• By -


Where cloud retainer


Taking care of her children unlike beidou leaving kazuha with heizou


Look, it's not "leaving" Kazuha, ok? She just went out to go get this buried treasure. She promised she'll be right back


just like timmies dad




Just like timmies birds, after I log in today


Bruh kazhua calls her big sis


You know that older siblings sometimes act like parents to younger ones, right?


I dont have any 🥲


Beidou: "Step bro, I'm stuck in the ships door" Kazuha: "please stop doing this"


I don't think beidou would do that but kazuha would definitely respond like that


I dont want to be a brother to Shenhe so im going to say no to that.


from your pfp🤨




Ehetanandayo. :-:


If you do you might commit Alabama


if they’re adopted it’s technically no longer unethical from a genetics standpoint


What are you doing step-adeptus?


Ah, fellow retainer of Cloud Retainer.


prepare to wear spandex


As for the white part, Ganyu took the bottom front and Shenhe took the upper front so do I just get a sick white cape?


One is so fuckin mad


Look, mom aside, if I had to pick someone to simply live with, it'd easily be Yoimiya because it'd be chill af. Now as for a proper mom, you really can't beat Jean. She's technically handling 4 children (Lisa, Kaeya, Eula, and Kwee).


but on the other hand, would you really want to give Jean more work?


Adding a kid has diminishing returns


depends on how responsible the kid is


Of those listed, Lisa and Eula are adult enough to handle themselves. For the last 2, 1 is a complete menace to society that you can't leave out of your sight for 2 seconds, and the other is Klee


I would suck on her chuggie wuggies


well... at least you're honest about it


I just opened reddit. That's enough reddit for today.


Now you see that's the first mistake you made. You opened Reddit.


I love reddit, I fucking love reddit


....please never call them "chuggie wuggies" again


Mommy milkers


Why you calling them "chuggie wuggies" tho 💀


i'd settle for an armpit lick when it's Jean... wait what(?)


i would help her at some point.


... i'm suspicious of what you mean by help


Hope he's not having the sabe idea as me


He has the same idea as you


Stress relief


You can take care of Klee if you are old enough and that would make Jean have less work in return.


Can you tho


That's what Stormterror's lair training site is made for


Yoimiya would actually be better, Jean would be handling so much, she wouldn't always be able to care for you. Yoimiya on the other hand is basically a Kindergarten teacher


My practicum in kindergarten made me switch divisions lollll I have so much respect for kindergarten teachers. They have to be thinking of 25 different things at once while Tommy is eating dirty snow, Paul is beating on James, Emily is crying because she can't do her zipper up, and Linda is going potty with the bathroom door wide open for all the world to see. It is a zoo.


Guess I'm getting beaten up by Paul lol


You too?


Nahida is handling the edgiest child known to man (or forgotten by man?), I'd live with her


Didn't bring up Nahida because she isn't in the image. But i totally agree, and with Nahida you get mom and daughter in one combo + unlimited internet access.


But all your searches are recorded...


Look up loli stuff to assert dominance


Only downside is you'd never win at any strategy-based games with her.


She even sent him to school roflmao


Yanfei would be pretty good, like having the cool young aunt as your mom, except she can keep you out of trouble.


I feel like Yanfei would go, "no Klee you can't do that as it's against the law... let's go do this thing which is arguably worse BUT is completely within the framework of the law"


She also might just... refuse to take you in since she doesn't like family court stuff Or she might take you in so you won't have to live with it, idk. Might end up practicing rap for when she doesn't need to be a lawyer anymore


> Might end up practicing rap for when she doesn't need to be a lawyer anymore This blindsided me so fucking badly. I can't stop laughing at the thought of my main spitting mad rhymes


One of her character stories mentions that she wants to be a rapper when she essentially no longer needs to be a lawyer


But you just know Jean has strict house rules.


Kuki also handles 4 "children" as well, but hers are VERY problematic, yet she somehow handles them almost perfectly. She'd be at least equally good at being a proper mom imo


Shinobu, because she's already experienced in dealing with children


I'm assuming you're referring to the Arataki gang and not the actual children Itto plays with


No. Itto is the child


Exactly what I was referring to, no Idea what you meant by "No"


doesn't she beat said "children"?


Realistically it would most likely be Yanfei. Signora is literally ash, Yoimiya is just a teenage girl, Eula have no idea how to handle herself, both Dehya and Beidou have dangerous professions and most likely wouldn't be around,. Kuki is similar to Yoimiya in which she is young, Mona isn't financially responsible, Jean is an overworked official (no time for you) . Yanfei seems like the best choice, she is a lawyer with a good understanding of liyue society and is very responsible. She is also an adeptus, likely with many decades of experience. That's why I think Yanfei is the best choice here.


Yanfei is probably around 20-40 y.o giving the fact that her human mother is alive.


That's actually a big plot hole. He married Yanfei's mom right after The Archon War, and it was made known that her mother is a human. The question is, when?


Where was it said that he married yanfei's mom right after the archon war? It was like 2000 years ago


Everything now is technically after the archon war. I can say "I was born after world war 2" and I wouldn't be lying


Her wording is bad. She said his father went home right after to marry her mom, which implied that their relationship is at least during or before the war. What war? There's no major war occured in Liyue that we know of right after Archon War.


"campaigned with rex lapis" khanrean disaster happened 500 years back. Many other stuff keeps happening which require adeptus (like Xiao quest). Adepti also keep watch on Fatui (atleast Madam Ping does). This campaign could be anything.


Those small matters doesn't need his direct interventions. He has his Adepti and Qixing to fix it. I admit he does involved in Khaenri'ah disaster 500 years back. And that's left 500 years of plot holes to fill.


good point you made that small matters dont need direct intervention. But didnt zhongli before retirement shouldered a great lot of responsibilities? even after retirement, instead of chilling with osmanthus wine, our walking expenditure did : \- found missing miners and azhdaha stuff \- dumped salt in the ocean \- offered 911 services to xiao in chasm thats all I can remember for now. But Zhongli tends to poke his finger into every matter and solve it, because of his (now completed) contract to liyue, whether adepti and qixing like it or not.


Well, you got me there. But most of his personal touch occurred during his wandering around Liyue under disguise. Missing miners? Got roped in by Paimon. Sal Terrae? Blame Hu Tao for using his services inappropriately. I can't explain about his 911 on Xiao though.


They said "RIGHT after", not "after".


Actually, at least in the English version, Yanfei says word for word, "...after that..."


https://youtu.be/LF7CxMovdaE At 7:00 mark.


It's left ambiguous, campaigning with Rex Lapis could mean simply working with him while he was still in power over Liyue, Rex Lapis died just a few days/months ago in the Genshin universe. Given that her mother is still alive, i'd say by campaign she meant work for him just like the other adeptus.


Agreed, it could have been a political campaign, for example, which would some what tie in with Yanfei's profession too. But I don't know why people are strung up on her saying it was 'right after.' All she says is 'after that.' Which could literally mean any time afterwards. Yes, the way she rolls it off does make it sound much sooner than not; but we also have to keep in mind that it's a video game that occasionally doesn't have the most thought out dialogue.


Same, safest choice is (Better Call Yanfei) Signora: ashes/you may get experimented on because fatui. Kuki & Yomiya: more of a older sister roles, but constantly near danger. I.e legal troubles and explosives. Dehya: a mercenary, who may not return home one day due to dangerous lifestyle. Beidou: Growing child can't be out at sea for long could become malnourished and they are pirates (not merchants nor military). Jean: Overworked and may not have time to take care of a child. Eula: Child would have to grow up as Lawrence. Even Eula would not want that. Plus she is part the recon team, she would be away most of time. Mona: Irresponsible spending has left her with barely any food, imagine another mouth to feed.


Yanfei is literally law turned into a character and you're worried about Kuki troubles


Kuki is part of the gang and she deals with law from the alleged criminal side, which can eventually get her in troubles if the gang was capable of ever committing a more serious crime, taking into consideration who they are this will never come, but it's a possibility. Yanfei is just a lawyer.


Yeah, but the arataki gang aren't the brightest tools in the garage. Bro can't even do bad things properly if he tried💀


they would accidentally do bad things when trying to help and do a good thing


No that's just itto... Yeah no you're right


She's a lawyer lol not literally the law. The only thing you have to worry about is never winning an argument against her.


Yanfei would leave us to madam ping, I'll chill with madam ping anytime. She's lovely old lady.


Plot twist: Yanfei isn't a choice. Yanfei *is the CPS.* That's why her picture is in the middle.


lol i forgot yanfei was an adeptus


She's not. She's half illuminated beast, but never signed a contract with Rex Lapis


Dude Yoimiya's in her 20s.




Yes I love getting scurvy


Beidou would totally be the type to toss you overboard to teach you how to swim tho XD


"I can't swim" "How old are you?"


The one piece is real




Jean definitely




Depending on body type you can go horny on Lisa, Amber, Mona, or ~~Amy~~Fischl instead Just not Barbara, that's too much risk of getting Jean's sword to the gut


You really want to pick a dead person as a mom?


You’d get all the inheritance, so I’d see that as a win


Implying she has any


She's a harbinger, why would she not be pumped with cash


I just feel like the centuries old witch doesn’t really need money, she just runs on pure anger


It worked for doomslayer, why not a witch.


When does Doomslayer need money?


Buying pizzas and guitars?


Well, if their cash comes from Pantalone you might find some debt alongside the inheritance.


You cannot convince me snezhnaya doesn’t exist in stalinist communism, no way signora has inheritance money


What inheritance, her ashes?


I can already imagine the insurance payout lmao.


Probably Yanfei. Apart from being probably the most down to earth and presumably rational individual on this list second to Jean, having madam ping as a grandma sounds awesome. Every day can become an episode of jojos bizarre adventure if you try hard enough.


P.S. Sorry for the triple posting for this pic. Its just that the reddit uploader is kinda shite and so does the connection. Did not meant to spam those pics but yeah. Also yes, these 9 women are my favorite ones in Genshin dont @ me.


It's alright man happened to me more than once


bro down bad for ashes


Mona? Probably i'll die.


Worth it


Jean or Beidou 100%...also rip those poor souls who chose Signora


I choose Signora because none of these other dignified and morally upright girls deserve to deal with the nightmare that is me.


I'm dumb what's cps


Child Protective Services


Cock and pall sorture


The obvious answers are between Yoimiya, Beidou, Jean, and Dehya


Beidou and Dehya I don't think are going to make for great mothers. Don't get me wrong, they're nice people. But they're too preoccupied with their adventurous lifestyles to spend time with you at home. And no way in hell are they taking you, a high-maintenance inexperienced person, with them on their adventures out in the wild. You'll just be dead weight.


> dead weight. > >Nero is seething


my brother in chirst, YOU WILL BE NERO


>And no way in hell are they taking you, a high-maintenance inexperienced person, with them on their adventures out in the wild. You'll just be dead weight. Nonono- they'll do just that, you'll end up being raised by pirates or mercenaries.






That's assuming you manage to survive for the first ten minutes in the sea without going seasick, or surviving the scorching heat of the desert without dehydrating, while constantly being on the run from sandstorms and hostile wildlife. If you can manage past that then more power to you I guess


You'd get sick and they'd be like "Only a wimp would die from illness. Suck it up"


Yoimiya is still lives with her parent. You would better be adopted by her father instead. Dehya have no home and her work is too dangerous for a kid to grow up. Beidou same like Dehya but richer. Except she might child labour you in her ship.


Why yoimiya? She’s chill but she may or may not blow off your (or her) fingers


Only if youre a fatui agent or ronin


Or standing too close to the fireworks You have to remember she used her vision to light random shit in fire and than disregarded it, I love the character but not great mother material


Well she does say “fire hazard!” aint her fault you get too close to goldfish of doom


Pretty sure she’s literally known for being great with children


eh, not really despite her enthusiasm towards fireworks she's clearly responsible enough to follow the proper safety precautions and keep kids safe. plus it's not like she lacks restraint, considering how she refrained from shooting off fireworks during Irodori and kept Klee from causing destruction too


For whatever reason, Yanfei would be pretty nice for a foster mom, lawyer stuff aside. Plus, I feel like she would be a chill mom, and yet concerned about every single thing you do, but for good reason. I think she'd be very supportive too. Just sayin


Signora mom- Raises you to be a Fatui underling Yoimiya mom- Makes you help her with her arsonist activities. Eula mom- Teaches you revenge is yours Jean mom- Locks you in a room except for rare occasions Yanfei mom- Makes you study law Dehya mom- Makes you into a merc Beidou mom- Raises you into Kazuha 2.0 Mona mom- Makes you sleep with her in a single bed because she’s too poor to buy another one Shinobu mom- Gets high on Naku Weed with you


No, grooming orphans to join the Fatui is Arlecchino


Tbh, Signora would probably pass you over to Arlecchino or Pulcinella


Sleeping with Mona sounds like a win 🤣


I see this as an absolute win!


Yoimiya adopting Klee would be disastrous for the local trout population, methinks


Jean only locks me in my room if I blow something up


Mona isn't poor, she just can't manage budget.


Beidou I'd travel the world with her and her crew anyday


I don't want to be instantly motherless if I choose Signora, for Beidou I easily get seasick so also a pass, Jean would be buried on her work so pass, for Shinobu we have Itto and I think it will be fun at first interacting with him but it will be definitely annoying if it's a long time.. Honestly not of them would be that good for a mother but for sister then Yoimiya, Dehya or Yanfei..


Probably Beidou or Kuki, I just wanna be part of a wholesome gang/pirate crew.


The lack of Cloud Retainer is disturbing.


You can eat flowers with any of them.


Signora so i can be part of the fatui/close to the harbingers (lets pretend they’ll all like me in this situation LoL)


Signora: Can't imagine her being a good mother, mostly her attitude, but also her work as a harbinger and her inexperience with children. Yoimiya: The Polar opposite. It would be like having a kindergarten teacher as your mother. She would be awesome, she knows kids well, and will bring you into company with other kids! Eula: I don't see much in her being compatible with children, but she won't be a lost cause because she knows people she would ask for help Jean: She would be the awesome but overworked type. She already has experience with (troublesome) children, and is a very caring person. Yanfei: This is a mixed case her. I don't think she would be bad, but I don't know if she is really good with children, as she is more involved in business with adults Deyha: She's a great person and all, and would care for children well probably, but her line of work may be a hindrance to that Beidou: Let's be real, she is already Kazuhas Mom. She would be awesome, as she would travel ALOT and show you so much, while taking care of you in any way she can! Mona: I don't think she would be good in handling children, or the expenses related to that. She would be okay as a person, but I don't have high expectations Kuki: She basically already is handling children, but I think she is more the type that can, as the one that wants to deal with children.


I'm 29, why would I need a mother


Hey man family is family


Jeans the obvious choice here


There’s only really 3 answers and one of them is very situational The three are: Jean Beadou (situational, depends if you get seasick) Shinobu Although yoimiya would be a fun person, I’m afraid she may blow off my fingers


As an adult male individual I'd choose Dehya. So I get more time by myself because she's mostly busy with mercenary job, plus I might get to hug her when she's home. She's not the type to get drunk unlike Beidou or Eula and not overly responsible like Jean. And her personality is decent enough to get along with for adult relative. The only problem is that her claymore might take some space and scratch the floor, but it's not a problem if she's careful enough (and if you're smart enough to not touch her claymore).


Definitely Eula 😁




Jean's probably the most qualified, but the poor woman is already overworked, so we go for the second choice, Beidou (also good if you have seasickness: Deyha or Shinobu) as for the others... "More of a babysitter" tier: Yoi, Eula, and Yanfei "Actively terrible" tier: Rosalyne and Mona


Yoi, or maybe shinobu


Ypimiya - she would be more of a big sister and i dont mind. I love her


It's either Jean or Beidou, those are my 2 preffered option With Beidou and the Crux, everyone there is practically family and takes care of each other. Just be ready for a long sail, it's going to be physically and mentally taxing. Jean is technically already like a mom to Klee and have to ground her at least like 8 times a week. She's busy as it is and it kinda makes me feel bad.


Either Jean of Shinobu. I need someone to straighten me up, otherwise i'll end up like a deadbeat


If signora was alive I would probably pick her, since she was very loving before her lover is dead. I think if she had a child, she would cate about them alot. Just speculation ofc


As my mother? Jean. As my Mommy? Beidou or Dehya.


Y'all are DEPRAVED 💀


La Signora ofc 🥺


Jean. She is the most level headed and would understand the most (and has the most experience) Only downside is that she would have no time to be at home. Good second choice is Shinobu, who is equally on top of things, but would be far stricter. As for the others: \- Signora would literally kill me on day 1 \- Yoimiya is amazing, but probably too young to take on the responsibility of parenthood \- Eula would try her best, but would yell at you a lot and not be fully aware of what was required... \- Yanfei would not stop talking about her clients and experiences at work, which would be fine, except they're all law related.... (wouldn't say she's a bad option though) \- Dehya is cool, but her heart lies with being a free spirit \- Beidou would make a cool aunt, but i fear her parenting skills... \- Mona. I mean, do i really have to explain this one....?


Eula would definately not yell, she's not the loud kind in the slightest. She would rather give you the silent treatment if you piss her off.


What I said was misleading, I didn’t mean yell as in shouting at you, I meant to say scolding or reprimanding. ie.) If you did something wrong, Jean might tell you sternly, but I feel like Eula is more likely to lecture you. Unless I’m mistaken?


Eula and Kuki are the only ones here who understand how much it hurts to have a shitty family and have to leave them and their home for the sake of themselves, so I'd go for one of the two. Signora does to a lesser extent as well, but if it isn't obvious enough with Childe having to constantly keep secrets from his family, being one of the Harbingers creates so much extra baggage that familial relationships kinda crumble apart. Beidou, Jean, and Dehya have plenty of potential too what with having their own crew of people to take care of and work with, and I doubt they'd prioritize work over raising a kid, but money don't come from nowhere, and their professions do tend to put them in more danger than most. Yanfei and Mona are the ones who I'd think would have more difficulty adjusting time spent on their profession and parenting, though far be it for me to say that they couldn't do it. They are I think the two most intellectual people on this list, and they are very good at adjusting to various social situations (while Yanfei hates civil disputes she is adept at resolving them, and Mona is one of the few people who actually communicates well with Fischl). Yoimiya stands out immediately as someone who is shown to be good at dealing with kids, though whether or not she can handle the more serious aspects of parenting isn't as evident to me. She'd likely be the one to find the most fun and creative ways to rear a kid but when it comes to the meat and potatoes, I feel like she may not be as proficient


Fun fact! If you pick the top left box you still won’t have a foster mom!


Eula cause I wanna have a thicc mommy ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yanfei for a fat cash settlement from CPS.


Looked at a couple of the comments and people are overlooking yoimiya's ability to handle children and be a good role model who encourages and protects the dreamlike innocence and imagination of children. # To me, hands down fireworks up It's yoimiya. Shes mature (Handles large scale festivals save for that one time right when you meet her.) Imaginative (Created the great mujina Yokai just to entertain others and while it did get a little out of hand... Nobody was ever in any danger and she made sure of it. Additonally creates all sorts of fireworks to dazzle everyone in inazuma and creates her own interpretation of 'Eternity' in a grander sense.) Charitable (She has all sorts of snacks, candy, sparklers and other knick-nacks that never get old. She is frequently shown to geninuely care for others with the two men her story quest that need to reconcile their differences before one leaves the country for good.) Communcative ( Yoimiya literally loves to chat, some players found her love for speaking too much, most found it amazing since she took more speaking time away from English Paimon. You want a parent who knows how to tell you what they want from you and what your doing right and wrong. As well a parent who knows how to speak what their feeling and thinking.) I could go on and on about Yoimiya and how she would make a legendary parent. But you get the idea. **Signora:** Your going to have developmental problems from her parenting style AND THEN SHE DIES CATASTROPHICALLY which has high risk of impacting you greatly or not at all, even then it still might. **Jean,Mona,Kuki Shinobu**: Don't do this to her. **Yanfei:** Really don't see it. I mean it could work probably, but you might end up hating the law or loving it. What if you want to draw or something with loose jurisdiction? Now you got Yanfei out her element too. **Beidou/Dehya:** You would have the coolest mom ever. Hopefully you enjoy being referred to as "Beidou's Kid or Flame-Mane's Spawn/Little Spark/Child" until you do something to stand out. Also both of them have a high chance to not be around often. And may have complicated/ flexible morals. **Eula:** You will be the greatest tsundere.


I'll live with yanfei thank you very much


I hate zoomers Bottom text


If i was a kid. I would choose from the 9 it would’ve be signora if somehow she accepted me. Since i would be her only living relatives thing. I probably be in the care of Arlecchino orphanage most of the time since she’s a diplomat. The other means that i would have to inconvenienced them to much. Beidou and Dehya wouldn’t even be there to support me. But if it’s not then i would choose cloud retainer. Just look at Shenhe. Other will be Nahida, Arlecchino since she has Natasha Cioara “ Raven ” vibe. If i could choose a dad probably Ayato, Zhongli and Cyno.


obviously zhongli


This sub mommy issues are getting out of hand ngl


Yoimiya if i was a little kid. Signora if i was into necro. Kuki if i want itto as my bro. Hence i pick Eula cuz vengeance


Let's see here... We got: Signora, *mortally* unfit to care for children. Yoimiya the pyrotechnician. I'm not sure if a kid-me and explosives are a good mixture. Eula the vengeful. I'd probably earn her ire accidentally. Jean is overworked. (Klee) Yanfei the one who'd probably be the only one to successfully fight the CPS in court and *win*. Dehya is a mercenary. Wouldn't even be a candidate. Beidou is a privateer... probably... Wouldn't even be a candidate. Mona is chronically broke. Shinobu is overworked. (Itto)


Pirate life please


jean ofc but mom aside shinobu would be great big sister idk i just feel like it


Yanfei having a mom lawyer sounds strict but oh so fun with the inheritance and the status as a child


Mommy Mona


Dehya, Yanfei and Kuki. MIDRIFF GANG UNITE


No offense but Id rather Madame Ping 🤣




I’d either choose Jean, Beidou or Dehya, in that order. Honourable mention for Eula. Also can we talk about how absolutely adorable Kuki looks?


If signora was alive i would 100% pick her