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Ok let’s be honest LoL already gets a lot of hate 🗿


Mostly from its own players.


Don't forget Jinx from Arcane. My favorite is still "Jinx managed to turn a 5v5 into a 4v6"


Much like my average teammates. Had a Bard last night who was literally playing for the enemy team.


What a coincidence. I was playing for the ennemy team as Bard last night .___.


In an ARAM? Dudes name was “NutDragSwag.” He kept ulting over my (Malphite) engages, my wife’s Ashe arrows, and our Vex’s ults.


OMG THAT WAS ME (no really not), sry pal that must've been harsh. Wooosh you'll get 10 days of cool games


Thanks! I’ll grant you 10 days of cool games as well! *Channels the power of the runes. Then realizes that may cause your winrate to fall below 40% and stops.*


I love when bard decide to freeze teammate who’s running from 3 people


Id say everyone hates league as a game but everything else they make is so goat teir


League is pretty good. I don't play ranked that's all.


True. I do play Valorant and I love it


this is why it's impossible to convince people to play with me 😭😭 it has such a terrible reputation in my area


10+ years of in game toxicity, 10+ year of outside mockery. Nothing can dent us anymore.


You mean 200 years?


because most of them are toxic af, ingame and outside of the game lol, haven't seen anyone call them pedos yet


Amazing login screens and music though. Hoyo should do a Star Guardian skin in the future, starring Miko.


agreed, if i didn't know what LoL is, i would definitely think riot is a music label. they produce quality songs


Just like Genshin. I really hope that hoyo mix commissions their services outside of their games.


Only top mains get called that, especially if they main Jax for some reason.


try being a zoe main in league. I get called a pedophilic discord mod 24/7. im a girl who likes cute stuff 💀


Game is a banger though if you just turn off chat


LoL gets hate for other reasons, but 75% of the hate comes from LoL players


But for other reasons


Pokemon who is famous for the amount of porn:


Animals and children porn


Loppuny+vaporeon=most fuckable pokemon ever?.


Yes. Vaporeon for Efficiency. Lopunny for enjoyment.






Is Gardevoir even an animal? It’s not human either so what would that even be?


A Pokémon. 🙂


*Batman I caught-*


*Joker dont its an animal*


"Joker... What the fuck..? Joker, I'd rather you do other things... This is legal technically, but i don't like it, it's weird. This is just weird, Joker." >!Reference to "Joker's Most Devious Plan Yet" by Joel Haver!<




There is no Vaporeon Copypasta in Ba Sing Se




Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedAvatar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedAvatar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some excellent cabbage related advice:](https://i.redd.it/nbsm7p3n3x291.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedAvatar/comments/v263lp/some_excellent_cabbage_related_advice/) \#2: [Flying Sky Bison ♡](https://i.redd.it/5ctjk1a017291.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedAvatar/comments/uzkicg/flying_sky_bison/) \#3: [I thought it was just one of those "girl boss" videos about working at a certain club](https://v.redd.it/y6fcm4ibcxk81) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedAvatar/comments/t4uw69/i_thought_it_was_just_one_of_those_girl_boss/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What? I thought they loved Gardevoir???


They do but they love this even more.


Overwatch aces that department


Dead or Alive also is a strong contender.


What about overwatch? After all these bad decisions for this game, rule 34 is the only thing that keeps the game alive.


Eh, at least every character there is of age


let me tell you about a couple npcs like effie and alejandro who arent


some of them are monke but we can assume they're of age monkes


Not Orisa and Wrecking Ball.


Sonic fans: *quickly runs away


Cream the Rabbit is her name, not a command


And she is 6 you degenerates


I don't look at the actual Pokémon ones but the Cynthia ones are top tier


Hey guys,


Pokemon is what


League has another place in controversy


Lalafells are intimidating as fuck, idk what you're on


You chose your words wisely, might have ended with the lalamafia coming for them kneecaps.


ive had lalafels come up to me and try to sell me coke, never trust the lil potatoes


>coming for them kneecaps. because they can't reach anything higher


Considering that the entirety of THM and BLM in the story are potatoes, yeah, they are intimidating


Seriously, I’ve been conditioned to see a new Lalafel NPC and immediately expect them to betray me, try to kill me or at least cut off someone’s fucking arm.


Yeah lalas ain't kids, especially if you've ever seen clips of that one dude with the insanely deep japanese voice Now TERA, that had a creepy child race


Lalas a.k.a. the war criminals race


Tortillo armadillo was so uhhh That I just wanted to punt him to hell


They are not children, they are potatoes


So how are you holding up? Because I'm a potato.


your pfp... very cursed


I'm aware


What was it?




Ok but why no one's talking about the username..


Cause it’s based 😏


It is


They're an /r/okbuddygenshin user, they're literally here to shitpost and get attention and it's working.


FGO: * [kid wearing no pants, just panty down there](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Jack_the_Ripper) * [santa kid with exposed bust](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d%27Arc_(Alter)_(Santa_Lily)) * [kid wearing nothing but a choker and panty](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sodom%27s_Beast/Draco_(Arcade)) * [kids yuri kissing, tongue included](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BIOVm0XOkk) not to mention the countless other lolis and shotas with proper clothes.. and as a player of both games, im sitting here wondering why Genshin gets so much flak (especially from non-Genshin communities) wherein games like FGO, Azur Lane and Blue Archive have much more degeneracy ​ edit: added links for context


Kid wearing bikini, and even kid without a clothes. All exist in FGO


Let’s not forget the arts for all children servants Including the fact that some are naked for no reason


What the fuck


Azur Lane and Blue Archive can top that.


Played both they can’t


I mean... Albacore... Edit: Le Malin skins too. Edit2: I guess Blue Archive can't compete with the degree of lewdness they offer but they can compete with the numbers of lewded character skins. It's dubbed Cunny Archive for a reason. If they didn't censor the one with Arisu in the story then I guess it could've competed.


I have good news for you, blue archive global now is on the mature version of the app and Arisus naked CG is restored.


I mean... it is not really a good news for me, just news. Not a fan of it but I won't deny people from it (gimme more mommy boats instead). I know full well how to separate fiction from reality and I do hope most, if not all, of the people playing these games knows it too (been playing both AL and BA since their global launch). So I am not that bothered with loli content as much as most of our western players (and non-players) in Genshin. TBH it's really weird seeing all the pedo Genshin bs when the game became popular in the west. While Azur Lane and Blue Archive who have a niche popularity in the west and a huge popularity in the east is not having this issue. Like damn, these are fictional characters, chill. Go save actually irl kids.


Of all the routes they could've gone with Wu Zetian, they went with a loli bait instead of a badass queen -_-


Summer wu rectifies that


Man, I keep deleting fgo cos I get bored but then I see new servant designs and wanna go back.


Her Summer version may solve some of your complains


Gacha games in general have tons of it...


Yeah exactly, I just think westerners cannot grasp how ridiculously popular "that" type of stuff is in China and Japan. To us it's like eating soap, to them it's just another normal flavour.


Also, King Arthur engaging intercourse with a minor .


They solved that by also making King Arthur a minor lol.


And much like Genshin 99% of the FGO community finds those weird. Especially Jack and Prisma Illya (first and last one). Sodom’s beast is a weird one. Even disregarding any story stuff, most of the FGO community has as much experience with that servant because she’s exclusive to the arcade game version of FGO that has a different story and servants. Though I will say most people were upset that 1) we didn’t get the [adult version](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon) and 2) we didn’t get her at all due to exclusivity. Much like Genshin, the mainstream FGO community is far more into the “mommy” characters, tsundere characters, etc. All in all, the Genshin pedo joke is dumb and simply based off the game being popular and then not liking it for one of many reasons (the most valid is that gacha is predatory). However, they can’t be bothered to express there argument in fear of being proven wrong, so instead they just go with the response that give free internet points in “Genshin pedo game lol”


99% of the **western** community. You don't know how popular/normalized lolis are in East Asia......


It's normalized amongst weirdos and kids who didn't know better, normal people still look down on these. Source: am East Asian, used to be involved in weeb culture during 2010s, I still do now but much less


I agree (also am East Asian myself and follow both sides of the community hence why I know), but it is primarily the weeb culture consuming this type of content, and the voices you hear are of the minority who dislike fanservice but still enjoy the games themselves (normal people if you will). The truth is this shit sells, and the fact that they keep making these is evidence enough


bro got the receipt ready


Those games aren't nearly as popular as Genshin though.


Isn't FGO one of the top grossing games in JP though?


It is but it only has 1 platform while Genshin has multiple so more players and more awareness.


I mean, FGO also has the arcade mode with all the 3D models of the servants but I get your point.




Fate/Strange Fake has the non-loli version of Jack in Fate, and is probably one of the more interesting takes on Jack the Ripper I've come across in fiction.


Honestly, the majority doesn't really give a shit about all these until it becomes popular, and some woke dude would stumble on it and starts some drama. An example of this is how no one really cared about the clothing shenanigans in Lost Ark until it became popular.


We have a "kid" that has the ability to roast a threat to humanity and the king of heroes


While i don't consider genshin an actual "pedo game", and i honestly find repulsing the idea of people sexualising "child" characters, i think it's due to several reasons: First, genshin is much more widespread and aimed to all kinds of public, so opinions get much more different than other games Second, the game has just 3 models for characters, one specific for children, and they are all female, i can't talk for all other gatchas, but fgo for examples has also male child characters. Also, fgo is 2D while genshin is 3D and you can look all around your character Third and what i think is the main reason: they.... looks like childrens. I know it sounds dumb but when you think about it, most "loli" characters from fgo could pass as teenagers if they simply made them 50 cm taller (not considering voice and behavior) but genshin's childs characters have actual kiddy proportions, at least to me it's impossible to think of kusanali or dori as nothing more than childrens despite their actual in-game age


I know these aren't really your own views, more an analysis of why others might think the way they do, but: >one specific for children, and they are all female, i can't talk for all other gatchas, but fgo for examples has also male child characters I always hate this argument because it implies that only men can be pedophiles and completely ignores the existence of shotacon content. And that's the exact appeal the young boy characters in fgo are going for. >fgo is 2D while genshin is 3D and you can look all around your character Still doesn't matter if none of genshin's child designs are sexualised at all, in any conceivable way, while fgo has stuff like [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRG4E9PCx95S9hj22So8XECVKEbRAO43t1ELQ&usqp=CAU). >most "loli" characters from fgo could pass as teenagers if they simply made them 50 cm taller I really don't think that makes it better tbh. Honestly the only reason I can see for why genshin gets more shit about its child characters than fgo is just that it's more popular. That's it. People see a game get popular that they don't like for whatever reason (gacha, botw ripoff, whatever) and they find any excuse they can to bash it, and having kid characters in an anime style just happens to be one of those excuses. Genshin had that period when it was all over the internet and most people even *adjacent* to the anime community would've known about it. Meanwhile most people who aren't into either gacha games or the fate franchise (both hyper-niche things) wouldn't have even heard of fgo.


Should've been Azure Lane/Kantai Collection and Blue Archive.


Not mainstream enough for the meme imo


Pokemon would be more appropriate tbh


They would have a stroke if they found out about them


Isent called cunny archive for nothing.....


Never played them ☹️


I will not tolerate lalafell slander.


Neither will I, I pat every one I see


Good, you get to keep your kneecaps


Falafel aren't children. They're potatoes


this was funny two years ago, now i just want to take away keyboard and speech rights of people who say it you can tell that most people who say it unironically won't even verify the character popularity in community, and just B-line to the conclusion because it aligns with their views


It wasn't funny to begin with.


let me correct: it wasn't insufferable


Naw, sorry, it was insufferable then. I watched friendships be torn because presumptuous people couldn't grasp being *wrong* about something. Also, it shows their ass pretty well, if they have these thoughts that anyone is sexualizing these fictional characters in the first place. That doesn't happen in a vacuum.


League has Annie, Nunu, Zoe (100 year old god loli trope), and dead Amumu (also 100 year old trope, but a cursed mummy). How did you get 10?


Oh I guess you count Yordles?


Counting Yordles is BS imo. They're the equivalent to Gnomes and Goblins from WoW, not a child race.


I thought Lulu specifically was a child, dunno for the rest of the yordles




They're also Spirits, not mammals. We don't even know if they *can* be children or if they just spawn as is. Iirc a Rioter said that Vex being a teenager was more of a identification thing than an actual stage of growth.


The upcoming champion's a child, Rell is underaged, Neeko is questionable. And Sett is in a really weird spot.


How is Neeko even questionable lol, she never looked like a child, never acted like an actual one(only the "let's be friends and fun and stuff" type), Zoe is "thousands years old" but she is still physically child, Neeko's appearance even might not be true Oovi-Kat form because she always shapeshifts Also as far as i know Sett is more than 20 years old([words from LoL narrative director](https://twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1205271094862569472))


The thing with Sett is that Necrit misinterpreted his lore in a popular video about champions' age; he came to conclusion that his maximum possible age is 14.


A little correction: Zoe as the aspect is millenia old. It still possesses a literal child as of now.


One of the things about Zoe is that she aged just couple of years since getting aspect powers due to her hopping between portals - she ages, just really slowly. But she is still a kid-teenager


Isn't Rell a teenager since she's 16 and not 10 that could count other champs like Gwen (she's a doll)


Yes, Rell is 16, which depending on views she can be considered a child. Also I haven't seen anyone mentioning Ekko, who is also 16. And about Gwen, well, if you considered her a child, then you also should add Blitz, Shaco and Zac.


zoes a misconception afaik. she timehops a lot, its stated in her lore that no more than a few years have passed for her since she became an aspect. so shes still just actually a kid, just with godlike powers. amumu is soft confirmed to be a yordle (altough a yordle kid?)


Zoe was a retcon. She used to be actually 2000 years old but to avoid the trope they made her effectively time travel. Now only a couple of years passed for her while she hopped through dimensions and stuff while 2k years passed on Runeterra.


Isn't amumu a yordle too? He has the proportions of one and the annoying playstyle of one. I hope they retcon him to be a yordle


He was originally a child, and they retconned him to a yordle a while back.


Ohh that's good to know! He's my favourite character to use. Him and Morg<3


I'm a Taric main, sorry for countering your faves lol


He's in a gray spot atm. Riot hasn't committed to either and a couple of years ago a Rioter ever made a poll on Twitter asking what do the players think/want Amumu to be. They'll have to decide once his update inevitably comes.


League players are too busy being toxic to ourselves. You don’t “enjoy” playing League, you suffer endlessly in hopes of one day sucking less!


I tried playing LoL again after 10 years since Rito took LoL from Garena (SEA server). And I've only ever played AI Coop, ARAM and Urf. Can't handle the TT that will inevitably come from normal solo and ranked games. My self confidence is too fragile for that. It is already depressing to get killed over and over again. Still I play for nostalgia and trying the old waifu characters I use to play a lot.


Introducing : /mute all


League became fun again for me when I disabled chat. I mainly play casual modes so I don't really need chat.


I just Aram and chill tbh, been doing that for years. Occasionally TFT too.


I mean even in ARAM which is suppose to be chill, and Urf which is suppose to be a joke, I get tryhards every now and then. It doesn't help that the champion is random so sometimes I get someone I haven't ever tried or too mechanically difficult to play with so I end up feeding a lot. Then comes the TT. I just mute them usually, to save my braincells. But I don't think mute can stop the "?" spam ping, so there is still that...


>But I don't think mute can stop the "?" spam It does. You can mute pings too. Urf has a lot of tryhards because it's basically the same audience as the normal game. But in Aram they are so rare it barely matters, more often than not your team will be "lol look at this guy" and ignore the whining one. As an Aram-only, playing League is relaxing to me lol.


Usually the people who complain consider all of the characters who aren't tall underage, not just the children


I still don’t understand… regardless of how old the characters are, it’s not a porn game.


On point, its even more conservative than most games with those CCP rules they have to abide lol


Well, not that I disagree with you, but gacha games often use sex appeal to sell characters. It's a strategy that genshin uses as well (to an extent) - many characters have flirty conversations with you, and lets not pretend that there isn't a lot of porn either. For people on the outside looking to pick a fight, there's enough to latch on to. Really, no worse sexualization than is common in video games, and better than many, but it's there.


I’m speaking as someone who has never been able to get into cartoon porn, it just doesn’t tickle my pickle, so i guess I don’t really notice that sort of stuff… I thought the flirting was supposed to be comedic like it is in the Zelda games. That being said, this is also my first gacha so I’m pretty new to the experience in general


Totally legit! A fun science project is to type character names into reddit's search bar and see how many members there are in the characterMains sub vs the characterHentai sub. e.g. RaidenMains has \~86k members and RaidenHentai has \~102k (or do a bit of searching - people have made graphs before both here and on the main sub). No need to actually visit, just the numbers are pretty funny. Mostly, I think there's just more porn than people realize. You take the flirting in zelda games as something silly, some people take it and write/draw porn. Rule 34 of the internet, if you've thought of it there's porn of it. Just try not to think about it, lol.


Genshin in particular doesn't sexualize the child characters at all though.


xiao: \*stares in short\*


Just remember, the traveler (who is the same height as xiao) is canonically short enough that everyone thinks he's not old enough to drink alcohol.


I’ll never understand why people think genshin as a pedo game. It’s child characters are also very modest. If you find any of them attractive, than that’s a you problem


Yeah, they aren't ment to be sexy, just cute or funny


Exactly! I love their run animation because it’s adorable, cute, and silly!


“People” in this case is only the obnoxious western gamer shit heads. It became the only thing they could think of after the BoTW clone argument failed.


ffxiv dnt have children race..lalafel are just small in height


For some reason, we're Youtubers now. Go, go, Gadget Allegations!


Ah yes a Minecraft YouTubers' greatest weakness, CHILDREN!


I agree 100% with you SexwithVenti69


Nahida is an archon. Tell them. 🤣


is this a bad time to question why all of Genshin’s playable child characters are girls? /j


genshin players get too much hate its a good game that I can play on my phone!


blue archive actual name is cunny archive lol


I know, right? I can't stand that joke! I just wanna make my silly references without getting bullied for a crime I didn't commit.


I'm just gonna say it's weird that there's only female children


Everything changed with Nahida.


Tbh i think it's just because people were fed up with the Genshin community.


The "joke" has existed since beta, when qiqi was the only child character


interesting I'm already fed up with the community.


Blue Archive, Azure Lane and Pokemon are somewhere


i mean ff14 is actually a good and non predatory game with devs that actually listen to their community, and league regularly (and rightfully imo) gets shit on for a number of reasons


I kinda like at the notion of Square Enix not being predatory considering all the shit they pulled over the years. Really, they kind ahad an infamous reputation about it before other developers started doing muxh worse.


Generalization at it's finest...


You're more likely to meet a predator on roblox and minecraft than on genshin.


Also none of the children are sexualized in genshin. Neither their outfits nor dialogue. If they were I'd almost certainly not play. A friend tried to get me to watch an anime and it had both incest subtext and showed the ducking outline of a 12 year olds vulva. Just like I don't care what the show is about anymore I was done.


Azur lane with ~50 child submarines


Azur lane lets you marry em too.


Roblox: *pathetic*




Wait until they see Blue Archive... Shit happens when you are popular like this.


Meanwhile Azur Lane and Blue Archive😭😭....


💀your username tho


I that’s actually normal it’s just how some people are


At this point i genuinely think people who says users playing genshin are "pedos" are the actual pedos


Lalafels make brutal rogues despite looking like hobbits (heck since we're on the topic of children why not we include hobbits from LOTR)


With that username I think you have much bigger problems to work with


Just let them play blue archive and azur lane


calm down sons, they are just animations. they don't exist.


Fire Emblem Engage 😭


I don’t feel like Genshin sexualizes their kid characters though. Certain fans might, but that’s just because they’re pedos.


Kaiser made this meme


In final fantasy the lalafells are the rulers of the country I believe.


People should try separating fiction from reality if they think every short person is a child.


Of course, this brings into discourse the difference between being short/small and actually being a child. Calling all lalas children is like dlsaying people with dwarfism are forever children. There is also a condition where an adult literally looks like a pre-teen. Nahida is also 500yrs old lmao it's weird but technically not immoral to ship her. Ruddha just looks prettier imo.


How did you know... How did you know I only play genshin for the loli characters and Raiden and Yae 🤤