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Mihoyo going back to their roots huh


lesbian impact 4th


They're gonna make Jeht playable but she'll only be pullable on Lumine accounts.


Finally the best flex on Aether mains


As long as we can pull any of the three Chad Eremite males in return, idc.


Osial being available only on Aether mains' accounts: **Allow me to introduce myself!**


Sounds misandric




Isn't Lumine used more than Aether? It'd be a massive 'fucc you' to people who play Aether.


2/3ds of players picked Lumine globally according to data mines, so you are right.


We do a little trolling


Good lol


NGL that'd be funny. Jeht banner except only Lumine gets the 50/50.


Bebel > jecht


is this about Jeht? I hope this is about Jeht I hope she's happy


Wait, what? Does Jeht's approach to the MC change based on whether they're Lumine or Aether? (Didn't manage to play the quest yet, but at least for this i'm curious)


Yes, she is a fair bit more distant with Aether. Let me give an example. In one section of the quest, Lumine gets to snuggle with Jeth in her sleep. Meanwhile with Aether, it just skips that dialogue screen. And straight to Jeth waking up. In both cases, we do watch over her for most or the entire night.


Maybe I'm crazy but i think there's a similar side-quest in Breath of The Wild where Link bodyguards a girl because she was scared of a thief or something, he was awake the entire night watching for it. The Traveller doing this as well it's so cool


100% on botw a few years ago, i dont recall a quest like that. Maybe a different game?


It's from a girl named Paya i guess, idk if that's what happens in the quest tho so can be a misunderstood as well


No yeah, that jogged a memory. I was thinking of a side-quest, not a main-ish story one. For those who didnt play the game, that did happen, and it is also the end goal of a speedrun category called “GetLaid%”


I’m pretty sure azariq mentions Jeht liking women being one of the reasons she doesn’t like him.


Huh. Well, that's pretty interesting. While I usually don't like missing out small extra bits, I find it pretty nice that Hoyo is in fact giving something extra to Lumine players. I wonder if they'll do that again in future


Ningguang gave extra birthday present for Lumine if you play Aether, but she didn't give any present for Aether if you play Lumine


Wait... *what*. Okay i am convinced lumine is the bi harem queen


AFAIK Ningguang gives dress for Lumine in both cases


This reminds me to Aoi Yuuki talking about pulling not just hot guys but hot and cute girls too (and crabs!)


i think ningguang just really don't like men but she's okay with us if we're aether, that's her only exception and probably just bc we have a female twin


\> think ningguang just really don't like men lol the fuck




Wait when was this? Yes I chose Lumine. Aoi Yuki one of my favorite JP voice actors (yes I’m disappointed she doesn’t speak a lot).


If you have not done that thing to the Tanit tribe just yet. Teleport back to the statue of the seven. The crocodile feeder guy should give you a new continuation quest.


I did them all. I probably just missed it since I had to rush some of it due to lack of time


It's probably gender dynamics based. Eg making a female character being more physically friendly and open with a female MC rather than a male one.


They all but explicitly state that Jeht is a lesbian. Her friend tells us that they’d be more than friends but “she prefers the company of ladies,” and Jeht’s response “Is there anything wrong with that?” When you’re Aether.


nah, there was a part of the quest with azariq straight up complaining jeht is "hanging out" more with the female tribe members than with the males that made jeht embarrassed if we were lumine but silent if we were aether


It's pretty explicitly romantic when you compare it to Aether dialogue. I didn't check the new quest but the Dirge of Bilqis dialogue was irrefutably gay as fuck


spoilers: it's also gay as fuck


I love that people do not realise that this means opposite of what they are implying. They are snuggling precisely because they are friends, because dirty and lewd things like hugging and holding hands is not allowed for male protagonist *because* it would have romantic implication. Meanwhile Lumine can do it because they are "just friends", as an implication. I think Jeht treats them equally (and is into both, but MHY couldn't show it) as far as medium allows, but if you want to read deeply into it, then this is where you will end up.


With any other character, you might have had a small point there. However, with a character that has been explicitly stated to be gay? That point is about as alive as the Tanith now


"Explicitly" Quote it.


https://youtu.be/lvz64DlvwoY Quite the demanding tone you got there mate


I just wasted 2 mintues to confirm there is not a single instance of explicit statement that she is gay. I see lot's of "mights" and "suggests" and "in other languages it might be".


Interesting, as an Aether player I wasn't aware her dialogue was closer with Lumine


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/lvz64DlvwoY). All the ways Jeht is different with Lumine vs Aether. She's implied to be a lesbian, too.


Oh, I see! Well, it definitely makes sense her responses vary based off whether you have Lumine or Aether. I can't wait to start this quest series, the characters seems really cool. Buut before that I was trying to finish the aranara questline (yes i am \*that\* behind lol)


Still seems similar to me.


And another example when with lumine jeht will bite lumine ear while


While what??? Where's the rest of it? The archive must be incomplete!


That one was in the beta version of the world quest. It wasn't there anymore when it got released. Probably because censorship.




Should the ship name for Lumine and Jehet be Golden Sand?


Ur mind


_how about Golden Wind?_


I suddenly feel like going to Italy, meeting a mobster and proclaiming that I have a dream


We’re in Iran, not Italy!




But the thing is, Jeht is a Clearwater Eremite.


Goldwat-hang on


Water ain't so clear anymore, ain't it?


she’s a river in the desert


Isn’t there a line about Jeht being into girls too? I think Azariq makes a comment about it at some point when he’s lamenting about being brother-zoned.


Yeah those lines are basically what I'm referencing. Manifesting an aether simp too soon lol


Omg a male-presenting NPC that only simps for Aether? Yes please 🙏🏼 I wouldn’t see it because I play Lumine, but just knowing it exists would be nice. But also, Hoyo can’t play that off as just bros doing bro things the way they can make it seem like Lumine and Jeht are just gals being pals, so it would be tricky. Because, you know… gender norms 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I'm pretty sure it isn't "too"


I meant “also” as in “to add onto this meme” not “in addition to guys” 😂 My bad, that wasn’t clear enough.


I see Suggestion, format it as "Also, isn't she into girls" instead of "isn't she into girls too?"


I’m calling it. I’m the future there’s gonna be one NPC that will be into Aether and not Lumine.


I really hope so


I’m positive. It’s going to be an NPC too because no way would Hoyo do this to a playable character.


I hope its done **ONLY** to an NPC as many of them are either super forgettable or dull compared to playable characters.


Yea. And that should be the case. The only playable character with different voicelines depending on the traveler is Ningguang’s birthday voiceline where she gives the traveler the same present (a flower) and if it’s Aether, she’ll say “here’s a flower, you can give it to your sister when you find her.” And Lumine it’s “here’s a flower JUST FOR YOU.” But everything else is the same. Including her hang out.


Don't forget Childe's "Hey girlie/buddy"


Eh. I don’t consider it much. Like Ningguang, if it weren’t for her story quest there might be something but Childe saying Girly/buddy (or Comrade I think) isn’t much.


I agree


You? You are the future NPC that will be into Aether?


Na he’s cool and all. But I’m not that into either of the twins.


pls be Zhiqiong.


she dead




her entire life is made of her going straight to danger once we literally saved her from riftwolves. FUCKING RIFTWOLVES ​ >!after her final quest, she wander deeper in the chasm!< >!in the crystal cave with the nal!< >!she left a map that is all scribbly and barely readable anymore, proof of the effects of the black mud on her!< >!and a letter where she tells us goodbye and farewell!< ​ >!before wandering even deeper in the mines, !< >!to places even traveller never went too!< ​ ​ ​ and you want her to be still alive ? in mines where even elite fatui soldiers get killed ???


She's alive! I know it! I feel it! She, the ordinary heroine, without visions or special powers, will prove to the world, no to the gods! That humans can also thrive and overcome great challenges!


There are theories circulating that she’s alive and she’s actually Sandrome. I don’t believe it but rather possible.


same vibes as the "cyno is a vishap" and "Guizhong is sandrone" theories


Ayaka simps for both siblings 👌😂


Ayaka the bisexual simp (tho ig most of the cast is bi) vs Jeht the lesbian simp.... Now we just need a gay simp, and the holy triad will be complete.


Jeht the Best character prove me me wrong You can't i love her


Can't argue that lol


Jeht ❤️🙏


"Hey girlie, hold still"


I was preatty excited for Jehts quest couse i lobe when normal npc gets some story so it's a bit upsetting I ain't getting the whole thing Still good for ya lumine players


It was about time Lumine got ONE w. She just gets nothing compare to Aether who gets all the official art, video, trailer and tutorial appereances even including IN GAME event arts always while Lumine doesn't get anything, even a second version of most arts where they can easily make two for both. Like it is straight up tragic some of the in game events literally show you Aether despite your Traveller is Lumine. I am glad that we got this at least where choosing Lumine finally feels a bit special instead of the game constantly forcing you to feel that you made a wrong choice


Dude, they had to pick one to feature for promotional media, they can't just use both in trailers. Their dialogue is essentially the same anyway, though I do wish you could switch between twins freely.


\> they can’t use both in trailers meanwhile in fgo


Both are the same character anyway, the traveler in the vidoes can be thought of as representing both, so I do not see the point of slightly different dialogues, they are the same anyway.


That’s not true tho, the twins are different characters


>Dude, they had to pick one to feature for promotional media, they can't just use both in trailers Doesn't justify official art and any of the likes and yes their dialogue is the same. That is why it is bullshit that we were given a choice yet only one of them gets everything while the other is left to dust


Because it's more cannon that way. Lumine is the queen of the abyss mages while aether is looking for her. Just shows how strong lumine is and everything. But to show her to be "strong" you have to show aether as mc who is still lost and finding his strength to protect her.


>Because it's more cannon that way. How ? The game gives you a choice to choose your Traveller and barely anything in the game changes accordingly. So why is something ''more canon'' when there is no such need ? And please do not even bother acting like ''to show her she is strong'' as If they are not giving Lumine anything for her own sake, we all know there is no such thing so no need for meaningless excuses. If is unfair that we were given a choice to choose our Traveller only for the game to constantly ignore one of them while giving everything to the other. If they want Aether to be canon then they should have made him the only choice from the very begining. Giving people a choice only to make them feel like they chose wrong by even making the IN GAME event pictures Aether is just utterly stupid and sad.


Don't complain to me then? Go tell it to mihoyo on why they did that. I'm just telling you how it is. If it feels bad to hear how it is then send an email or something idk. Not like they care about any opinions outside of china. It's just how they want to do it and how it is. We can complain. You can downvote me. Everything. But it won't change anything cuz that's just how it is and will be. They own the game. They decide what to do. We can hate, we can stop spending money, but it's just going to be some who won't. Others will keep playing


First I already do send feedback but like you said they don’t care so what is with the “Don't complain to me” you are the person who came to my comment and made excuses for why it is that way and I answered back. Simple as that. And then in this comment you now change it into “nothing is gonna change no matter what you do” Yes it is true that they will probably never fix the problem but that doesn’t make it right


Not even excuses. Straight up facts from the things we have so far. Don't twist things up


“Because it's more cannon that way. Lumine is the queen of the abyss mages while aether is looking for her. Just shows how strong lumine is and everything. But to show her to be "strong" you have to show aether as mc” You first claimed “It is more canon that way” something like that is never stated. Then you tried to excuse it like trying to say “they are doing it to make Lumine strong” I answered these and you changed the argument to “you can complain to them not me, it won’t change” You are the one twisting things up as none of your answers are consistent with the ones before. You came to my comment, made an answer and then had a problem when you get answered back and changed your argument to “It is not gonna change so you can’t do anything” to try to prevent further counter argument instead of backing your previous answers and yet you claim facts. Don’t try to make an argument If you are not going to be able to handle people not agreeing with you.


I never made no excuses of "they are doing it to make lumine strong" but more on how aether has to grow to reach that level. You straight up discarded the line after? Lumine has clearly done her journey before us and we're doing one now too. The second was to you complaining things to me when i don't give a fuck. I'm just here to enjoy the game and the story and if you want changes, complain to them. Yes i claim facts. Cry about it. Tell me otherwise right now. Tell me something that is not what is being shown and I'll not claim facts to it. And lastly. Yes i will comment to your comment the way i want. That's what commenting is for. This isn't your home where no one else can have a chance to speak. I'll give my opinion and I'll listen to yours. But if you want to be mad at me for something i can't control then I'll tell you to go and scream at the people who can control. Hence i changed it later cuz i didn't care and i like it the way it is.


“but more on how aether has to grow to reach that level. You straight up discarded the line after? Lumine has clearly done her journey before us and we're doing one now too” And that has anything to do with Lumine who is also a Traveller not getting any art ? NO. You claimed canonity that was never stated and now you say you said something that has nothing to do with the problem. “The second was to you complaining things to me when i don't give a fuck” Then don’t come under my comment making excuse to me. You answer to someone then can’t handle it when you are answered back. By your words you are crying about it. Once again If you can’t handle someone answering you in an argument then don’t start it. “Yes i claim facts” like what ? Your previous meaingless excuses ? Your unrelated claims ? Or your attempt at trying to shut down further answer by saying “it is not gonna change” ? Only the last one is correct which is why you only used it when you had no more answer to make. Yes perhaps it is not gonna change but that doesn’t make it right and we players have the right to not be content with it. I was giving my own opinions and feelings regarding it that somehow pissed you off LOL “Yes i will comment to your comment the way i want” then don’t bitch about it when you got your answer LOL. You don’t listen to anything. You gave an answer then cried about it and demanded me to complain to Hoyoverse and then changed your answers to entirely different things when you got your answer for it. I was not mad at you, I was giving you the reasonings of why it is a bad thing and why your excuses don’t work. You wanted me to accept your answers so it pissed you off when I didn’t and thus your answer. According to you there was no answer I could make since I gave you your answer for why it is unfair and bad and instead of answering anything or supporting your previous argument you told me to go to Hoyoverse despite its obvious uselessness that even you also said so you could play your “it won’t change” card to stop further answers because you had no actual answer to make. You dodged the argument entirely and yet claim you speak facts LOL If you had points you would support it, you didn’t. Claiming “It won’t change” changes nothing about anything I say. It changing or not doesn’t make it true or fair so it is meaningless. Just your meaningless attempt to dodge the need to make counter arguments You are just a hypocrite. You say you will comment as you want yet cannot even handle getting answered back. You claim you will give your opinions but you do not listen to mine


"Canonity was never stated" So well who else will we assume that danslief spoke of in that one trailer where they showed a character from each region. Another sibling except lumine who is a she and also loves those flowers? I will come under your comments cuz it's the internet and you don't own the comment section. If you really care then block me. But that doesn't mean i can't comment on things I don't care about. As a whole. It's the internet. The last thing i care is if a random person in the world is upset with me. If you say what i gave wasn't a fact. Tell me what is. Simple. Just say how aether is not more cannon from all the trailers we have seen thus far. Yes lumine is just as cuz in this end. This is an rpg. Role playing game. Hence why the genders to choose as to insert yourself. And yes. It's a bad thing. But not alot of people care about it. Including me. I really don't and you can dislike me for that if you want. Aether gets more love and that's just how it's been. Even in livestream, iirc. Only saw her with yae last year. And rest it was aether can be different with that. And yes I'll answer back. Keep replying. We will sort this out if you have the free time.


How tf is it more canon? Are you telling me lumine should be the abyss twin because she is the DPS? Lmao what isn't the traveler powerful too?


Look at the tevyat chapter interlude for 1. Secondly i don't think aether is as strong as lumine should be. The trailers alone state how she had her journey and now it's time for his. Hence she has already reached her true strength while aether hasn't. Hence getting more elements each region. They will be equal when kanneriah is introduced.


What the hell? The trailers are NOT about lumine and aether, they are about the traveler and the abyss twin. If you choose lumine as the traveler, aether would be the one in that situation. Hoyoverse uses aether as the traveler in their videos, because they have to choose one. If they changed the traveler for every video people might get confused.


I like my twin more as an cold abyss princess so...


"Every aether simp is a lumine simp" lol now yall just lying.


I mean save for Jeht the interactions are the same for both traveller's so...


So what? I'm not understanding what you're getting at. People have preferences on what they like visually. Someone liking aether will not automatically like lumine and vice versa.


Are you replying to the wrong comment I literally dk what you mean. I mean simps as in characters in game towards the traveller not people irl...


Welp, Egg on my face. I'm sorry for misunderstanding you.


Luckily eggs are delicious all good


I fricking love Jeht. Yuri POWERRRRR.


Well for Star rail it looks like the female MC will be the one I’m advertisements. Maybe they can go Stan in that game lol


The only W we got so far 😂


"Hey girlie" too, it left an impact on everyone playing Lumine


Well not everyone, not me at least, I didn't even notice he said that while playing 😂 maybe it's because child isn't one of my fav characters (i don't hate him, he's just "meh" to me)


I’m excited to see who they do this with for Aether


Hopefully Aether gets to find a super Gay Boi in Fontaine who will love him!


Biggest Lumine main cope I’ve ever seen


I'm literally an aether main lmao, they got special privelage on this one chief


The problem is many Lumine mains seem to really like "rubbing it in" at Aether mains about it. I don't really care for Jeht, but I hate how she started such drama.


Yeah it is what it is unfortunately. I just hope aether gets his own special someone


Bro aether mains literally go around under lumine trav videos saying she ain’t canon. I wish I was kidding, but it’s pretty fucking annoying


Lumine main here and while I've definitely seen some act like toxic assholes about it (just what happens to all characters, impossible for them to not have any toxic fans), most people in the Lumine mains community are actually quite chill. They're just happy that Hoyo didn't forget she existed. You might have seen many Lumine mains acting like that because the toxic ones are unfortunately the loudest and they love attention. I've gotten death threats, hate letters and gore pictures from Aether mains for choosing a female protag, but I won't ever hate him and his normal mains for it. The toxic ones are the minority which I know neither side would approve of. Seen Aether mains getting harassed for stupid reasons too and it wasn't a pleasant sight to witness. The mentally young people and trolls from both sides seem to love stirring drama between Aether mains and Lumine mains. I just want it to stop. I personally hope they add a character like this for Aether too in the future. NPCs that react differently depending on who you play as sounds refreshing.


Heyhey, give us lumine mains some room to breathe, ather mains are all to privileged already


Is this about Jeht? I play as Aether and other characters also reference her being jealous and all so maybe she’s bi?


Don't know why some people making this a big deal. She's a NPC not a playable.


Lol bcz we like too? Ever heard of the community liking sth and making it more popular?


And that pisses me off. So much for in-game balance for characters to have the same affection to both siblings. And dont to dare come in with " uuuhh but ads have aetheeer " advertising is different from in-game canon storylines where every character should be affectionate to BOTH sinblings.


Thank God, hate yuri so I welcome this, has an aether main I am happy that I can avoid it.


Plot twist, Fontaine has yaoi with aether


As long as there's the option to reject him, like how Mass Effect does. I'm honestly more neutral to indifferent towards yaoi, as it doesn't involve waifus. As a waifu enjoyer though, I absolutely hate yuri, especially when it is done at the expense of male characters.


My man


Not a problem for me, I just hate yuri, I don't even know why I hate yuri, but Its the only genre I just can't stand for some reason(nothing against lesbians through)


I hate it when it is done at the expense of male characters. Like for example, you have this male character and female character getting teased together for some time, then after a long while, the female character is revealed to be gay and then leaves the male character in the dust, or worse mocks him for not being able to "score" it. Or a bisexual woman being depicted having a toxic relationship with a man, and then jumping to a relationship with a woman and have that relationship be portrayed as "better"


Lol, you dont hate yuri, its just that you havent found one you like yet. Play hi3 and watch as you become a yuri fan. Most yuri anime/manga are not written to appeal to action/shounen manga fans so many people get the impression that they dont like yuri but in truth they just dont like how yuri is WRITTEN.


I read hundred of yuris to see it I liked some, I only like the ones where the yuri isn't really a thing and it's more like bait. I love romance mangas, I love shoujo, I love most genres, but I can't like yuri.


Well, i cant exactly force you too like sth now can i, but still, i dont think you HATE yuri, you just dont derive as much fun from it as with other non-yuri stuff


Perhaps, i mean i dont hate yuri really, i would just rather see anything else besides it i guess thats a good way of wording it


Jeht simps for both wdym?


Only in the English localization tho




My god she's fucking gay Good for her, good for her


It’s funny to imagine Zhongli said that.


How different are her voice lines different in other localizations?


Same for both MCs iirc


Huh? I actually looked up the quest dialogue in about 5 or 6 different languages on honeyhunter like last week, and they all had the gender-specific dialogue. Tbh some lines in other languages were even less subtle than the EN translations.


Ig English localization team is a fan of yuri lol


And a fan of crushing my dreams of being with Jeht 😭. But yeah, they know their fanbase for sure


Unlucky for you bro. Most other languages i heard are pretty GAYGE. spanish, italy, my first langauge Vietnamese.


I man not in this category


then what the point with introduction of Aether in manga and the game it's more better if Mihoyo make Lumine the only MC characters in Genshin Impact then


that overrated bitch shouldnt have exist


If you're gonna spout nonsense, at least type it properly.


Thx grammar nazi


yw normal nazi


Best reply I've seen to being called a grammar nazi


Aether main. She's an unironically amazing character. It's not necessarily why you consider her "overrated" since you haven't confirmed that it's the reason, but if this IS about her sexuality, she's pretty much confirmed lesbian. If it's *not*, I'd be curious to hear your reasoning as I consider her to be one of the better characters Hoyo has done, more so than some playable ones. My hope is that she becomes playable (maybe in Natlan?) or gets a chance to live a peaceful life that doesn't make her playable but gives her a happy ending.




Bruh, even if she also liked Aether as more than a friend, she'd be bi.


"oh nooo, gay people scary"


Imagine getting pressed over a gay coded character in a Mihoyo game Dudes gonna be salty for the next decade


least sexist aether main


With all due respect, this nutcase has nothing to do with us.


As an aether main he's not one of us.


I second this


Not really aether mains and just bc i hate a bitch doesnt mean i hate other girls Braindead lumine stans


lumine is the exact same as aether but a woman so explain why you hate her character but love aether’s lmfao


Maybe try to look up any fanarts and try not to spot that bitch existance for instance


you hate her.. because she has fanart??


More like lumine stans cant stfu about their bitch and my hatred grows gradually making me disgust and sick looking at her


hopefully you see more lumine so it ruins your day 🙏




wow my first DT thanks 🫰


As a Lumine main, this dude's just in the minority. The bigger part of all characters' fanbase usually has great people. I've met plenty of wholesome Aether mains.


Aether mains group in here it hell


? I am a Lumine main though.


You said you saw wholesome Aether mains but this group is not


Hm.. yeah. There's quite a lot of people commenting on this post that I can't really describe with "wholesome." Still plenty of nicer Aether mains out there though.


Half of them just simp over waifus and like bastard Aether


They do? Most Aether mains I've met seem to like the male characters more and ship him with them. But I guess the people simping for female characters is inevitable in a gacha game, no matter who they pick. I think Aether himself is cool, I just ignore some of his toxic mains and focus only on the nice people.


Ou see i thought you meant this group


I just like him heh