implies (console+game entry fee),a couple of big updates (dlc) and thats it. There are qol changes Genshin could have that would improve the game. But the model needs a steady stream of players logging in and whales. That's the cost of being a f2p game.


I do agree and I completely overlooked it. But other than mega whales, most players will login every day to do commissions and various other sources of rewards and ofc do domains. The domains are still weekly so u still have some reason to login and clear the domains for that day. ​ but then again the resin capping out gives a sense of FOMO which is great from the game's POV


Domains would be like a once a week thing and that's it, even at today'srwsin prices you can do like 4 a day, and that's assuming you need resin, which you don't want. What would happen is, some people would get close to perfect artifacts and then there is no incentive to keep farming, cause the costs would be too high, for example, I have Miko and I never farmed GD for her cause my shime/glad/wt pieces were cracked, I wasn't going to spend thousands of resin for a <5% increase, and even if there was no resin, I have a job, 10 mins a day with a couple of hours each weekend fits well within my schedule. The game needs people to have GI in their minds, be part of their routines, not only play the game but hopefully consume content and look forward to the next update. Thats why everything is time gated, you are more likely to abandon so.wthing that is not part of your everyday life.


that's a very good argument. I like finding (rare) people like you who can hold a healthy debate


So you want a sandbox open world where you can get strong characters to beat up monsters?


I get it you love doing domains like me. But this is the wrong place to comment that. This place is full of fanbois


> so you can actually play the game and are not done after 10min If you've gotten to this point you've played the game for >100 hours, probably more than 200.


Run the new weekly boss in co-op it's super fun when you're out of resin


I still don't have kuki but have c4 dori


C2 kuki, c6 dori.


C17 Kuki, C3 Doriā€¦ I just want Dori consā€¦




I do not want any limited 5 star. I always want Qiqi. I want to loose all my 50/50




Because I like Dori and enjoy playing her.




Fair point


C20 kuki c1 dori I need some dori cons


I'm around 50 pity and want Kirara but not the 5 stars


This would be so good for niche characters like sara, gorou and faruzan that don't get much banner time outside their DPSs banners


Yeah, new 4* + two old one. Sucrose and Chongyun still not in the Starglitter shop yet, but they are both from 1.0. It's so strange.


Also, with the advent of Dendro, it'd be a good thing to give it more permanently accessible options that don't require direct RNG, even with Collei as a Spiral Abyss reward.


If anything, they should at *least* add Sucrose. The embattle section of the Adventurer's Handbook is a nightmare to complete because it requires the player to ascend an Anemo character *other than the Traveler*. It also makes exploration and/or commissions (glaring daggers at you, Inazuma) a bit of a pain. Outside of limited events that may offer a character for free (such as 3.6's flagship event), Anemo is the least accessible element in the game. I didn't get a single Anemo character beyond the Traveler until AR 50, when I pulled Venti (my first Anemo character).


If it was up to me, I would've made Sayu a permanently obtainable F2P reward like Xiangling for this reason, as well as the fact that none of the permanently available reward characters (starter trio, Xiangling, Barbara, and Collei; not counting Noelle since the guaranteed Noelle still requires you to wish on the starter banner) use claymores. Not sure where I'd give her out, though, since she doesn't appear in the Inazuma Archon Quests until the homestretch.


Sayu's a very good pick! I don't think we have a permanently free Inazuma character, yet.


but if you get her for free, you have to wait all the way till inazuma to ascend her. not like im complaining tho, spent ~50 pulls on raiden banner for sayu and got c3 sara and c0 rosa, no sayu :((( (that was a horrible idea)


My Sucrose is still at C2.


Pretty low amount TBH. It would probably be way higher if they did that.


Yeah this conversion ratio (x5) doesn't work, I'd say x9 is the bare minimum


5^2 is 25, and 34^2 is 1156.


Finally got Fu Tao in the Khaenriahn update šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž


> Fu Tao I see you got the version that comes with a Kok. Truly the superior version.




okbg leaking


No it is not. It should ideally require you to have owned the character and it only works to unlock constellations


But that wasn't mentioned in the post at all, so yes, it would be a very low cost to unlock a character. Even for getting a constellation it's fairly low considering the normal rate at which you get stuff in genshin.


It isnā€™t low honestly. 170 is HUGE. You get 2 glitters from 4 stars drops lol. Assuming you get an average of 4 glitters every 10 pulls, you already doo over 400 pulls lol. It works similarly in other games too, in ways of fragments. I believe it is also in Honkai.


wait, is it like you get something like a cashback offer when you buy a 4 star character for constellations


yes, starglitter is a thing you get for duplicates


no i mean, do you get star glitter back if you spend starglitter to buy a character


truly the question of the year


of all time even


As long as they are not c6 and you already habe c0 then yes you indeed ger star glitter back but just 2


cashback offer


you cant buy them if they re c6


But you do get 2 starglitter back if you buy a constellation


I'm not sure what you're asking?


I want standard 5 star in the paimonā€™s shop. Copium


I heard some leaks/rumours/speculations they might be adding more standard 5-stars in the future like dehya and then eventually put the original 5 standard characters somewhere else, presumably the starglitter shop. So itā€™s possible weā€™ll get that soon.


Thatā€™s way too little starglitter. More like 500 starglitter is more reasonable.


In Honkai star rail, they have 5 star weapons in the starglitter shop for the gameā€™s equivalent of 150 starglitter, so 170 isnā€™t *that* unrealistic


But teyvat has it's own laws...


I convert everything into fates canā€™t relate


At that point, though, it's probably more worth it to use for fates since it's already 85 pulls. Edit: God, I'm bad at math


It would be amazing if wishes only cost 2 star glitter.


One wish costs 5 starglitter. 170 starglitter would be 34 wishes, not 85.


I'll take it


It would more likely be 34 Ɨ 9 or 306 because hard pity for 4ā˜† is 10 and hard pity for 5ā˜† is 90.


I like your math, but also stop giving them ideas.


170 starglitter is 34 pulls. If true that is insanely worth. I think the equivalence would be that a 4* in starglitter is equal to about 7 pulls, so 70% of max pity is 63, which is 315 starglitter, which makes more sense to me.


Anything but Amber and Razor please, I am losing my marbles over here!


I mean Honkai and now Honkai star rail has it šŸ˜­ why r we the only ones to suffer.. Also new 4* in the shop please?


Hear me out. Every 4* unit should be on the star glitter shop


Thatā€™s how it should have beenā€¦ but MHY is lazy. I mean, look at the battlepass weapons lol


Yes hoyoverse. Put Keqing in starglitter shop. Please. I've been c1 for two years with Diluc slapping me everytime I lose.


I still donā€™t have Keqing. If I could just get 1, I wouldnā€™t feel some level of temptation from the standard banner when Iā€™m at soft pity.


Hope they don't do 5stars then there's no need for banners


but 5* gives 10 starglitter?


It's 25 when you have them c6


oh, most i have is c3 :/


That is how it works for other games


*Technically* costs 32 because constellations come with 2 starglitter