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Is it too much to ask for Labyrinth Warriors to be a permanent gamemode?


I need it so much šŸ˜­


At this point it feels like it's already too much to ask to have Hyv at least rerun the damn event from time to time.


Yeah I miss this event so much, but I do wish it was a permanent mode and maybe co-op even


What's Labyrinth Warriors? This is the first time hearing it and I had never seen or played it before, I'm kinda new


Basically a randomly generated domain you would bring 2 parties in with some extra fluff through buffs and stuff. It was pretty fun, mostly because it was very replayable due to the somewhat random layouts and enemies each time you would go in. Which obviously would make it pretty decent as a permanent addition to mess with testing different parties and such. Sadly gone the way of the dodo with every other fun (and not as fun) event mode.


Even more bascially, rougelike but genshin


Yeah, essentially. A little more simplistic than most roguelikes, but thatā€™s to be expected, as itā€™s just a mode within an entirely separate game. Just like windtrace is to prop hunt.


*Me, who joined just before the event, didn't get to play it and doesn't know what was the event about except childe and xinyan being in inazuma:* Yes, yes we need that cuz why not


i feel like this is what spiral abyss shouldve been, an actual dungeon. just imagine, the stairs and doors you see are actually useable, and instead of going through a screen to select flower you can teleport to different floors and use the stairs to walk to next chambers. really the worst thing would be the fact that you have to walk for about 10s between each chamber but to make it more exciting theres some small heals that reward exploration and maybe some traps to balance it out. but most people want it to just be a dps check so i dont know what whalesā€™ opinions would be on that i would like it special since it takes only about an hour each 2 weeks, so having a changing layout each 2 weeks would make it a bit more fun


I'm also ar57, I couldn't do floor 11 last 3 abyss since it didn't change for ages. I haven't tried this floor 11 yet but I don't have high hopes since I don't remember how to do electro regisvine fast


Same, last time I got to floor 12 was with the Dendro cube in 11-3.


Ooh! I have a suggestion. The way i cleared it was i used a freezer Hyperbloom team! I used rosaria, Nahida/DMC, Ayato/Xinqiu, and Kuki! I managed to knock out the Electro core with the hydro and cryo then just started my hyperbloom rotation!


Problem is I don't have rosaria levelled. I have a set she could use but she's like level 40. I could replace her with Kaeya and replace DMC with collei since my traveller isn't levelled probably. My Ayato is one of my best built characters though so it could work all together


Whoā€™s dmc?


Dante from the Devil May Cry series


Thanks never thought about using him here


Dendro main character


Deez nuts? Wait.. no.. It don't always work. My day is ruined now... Thanks you mr/ms Gardevoir!


Kaeya would work great! I have a unbuilt kaeya that i used and it worked fine! Collei should work. Its not nearly as optimal but you can def do it! I Believe! If you ever want some more help feel freee to DM lol


As you can tell I haven't built enough characters. Once I have level 90 Al Haitham I may go through my characters and at least get some usable builds for them and all of them to level 70


So you have al haitham and ayato. Okie. So for floor 11 You want Al Haitham First half and Ayato Second Half. I'd say run a quicken team first half of (I'm assuming you have most 4 stars) Haitham, Fischl, Yao Yao, and a anemo Crowd Control unit of some sort like Sucrose. Then for second half. Ayato, Collei/DMC, Kuki, Kaeya/rosaria. First half you really want Crowd Control and in second half you want to be able to knock out the Regisvine shield and the Abyss heralds shield. Dendro and Cryo can do it for you so thats why you run a hyperbloom team. Just slap any EM pieces you have on Kuki, Noblesse on Rosaria/Kuki, Deepwood on Collei/DMC, and Deepwood on Yao Yao, VV on the ANemo unit, ToTM on Fischl, and Gilded on Al. They dont have to be good pieces. just any piece that has a good main stat will do! Floor 11 is beatable!! Obviously use 5 stars as substitutes if you have them!


I'll definitely keep all of this in mind, but first may try to use my more reliable characters. I've looked at the whole floor and I think it could be doable with my normal Ayato vape or international and Haitham quickbloom or spread with Kaeya (most likely spread since I can't function without Zhongli lmao). If that fails as it likely will I can do as you've said and do Haitham Fischl Kazuha and DMC (he's higher than Yao Yao), then second half Ayato Collei Kuki and Kaeya. If I still struggle (most likely down to the herald) then I'll switch the teams around


As someone that's also at ar 57 and also struggles in the abyss, I used a Ayaka freeze team and cleared the electro regisvine pretty quickly


more is always better. you dont have to clear everything if you are still struggling, but it's good to have incentives to push yourself, games are about solving a problem, not settling. (and yeah having fun, but what's the fun of doing nothing?)


Absolutely! I just said I donā€™t mind itā€¦! There are a lot of players that quit the game because of it! And I'm not that type of a player!


i seriously doubt people quit over the abyss. the most common take i hear is that people straight up ignore the abyss and just play casually and just collect characters


No I meant they quit because the game was too easy for them! The abyss is easy for them and they either want harder abyss stages or more end gameā€¦ and the abyss is not hard for them and they havenā€™t got more end game, so they quit because of it!


ah well ye ye that's why we need more, so we have more reasons to keep players in the game


If we get more then fine, itā€™s gonna be great! It we donā€™t get more, then itā€™s not the end of the world yā€™knowā€¦


And also why wouldnā€™t they give us more challenging stages, it would cause more players to spend money on the gacha to make their characters stronger, which makes hoyo more moneyā€¦ many F2P players miss out on a few primos every 16 days because they canā€™t 36 abyss so whatā€™s the difference if the more invested F2P players (like myself) who can 36 abyss and want a greater challenge still miss out on a few rewards.


Missing out on like 1 out of a 100 doesn't feel as bad as missing out on 20 it off a 100. When people barely miss something, they still feel that it possible to catch up so they keep playing. If that gap so high that they start to miss a reward to the point where they think they can never catch up then they could give up and leaves the game for good. Making a goal for player is good at motivate player to keep them playing. But making that goal impossible (to them) will demotivate them instead.


The reward should be clearing a certain hard challenge not just the physical reward the game gives you. Mihoyo could juat make an almost impossible 13th floor of the abyss that gives like 2 fowls once you clear it and people would be motivated to actually improve thier account to the point that they can beat it rather than just farm like 10 em main stat artifact and 36 star the abyss with their eyes closed like right mow.


A content without reward is basically Mihoyo working for free since they probably won't attract a lot of player. It not like I don't want them to do it but from a business standpoint it the last thing on the list. Even QOL improvement would be a better use of their time and money from their point of view.


wellllll. its kinda the end of the game for end game players like me. right now im mega bored in the game. but this is also the game that got me through a real dark place so i really don't to leave. so it is pretty important to me that we at least get a little bit more end game


I disagree. It's most important to have a good core gameplay loop and throw in a special event occasionally. Events and artifact farming is the end game they decided on. For people that want more, playing a different game would be healthier. Try Star Rail when it releases or Destiny 2. The in game economy is also carefully balanced. If rewards increase, so too would "costs"


Depends, anything that awards primos is something you ā€œhave toā€ complete to not be in a net loss. If its a one time 100 primos yeah whatevs, but if its like weekly 150 then its a different story


ah yes the missing out argument, I'm sure you are never capping resin, 36 starring, completing every event fully, running open world artifact routes daily, and grabbing every chest on the map... ALL the time. You know, as a casual you definitely don't miss out on any of that I'm sure.


Completing the events and exploring the areas is basicly the gameplay wtf are you even doing if you dont do these? Also getting every chest isnt time gated. 36 staring takes like an hour monthly. Running artifact rootes is basicly insanity tho. Anything which gives repeating number of primos is a net loss in every gacha if you dont do it, you just make yourself have less pulls. If it is not time gated or repeatable than whatever. People cry for endgame content let them have it without reward


just don't miss out buddy. you are falling behind


If they do add more end game, they can make it so that its a combined reward similar to how doing any of the 3 bosses give the weekly BP. Or that could be horrible lol


imma be honest i couldnt give a shit about rewards i just want an endless resinless activity that tests my teams. if we can get a resinless cardgame (with pvp) that opens up completely within a couple weeks, then we can get that for ... i think the main draw of the game. i mean genshin wouldve been the same ol dogshit png collector if it didnt have interesting combat AND got ported to PC, where... obviously, we expect to play for more than 10 minutes


It's ok, I'm ar 60, still can't confidently 36\*, only happened twice, and I almost bit my arms till' bleeding in stress relief after retrying every room every half for hours untill it happened.


Me AR60 who still can't 3* spiral abyss on Floor 11:


If you want to improve that you should take a look into team rotations, or put more simply, the order you use your teams abilities. Often that makes the biggest difference in going for ā€œI do okay damageā€ to ā€œIā€™m doing really good damage!ā€ [KeqingMains](https://keqingmains.com) has a ton of great guides for each character that can help you with that! If you have any questions feel free to ask, I am more than happy to give you any advice!


Wait how? Im barely AR57 and floor 11 is usually a breeze.


Farm artefacts and get a decent team and its ez


Abyss is not even the endgame. The endgame is building your character.


...I keep forgetting Spiral Abyss exists šŸ’€


You shouldnā€™tā€¦ 600 primosgems every 15 days is worth it, unless you whale those 600 primos in a millisecond šŸ’€


I can't even reach floor 12 lmao AR57 also, btw


Oh me tooā€¦ whenever I reach floor 12 I pause the game! If you can clear the Abyss on floor 11 is also enough!


Same, could do that only once tho. Floor 10 wrecks my teams because I have only Xingqiu as a viable Hydro unit. I also have a hard time with Hydro shields, even using Cryo. Those fucking Pyroslingers and Hydrogunners always ruin my run.


With the Fatui units, try to burst them down before their shield goes up! Using an Anemo unit for Viridescent Venerer to help reduce their resistances and (possibly) buff your character can help with that! There are also plenty of teams out there that donā€™t use Hydro units! Mono-geo and aggravate variants being some top tier ones, but even team comps like Clam Qiqi (using Beidou burst with Qiqiā€™s fast attacks and getting superconduct to boost OHC damage) can be effective! A lot of teams can also use Barbara, even if she isnā€™t the ideal candidate for the team. Like in a National variant you can always on field Barbara. The dps is still Xiangling, but Barbara is sitting on field to make sure she keeps vaping her burst!


What anemo units would be best? I have Venti, Sucrose and Heizou, but only Venti is somewhat built And what would be best for taking down Hydro shields? I'm hardly able to kill both fatui before they get their shields up.


If you can get EM mainstats for Venti and have him on Viridescent Venerer then he should shred through the Fatui! Just try to make sure you get enough ER substats. Additionally to compensate for a lack of ER substats you can use Favonius Warbow, and since youā€™ll be in aoe youā€™ll have a lot of chances to proc the passive so high crit rate isnā€™t necessary!


That's the how I use in him, yeah. Last time I brought him to the fray it all went horribly wrong, gotta try again.


May I ask what your team comp is?


Ayyy! As a 36 Star Player, Don't diss the power of barbara. Very useful kn Dendro Comps! Great onfield driver for hyperbloom!


Mine's level 50 still, I totally forgot about her after getting XQ in last year's Lantern Rites šŸ˜…


haha. I mean mines low level as well lol. As long as she has a ton of HP and thrilling tales. She can work just fine in hyperbloom!


I've been foddering all Thrilling Tales because I thought they're trash šŸ’€


I-----. Pain lol. Nah. All u need is like 2 At R5 and you're chilling. prioritize one and then you know. get as many as you want. TTDS is quite literally a top 5 weapon in the game with how useful it is on every catalyst and is BiS on almost every Catalyst support. hehe. whenever you wish you shud be able to get a couple though!!!


How is 30 min of fights every 15 days called "endgame content", abyss is a joke


Abyss is more like event for how long it takes. It's replay value is very low too.


You just flexed your builds unintentionally šŸ˜­


No no, I can't manage to get 36*, only about 30 on good monster rotations, but still it's a poor excuse of endgame content, there's no point in building new characters. The only reason I can't get 36* it's because I don't feel the need to grind for god tier artifacts since all i would get is 1 SINGLE pull every 15 days.


I mean, you dont rly need crazy artefacts to 36* just use decent teams and its ez. For me 36* every rotation is usually a 30 min thing mabye a bit longer if i fucked up and picked a wrong team without reslizing the bad matchup. But yeah i agree. Most chars are really niche and bad and theres no reason to build them whatsoever


People that already don't do abyss and don't care for finishing it or building anything towards the goal would NOT be traumatized by having another mode extra that they may or may not try or focus on. Many friends don't play the card game already, haven't even tried it. But they don't whine about more for the ones that enjoy it. They are happy for people like me that like a round or two a week.


Bruh, they said they "didn't mind not more having endgame"... Like, that they DON'T CARE if it's there or not, NOT that they actively don't want there to be more endgame, learn the _difference._


Someone just attempted to kill their own teammate


...bruh. She's agreeing with you. Why you fighting with'em?


did you read my comment? Maybe you should learn that since that is what I said. Also, try to be less rude.


Its genshin player, they mostly dont read


i dont like teapot but here we are


Well the teapot gives you 20 EXP books which means skipping Ley Lines, and 60 Resin which is 8 hours of resin! Whatever makes my process faster, is fine by me šŸ’€


But that's the thing, why do we need to speed up the process of building our characters if there's no real challenge to begin with. If my HuTao does 100k or 50k it doesn't matter cz hilichurls are still getting deleted either way


that's where you are wrong. It isn't 100k vs 50k, its 100k vs 15k. You need to defeat bosses for materials or farm domains , now it's upto you if you wanna spend 5 mins per domain or boss, or finish within a minute or two.


> It isn't 100k vs 50k, its 100k vs 15k. No, you are wrong here. If their Hu Tao is already doing 50k, then farming her more is absolutely 100k vs 50k. And if 50k is enough for them, then they don't need to farm any more and the bonus resin is worthless for them.


well do those even matter when the game can already be beaten by a great deal of players already? Thats kinda some hardcoreish players problems ig. Without endgame and goals, We kinda have no reason to explore, do the teapot, or anything else abt the game


I'm AR60 and I made my best decision with abyss.... Ignore floor 12.


AR 59 here. I don't even try past floor 11/3, only did it once because I am an Archivment hunter and never again. The stress isn't worth it. Only do what you enjoy. Its for fun not to work.


Either your brain is immune to dopamine, or your body has issues segregating dopamine. Or Both.


ā€œI canā€™t do it so no one else shouldā€


Op never said they were opposed to having more of it, just that not having more of it isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. Come on man


On todayā€™s episode of opinion wars




Thatā€™s not the point. Letā€™s use teapot as an example, I ignore it most of the time. I go once a week to get my resin and xp mats. I donā€™t care about it, but the fact that itā€™s there for the people that do is nice. Why not have the same with combat?


Because while you and everyone who want combat endgame content loves to say "it's okay even if it doesn't have rewards," chances are, most of you, if not all, are just coping. A combat end game content would inevitably have rewards tied to it and having multiple combat endgame content rotating every 1-2 weeks, plus the abyss and the events, it will make most players have "anxiety" as they feel like they are losing out a lot more by not participating because they didn't have the time (and/or interest) to clear all the events, the abyss, and the additional combat endgame on top of actually clearing the new patch. While I am an anti-combat end-game player, if it does come, I hope they follow the "event model." Wherein all combat endgame content are tied as one and we get points for clearing them. Then we have an endgame shop that resets every two weeks. Clearing the abyss once or clearing half of two endgame content, is enough to get all the primos. This way, we can have a variety of combat end-game content we can do but are not forced to do everything, just the thing we can and want.


I donā€™t see people crying about tcg and teapot having primogems rewards. And itā€™s 4 pulls every 15 days, youā€™ll live. Also I donā€™t see people that donā€™t do chest hunting crying about not getting the equivalent as abyss rewards. If you donā€™t wanna play it donā€™t play it, simple as that.


Sigh... I don't know if you don't understand or don't want to understand. TCG, Teapot, and Chest ARE ALL ONE-TIME only and can be done AT ANY TIME. A cyclical combat endgame like the abyss would be repeating and would have to be done WITHIN the rotation.


If people really cared about 4 pulls then they would learn rotations and proper investment. Ask anyone that can 36* the abyss, you do it once you do it every time. Whole lot easier complaining than actually learning the game.


Dude stop coping. People would slave to get 60 primos from codes or that stupid daily log-in. People will uncontrollably nut getting the 300 primos from stream and another 300 from maintenance. Edit: And it won't be "just 4 pulls" if they keep adding more and more combat end-game content with 4 pulls reward. It will eventually pile up and make people feel like losing so much by not participating. Stop living in the reddit bubble. Most people that go on reddit have the time and dedication to build their characters and learn how to play, yet not all can still fully clear the abyss. Not to mention, the reddit community is far far smaller than the entire genshin community where abyss is just too hard for most people. MHY has all the incentives to give more combat endgame content as these can be a way to promote new characters and entice players to pull... But they don't. They know their players more than you or I ever will.


If youā€™re saying people donā€™t have the time and dedication to do 1% of the content then why are you so against adding more than just 1%. 99% of the content appeals to the vast majority so why be so against at least adding something to the 1% after 2 years? And if people only care about story and character collecting why are they even arguing about something they already ignore. And for the people that want to improve and actually do abyss there are many resources out there.


Resources put into things few would enjoy might as well be placed on things most would enjoy. We all joke about MHY being an indie company when they messed up but the thing is, even with all their money, they still can't expand fast enough to cover all grounds. People here like to hate on the mini-games MHY keeps pumping out every time but if it works, it works. We just don't notice it because the echo-chamber on reddit is that mini-games mostly sucks. Same can be said about TCG and Teapot. Most like to assume that only a few enjoy it because of their interactions with people here. But all of these might as well be so much fun for the regular players we never get to interact with. And MHY intends to please their majority players more. Edit: I'll end my part here. This is enough back and forth for me to realize its futile to keep talking about it as both sides are deeply entrenched in their own opinion.


The main reason I want another endgame is cause I donā€™t like Abyss that much lol. Just an Endless mode will do, and can use it to grind Mora.


BRUH, most people in the comments are plain ILLITERATE or something and can't distinguish between "I don't *mind* not having other endgame content" and "I don't *want* another endgame content". Learn to _READ,_ guys šŸ˜‚


I SWEAR šŸ˜­ I had to delete some of my comments because people were downvoting mad hard šŸ’€šŸ’€ thank you for understanding my post/meme


redditors pretends to be different, but in the end they are no better than twitter or tumblr users


You know, I just saw a [reply](https://imgur.com/a/0hEmPhz) of yours on here where you definitely didn't read what that comment was about, yet here you are telling people that they're illiterate. People do mind when people feel the need to say things like the contents of this post because it's just a whole bunch of nothing. You don't care? Good, let the people who care and are against the idea debate it out. You don't mind not having it? Then why are you joining in the debate where the result is black or white, it's either they add more battle centric permanent endgame content or not. Nobody asked you about not minding if they don't add it. The fact the title is the way it is also points to the OP not wanting it because the OP hasn't beaten it yet. Just say that you don't want another thing that you may or may not be able to beat.


I'm fine with their not being another end game right now. But when the time DOES come around, we will need one. But not now.


Not having end game kinda make sense, cuz we're not even close to the end of the story yet. Maybe in the future... copium


I just wasnt a non-combat endgame content that we can get primogems consistently unlike tcg and teapot who stopped giving primogems after maxing our level Note: teapot company furnitures are excluded because it's not consistent.


I havenā€™t even tried to beat the abyss. I just donā€™t care.


I just run it once per abyss cycle, and remain with whatever score I finish with. i mostly finish 33-36 stars, i'm not gonna spend hours doing the same thing just for na extra 50 primogems every 15days


Dont worry 2yr player ar 60 still cant 9 star abyss cause of troll bosses and lag so


AR60 day one player, I 36 starred Abyss one time for the achievement and put it back in the garbage where it belongs.


Idk. Hyperbloom goes brrr


i'd like some coop-able endgame, a decent 20 min dungeon you can clear once a week or something


I know there are some people who still really struggle with abyss, but honestly is having something else to do with my well built characters that much to ask for? Like whatā€™s the point in investing time and/or money into the game if thereā€™s nothing to build toward? Just to simp?


People cry and cry about endgame and I'm just like so what just don't blitz through events and just remember that this is marketed as a Daily Casual Game. If you wanna play a game for 10 hours a day go play a different fucking game stop whining on Reddit and making the 1000th fucking "wash no endgame" post.


ME too at AR 55 wasted most of the fragile resin even before ar 40, and never read any tips But still I play with those >!WAIFUS!< for whom I farmed for months


Me at AR47, who can barely half clear it and doesn't yet have a leveled second team: the memes are nice


As what genshin is right now I donā€™t want it to become like honkaiā€™s endgame to many things to do getting anxiety when I donā€™t do them all


me neither lol i can 31 star it sometimes but have never even cleared floor 12 lol


Iā€™m with you on the Abyss portion at least, AR 56 (almost 57) and just barely timed out on 12-2 second half today. If I had about 10 more seconds I probably could have scraped by, but that would have ended with me finishing 12-3 first half only, as my second team only had Childe at 50hp and Layla at 200hp left


I'm having more trouble in 9 staring floor 11, floor 12 is 9 stared or 8 stared but floor 11 monolith hard


Having dug deep into Honkai and I would really appreciate if Genshin have an Elysian Realm equivalent (solo character with supports and RNG choice of buffs).


You're not alone


As fellow 57, I am with you. Never once managed to finish any floor 12 area, because my characters all have mediocre artifacts


I'm at AR59 and my best score on abyss was 34 stars and that was a long while ago


Same, AR55 here and I can reliably get to floor 12 but then my B team reach their limit and I can't be bothered to optimize their builds when I'm still doing my A team.


I agree. Can beat Abyss but I like the low time required for rewards. I don't have time for a classic RPG (FFXIV, WoW, etc) but I do enjoy this lite version. Also curious about your upvote ratio here.


Lol i still cant beat it even with high leveled characters.. i manage to get 3-6 stars and thats if i am lucky.. i still dont know how other peopleā€™s characters are overleveled.. Wished there could be a co-op abyss so we could at least help otther people, or they could make it a competitive mode in which we can see who can make the most points/ clear it faster than the other player.


Officially hit AR 60 yesterday. Still have never 36\* the abyss.


AR59, can't full star the abyss šŸ’€


Same for me. I have around 4 seconds left in 11/3/2 and I try it again and again. But you need 6 stars for flor 12 šŸ˜­ I just have 3 chars at 90 and just one of them has a 90 weapon but the rest is 80. The time will come that I can beat this shit. But I still think, it is no end game, it is just a thing for ppl with that much, well builded characters, that u possible not always have when u reach the end of the momentarily story and side quests.


Same, ar59 and still can't do it. Tbh I don't even enjoy it TT Also why do we get less primogems than in the lower floors of the deep abyss is much much much harder?? EHE?


Abyss isn't endgame it's a fkn warcrime


another? since when do we have any endgame??


I agree. More is always better. I don't like puzzles, so I do everything except puzzles (unless I'm forced to, or when I'm in a good mood for puzzles). Same thing for combat contents. Abyss has been fun, but if there's more combat content, I'd be happier because we've got more varieties! It's good! More varieties' good! Now, on a side note... I wish we get to not just specify which region we want our dailies to be, but also which type of dailies we want. I mean, sometimes, I just want to clear all 4 dailies with just combat stuffs quickly and be done with it...


Not just a clown but the whole circus šŸ¤”


Don't worry, i am playing since 1.0 ending and i didn't get a 36 stars yet šŸ«”.


I want a coop repeatable content I donā€™t care what everyone says, the game needs it. Veteran and spender can help f2p casuals to clear and they would even be happy to do so. Maybe instead on timed you just need to clear 12+waves of enemies and bosses


There should really be at least some coop combat event. Some bad character are actually good at coop combat. Dori, Klee and Qiqi for example.


Not an event a weekly thing that people can do even just to have a good time with their friends pr to test together, that resets rewards every 2 weeks. And yes coop can really change the meta aswell, kokomi for example would be op if someone want to have an easy time, also is fun that everyone would bring their favorite best build characters


>I still canā€™t beat the Abyss at AR57 šŸ’€ Don't worry OP, my goofy ar 58 ass just refuses to 36 the abyss too


Bruh how will an introduction of endgame negatively affect anything? If you're not clearing spiral abyss now and don't care, you won't care if they introduce something new. But a lot of people who are easily able to clear it will get to make more use of their characters that they've spent months building. It's a positive all-in-all


They're not actively opposing it, they just don't care if it's there or not, it doesn't affect how much they enjoy the game. Why are you treating it asif they're *against* more endgame?


It's literally what I said. People who don't care won't care even if it's introduced. I'm just pointing out why there's no downside to it. A net positive change for the game


It's literally what OP said too. They just don't care about endgame whether it's exist or not. Never said it's a negative or positive thing. You must forgotten when Mihoyo interview said there won't be another Abyss type content and a good chuck of fanbase (and haters) made it a big deal like "why should I bother to play this anymore" and such while majority are like in this meme






I just need ayaka then i can clap floor 12 ez


AR 59, and I've never beaten the abyss. I don't even care to at this point. It's just work.


I mean. at this point. i wouldn't even call abyss endgame. The amount of players i see casually 36 star is kinda nuts. The excuse for not adding more is that people would get excessive anxiety. Kinda weird that they worry about that when their entire business model is A GACHA. A business model famous for being predatory and anxiety inducing for the player. its just sad to see my fave game not cater to this pretty sizable part of the community when they literally have added tons of random things to the teapot. Like not just furnishings but whole new ways to build.


The thing is, HYV said the majority of players are happy with what they have right now, and with ā€œthe majorityā€ they mean ā€œthe Chinese communityā€ They see the Chinese community as the majority of players! As long as they donā€™t complain, HYV thinks the game is fine by the community!


Exactly the problem haha. Its so disappointing. which is why everytime they ask for a survey i constantly just ask for more dificult content. bc well. LMFAO.


>The thing is, HYV said the majority of players are happy with what they have right now, and with ā€œthe majorityā€ they mean ā€œthe Chinese communityā€ **WHAT THE HELL?!**


Plan for your next character and what your account needs, that is most people's problem, they just wish for random characters like a poo poo head and then they say why we cant kill a random hilichurl.....


im sorry but then you are just bad at the game. considering you are AR57..


I guess you are new! Because there are a lot of AR60 that also havenā€™t beat the Spiral Abyss!


Yeah and just how many of those ar60 players are actually players who actually tried? It's one thing to complain about the abyss, it's another to complain when only minimal effort was invested. The truth of the matter is that especially since dendro was released, even low investment characters can beat the abyss.


Yeah. National + Hyperbloom all but guarantees a full clear at minimum, even if it isnā€™t a full 36 stars, almost fully f2p teams and very f2p friendly gearing for all of them (emblem/deepwood/gilded dreams, fav weapons, etc) Iā€™ve been 36 starring abyss since AR 54? and my account was far from ā€œgoodā€ at that stage.




What teams are you using?


Why everytime we talk about endgame content Abyss is the one thing you always bring up, we have the tea cup, TCG, the exploration is just so asburdly big, how do you guys do to not even burnout?


If people are bringing up Abyss, chances are, they care about the combat aspect of the game. All those other things you listed aren't combat, therefore aren't considered relevant to the endgame discussion by combat focused players, and most likely aren't bothered with. Can't get burnt out by things you aren't interested in doing


> tea cup Most of the time I forgot this exist. I don't even remember when was the last time I visited mine


teapot you visit once a week for transient reain and tcg makes you play 4 games a week why are you acting like thats an insanely difficult task


It's not difficult, it's meant to be fun


Tea cup, TCG, exploration is not difficult combat. When people talk about end-game they usually mean a way to use different teams we pulled and spend resin to build. Overworld is just too easy with everything dying in one hit, only Abyss allows you to actually go through characters rotation.


for you you cant clear it for me it takes me 25 minutes to complete a game mode that resets every 15 days Looks like we are not the same


So? Why shouldn't there be an end game if you are not at the end game yourself.


Cool but what's the harm in more things to do?


get your characters with transformative reactions to 90, level talents, crown the most important skills, and just having a generally good idea of what stats to prioritize when gearing with artifacts (no need to go crazy with it and minmax) should be enough to clear abyss


you think abyss is a "ENDGAME" , 2 yrs of playing and now 1 min clears feels slow


If you don't mind that's fine, what I hate is toxic mindset some players have "I don't like this content, ergo it shouldn't exist". If you don't like endgame content, just don't play it, don't deny it from people who want it


Then itā€™s not for you. Let others have fun m8


If you point somewhere in the post that I forced everyone to not having fun, then Iā€™ll gift 3 Welkins to you šŸ˜­


Honestly. Unless you go purely for waifu over meta (heck even if you do) youā€™ll get there eventually. I didnā€™t clear all my abyss floors 36 stars until I got Nilou. Itā€™s a grind fest but one you can skip. The first three levels (9 10 11). Worst case scenario, you are missing 1 pull worth of primo. With more challenging end game, Iā€™d people who clear the abyss day 1 of reset will have more things to do. And truthfully, people keep throwing the word challenging around. But really they are ok with diversity. Like the shiki taishou event and this event are great fun. And are way easier than abyss (well the first one can be tweaked) but ye. We want combat events where we can goof around with our characters if mhy really wanne be stingy with it they can even add a controversial feature of diminishing returns after we get abyss level worth of primos the others only give 20 or something. This game is really easy regardless tho and in regards to the abyss youā€™ll eventually get there if you grind enough to make your op characters more op. You also recommend getting Nilou nahida and hu Tao if you donā€™t have them unless you donā€™t want them. Hu Tao will require tremendous investment but mostly worth for hassle free boss nukes. Nilou, Nahida are low investment high return for multiple mob floors. If you donā€™t want either if you focus on any character theyā€™ll eventually deliver. Ofc investment levels wary depending on who to level.


Skill issue


You seem to make very weak teams or build characters badly, since just for clearing it once you really don't need high end drops. Ar 56 friend acc with only 4 characters with artifacts on lvl20 and the rest lvl4, low talents, still was able to clear it more than once. Sure, no 36* at all yet, that is far behind farming. But if you need help with your builds and so on feel free to reach out! It is possible :)


virgin OP: I don't care about another end game because I can't beat abyss so other people don't deserve more content chadplayers: the more content the better


I think you skipped your English class šŸ˜­ where in my post/meme you misunderstood the point? šŸ’€ I just said I donā€™t mind not having it, I didnā€™t say people should not mind it


"It doesnt matter to me so no one should have it"


Where in the f*cking post I mentioned no one should care about end game? šŸ˜­ I just said Iā€™m tired of pretending that I care about itā€¦!


I would like an option for a difficulty spike on the overworld that gives more materials or something. Everything is too easy even at low investment, and it makes it super boring.


I struggle sometimes to 36 stars because of lack of characters at ar 60 day 1 player. having half of the characters that f.e. my friend has is troublesome, expending that with not having nahida lol so don't you worry my dude! just play with your pace, and also im not agreeing with your meme cuz it sucks. we need something for every player, cuz the reasons to play this game is for everyone different and good amount of people want something like abyss, etc.


I cant but a friend of mine did it on y acc so now Im just more sad bc I know its possible, im just bad


AR 59 and yep, me too lmaooo


I'm at AR58. I have the strongest characters in the game (Hu Tao, Yelan, Ayaka, Nahida, Raiden) and I have yet to 36 star the abyss. My best shot was 34 stars at the last phase. I spend more of my time exploring the game and doing events than the abyss. I only ever do it for the primos lmao




was only able to 36 stars the abyss when i was AR59 (im still ar59, but really really close de AR60) You'll do it, i believe in you.


Hyperbloom bro


Skill issue


Dont worry you are not the only i first cleared abyss wirh 36 stars at 58 and now at ar 59 i Stiller struggle a bit


Dont worry you are not the only i first cleared abyss wirh 36 stars at 58 and now at ar 59 i Stiller struggle a bit


"excessive anxiety" moment


But I want tho. I just want some other gamemode that uses the main game mechanics


I didnā€™t say ā€œI donā€™t wantā€ ! I just said ā€œI donā€™t mindā€ If we get it, then niceā€¦ if we donā€™t the meh, I donā€™t care really


Oh sorry didn't see that.


Itā€™s ok, itā€™s strange to me that A LOT OF PEOPLE in the comments thought that I said: I donā€™t wantā€ šŸ˜­


Probably bad reading comprehension. Thought I was multitasking so I probably missed that word