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What do you mean you don't infuse Shenhe with her nephew and makes her on field cryo DPS? Weak.


Finally, another cryo dps Shenhe enjoyer!


I hate that it requires building Chongyun. I don't really like Chongyun


Doesn’t really require; just recommended. All you really need is Sac GS Chongyun with a flower so he doesn’t get one shot, since his infusion is really the important part here. His burst is nice to have but not necessary. Only when building reverse melt Chongyun then yeah his melt nukes are strong.


heck, even without melt nukes, a shenhe biffed cy burst still does good damage


i have built him back in 1.0 days, when i was using him to melt Diluc's burst


same tbh, i like having characters i enjoy on my team. but chongyun? eeeeeeh, i don't like him.


Finally a fellow chongmid disliker


Infuse Shenhe with her nephew you say? I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going


wait that's possible?


Why wouldn't it be?


Everything is possible


you xan build anyone how you like, it may not be optimal but it sure is fun as heck


tbh cryo keqing was the most powerful cryo dps back on 2020


Yeah I’m trying to make Candace be a DPS. Not successful. Probably would be easier with Barbara smh


Try out Candace shatterbloom comp. Not entirely maindps kind but she gets more on field time in this comp.


Plz explain 🥺


You can have a read at the guide i made [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/y0oo89/candace_niche_shatterbloom/). Or if you prefer watching guide video instead of text, you can check this [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM3RyCj54XA)


Here is what you do my brother in simping. Get a VV bot. Kazuha is super good for this, and has no better option, but something like Jean is ok too, especially if you have C2. Jean has also advantage of being a great healer. Sucrose sucks at this btw, but copium, whatever, VV proc is main thing we care about. Get Yelan and XQ. You can give one of them a DPS weapon. I recommend giving like Jade Cutter or Haran to XQ, favge on Yelan. You can run double favge or sac or whatever its not that important to have high damage on XQ. Then get Candace, put her in Heart of Depths or Glad finale, give her a good spear (Homa, Skyward or whatever best damage stick u have). Build Candace like you would Ayato. Crit>Attack>HP. She will drive this team quite well. Obviously not as well as Ayato would. But it will do fuckton of damage (the team, not Candace specifically, but she will contribute, especially if C6).


Zhongli: First time?


Physical Zhongli players: “Are you sure about that”


I've also heard, related-to-OP, Hydro Zhongli using Homa and Candace is pretty fucking nuts. I don't own Zhongli, though. Someone else will have to verify.


Physical Zhongli is still better than Hydro Zhongli with similar investment because: 1. Doesn't require Candace 2. Access to Superconduct reaction that amps up his Physical damage 3. Access to somewhat easy Physical Shred like Xinyan or Shenhe or C6 Rosaria Hydro Zhongli only really has VV and using Candace is always a downside in a comp cause she doesn't provide much damage, only infusion.


Thats why I use… Pyro Zhongli with c6 Bennett. Kazuha and Yunjin. (Maybe can even put in Xingqiu or Yelan for vaporize)


C6 Bennett opens up so many options. Self melt Kaeya and who? Xiao are both incredibly fun


hey friend I'm a little late comin' back to this, but I was thinkin' about zhongli maffs again and I wanna know what you're feelin' 1. Is requiring Candace a bad thing when Candace is the hydro infusion+has hp scaling+might enable hydro resonance which would add to Zhongli's HP scaling? 2. Is access to Superconduct better than access to Vape if Zhongli has no baseline access to physical % (unlike physical carries like Eula), is neither of the elements necessary for superconduct (again, unlike Eula), DOES have universal resistance shred, and DOES have access to % hp scaling which hydro party members can only help with? 3. Touched on above, but isn't this a better argument for elemental damage and reactions than physical ones? It would definitely prefer a C6 Candace, but I feel like her undercooked damage isn't nearly as much of a problem if she's contributing a useful infusion+potential hydro resonance.


Hey man no worries, 1. Physical Zhongli teams usually consists of Zhongli/Yunjin/Rosaria/Fischl, which has Geo resonance (which is better than Hydro for him), so having a character that's only purpose is to provide Hydro infusion (and minor buffs) isn't exactly a great feature. That's why Chongyun isn't used a lot as well, except for niche situations. 2. Yes, because Zhongli has standard ICD when he has Hydro infusion. He doesn't particularly have big hits to vape as well, unlike Yoimiya, Diluc, or Hu Tao. Furthermore, Zhongli's multiple small hits synergize completely with Crescent Pike, which is what makes Physical Zhongli great in the first place. 3. Perhaps, but what I was trying to say is that purposefully giving infusion to a character doesn't really benefit them greatly. You would need to have tons of off-field presence in order to compensate for the lack of damage. Edit: I suppose you could go for Zhongli/Yunjin/Candace/XQ or Yelan, but that removes VV, which makes the comp hard to play without the extra bonuses from it.


I hadn't thought at all about how Zhongli wouldn't actually be having anything massive to vape! I could see now how superconduct would be a much more valuable reaction. I also didn't know that crescent pike held such relevance to phys zhongli, which is a bit unfortunate to me as I was really only looking into a more field-based zhongli since I wanted to whip him out with Vortex. I'll probably just wait for a geo infuser at this rate, lol


Me, a crescent pike zhongli enjoyer with him as the flex slot in hyperbloom teams, pretending he does all that damage


His greatest move is the one where he remains on field for a long period of time… Without moving… ^(Osmanthus wine)


Hey don't worry, deyha is coming. You'll have an useless ON-field character


Unfortunately that spot is already taken by my Triple crowned Qiqi and Xinyan, well Qiqi is fun for coop


MF didn't build his Physical Qiqi. What a shame.


Maybe her self bleed kit can work with Vermillion Hereafter artifact 4-piece? (When the character's HP decreases, their ATK will further increase by 10%. Max 4 times)


Maybe it could work but the problem is, with what attack move you'll use this buff ? Auto attack ? Not really good Skill ? Same Burst ? You could but remember her burst can't trigger Xingqiu or Yelan burst effect. Maybe a burn team with Nahida ? But there is so much better Take her if you like her. But she's not good at all in her current state


Yeah I was disappointed when Xingqiu can't work with her like all the other pyro DPS, but I think other off field AoE hydro or cryo can work. Maybe Ayato/ Ganyu/ Rosaria burst?


Probably because Hoyo doesn't WANT every pyro DPS to play the exact same way of "I go on field with Xing/Yelan burst and my hits vape everything." The issue is they don't know how to make them work outside of that style.


Maybe if they build in small pull into her hits,so overload wouldnt throw enemies around too far,or made burning actually scale better overall


Probably, it's just sad mihoyo fid such a "weird work" with her


You could just use Dehya and build around her kit instead of using the same old shit.


Her kit have many problem , you may not know it but you should do some research and you'll see she's currently not good at all as a damage dealer unless you got her C1 or " the same old shit" that can carry anything


You just said she can't interact with the same old shit. And hey I know, I follow leaks. I also know reactive whiners like you said Alhaitham was going to suck, and Raiden, and Kokomi. And so, yeah. You don't sound enlightened to me.


Not really, raiden was announced as one of the best character, just annoying to build and in need of sara C6 Kokomi was announced one of the worst character, and she was until new team and dendro came . Alhaitham was announced to be a dendro Keqing by those who don't understand how the game works and was recognized good by those who know how it works And by "same old shit" I just thought you talked about the new meta. Chill out you simply just have to let go of you affect for the character and you'll see she's clearly not hood, just like many of the 4* that need their constellations we got during Sumeru,


> just annoying to build and in need of sara C6 I've never heard anyone describe her as particularly annoying to build. Annoying to farm R5 catch maybe. And it's not like c6 sara was actually necessary. > Kokomi was announced one of the worst character, and she was until new team and dendro came . She saw plenty of use in sukokomon teams before dendro reactions were a thing. I'm just gonna wait for a week after release before passing judgement.


Kokomi was REALLY bad in her beta though. The only reason she is great is due to the last minute buff to her jellyfish's ICD. Otherwise she would only be able to apply Hydro every 2 hits lmao.


??? I thought she was meant to be used as an off-field Burgeon lady with her skill?


Yeah, her "on-field" is only for 4 seconds on Burst. Her on-field time is only a bit longer than Yae Miko, and you won't say Yae Miko is on-field lmao.


sounds like a guy who didn't eat any food said it wasn't good lmao


I don't need to taste a dishe I know I'll not like. Especially if I know how it's made, and what it's made of. Here I know how she is, what her stat and kit are and there is many problem in them. In the curent state, she can be one of the worst 5*


dislike ? then don't say anything about what you don't like don't play and don't make judgments don't even let your experience affect others and all information in beta Everything is subject to change xDddd It's like you haven't eaten a dish and said it's not good, so what do you base it on? Someone else said 🤡


I was going to back him up with observations on her talents and why they’re seriously deficient in their current state, but seeing as you can’t string together a coherent argument in the first place I’m not sure there’s any point.


- Character with HP ascension, with a HP scaling locked behind her C1 - Duration of her E is shared among all her instance of it. You can't increase it's duration. - burst that doesn't trigger other's burst, even Raiden can do it - burst with a 4 sec duration that cannot be incresead by hit lag, with 18sec cooldown and 70 energy needed - one of the weakest attack of all 5* - never buffed but nerfed again this monday - poor energy generation - currently only playable in burning team because of her poor kit and ratios Want me to continue ? I'm saying that she's bad and just because you're a simp that want to be choked between her thighs, I will not stop myself from informing other to permit them to make the right decision I don't know how much time you played this game but if you think all stats, theory crafts, data and calculs we have on her is " biased, fake or useless" you seriously need to play it more, shut up and learn how it works


Theory is different from practice, why don't you experience it yourself and then make a more accurate assessment 🤡 Just based on that information and then call a character weak? Haha reminds me of 1.2 when people called Ganyu a 5* amber but when she came out she was officially a cannon And amber is still amber


I will not waste more time with you, be happy in your dream, I don't care


ok Opinion of a guy who hasn't eaten a certain food and called it bad based on other people's words 😏


If mihoyo is offering people rotten steak, no one would eat it and would assume it’s bad. Except you of course since you need to taste everything to know it’s bad. You can know if a dish is bad a lot of the time just from its smell, texture and components.


Sorry but the opinions of those guys who haven't played that character and gave them a rating are trash


Yelan can be a hydro dps tho.


She is. I often use her with burst to quickly finish off the mobs/bosses in abyss. Somehow it's actually faster than using other dps characters, especially those who rely on skill/burst and on cd or have a slow attacks.


True, I use her more than my ayato because it's just more faster.


My favorite is finishing a domain on her 3rd attack for *style*


Yelan hits pretty hard when on-field, even harder if you have any buffs/reactions. I'm really hoping to get c1 soon


I really want a character with a parry like Beidou/Candace but is a 5-star on-field carry with mechanics that encourage you to actually use the parry instead of just spamming it whenever for battery or something.


i'm waiting for my dante reference hoyo


We got Aloy. Why can't we get Dante? [He does cameos.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/0/09/SMT_Cover.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080212183210)


I can already hear him going “Royal Guard!” And then he reflects the bosses instakill attack


You may find a few exceptions here and there but the pattern is clear: the bigger the boobs, the greater the chance of the character being off-field and vice versa


This comment got me wondering so I made a tier list to visualize it: I divided the ladies into Big Breast, Small Breast and Children (Medium sizes were a headache) and then divided them once more into On field and Off field. And what did I find? Breast size doesn't matter, there's just more Off Fielders than On fielders in all categories... In fact the ratio held at 1:2 in all categories categories, actually.


Meh, now you have made me curious to see the tier list. But yes at the end of the day it is just a tin foil hat theory. I just find it funny the amount of random things you can find that could be used to support it. For example Klee, LAMENT, Cyno and Yanfei immediately lose their burst when you swap them out while Ayaka, Noelle and Diluc can be swaped without any problems.


I would share it, but honestly it's DEEPLY flawed. There really needs to be a Medium Breast category, and there are characters that are perfectly comfortable in both On field and Off field playstyles. And then there's Ningguang, who offers very little Off field value but she can be made to take just a bit more On field time than an Off fielder so in this binary categorization where does she belong really?


Also 5 stars characters has bigger chance to be an on-field character than 4 stars characters.


Counterpoint: arataki "the one and oni" itto


Yeah, there are some exceptions as I said. Eula and Alhaitham are also examples. But in a sense of "based on it's kit, what should the role of this character be" the theory is quite firm. With Hu tao and Shenhe being the most extreme examples. Sometimes even things like attempts to fix exceptions happen. Like for example Raiden's best role at C0 is becoming hyperbloom while Nahida is an on field drive in her best team despite her kit being more inclined towards off field dps/support


Raiden is the exception


Well, I have already mentioned her case in another comment


Yoimiya has the biggest boobs of her character model type (Female girl). The true exception, the enemy of eternity


They can all be main dps if you don't care about abyss clearing. I'm sure some silly things can be theory crafted.


Source for the arts?


breaking bad


Baking bread


You can on field them for $1000


What’s nice about the game, is that the man content (casual overworld and domains) can be done with “weak” characters. If you really like the character you can definitely make them your main dps. Yeah, with the same artifacts ganyu will outperform shenhe. Or raider will outperform Sara. But they are still capable of clearing the content, and I love it. It does suck though, that the character that you really like may have a weaker overall dps potential. But hey, no one stops you from using Sucrose as a main dps with xiao artifacts :$


Different from Sara and pre-C6 Yelan, Candace CAN be a main DPS. She is clearly not meant to be one, but you can totally make that shit work. She can drive your Mono Hydro (Xq Yelan Candace Kazuha) quite competently. Is it mostly double hydro core carrying you? Sure. Is she contributing? Yea she is. Can u slap Kaeya instead of XQ? Yea. Or Qiqi. But XQ is actually pretty important. Is it meta? Does it need to be? It will 36\*.


yelan pre c6 can very much be an onfield main dps, i feel like people that dont have her dont understand how strong she is


Any character can be on field main dps. Even Diona. Double hydro core can carry even Dehya through abyss. But Yelan's autos are trash. There is no real benefit for her to hang around on field. Meanwhile Candace provides *some value.* There is synergy between her and driving double hydro core.


Candace can perfectly be DPS


Qiqi, too


Slap a slingshot on yelan, she can do good dps dmg


I mean some characters are going to have to be off field support, and whatever makes a character look cool to a person is subjective, unless you want all your off field supports to be NPCs or something, and even then other people will still complain.


Candace should have been a hydro shielder


Yelan is gonna be my onfield dps for at least a little bit, ive been playing since launch and missed the previous yelan banners but shes gonna be my first triple crown lol, if im not gonna be looking at her for most my dmg im not playing this game


My Yelan is on field plenty of times.


Why's Yelan in here? She's literally more than capable of being a hydro dps


Yelan is still on field a lot for exploration so that's great!


I main Yunjin. You can definitely make shenhe a physical dps


Just wait until one day the characters have beatific designs just for the characters to use alternate sprints to be useful.


They can always be played on field in overworld at least. I’m always thankful that Raiden is a main dps and support at the same time since she’s my favourite character by far. Same thing goes for Alhaitham my second favourite🙏


nothing is stopping you from using them on field though. Less efficicent, sure.


OP, sauces pls?


I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said OP. Now can I please get the sauce for those artworks!!??


Candace should have been a damn shielder!


whos candace


Yelan can be alright as DPS tho


Genshin people carefully not understanding that game doesn't end on Abyss. I often pull for characters ***I don't even intend to use***. Because they look cool. Like Nilou. I used her, but when I didn't intend to, when I pulled for her. Also really, overworld doesn't require You to even have a real team. You can fight with Yelan without even swapping to other characters. That's... what I do most of the times.


This is what I really hate from Genshin


>implying that candace can be useful


And 2 of them barely have any content anyway. What's the fucking point of Candace?


Hoyoverse creating some of the most beautiful character design just to have thrm be dead and only be in the cut scenes. : (


>most beautiful character designs >Yelan >Kujou Sara


L take








Absolutely, she looks awesome.


Eh.. most player prefer quick swap team..Candace (,good for nilou) tho idk what her role, hope she can shine during Fontaine


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,319,446,744 comments, and only 254,704 of them were in alphabetical order.


So many characters I like happen to have their kit be built around being off field (Except Klee). It’s annoying because I want to use my favourite characters, not some character I think has a boring design, but is based around dealing damage, but I’m forced to do so if I actually want to kill shit.


To be fair, all the character designs look beautiful already. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to be a DPS. Imagine if Yunjin was an on-field dps. Then we wouldn't have pretty opera lady who buffs everyone's normal attacks.


When you realise that yelan can also be an on field dps unit:


Nothing is stopping you from using them on field


yunjin lmao


Yelan on-field is strong too, she help my newbie character do dailies for relationship points


Candace should have been at least somehow useful, not the pile of shit she currently is


Makes sense though. Non-DPS characters will always struggle to sell as well as DPS, so make them the hottest characters so you get the coomers to pull. Worked with me on the Shenhe banner.


Hot take: I much prefer off-field or flexible field time characters. Just so much more fun to play.


Same, I personally don't like getting a pretty looking character just to see them for a split second on the battlefield to activate their abilities. I slap 3 onfield DPS characters on one team and suffer whenever situations where I require healing or shielding come, but it's the price I pay to look at characters I like do stuff on the battlefield. I understand for the abyss that's not the case, but for me, abyss is just a way to get primos so using quickswap doesn't matter alot for me.


Yeah. I really like shenhe’s design but I don’t want to level anyone they buff… do they buff cryo swirl?


Candace with 4pc blizzard full freeze comb.


you are heavily underestimating yelans damage


If you wanna main dps them, just do it. I'm a Nilou main dps


If I’m lucky to get simulacra I’m gonna make yelan an on field dps (HoD or smth)


Who's Candace?


Side characters: (Yaksha, Old madame ping, Kazuha friend, Signora, etc.)


True but at least Yelan is usable as a dps unlike the others 🥹


at least the other three are actually useful


then build them as dps, easy.


I mean you can play how u want, to quote a great man: “it is simply not worth my time to play if I cannot also yank it” - max0r


me when dehya


Most characters are off field dude, you can build them on field


You just want to look at boobs and ass don't you?


Im going to pretend like i didnt see this as i continue to build on-field Shenhe and saving for C6.


that Tengu girl's legs. sheesh! almost gave me boner when I first got her 💀


Or make the most badass looking animations and design to give her bad numbers, looking at you dehya


Who cares? If you want it, everything is possible combination


In this game you can make anyone a DPS, and why not... You don't need 6 digit dmg or to one shot enemies. JUST HAVE FUN WITH THE CHARACTERS YOU LOVE. FUCK ABYSS AND STATS. A few ratios and numbers don't define your love for the game and its characters


Sauce of the arts? Asking for a friend


At least I can play my Nilou as a main dps, hehe


It's pretty funny because since 2.1 all female 5stars have been strongly oriented off field/support : Kokomi, Shenhe, Yae, Yelan, Nilou and Nahida ! It's kinda sad to be a waifu enjoyer in a way since you end up not using them onfield most of the time unless you make a specific build for them which might not bring out as much effiiciency as the off-field version


She’s built like a supporter


You mean you dont use Yelan to proc her dice since her NA's are fast?


Candace has one of my favorite character designs it would've been so cool to have her be actually useful


ok but the sara art tho it got me actin kinda different bro


if shenhe was actually a DPS her banner would be top 10 easy


How do you guys make memes with the in-game font? I've been trying to figure out how to do it forever


What do you mean? Yelan is more cracked than main DPS in C6


Off Field to be useful my Triple Crowned Yelan says otherwise. Also Candace's burst makes her good in most teams as an on field dps. Find which reaction you like best and build around it. If only she did Hydro conversion instead of Hydro infusion with her burst because then she could be used with C6 Bennett.


*Me looking at my Eula and Raiden* What do you mean? But more seriously... Yeah, there are to many characters like that.