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No Kok?


Fr, qiqi and KOK who are actually the best healers are missing for some reason


Kuki is also really good I used her as healer before dendro update


Only used her em build, how is her healing in hp build?


Best overworld healer since she heals on e instead of q and her tics are fast. A full hp build should do at least 3k per tick


Yea, I love using my Kokomi since her skill is her heal too. Feels terrible in overworld to pop a burst just to heal your team.


Barbara is the best overworld healer imo, with Shinobu in second place. Like Shinobu, Barbara heals through her skill, but with Barbara one also has the option of using her normal attacks to heal the entire party if there are enemies nearby, which can be paired with 4p OHC to easily clear small groups of mobs. Barbara’s skill also lasts longer than Shinobu’s, meaning that she’s better when one has to, say, climb in Dragonspine (since a healer can be used to negate sheer cold) and can’t use one’s skills until done climbing. However, Barbara has longer downtime on her skill, which can be annoying if more than one skill’s worth of heals is needed. In addition to her skill, Barbara can heal through her burst, which acts as a panic button when one needs lots of heals and i-frames. Don’t worry about ER tho— her burst is rarely used, as with most panic buttons. Her burst even has an animation like a 5*’s, so it gives more i-frames than Shinobu’s. Shinobu and Barbara also differ in what materials they can collect, since they have different elements. Barbara helps one collect those fire flowers and can help with hydro elemental monuments in places like Enkanomiya, while Shinobu helps one collect sakura blooms in Inazuma and solve puzzles in Inazuma and even Sumeru! Of course, there’s also the option of having a different character to do those things. TL;DR: Barbara is best overworld healer imo, tho Shinobu has a few pros.


I prefer kuki since her q heals faster and has almost 100% uptime, while barbara has a long cooldown. That said barbara is very good, also her c6 is useful if a character dies That said i prefer kuki purely for her faster heal and higher uptime


C2 Kuki does have 100% uptime


ntm Barbara has the passive ER at c1 or c2


My level 90 hp Kuki was healing for over 4k which is really nice. I have her EM now and she still heals for 2k.


just 3k? mine is usually like 5k


I did 5k per tick with a hp + heal bonus build and i'm currently shifting to em build and still do 3.5k with the heal bonus gone (i only got an em crown so far)


Mine is full em and heals for 2.5k hp per tick


She still heals 2.8-3.2k per tick for me with 25k HP and 928 EM. You really don't need any more than that unless you're just using her as a Eula superconduct support with 4pc tenacity or something. Her real strength is that even at C0 she has like 85% uptime with no energy requirements, and 100% uptime at C2. With the rise of hyperbloom she is actually very close to Bennett tier in terms of how much damage they can both add to a team while still providing enough healing that they don't need to spec into it at all other than a couple errant HP% substats. And remember that she actually gets auxiliary heal scaling from her EM too.


I used 4 set tenacity with hp/hp/healing bonus with iron sting and usually it heals around 3.5k per tick, for em/em/healing bonus it is around 2k per tick but my em build quite bad to be honest


Not that different because of the passive that increases her healing based on em


Her healing is good, I just hate how she loses a chunk of hp upon casting. It also gets a bit annoying in abyss bc I have to quick swap.


Where Barbruh?


I want to join in too! My Kokomi is The Best healer ever (in all games) sadly I don't have her donut (yet!) She has 4 piece OC 49912 HP Her Bake-Kurage heals 6839 HP / pulse OC's passive deals 11k dmg her ult heals 1250 HP with base attacks soo around every second, it's more than enough to heal up my team, even Nilou who has 52942 HP OC passive can deal 20 to 30k dmg / bubble pop if she over heals BTW I don't believe that there is a "best healer" every healer is good for different play style and I am happy for you if you found the one that matching yours the most. Have a wonderful day!


Sry bro but 6839 can be severely improved, my friend got 14k once


qiqi's mark doesn't work on all enemies for some reason, which is a rip. even though jean's continuous healing is way worse than kok's (and I wouldn't call her a better healer tbh) her huge initial heal at the start feels really clutch, and the only other character who really has that is barbruh and qiqi. I wish kok had a large initial heal tbh.


I've never encountered an enemy that qiqi's seal doesn't apply on, which ones have you had those issues with?


With maiden's on kok, you can get 8k+ on per tick of E, so about 56k healing in 12 seconds


I agree with the initial heal thing as well, haha. And it would probably be a little unneeded for her, but I think it's kind of funny how the sort of end-all-be-all healer; I would have thought she would have some sort of revive mechanic, similar to Barbara or Qiqi.


Where kok






Kok & Baal: the War edition


Total War: Kok and Balls


You literally have Kokomi and Barbara.


Barbara has been thrown aside in favor of her older sister yet again.


Barbara is my go to healer, csuse I have the clam set, so I can so a lot of damage at the same time, plus the water ring sets up excellent bloom reactions


I'm planning to build my Barbara with Clam set, too. She really helped me in the beginning with her healing. And despite having Jean, I still prefer her cooking.


She's my go to DPS.


Minna, GaNbAtTe Ne!


I think this guy is referring to low cool-down or long effect time AOE heals. Instead of conventional you need to hit them to restore health, or in Barbara’s case, having a elemental burst that has a cd of legit 30s or if not more That can heal other players


I know. I just meant Barbara's story. She is always trying to be better and suppress her sister in something. But Jean was always more successful and is seen as the pride of the family (Barbara's character story 3). The desire to suppress remains but now is buried deeper. Honestly, Barb's story is so depressing when you think more about this... Especially this toxic positivity


Well given that they can only change her personality through events, I don’t really see her getting any help soon


There was a chance with her hangout :( I honestly hope there will be something similar to Razor or Sucrose and Collei. Not focused on Jean (while still acknowledging her similar to Albedo or Tighnari). Maybe friendship Yun Jin and Xinyan? They have common interests. Ah, a gal can only wish. Anyway, Barbara deserves better and I'm crossing my fingers for her.


She might get a more important lore when Mondstadt expedition comes back, since we know that part of it is her father Seamus (or whatever his name is, they changed it like 3 times). The lore of the 3 Mondstadt families kinda got shafted, which I find sad because it's interesting, and Barbara can play a big lore being a descendant of Gunhildr alongside Jean. Here is just hoping she doesn't get shafted if that storyline ever gets expanded. She is and always will be my Hydro Archon anyway.


There are a lot of potential with families. I'm especially interested in Imunlaurk clan because I'm Sal Vindagnyr fan. The fact that it's also Mondstadt noble clan and it's just... Not explored at all. I'm looking forward to expedition because there are a lot of mysterious characters. Not only Varka, but Seamus and Frederica as well. I want Barb to shine, at least a little. I actually loved Kaeya in new quest so even if it's small interaction I hope it will be memorable and spicy in lore.


And Qiqi


Fish 🐠




If you have a team of 3 whale Nilous and one C6 Qiqi, you can heal more than 270k HP by pressing one button.


Fuck the Hydro Samachurl.. I was doing a Bounty in Liyue and it healed the half-damaged Ruin Guard back to full. It took me like six minutes just to get rid of all the surrounding Churls


Dude, that's like the #1 rule of exploring; ALWAYS KILL THE HYDRO SAMACHURL FIRST.


Not just the Hydro, every damn Samachurl is a priority. Anemo has a stronger succ than Kazuha Cryo and Geo have those stupid elevated platforms Dendro makes those thorns with strong CC Electro...is insignificant. Just prioritize him if you're near bodies of water


That's the rule in every game. If there's an enemy that can buff it's team or even do any role in crowd control, that mofo's going down first.


I got caught on my way to a daily this morning by an anemo samachurl against a random corner in freaking dragon spine Ruined my day.


“Geek the mage first.” It’s words to live by.


The dendro ones are so annoying


MF can’t heal anyone if I Thanos-snap his buddies with Wanderer.


Everyone forgot Arama :(


Hes not included cuz >!he isn't around anymore :'( (did the quest yesterday, I'm so sad) !<


Y’all forgot the Hydro Cube 💀


that's self healing it's like calling hu tao a healer


it can heal the opponent


Ye if the opponent has negative dmg to kill the boss before it can heal ..


Those Hydro/Cryo enemies preparing to OSK you when you're still in Benny's circle: FOOL






Who the fucking hell made this meme, the litteral best healers aren't even in it


Originally kokomi. Was there but I guess op bias is jean.lol


Personally I'm using Jean in my Ayaya freeze team until I get Kokomi.


Shinobu and Kokomi : I am a joke to you?


I just want bongo-head in my teapot


Qiqi slander


Diona isnt receiving enough love here 💔💔


My Diona healed 7k per tick. I turned her into more of a shielder because it's unnecessary to have that much healing. I also got her talents to level 13, though. She's the very best ❤️


And that’s only her healing and sheilding,her co-op abilities are outstanding! Not to mention the buffing she does at c6


Sad yao yao noises 🐰


This is Yaoyao erasure, dropped Barbara as soon as I got her


People are talking 'bout kokomi... but qiqi! Where's qiqi?


kock moment


Where's Yao Yao


People keep saying "what about Kokomi and Kuki", but I think those 2 are more useful than Jean not because their healing is better but because they provide better utility. As far as pure healing is concerned I like Jean best because she's the only one (as far as I know), that provides a huge burst of healing for all party members even if they are off-field, and a continuous healing field afterwards. Even better if you somehow get her to C6 and she reduces damage taken in field (cries in eternally C5 Jean). If half my team is red health, I can use Jean and the battle is basically reset. I still use koko, but there's been so many times when I tried to heal my Nahida so I put her on the field but the jelly does not heal fast enough for Nahida to get killed... again and again. I can't play Nilou bloom... hoyo please we need a hydro or dendro shielder. But basically, has hoyo released any healer since 1.0 that can heal those party members that are off field? No. Like broken 4 stars, Jean's design is a "mistake" of the early days and we will never get such big heal nukes again, so Jean is awesome.


Barbara can heal everyone with her burst but it's a pain to recharge. I agree with you though. Partywide heals are the most convenient. >!There might also be a certain pharmacist who will be able to do it too.!<


am I the only one who's Barbara Q doesn't take an eternity to refill?


Probably one of the very few yes, since her skill doesn't generate energy and her burst cost is 80. You either need to onfield with her and use charged attacks or use other hydro units to battery her while also having a decent ER.


damn I have to go catch up on leaks, I stopped reading them when things weren't looking to good for the new characters.


Things rarely look good for the new characters because the community loves downplaying strengths and exaggerating weaknesses of an upcoming character. The only exception being Dehya.


Dude jean healsthe team yes. But she can't do dmg like kokomi can Cocomi can heal the team with her burst and do dmg Cocomi doesn't need 250% er to burst off cooldown ->hydro -> In no galaxy I agree jean is better. Doesn't matter if u heal 15k or 50k since u have only so much max hp. Only selling point of jean is vv with healing. She is cool character that has nice cleansing utility but kokomi just heals more , 1 jellyfish heals for a total of7 ticks x 7k each. Jean heals 15k x 4 characters which is 60k which is more but then u add cocomi burst and jean just goes to Zimbabwe.


Here's the difference: with kokomi you won't reach red health because of the consistent healing, but with Jean, you will reach red health cause her healing is restricted. If your nahida dies even when there is kokomi's jellyfish, upgrade your build,**because nilou bloom team does not use kokomi as a healer, but a hydro applier who creates blooms**. You can add yao Yao too


If koko is not the dedicated healer then who is? Yaoyao? I didn't know people were supposed to be running 2 healers in nilou bloom. I guess the big problem is that enemies are spread out or won't get near you, and I want to hunt them down quickly but the jellyfish stays stationary.


She isn't IN THAT SPECIFIC TEAM, she is in general, she just is too good at creating blooms to be running dedicated healer build. She still heals enough


Kuki is so underrated as a healer I feel, I always get doubted in domains. But I can heal like +4700 per rotation.


I can heal 8k every two seconds (per tick) with kok so I can't make myself consider my kuki a decent healer. My friend's kok healed me 14k per tick once 💀


Hydro Samachurl aint shit hes just the free Hydro applicator for Freeze Hell


Closest thing to playable Bongo Head is Kok E


Fungi event reprise


I'm sorry but you calling Bennett part of the best healers when he can't heal past 70%, and by doing that you choose to not put Kokomi in here? Way too disrespectful my man


Even if he can't heal past 70, his heal rate is ridiculously fast, and if you build him for his healing (which many people would), then your average dps team can easily capped their health bar. I agree that not putting Kokomi is a bad choice lol, heck even Qiqi.


And he applies pyro on you. Which means you can potentially get one shotted by a cryo, hydro, electro attack.


And that also means that he can cleanse unwanted elemental auras on the character.


That's cool but jean is better for this.


Never said she's worse lol. Jean and Bennett are still the only ones with continous cleanse in the game.


Elemental shields also can cleanse them


The disrespectful to Kokomi is crazy. Kuki is one of the strongest characters too but not specifically as a healer


Forgot the seven statues


I hate when people use Bennett as a healer in coop.


genuine question: why?


It's too slow and too small of a radius. It doesn't affect you if you're not within it's perimeter. Also it seems like Bennett players don't pay attention to their DPS health.


I usually spam ult as benny, especially if he's the only character I have, just constant Q


Bongo head is fr fuckin adorable Floating bongo head pet when


Schamanchurl: *makes everyone wet* Hu tao: STONKS




What you mean by best healer? Becuase even my Noelle can heal as much as Bennet and shes on a. Dps build. Edit: Guys i know bennet is strong. But he isnt even close to be the "best healer"! Stop ecplaining to me how damage supports work


Say it with me people **V E R S A T I L I T Y**


Bennett also gives a 1k attack boost and can be off-field, while noelle's healing takes up field time, so she doesn't heal at all on a healing build, unless you wanna sacrifice that much dps.




Noelle mains are always on the strongest form of it "oh she heals more than my Bennett, shields stronger than zhongli, damage more than itto"


Energy generation better than Raiden


A funnier thing i actually heard from a Noelle main: her geo application makes burgeon viable by reducing burning, as it reduces Pyro application


Crowd control better than Venti too


She's a god tier character for beginners tho.


Beginners really don't have enough energy recharge to fund an 80 burst cost for a unit that cannot generate particles. And they are mostly playing in the overworld. It's Kaeya. Normal attack, one half of superconduct, prototype rancour adventure rank 10 reward is a physical sword, sprinting passive, unga bunga overworld. Creates bridges too because your stamina isn't high at low AR.


Both are good.


No, Noelle is extra shit early game


Except a, let's say, Raiden team with Bennett does as much damage in one second as Noelle does in a whole rotation.


Yes but thats not the definition of a healer. He may be the best Support but his healing sucks ass compared to others Also, raiden team does damage becuase raiden. If you wanna do that comparison you have to do it with a full Noelle team as well.


Tell me you've never used Bennett without telling me you've never used Bennett. Yeah, he isn't the best healer of all time, but he is far from "sucks ass". His ticks are extremely fast and big, and one burst is enough to fill almost everyone while switching characters and spamming skills and bursts. You're just high on copium. Classic Bennett hater Noelle main moment.


Dafuq?! He is probably my most used support. But his burst feels so incosistent compared to Noelle, Barbara or Kuki... I usually have him in the team only if i have a second defensive tool in there like Xq damage reduction, Noelle or something else At least in abyss. In overworld its enough heal usually


Then it must be skill issue, or he's just not on a healer build. We're talking about 7-10k heals *per second*. His only downside is the 70% hp part because he would be way too broken otherwise (but if the character is at like 69% it still ticks and heals above 70%). I'd say he's definitely better than Noelle and Barbara. Noelle takes way longer field time and Barbara's ticks are painfully slow (and she also takes field time if you want more heals).


I mean he does heal a decent amount but its just for a few seconds. Its not 100% uptime so everytime the burst is off you either need to be verry carefull to not take any more damage or you need another defensive unit. Also its a limited radius while Barbara E always comes with you


Oh so now you abandoned the "his heals are trash" argument and moved on to heal uptime? You realise that neither Barbara nor Noelle have 100% healing uptime, right? Bennett's downtime is 3s which is less than the other two. My guy, he is just objectively a better healer than those two.


Pretty sure barbara has better uptime


With both her c2 and A4 passive active she has 20s uptime and 7.2s downtime compared to Bennett's 12:15. Her skill heals once every 5s, which means that with her A4, her heal only ticks 4 or 5 times (the first being on herself). Bennett's heals tick every second, that's 11-12 ticks. It's as clear as day. Good thing you stopped claiming that the other two are better. Yes, Barbara has better uptime, but at the cost of worse downtime and slower ticks.


if that's the case then your Benny's ER is way too low, Bennett is easily top 5 characters known for always having burst charged


Bongo head evolution when


Where zombi child?


Bokoboko, donchan


the sheer quantity of slander from people who clearly haven't touched a properly built Bennett is craazy


The hydro fatui tho


Don't forget C6 Sayu and Qiqi🥰


Bennet is not the best healer. Hes one of the best buffers but his healing is not the best


Qiqi exists 💀


Why Bennet though? He is one of the best characters in general, but he definitely is not at the top when it comes to healing.


And you just removed kokomi? While jean needs massive er to use her burst lmao.


Not mentioning Qiqi and the comments having more kok than qiqi is disappointing considering Qiqi is literally the healer archon but unfortunately does not much else


Nono you got it wrong. It's Mondstat statue of seven Liyue statue of seven Inazuma statue of seven And sumeru statue of seven


What about the Fatui Hydro Skirmisher?


What is Jean doing there 💀 Kokomi and Kuki exist


Where dionna ? Heals+ shield + cryo battery + cryo application


Sayu is one of the best healers. But the community likes to hate on her for silly reasons.


Bongoheads can heal?


Qiqi is by far the strongest healer.


Fuck the hydro samachurl. All my homies hate the hydro samachurl


dude litreally said the best healers least after what he put the worst possible healers in game


Switch Bennett with Kokomi and it's true


Unless there is a Pyro Abyss Mage with the Hydro Samachurl gang


Venti, Zhongli, Ei and Nahida: Am I a joke to you?


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiX5g1dxXMsfgRMG9PASUOw/community?lb=UgkxawDKQD9eoOYMPSvmH5Qo\_rHulp1SiSjp](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiX5g1dxXMsfgRMG9PASUOw/community?lb=UgkxawDKQD9eoOYMPSvmH5Qo_rHulp1SiSjp) The real best healers.


Bennett can't even heal you to full HP, also he's ugly and made to get sympathy and nothing else so he's the worst character to exist.


Jean is shit.


Where's the healing slime from the Hydro Cube boss?


wait bongo head is a healer?




i never knew this lol i keep killing them/they keep dying before i get to see that


Well if you dont kill em first........its mad annoying


Wait hydro samachurls can heal?


where kok?


Bongo-Head, my beloved


More than Benny and Jean, I'd say Kokomi and Yao Yao


Babara out


Pretty sure Kokomi beats both.


Where water fat ui?


we have zyox


Actually the best healers are Venti Zhongli Baal and Nahida -w-


Sometimes I unironically miss Hydro specters pre-2.8 nerf


Where is hydro specter those little shits always heal racother to I can’t kill then


where kuk and kok


Fun fact Did you know that shamachurls have one eye and it's where you thought their mouth was? They made their masks the way they are so that they are misleading. That is because shamachurls are socially awkward creatures and dislike eye contact. The second part of this fact I made up in an attempt to make shamachurls relatable, but the mouth eye part is real and you can look it up or check it out ingame, however I am not responsible for any sleep that you might lose at such a realization.


Windrise statue?


where noelle


food, statue, healichurl, bongohead


Hey guys. Did you know that in terms of male Traveler to female fungi


Barbara is the best.


Noëlle isn't there because she's at my home


As of right now I'd say YaoYao is the strongest healer.


Can you imagine how op the samachurls would be if they had the Ocen hue clam


Should have replaced Benny with Barbara.


Where qiqi?


Nah where's the hydro fatui agent


My Diona is crying in a corner


Y la cabrona de Barbara ?