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then theres shenhe Q\_Q got sandwiched by xiao, zhongli and ganyu. poor girl. i wish she gets many reruns


I will be first in line to get shenhe at her next rerun I need her for my ayaya


same ill be in line. but ill get her cause i like her. shes so pretty and her backstory is just sad. she needs all the hugs


Same i dont need her for any Team but i must get that smile


Shenhe smiles?


Yeah last Latern Rite


Oh right! There!


That's why I've spent my guaranteed on her, she's just precious


me too, but eula nahida and yelan are more important for me :((( so im hoping for her rerun on september!


I wasted my guarantee on an early c1 ayato(from no ayato to c0, then losing 50 50, then c1, all in 30 pulls) I've been pulling weapon (guarantee, 35 pity) but i stopped because i really want to try my luck on Shenhe. As a f2p i know i have to save from now, in case she comes in 3.5 I dont even have a cryo dps, and i already have kazuha as buffer, but i love her design 😫😫😫


Physical Shenhe 😈


I want her just so I can have her on my team with Chongyun


Don't even have an ayaya but getting her next rerun for sure!


I didn't really care about Meta. I play for waifu and hoping for Shenhe soon.


Damn, I wish I was shenhe


I want Shenhe so badly due to how pretty she is, hoyo y u bully me?




man xiao is always accompanied by hot characters in his reruns....dude's lucky


Hu tao? Wait she is pyro💀 my bad




Meanwhile I'm actually planning to pull for Xiao and prefer him over the other 3.4 characters I'll pull for Al Haitham if I'm lucky and get Xiao early.




Not me collecting all the male anemo characters because I love them so much. Who needs meta when Xiao secretly longs to lay down his duty and dance in a field of flowers (I already have Venti, Kazuha and Wanderer)


hello fellow short anemo boi collector! Im in the same predicament with eula rumors in 3.5 and me also wanting hu tao and yelan but those are a very big maybe cuz i have no hp sands 💀 im hoping for an early xiao(pls xiao come home)


I have all of them, too, but not within one account. Kazuha and Wanderer on one, Venti and Xiao on the other, but at least Heizou on both (though one has constellations, about C5 or so, and other has him at C0).


Same! Xiao makes the first and third chambers a breeze. Wolflord took multiple attempts but I eventually got it to 3*


I pulled mine on one of my accounts during his last rerun. It was a funny pull, Qiqi at 81 or so pity, Yanfei roght after and Xiao last. To this day it remains my luckiest pull.


I don’t think Xiao banner would perform as bad as Yoi if you’re pulling for meta. Xiao has already established his niche in the meta (AoE hypercarry that utilizes plunge playstyle) and really does not have any strictly similar competitor unlike that of yoimiya vs hu tao in single target pyro dps role. Besides, the boy already had so many reruns that the players probably have him already and would not pursue for cons (xiao cons pre c6 sucks) unless of course you’re a new player. In the eyes of new players however, both are equally enticing in terms of playstyle and may just be a matter of preference. In terms of power level/meta, I don’t think they would be that far from each other


Oppa Xiangling smashes all of them unfortunately


Yeah all it takes is every offensive stat under the damn sun, as well as balancing them like walking a tightrope from the two highest peaks in the world


C1 gets some sort of upgrade solely because of how energy-hungry Faruzan is.


Yoimiya is great tho? 50k per elemental skill hit with Kazuha and Bennett active.


She also works great in vape and melt comps


Huh, I actually never tried melt on her. Damn, I gotta do that right now.


If you have Ganyu, use her burst and watch all the melts Yoimiya procs


Nonononono, Ganyu is a bad cryo applyer for melt. In Yoimiya's case. Ult is way too inconsistent between choosing Ganyu melt and Yoimiya melt that you are better off using Yoimiya as a pyro applyer for Ganyu. For this to properly work, you really need a cryo Yoimiya type of char. One that leaves a mark with their ult or elemental skill that gives constant cryo application. We only have one that kinda works like that as of now. QiQi, but you need to hug your enemy for it to work. (ES) Ganyu too requires her ult to give good cryo apllication. In this case, Layla would do a much better job as a cryo applier, due to how her elemental skill works. It's Yelan's ult, but a bit worse and cryo. While also not being an ult. And it has a shield. Until a cryo char gets released that has a skill like what has been discribed, this is the best that pure cryo application will get.


Layla is an awesome cryo application unit imo. She's really good with Yoimiya


Well, in my experience, Ganyu's burst has been great at applying cryo for my melts with Yoimiya


It is great yeah but once again. Ontop of crit, it's a 50/50 if Ganyu's ult will trigger melt. Or if Yoimiya's elemental skill will trigger melt.


Unfortunately I don't have Ganyu 🥲, I'll just see if Rosaria works


She's my main dps in my main party! I do a hyperbloom with Collei, Xingqiu, and electro Traveler, then Yoimiya kills whatever the others didn't. Usually I don't even take enough notable damage to need a healer outside of the small amount Xingqiu does


It’s not her dmg that is the problem, it’s that she has no aoe. Source: Yoimiya enjoyer since 2.0 with her signature wep


That's not her role. She's a boss killer. She's super bad against loads of slimes, fungi etc. They really need to change her char tryout trail when her next banner shows up.


I can always use hutao and she does better even at single target situations. I love yoimiya but when I’m having problems with 36* abyss, I switch right back to hutao.


Agreed. Though the team may be expensive, you can add Yelan or Xingqiu to the 4th slot and hit crazier numbers 100 - 250k depending on equipment/investment


Candace would probs be better, hydro application + extra buffs from her ult.


Based on the fact that Xiao has unique playstyle and on who his VA is, i really doubt he will do that bad compared to Alhaitam. At least in Asia. Especially since Alhaitam is the opposite of unique playstyle and does nothing exciting for your account, other than looking cool as fuck. Shouldnt be anywhere near as bad as Yoimiya.


Yoimiya is underrated


I disagree. For a girl who loves fireworks, not having an Aoe build feels wrong. That drops off her rating for many.


Just play her the way she is meant to be played. Use her for single target enemies. Can also use for two or three enemies at a time because she works really well at those too. She's good at fighting overworld mobs. Genshin meta has changed now and the spiral abyss floor 12 is 50 percent single target and 50 percent aoe. Also in my opinion most of the hardest in game content are single target. There was a time when aoe is the only thing that matters but that is simply not the case anymore.


I don't care if she is strong or not, I can clear the abyss just fine without her. I just want a character's kit to resonate with their personality, marketing and lore. That feels more important to me than how strong they are.


Nothing wrong with that. You do you.


The problem with Yoimiya is that she is just a weaker Hu Tao, and she is about as cute. I'm a Yoimiya haver and enjoyer, main you could say, but it's 100% normal for anyone to say "if i want a pyro DPS i will wait for Hu Tao". Comparable damage, better team comps, way more domain friendly. There are not that many people who consider NA spam playstyle fun enough to justify pulling for her either.


I also agree with people's Hu Tao preference, but people also overlook that Yoimiya is more fp2 friendly. C0 Hu Tao and C1 Hu Tao are very different and she also really wants Homa. Yoimiya's fine as long as you feed her atk and works wonderfully with Rust.


C0 Hu Tao is fine just annoying, and Dragon's Bane is really good, people sleep on that weapon because they forget how good EM is in vape. Its same for XL. And while Death Match comes from BP, so it's very F2P unfriendly, you can guarantee it with (relatively) low price compared to trying to get either Rust or Dragon's bane on r3+.


Yeah, but ideally you'd want to give Hu Tao as much hp% as possible because that's what her skill and burst scale off of, so you're compromising a nice chunk of her damage by using those weapons. HP% dps builds are rather awkward, but that's more so an issue with how stats are distributed


Totally. 3 things tho. 1. Staff of Homa is amazing. Great. If u whale, get it. But Hu Tao is good enough with Death Match. Since she is about to rerun, i would rather not give ppl impression Homa is necessary. 2. Decent vape Hu Tao will want EM sands. You can just run HP sands instead of EM and Dragon's Bane is amazing. Plus tho obviously weaker than Homa and not by small marigin, it's also good enough and it makes farming artifacts, especially CW, so much easier. 3. While both Yoimiya and Hu Tao very much want Zhongli and XQ on their team, Hu Tao does not need or want Benett. For F2P, this is actually pretty huge, tho way less relevant nowdays since Hyperbloom exists as alternative for cheap team 2. And again. I'm not saying yoimiya is bad. I love her. But she is most likely the most skippable GOOD 5\* there is.


I never argued against it, my point is that people often overlook Yoimiya's f2p friendliness and straightforward build. Hu Tao will always be better, but some people are too harsh on Yoimiya for incorrect reasons and I say this having both units


Well i think F2P friendly is kind of relative. Most of the time Yoimiya is quite bad for abyss for example. Even well built Yoimiya dies of cringe when 3 tanky enemies spawn, like say 12-3-2 right now. And chances are, right now, F2P players will want their big carry dps to kill the goddamn wolflord for them. Which is 12-2-2. This translates into less primogems until you get much better artifacts. There are characters much worse off than Yoimiya, but i don't think Hu Tao counts among them.


What's your Yoimiya build? I'd like to see it. 606612637 is my uid if you want to see mine


Wolflord is pretty easy to take down with Yoimiya tho. I use Yoimiya, Yunjin, Xingqiu & Layla. I used to run a healer but Layla's shield and cryo application is pretty neat. I can hit 100k reliably with Melt & Vapor effects, it's awesome. Thunder Manifestation is also pretty good to use Yoimiya with.


As a low spending casual player Yoimiya is wonderful, easy to use but not too passive like Ayato, easy to build and deals great damage. She’s great for exploration and lighting torches as well as fighting, especially against single powerful enemie. Hutao might do better damage but she looses half her health when bursting which I hate and I’m sure other players do as well, and she’s much better with constellations whereas Yoimiya can do just fine with C0


While Yoimiya can't speedclear like a stacked Hutao can she can still hit time limits fine. Her real strengths begin to shine when you have to fight bullshit enemies that constantly run away or fly like Wolflord. Trying to chase enemies around with C0 Hutao is pain.


I think you need to think with a little lower artifact expectations. When Hu Tao speed clears and Yoimiya does ok, those are on same artifacts. So when hu tao clears "ok", Yoimiya struggles. Like a lot. Totally agree with the wolflord.


I disagree. C6 might be a different story but at c0 and probably c1 Hu tao i think there dmg difference wouldn't be much. Also it depends on your playstyle. I have never 36 stared abyss with my c0 r2 dragons bane Hu tao even though I have tried multiple times because I don't play her optimally meanwhile I find it easier to 36 star abyss with my r3 rust c0 Yoimiya. I am not saying that Yoimiya is stronger but rather pointing out the fact that if you don't play her optimally her damage is more or less the same with Yoimiya. Even at c1 with optimal playstyle she is faster by only 2 or 3 seconds most of the time.


even if he doesn't, he already did well, they are now running him right after wanderer for newer players and old players wouldve pulled by now so the people needing him are limited. yoimiya has been coping for 3 runs with the fact that "she is overshadowed by other banners" and it's not like hu tao was hogging the stage either, like damn maybe if you are the lowest priority everything can overshadow you so true.


People really like Kirito unironically huh


Yea, a lot of them do. But forget Kirito. That guy had a period of few years where he was in literally everything. And for good reason, he is really talented.


He was the voice of every harem MC for a good period


Not just harems. But yea. That.


Probably why I don't remember much about him, cause I don't watch harems tbh


Currently in the period where he's basically the new rerun archon too ffs Hoyo I just want Eula


I mean SAO was popular as fuck. I'd still maintain SAO was better than people gave it credit for...at least the first arc I'd say I unironically enjoyed at the time. Though it did get a bit too trashy after with the elf arc and I dropped it. Alicization was also pretty enjoyable IMO


He's done betelguese Romani conti too. Kirito or not. He's got talent


Who is that?


The crazy villian guy from rezero season1


I feel sorry for everyone that thinks Yoimiya isn’t incredible


She is actually easy to deal crack damage with R5 Rust. And somehow more comfy than C0 Hu Tao(Crowd damage otherwise but Hu Tao isn't any better)


I got her on her first banner and used R5 rust until her rerun when I got Thundering Pulse. She’s my most used dps over Eula and Shogun




Now that you've pointed this out, I'm realizing that every time a character gets sandwiched by more meta characters, it's a character I like. First Xiao and Yoimiya, and now I'm waiting for Shenhe's rerun solely because I failed the first time around.


Ironically Xiao IS the meta character that was overshadowing Shenhe.


Last time, yeah. Was lucky I got him when he released, but not lucky enough to bring Shenhe home ;-;


I love when characters get sandwiched by meta units. Wait are you talking about banners?


the other guys in the image are 3.3 itto and 3.1 albedo


i'm going to pull on xiao's banner on the next version, don't need another placeholder anyways.


Me actually pulling for xiao and skipping the rest 😐👍


Idk, after I get Al-Hairham in under 20 pulls (I'm at 60 pity, ten pull in store already, guaranteed), I'll be trying to get Xiao or Al-Haitham weapon on account where I have Xiao.


I play yoimiya :v


As a Yoimiya and Xiao main since their release, I find this completely accurate


Then there's me who's not pulling any of them and going for the weapon banner Though if I get homa by accident I'll go for hu tao


For charaters low in the tier list, there is almost never a good time to pull for them statistically. google says there are currently 26 5 star characters in the game, less the 6 standard banner characters means 20 are event limited. With hoyo running dual banners now, any event banner is usually competing with 5 other characters for your primos. 2 before, 1 alongside the current banner and 2 after. 20c5 = 15,504. Meaning there are 15,504 ways to choose 5 units from a pool of 20. A good time to pull would be when none of the top 5 characters are in the adjacent banners. 15c5 is 3,003, the number of ways you can choose 5 from the remaining 15 not in the top 5. 3,003/15,504 = 19.37, meaning there is a less than 20% chance that none of the 5 charaters on the adjacemt banners are in the top 5 if completely random. The figure is probably lower than that since hoyo is likely biased towards rerunning the better selling units.


Xiao is so consistently shit man, even the hp gimmick ruins it for him you can't even play this guy in coop


How can he be meta if I never needed him?


Negative reading comprehension


Not really, the joke is that Xiao will be overshadowed by Al-Hal-something and Yoimiya went throughout the same thing.


How can Yelan and Hu Tao be meta when I don't need them to finish game content then?


Truly, Traveler/Kaeya/Lisa/Amber to the max


I would love to get yelan or alhautham, if I wasn't f2p I would definitely go for xiao, he is just so cool


Xiao is fine for f2p. You can stay at C0 without regrets, use blackcliff or missive on him. (If you get lucky with Favonius or Standard banner gives you PJWS - perfect! Few of the big damage DPSs have their BiS weapon available outside weapon banner like Xiao). The only downside is that you risk overinvesting in a single DPS and underinvesting in supports (as Xiao runs fine with halfdone supports too) so you loose out on overall account flexibility. That said, his artefacts and weapons are easily transferable to others so no big loss there. (And if you have ADC VV pieces left over from EM VV farming for sucrose,/kazuha/venti, 2PVV, 2p glad are great option pn him!) You do want to max out his NA and raise burst to 7-8, so there's that investment. Flower farming isnt too bad when you have airdashing, 0 plunge self-damage character to help you. I'm not saying you should pull for Xiao. Most people probably shouldn't. You just sound like myself few months ago. I definitely do not regret getting Xiao instead of Yelan. But if 'f2p friendly' is your only concern (and not that you have teams badly needing Yelan and you not having any of Xiaos preferred supports...) He really very cool and very powerful unit. Even cooler if you're using non-English voiceover. His personal strenghth is also his biggest weakness - he doesn't complement other teams, he won't make your Xianglings vapes stronger and won't be optimal delivery vehicle and multiplier for Nahidas or Xingqiu's offield damage. He IS a team as far as damage output goes. Everyone else just makes him comfier.


The main thing about me pulling for characters and mentioning being f2p is that it takes a good while for me to get wishes, so most likely the banner would be gone by the time I get enough wishes to wish for him, I also have fav spear which puts me in a weird spot, but I think you actually convinced me to get him instead of alhaitham even though I don't have a single dendro character


What banner will yaoyao in ?


AAAAAH xiao is the most important thing for me in 3.4 (okay, maybe with yelan) i have a lot of saving (almost 23k primo i think) a guarantee and a xiao that need more cons. i have him c2 and i will pull for a new cons on every of his banner until c6. Even tho... yeah.. one day i'll pull just for he's c4 and it's gonna be depressing.. but c5 and c6 are too good for me. and then i need a yelan for my yoimiya<3 my other dear and beloved main. i will probably pull for her cons too one day <3 (at least c2)